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Outline for Toulmin Model of Argument

I. Introduction of the problem or topic.
A. Material to get the reader's attention (a "hook")
B. Introduce the problem or topic
C. College tuition is becoming more and more expensive every year. Students
are having to take out more student loans that they cant pay back and in the
worse cases, even drop out of college because it's becoming way too expensive
and many students cannot afford the cost of tuition. I firmly believe that
college should become free, just like it is in grade school because it would
give a lot more students chances at an education, students would be more
successful in life, and free college would benefit our society as a whole . From
the time of kindergarten to 12th grade, students, along with their families, are
used to public school being free, and once their student is out of high school
moving on to college, tuition becomes thousands of dollars and quite
II. Reason #1 (What makes this reason relevant? Is it a good reason?)
A. College is way too expensive.
1. What makes this reason relevant?
2. What makes this reason effective?
B. Transition to research
C. WIENER, JON. "Aiming Higher: Make College Tuition Free." Nation
300.14 (2015): 224-226. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
1. Is this evidence sufficient?
2. Is this evidence credible?
3. Is this evidence accurate?
D. Draw conclusions/inferences
1. How does the research support this reason?
2. And how does this reason support your thesis/claim?
E. Transition to next paragraph
III. Reason #2 (Is this reason relevant? Is it a good reason?)
A. Free college would benefit students in becoming successful in the long
1. What makes this reason relevant?
2. What makes this reason effective?
B. Transition to research
1. Mcmillan Cottom, Tressie. "Why Free College Is Necessary."
Dissent (00123846) 62.4 (2015): 115-117. Academic Search Premier.
Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
2. Is this evidence sufficient?
3. Is this evidence credible?
4. Is this evidence accurate?
C. Draw conclusions/inferences

How does the research support this reason?
And how does this reason support your thesis/claim?
D. Transition to next paragraph

IV. Reason #3 (Is this reason relevant? Is it a good reason?)

A. Free college would benefit our society , by giving people the chance to
make something out of themselves and actually become something
1. What makes this reason relevant?
2. What makes this reason effective?
B. Transition to research
1. KELLY, ANDREW P. "The Cost Of 'Free' College." National
Review 67.19 (2015): 39-42. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23
Nov. 2015.
2. Is this evidence sufficient?
3. Is this evidence credible?
4. Is this evidence accurate?
C. Draw conclusions/inferences
1. How does the research support this reason?
2. And how does this reason support your thesis/claim?
D. Transition to next paragraph
V. Objections and Rebuttals
A. Free college would mean that students get education for no cost at all, which
means there would be no source of income for the school.
B. Objection #1
C. Rebuttal to Objection #1
Bruenig, Matt. "The Case Against Free College." Dissent (00123846) 62.4 (2015):
112-114. Academic Search Premier. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
E. Rebuttal to Objection #2
F. Draw conclusions/inferences
G. Transition to next paragraph
VI. Conclusion
A. Refer to your introduction
B. Implications of the argument, summation of points, or final evocative thought
to ensure the reader remembers the argument.

C. Re-state thesis
D. Reiterate importance/significance of your claim and position

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