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Rosh Chodesh - 01/11/5993 (11th Jan 2016) ~ Study Psalm 14 ~



Psalm 14 (KJV)
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are
corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none
that doeth good. 2 The YHWH looked down from heaven
upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand,
and seek God. 3 They are all gone aside, they are all together become
filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 4 Have all the
workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as
they eat bread, and call not upon YHWH. 5 There were they in great
fear: for God is in the generation of the righteous. 6 Ye have shamed the counsel
of the poor, because YHWH is his refuge. 7 Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when
YHWH bringeth back the captivity of his people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.


Many factors today make people turn from belief in God (not least of all your
government & TV), but paradoxically, its at the most trying times in history
when men and women seek their creator, and revolutions begin. Yet how
much stays the same? For an economy to prosper, one must
produce for profit, and any free market community will prosper
from the quality of the product. But when socialism kicks in and
takes away individual rights for a centralised power structure
(like a pyramid), again rather ironically, the community suffers
and stops prospering. The goal of socialism is communism ( from
the communist manifesto) and so if the hive mind replaces an individuals
belief and trust in the creator for provision, the father of capitalism, who
was Abraham, cannot produce any more seed, and only the elite shall
Ask any Russian or Chinese who still have free
speech or indeed any other nation in the western
world (such as Venezuela) if they think socialism
brings positive change? The only change
socialism brings is destruction, and creationism
ministers such as Kent Hovind has spoken out
many times on the elitist global agenda. Most of the environmental
hype is really to help bring about Karl Marxs dream (or nightmare)
of a communist world.
Hovind spent over 7 years in jail for a crime called structuring, yet his
videos series on creationism along with ministers such as Chuck Missler
(Koinonia House) have shown that evolution, which was also embraced by
Hitler and the Nazis, is indeed just a theory, and should never be taught
in schools as fact. Dane Wingington discuses geo-engineering and the
collapse of the earth (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqTh1iOf3Q4) which is explained
further in flyer 13.
So ultimately to have a true form of democracy is to allow people choice:
when these choices are removed, we become dangerously enslaved to

other mens ideals. Adam Smith was a Fife born Christian family who were
strong defenders of laissez-faire capitalism and supply-side economics,
which differs significantly from the neo-capitalism we have today. He
explained that the free market is a must for nations to grow economically
and lead better quality lives, yet the goal of communism is control over
all assets. To obtain this, they use icons of ideology which can never be
achieved through collectivism. A classic recent example of this is Nelson
Mandela, and more recently, Barrack Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) who are
both communists and reject Christianity. In fact,
Margret Thatcher deemed Mandela as a terrorist when
he rejected release from prison, on condition he would
negate violence. He went on to lead one of the most
history, the ANC,
who have been
commonly known
necklacing, which uses car
tyres to burns their victims alive. *An estimated 10 000 farmers have been
tortured, raped, an murdered since the ANC came to power, S.A. currently has the
highest murder rate in the world, including the war in
Iraq & Afghanistan.
Mandela (seen left) as a
Knight of Malta, with the ANC flag showing the rotary wheel which is Masonic.


The beginning of 2016 has seen very mild
conditions in Europe, with very little/no snow in
the Alps until the beginning of the year, and geese
delaying their winter flight; also temperatures of 15
Degrees Celsius recorded in mid December in Edinburgh, and a cataclysm
of hurricanes show it may not be long until Gods judgements arrive.
The book The Two Babylons, by Alexander
Hislop, shows that the power structure is related
to Babylonian Catholicism, which would have
been almost the same as Roman Catholicism,
(mother/child worship of Nimrod) which is changing
back to its original form under pope Francis. In the
same way, this idolatry has been responsible for
destroying many civilisations through evoking Gods
wrath (see flyer 15), as Indias socialist & suffering
population is finding out- as well as Mesopotamian cities in
past millennia.

One must ask himself, if the motivations of Communism

are so noble (as they were with the apostles-Acts 2:44,
then why were Stalin or Lenin teaching that MORAL
destruction is necessary before taking over a nation, just as Hitler taught the same?

Perhaps there is a deeper agenda going on that has blinded the eyes of those who
dont want to see? The spiritual fruit is there for all to discern.
The bible reveals that Jesus Christ (Yeshua Messiah) is none other than the King of
Kings, which He alone is the founder and benefactor of the earth, giving it to those He
wills until His return. When sin sweeps a nation, every blessing that the Lord has given
comes into account, but when it sweeps the entire earth
as we see in Revelation 12, we can be sure that the man
of lawlessness (see 2Thes 2:3) is not far away from
ruling, and a worldwide communist state unfolding after
Americas planned destruction in WW3 (see Albert Pike
letter, flyer 11).
And so, if you want to believe you came from a monkey,
the bible says in Prov 23: 7 For as he thinketh in his
heart, so is he. The only person who can make a
monkey out of you is you, unless you turn to the Lord and
repent, then He will restore you to HIS image. The enemy
of man is a deceiver and a liar from the beginning, yet God
allows judgement even starting with His own people if
they do not turn to him with all their hearts; as it is written
1Pet 4:17 Judgement begins at the house of God.
ULTAMETELY, even though more people have been killed directly through
communism than we know about through the Catholic Church death machine,
ABORTION has murdered more human beings than through any other wars or means
in history combined (see stats charts). The rights we have as sovereign men and
women are gradually eroded by Draconian policies, which of
course speak about the Dragon who is the enemy of mankind.
For more information about what is happening to these fetuses,
see flyer 12 or visit here:


You may contact
endtimes777 (youtube)
for a copy of the bible or
download more flyers
at the above link.
Through Jesus we have
forgiveness, and

remember: God is your true Father!

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