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How to Free Yourself of all Ropes and Fetters.

Just as the Son was obedient to the Father unto his death on the cross, thus pro
tect me, the eternal God to-day, by his rose-colored blood, through his holy fiv
e wounds, which he received upon the cross, just so I must be loosened and bless
ed, as the cup and the very heavenly bread which Jesus offered unto his twelve d
isciples on Holy Thursday. Jesus crossed the Red Sea, and saw the land, hence sh
all break all fetters and bands. Broken be all arms, weapons, and missiles becom
e dull and useless.
The blessing which God bestowed when he created man may come over me, N. N., at
all times. The blessing God rendered unto Joseph when he fled with Mary and Jesu
s into Egypt, be it with me forevermore, that I may be worthy and good. The cros
s is my right hand, wherewith I travel the open land, that I may not be waylaid
and robbed, nor whipped, injured, or hurt in any way. Thus protect me, God, all
my flesh and blood, from evil hours and from false tongues no less such as reach
from earth to heaven, through the power of holy Evangelist St. John, in the name

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