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Communication Draft:

Website: http://msdye.weebly.com

Technology is becoming a way for schools to be able to communicate. Technology

provides a quick way to interact with teachers, students and parents. Communication is the key
to successful, parental involvement in schools. (Ramirez, 2001, p.30) Technology in the
classroom not only helps teachers and students but it allows parents to be involved in their
childs education. Communication is an effort to help parents understand their childs progress,
and be able to interact with teachers. Technology is the way that schools, teachers, students and
parents are able to communicate and stay involved with a students progress as well as
Email allows teachers, students, and parents to communicate by sending messages,
pictures, assignments, and videos through a simple text like message. Email is the preferred
form of nonverbal communication. (Quinn, 2015, p.1) Email allows parents to stay in frequent
touch with teachers about their childs progress or with concerns they may have. (Jacobson,
2005) Email is an easier way to communicate than having to play phone tag or leave messages
and wait for a respond. Students prefer to communicate through email, this allows them to be
able to save the email and be able to look back to it especially when the email contains, notes,
files, or assignments. (Quinn, 2015) As for a global community email enables administrators,
teachers, and students to communicate with millions of Internet users all over the world.
(Gunter&Gunter, 2014)
Websites allow parents, students and others in the community to see upcoming events,
activities, calendars, lunch menus and any other important information that the school is
providing. The websites allow parents to pull the information they need, rather than receiving
information they may not need. (Olmstead, 2013) Students can also access the websites to check

on updates or upcoming events as well. Websites for students can provide information about
homework or sporting events or other student activities. Websites can provide timely feedback
for the parents, students and others who look for information on the school or teacher website.
(Olmstead, 2013)

Text have been used by some teachers to communicate with parents and students.
Teachers like to use text to send out what they like to call a notification or alert. (Gilgore, 2015)
Parents receive text to remind them of upcoming events and events such as trips, test or changes
in the classroom. (Gilgore, 2015) Students use text to interact with other students and teachers.
Students have said they prefer to use text to communicate. (Quinn, 2015) Students can look back
at the text and can also use the text to communicate with others. Text messaging has become a
more often used and preferred method of communication among people. (Quinn, 2015, p.2)
Social media has connected the classroom with the parents. By using Twitter, Remind
and Facebook teachers have been able to better connect with parents through their phones.
(Welcome, 2015) By connecting parents are able to see how their childs day is going, social
media brings the parents into the classroom. By being able to explore the classroom more parents
are able to see what is going on and stay aware of how the school is providing an education for
their child. When parents know whats going on, they know better how to support their child.
(Welcome, 2015, p. 28) Students can connect as well by sharing their progress with their parents
as well as getting more involved with the social media from school. It is important to share what
is going on in classrooms. By giving multiple updates throughout the day schools are keeping
students and parents updated. They feel they are also sharing their story of what is going on
throughout their students day. (Welcome, 2015)
For some students they received their internet safety rules only from schools. Some
districts are accomplishing this by incorporating lessons on Internet safety and security into their
existing curricula to prepare students at all grade levels to behave ethically and responsibly
online. (Butler, 2010, p.53) By adding internet safety to the curriculum teachers are able to go
over safety tips as well as share the information with parents so that they will be able to enforce

the same information in their homes. It is important to teach the students how to be safe on the
internet. This helps students to be aware of the dangers that could possibly happen on the
internet. Parents also need to be aware of what is posted by their students. (Welcome, 2015)
Children should be taught and reminded about online safety, this should be done before, during
and after they have used the internet. (Ash, 2009)
Students, parents and teachers have found that technology is now a way of life. In schools
this helps parents and teachers to stay in contact to discuss the progress of students as well as
help parents to have a better understanding of what goes on in the classrooms. By staying
involved parents are able to know what is going on in the schools and they are able to help their
student to become more successful.


District Communication. Jun2010, Vol. 46 Issue 6

Education Week. 7/15/2009, Vol. 28 Issue 36 https://lopes.idm.oclc.org/login?
Education Week. 9/16/2015, Vol. 35 Issue 4
Gunter, G.,& Gunter, R. (2014). Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating technology in a
changing world (8th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Jacobson,L. (2005) Education Week. 4/6/2005, Vol. 24 Issue 30, p8-8. 1p.
Leadership. May/Jun2015, Vol. 44 Issue 5

Quinn, Vanessa. (2015) Global Education Journal 2015, Vol. 2015 Issue 2, p92-104. 13p. 1
Ramirez,F. (2001) Cleaning house; September/October 2001, Vol. 75 Issue 1

Tech Trends: Linking Research & Practice to Improve Learning. Nov2013, Vol. 57 Issue 6
https://lopes-idm-oclc org.library.gcu.edu:2443/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?

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