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( Cleopatra VII .

Alexandria 69-30 BC) Last Queen of Egypt , belonging to the dynasty of

the Ptolemies or Lgidas . Daughter of Ptolemy XII, with married WAS Do brother
Ptolemy XIII , whom I inherited the throne in the year 51 a. C. Conflict soon erupted
between the two brothers and husbands, that led to the overthrow of Cleopatra.
However , his luck changed Egypt to reach civil strife in Rome: Chasing his enemy
Pompey , Julius Caesar was a sided with Egypt and Cleopatra in conflict with his
brother. During the call " Alejandrina War " ( 48-47 BC.) Of both Pompey As Ptolemy XIII
died and fire took place on the legendary Library of Alexandria , which was lost forever.
Cleopatra was revived on the throne by Julius Caesar , who had become her lover ( 46
BC. ) ; and he married again with another brother, Ptolemy XIV, one who drove a
craving her . Cleopatra tried to use their influence on Csar paragraph Restoring
Egyptian hegemony in the eastern Mediterranean as an ally of Rome ; The birth of their
son UN ( or Ptolemy XV Caesarion ) seemed to reinforce ESA divided .
After the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. C. , Cleopatra tried to repeat the
maneuver Immediate Do seducing a successor , the consul Mark Antony, who at that
Octavio Augusto then a struggling for power ( 36 BC.) . Cleopatra and Antony imposed
their strength in the Middle Creating A New Able to conquer Armenia in 34 Hellenistic
kingdom .

Then he broke the " Ptolemaic War " ( 32-30 BC.) , For which Augusto Egypt led to his
fight against Antonio . The final confrontation took place in the naval battle of Actium
(31 ) , in which the fleet was easily defeated Antonio to abandon the Egyptians. Marco
Antonio managed to flee and take refuge with Cleopatra in Alexandria ; when the
troops of Octavio Augusto took the city , Antony committed suicide .
Cleopatra even try for the third time , to seduce the Roman warrior -this time , Octavian
Augustus for his life and the throne ; but Augusto was insensitive to her charms and
decided to take her to Rome as war booty . Given this perspective , Cleopatra
committed suicide by Egyptian ritual procedure be bitten by an asp . Augusto also took
the occasion to kill his son Caesarion , thus extinguishing the Ptolemaic dynasty and
the Roman Empire annexing Egypt ..

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