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Blauer: you already have the skills to defend yourself; you just need to manage your fear,

dont get discouraged and find your courage


The three Ds: DETECT




The Three Cs: CLEAR



C1: Clear yourself from the line of fire. Incorporate natural instinctive movement.
C2: Control the armed limb (at close quarters),
C3: Counter
Keep your hands free. Auto-Clinch Grip when attacked

The hand isnt quicker than the eye, and the eye isnt quicker than the hand, Blauer says.
Instead, the hand is quicker than the mind.
You need to process the risk or the threat and neuromuscularly say, Hey, get the fuck
outta dodge. Incoming.
Win the fight by not having one,
Use the closest weapon closest target principle, You just look at a target, and you fuckin
throw a weapon there, Blauer says.

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