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Alexander Tischner

The business career I chose is CEO. The reason I chose this career is because this is
one of the most prestigious positions in a company. It doesn't get better than this. As a
leader, they are seen as top dog, but this title does not come without its heavy
responsibilities. Chief executive officers come from a range of different companies. From
small to large, their responsibilities do not change. Some have no experience leading as
some have had much experience. Responsible for being the face of the company,
directing staff, and watching over finances, the job of the CEO is the most stressful, and
difficult as time management skill must be a bar among the rest. As being the face of the
company, they also are seen as responsible if the company should go south. They must
always be on top of their game, while balancing mostly work with small downtime for
personal goals, and pleasures. This is the CEO.
As companies are being built some have been here for years. All companies had to
be created by someone. That person usually becomes the CEO no matter how big or
small. As we look at Companies such as Tesla, or Microsoft, the entrepreneurs that started
these companies are the most capable of leading them as they have the most experience.
Their passion alone is what has gotten them this far. Some companies such as the Virgin
group, have different CEOs as the original starters. The responsibilities of a CEO are
vast and come with much stress. Constatnt pressure comes from employees, executive
boards, investors, customers, and even the public media who reports every move of the
company. As the CEO has the most power, if the company is public, he or she must report
to a board of directors. Although if a CEO owns a majority of shares, the board is usually
just advisory. The CEO is responsible for creating, communicating, and implementing
and organizations vision, mission, and overall strategy. The CEO also represents and
organization for civic, professional association responsibilities in the local, state and
national level. They must maintain awareness of both the external and internal
competitive landscape, opportunities for expansion, customers, markets, new industry
developments and standards, and so forth. The organization's CEO is a key player in
whether and how well an organization will succeed. If they carry out these job
responsibilities effectively, it will magnify the probability that their organization will

experience success. Susan M. Heathfield. Human Resource Expert. What Does a Chief
Executive Officer Do? HumanResources.about.com
The career path to a CEO is a long a rough one. Most CEOs either started the
company, or come from within. It is difficult to come from outside the company as a
CEO unless you are well known for leadership experience, or results. When a position for
a CEO opens, it is usually voted by the board of directors as to who will become the new
CEO. In most cases, the position may be filled from someone already on the board as
they most likely have substantial experience and know how the company is run better
than most. Getting to the top of a company, it is advantages to have a network of allies
and people you can trust as it is a lonely position to fill. A third of the CEOs in the
fortune 500 companies were former CFOs of the company as they typically have more
experience in dealing with the companies major shareholders. As the world markets are
diversifying, it is not uncommon to have these positions filled with people from over seas
with much experience. The position can also be acquired by those who have substantial
roles in the company such as directors over large divisions/departments of a company. In
choosing a CEO future CEOs will be confronted with countless unforeseen issues and
challenges. Boards are aware of this and will put a premium on track records which
reflect a wide breadth of experience. Christian Stadler. Contributor.( 2015 March 12)
How To Become A CEO: These Are The Steps You Should Take. Forbes.
The education requirements for a CEO vary. Some of the most notable CEOs we
know dropped out of college like Steve Jobs. Some of the most renowned leaders of
companies didn't even have a high school education. But if your planning to climb the
corporate ladder through everyone else, an education from a renowned school might just
help you get there a little quicker. As far as a general education, people looking to enter
this field should consider a degree in business, finance, or economics. Its also popular for
CEOs to have a MBA in combination with a finance degree. The MBA helps candidates
learn corporate management skills rather than job specific knowledge. As entrepreneurs
start companies however, they often bring in job specific skill that relate to their product
or services. Such as engineering, mathematics, or software development. But as a formal
education is important and has its uses, and education you cant do with you comes from
nowhere else but experience. There is no substitute for experience. Most times, when
CEOs come in to fill the role, they have industry experience and already know the ins
and outs of the business. Experience is necessary in departments such as finance.
Communication with shareholders is also something that requires much experience.
Some CEOs are able to work at companies with no industry experience if the company
has product or service experts heading the other departments and the companys main
need for a CEO is leadership and strategic planning. Sam Ashe- Edmunds. Demand

Media. College Education For Top Chief Executive Officers. Work.Chron.com

According to an analysis of companies' proxy disclosures by executivecompensation data firm Equilar, last years average pay for a CEO was 22.6 million up
from 2013s 20.7 million. But most of their pay is not the salary pay. Much of it can come
from bonuses and stock options. A survey by the Hay Group for the Wall Street Journal
found that 37 percent of CEO pay was in cash last year, up from 35 percent in 2013,
while the percentage paid in stock and stock options dropped 4 percentage points, to 54
percent. Some of the pay is also made up of pensions. But CEO pay has been found to be
closely related to the size of company rather than the performance of the CEO. But most
CEOs which start their companies can also cash out when the company goes public and
sells its shares. CEOs also can keep a percent of a company when they go public. When
their shares go up so does their net worth. As an example as the child of CEO and creator
of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg pledged to donate 99% of his shares which amount to 45
billion dollars. The pay of CEOs has been a controversial topic as they are payed a fair
amount more than the average worker. But it also has to be taken into account that the
CEOs face the most pressure and have the most responsibilities in a company and should
be well compensated for their efforts. As there is nothing to regulate the pay of a CEO,
some view the salary as not having a limit as it is constantly going up. Tim Mullaney.
( 2015 May 18) Why Cooperate CEO Pay Is So High, and Going Higher. CNBC.
The CEO position is one that is not taken lightly. There are not very many positions
available for the occupation, but if your up for the challenge, the position is showered
with renown and prestige. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS),
employment growth for top executives, including chief executive officers, is projected at
11% nationwide between 2012 and 2022. An expanding business environment is
expected to contribute to the demand for skilled CEOs, with job prospects reflecting the
level of growth in specific industries.
University Alliance. Chief Executive Officer Career Outlook and Salary Profile. Florida
Tech online.
Someone of significance is out generation is inventor, investor, and engineer Elon
Musk. He is currently know for helping create Pay Pal, starting Telsa Motors, Space X,
Solar City, and working on the Hyperloop. Telsa Motors is a company dedicated on
creating luxury and sport electric cars. He is both CEO and product architect of Tesla
today. Space X is a commercial rocket company that has made a manned mission to mars
its main goal and priority. He is both CEO and CTO of this space company. He holds all
these positions while simultaneously helping design the hyper loop. Elon Musk is from
South Africa and became a multimillionaire in his late twenties when he sold Zip2 to

Compaq computers. At the age of 24, he received a bachelor of arts in physics from the
University of Pennsylvania, and has also acquired a PhD in applied physics from
Stanford University. Running these companies Elon Musk has said that attributes is
success to his ambition. Like Steve Jobs said, You have to love what you do. He
currently runs Tesla Motors, Space X, Solar city, and is beginning his hyper loop idea all
while having five children. biography.com Elon musk.
The qualities of a CEO are endless. Forbes goes over a few of some they found
important. Credibility, competence, and caring. Credibility is important as not only a
CEO, but a leader in general, especially of a company. Many people are looking to the
CEO as a leader but how can they trust the leader if he doesnt doe what he says.
Everyone wants to be honest but as the stress and burdens come flowing in, a CEO must
have the conviction to be honest with his employees, board, and shareholders. The
judgment of a CEO might not always be right but it is important for people to believe in
the judgment of a CEO. Competence is a quality that needs to be shown through every
day activities. Knowing the ins and outs of a product and being able to learn and adapt.
Caring is not only a quality everyone should have, but is a very important quality to have.
The CEO must be willing to put the wellbeing of his employees and company above
himself. People want to follow someone who they think cares about the company. Trust is
so hard to build and so easy to lose. To keep this trust with employees and customers,
CEOs as the face of the company must show they genuinely care.
When it comes down to the qualities, in my personal opinion, discipline,
consistency, and ambition are the most important. Although I am not yet a CEO, I have
studied different CEOs in different industries and all of them have outstanding discipline.
They aren't afraid to work. Most of them only live off a few hours of sleep every night as
it seems that there isn't enough time to do everything they need. But they have the
discipline to manage their time and put their own personal wants over work. But to do
this day in and day out, you have to be consistent and produce results. Anyone can wake
up early and work hard until he sleeps, but how many can do it for years on end. To lead
consistently. But as the leader of a company, they also need to have the vision, the
ambition to keep a company leading forward. To want to go higher and higher.
I have done my own personal interview with a CEO. He is my cousin Carson
Tischner CEO of Nationwide Enterprises. I asked him questions about stress and
responsibilities that he has. I have also watched him work. As his company is still
considered a small company, his responsibilities differ from that of a large company. He
has said that the most important thing is to put work first and keep good booking. He has
stated that some of his responsibilities are making sure that he keeps finding work, and

making sure that his employees stay paid. I asked him if he was nervous to start his own
company in the home building industry and he said he was terrified. When you start a
company, you work as hard as you want., he told me that the success of his company
completely depends on him and how hard he works.
I sincerely see my fit as a CEO because I want to lead, and revive a paycheck for it.
As blunt as it sounds, I want to make a lot of money. Starting my own company, I would
naturally become the CEO. Although I currently lack the knowledge, experience,
resources, and network to become a CEO, it is goal I want to shoot for. I am constantly
working on my discipline, to get the results I want. As I was the captain of my high
school lacrosse team, although not comparable to a CEO, I have learned a little about
leadership and what it takes to be a good one. I have many mentors in my life and have
inspirations like Elon Musk, and Richard Branson. To be able to be that 1% that operates
a cut above the rest of the working class, to be able to influence and change the world for
the better is a goal I want to reach. I see non other a better position than that of the CEO.
My main motivation of becoming a CEO is that no one dictates your life. No one to tell
you when to come in, no one telling when you can leave, and if you own your company,
you decide where your company goes in terms of goals and products. You're free to make
your own decisions.
The position of CEO is a tough and grueling journey. Your working mind is on
constant overdrive. You may have to sacrifice things such as personal time, and it even
might affect your relationships with people in your life. But all these do not come without
a reward. Being a CEO you are the leader of your company. You are depended on by
shareholders, customers, and your employees. Your idea and vision is what lead the
company to success. In todays generation, CEOs are the innovators of our time. They are
the entrepreneurs and risk takers. The renaissance men. The prestigious title of CEO is
the best there is at the top of the greasy corporate ladder. The position everyone wants,
and the position looked up to the most. CEOs of our time such as Jack Dorsey, Elon
Musk, and Jack Ma have shown what it takes to become CEOs. People like them are
changing the world.


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