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Case Study

This case is about a freshman student named Katya with a 3.0 grade point average. Katya
suffers from test anxiety, which is often caused by her low self-efficiency. Although, she
attentively studies before every exam she cant shake the fear of failing. In addition, she has her
chemistry final exam in two days and must do well in order to keep her scholarship. All the
pressure and stress has taken a toll on her and she ends up having a panic attack while studying.
Living with anxiety is difficult and sometimes frustrating because its both physically and
mentally draining. Staying positive can be hard for anyone who has so much pressure on their
shoulders, especially for those who suffer from severe anxiety disorders. Your mind is constantly
running a thousand miles per hour and sometimes you cant help but to spiral out of control. Just
like Katya, I also suffer from anxiety, which is sometimes caused by stress over important exams
and projects. Thoughts like Im going to fail, and Im never going to finish this on time are
always running through my head; working full time also doesnt help the cause. Although, unlike
Katya if I know I diligently studied for an exam, those thoughts of self-doubt go nowhere near
my brain.
Katyas low self esteem seems to be triggering her anxiety attacks. For instance, she
knows shes fully prepared for her exams, though the constant reminder of youre not good
enough keeps wearing her down emotionally. Although, this doesnt necessarily mean she has
an anxiety disorder, many students go through this especially during their first year of college.
Compared to high school there is so much more responsibility that is expected from you in
college. For starters, no one is managing your schedule, classes are more advanced, and theres
the financial aspect of it all. This can all be overwhelming for anyone, mainly for someone who
is juggling a scholarship as well.


Moreover, She is currently emotionally vulnerable and possibly physically tired because
shes constantly overthinking and stressing about whether shell be capable of passing her exam.
According to Kahn (2013), A contributing factor to academic success is the individuals level of
self efficacy. Students with high academic self-efficacy have shown to perform better
academically. In other words Katyas lack of confidence will eventually affect her academic
performance. However, there are various self-coping techniques that can boost her confidence
and reduce her anxiety. For example, practicing relaxation methods is one way to combat anxiety
and stress. Vattano (1977) demonstrated in a series of studies that anxiety will not exist in the
presence of complete relaxation. Meaning if Katya were to take deep breaths, her brain and
body muscles would be able to relax. Additionally, meditation is also another technique that is
useful when it comes to preventing stress and anxiety; with this method her mind would be more
focused and at ease. Lastly, Foreman (1989) found that, Most people, researchers say, silently
give themselves the message that "I'm failing" five or six times as often as they do "I'm okay."
This "catastrophic thinking" raises anxiety that can, however, be dimished by practicing more
positive thinking. Katya needs to increase her self-esteem by positive self-talk in order to
reduce her stress and anxiety attacks.
All in all, Katya seems to be suffering from anxiety and low self-efficiency, this doesnt
precisely mean she has panic or severe anxiety disorder. It is usually common for a person to feel
anxious before a test or when dealing with stressful tasks. Students that seem to find themselves
in the same situation as her should remember that stressing and obsessing over a task or goal will
not get them anywhere. Criticizing and negative self-talk only creates fear and sets them up for
failure. Remaining calm and learning to take a step back from any stressful situation is key to
reducing anxiety and enhancing a more positive mindset.



Improving Self-Esteem. (n.d.). Retrieved December 8, 2015, from

Judy Foreman, G. S. (1983, May 30). MEDICAL RESEARCH; STRESS:; RESEARCH
ALL THE BODY'S SYSTEMS. Boston Globe (Pre-1997 Fulltext) Retrieved from
Kahn, M. (2013). Academic Self-Efficacy, Coping, and Academic Performance in College.
Retrieved December 6, 2015, from http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?
Theories & Strategies-Self Efficacy Theory & Stages of Change Theory. (2002). Retrieved
December 09, 2015, from https://depts.washington.edu/aedd/self_efficacy_text.html
Vattano, A. J. (1978). Self-Management Procedures for Coping with Stress. Social Work, 23(2),
113. Retrieved December 7, 2015, from

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