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Part 1

No direct nervous eating disorders found.

Food preference leaning toward the meat/protein nutrient.
Eating of energy-dense food instead of snacking on nutrientdense food.
Preference of fluids other than water, which may not be as
helpful (i.e. soft drinks).
We recommend that the athletes follow a better balanced diet,
choosing water over other fluids (unless stated by a medical
professional in cases of hyponatremia, etc.), and preparing
snacks that are nutrient dense.


Proposed activities:
1. Eat this, not that!
A gameshow type of lecture and discussion on the caloric and
nutrient content of their typical food.
The seminar will include the foods that the basketball team eat
daily, and compare them with other food.
This seeks to educate the team and provide them with
alternative food ideas and combinations to improve their diets.
This seminar also aims to incorporate the energy needs of the
athletes, as they get hungry easily even with a 5-meal-a-day
2. Mix n match
This is a long-term activity that wishes to address the 3 main
concerns of nutrition: balance, moderation, and variety.
Based on the atheletes usual diets, a table/chart/visual aid will
be provided that will contain different kinds of food separated
according to their main nutrient component (i.e. vitamin,
mineral, carbohydrate, fat, protein).
The foods under the same category will be expressed in portions
that have roughly the same amount of the main nutrient
The amount will be dependent on the prescribed total energy
allowance of the player.
3. Carb Conscious?

This is a talk dedicated to address the benefit and consequences

of being too conscious of carbohydrate intake.
Although it is believed to be a good practice to be conscious of
carbohydrate intake, being too conscious can have detrimental
effects, especially to those who are not properly educated with
Sports nutrition is different, in a sense that athletes generally
have higher energy expenditure than a typical person. Therefore,
having the mindset of a normal person that the athlete must
have a reduced carbohydrate intake may not lead to a
desirable scenario.
This talk will also touch on the ideal proportions of a healthy diet,
for any reason (i.e. sports, weight/muscle gain, weight loss).

4. Hydration Nation
This program will address the concern of hydration among the
Water will be given to the athletes to encourage adequate intake
of water (not fluids).
Through this, we hope to educate the athletes on why water
should always be the first consideration when given choices for
fluid intake.
5. Feeling Masterchef
This event will be a demonstration of food and different way of
preparation (i.e. frying, grilling, smoking, roasting, etc.).
This seeks to inform the athletes of the different ways food can
be cooked, and their benefits and consequences.
During the demonstrations, the athletes are encouraged to help
and prepare the food themselves, following instructions from the
expert. This way, they will also learn the proper technique.
Through this demonstration, we hope that the athletes will make
better choices, not only of the food itself, but also of the manner
it is prepared.

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