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12th of Oct.-27th of Nov.

Key Concepts:
We will be using
these concepts to
guide thinking and
learning about the
world and act as a
provocation to extend


How We Express Ourselves

An inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings,
nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend
and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

Sound can help us understand and express


What is it like?
The understanding that
everything has a form with
recognizable features which
can be observed, identified,
described and categorized.

Students will learn about

the different sources of

How does it work?
The understanding that
everything has a purpose, a
role or way of behaving that
can be investigated.

Students will learn about

the different sources of

How do we know?
The understanding that
knowledge is not
constructed only from the
perspective of one particular
discipline, individual or

Students will look at how

we respond to sound

Lines of Inquiry
The focus of our inquiry will be led through :
1- An inquiry into different sources of sound
What are different sound we hear and make?


An inquiry into how we express ourselves through sound

How can we make different sounds?


An inquiry into how we respond to sound

How do different sound make you feel?
How do individuals respond to sound?

PYP Learner Profiles

We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action
on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical

We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and
in many ways. We collaborate effectively,
listening carefully to the perspectives of other

Transdisciplinary Skills:

These skills are developed through the unit.

Research Skills:

Formulating Questions: I use open- and closed-ended questions.

Observing: I use my senses to explore the world around me. I make notes of my

Collecting Data: I find useful information in different places

Recording data: I can describe and record my observations. I can select appropriate
ways to record information. I can record information by making drawings, taking notes,
making charts, making tallies and writing statement.

Self-management Skills:

Organization: I plan, carry out and complete activities. I keep my work in order. I keep
my things tidy. I know where my things are.

Thinking Skills:

Application: I use the information I found out to make or do something.

Analysis: I look for the themes or big ideas in the information I found.

Synthesis: I can take information from different places and put it together. I can
combine ideas and knowledge to answer questions .

Social Skills:

Resolving conflict: I listen to others. I talk about the problem and come to an
agreement about the solution. I am fair. I act calmly and appropriately.

Group decision making: I listen to others. I discuss ideas. I ask questions. I work towards
a group agreement.

Adopting a variety of group roles: Sometimes I lead a group. Sometime I follow the lead
of somebody else. I know how to act when I lead and when I follow. Self-man

Communication Skills:

Listening: I listen to directions and instructions. I listen to others. I listen to


Speaking: I speak clearly. I express my ideas so that they make sense to others. I
share my ideas and opinions. I can present my work to
small and large groups.

Reading: I read all kinds of writing. I choose books that

are appropriate for me.

Working with others
and being willing to
lead or follow as

Using my
imagination while
thinking and doing

Knowing I can do
it, having courage
to take risks, using
what I have
learned, and
making good

How will our students show their understanding?

At the end of the unit the student will create a story using Going on a Bear Hunt as a
model, they will;

Create sounds to express it. (Onomatopoeia)

Make a plan by drawing and writing what the sounds are and explain their reasoning
for the choice of sounds.

Students will record sounds and put together the stories using Puppet

Students will share their story.

Suggested Vocabulary

wave length

high / low







loud /soft



Parents can help support learning at home in

various ways:

Discussing the vocabulary being introduced in the

unit of inquiry

Talk about how different sounds make them feel.

(music, alarm, nature sounds etc)

Talk about how we use sounds to express

ourselves non verbally.

Reinforce the Learners Profiles and Attitudes.

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