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Name: ____________________________________

Date: ____________________

Quarter 1

Language Pre/Post-Test
1. Circle the sentence that is written correctly. (L.2.2a) DOK1
a. my classmate can read
b. My classmate can read.
c. My classmate can read
d. my classmate can read.
2. Circle the sentence that is written correctly. (L.2.2a) DOK1
a. I saw tom run fast.
b. I saw Tom run fast.
c. I saw Tom run fast
d. i saw tom run fast
Make the nouns plural (L.2.2.1b) DOK3
3. cherry _____________________
4. leaf __________________________
Replace the nouns with a pronoun. (L.2.2.1c) DOK2
5. Josh played outside.
a. He
b. She
c. Us
d. We
Replace the nouns with a pronoun. (L.2.2.1c) DOK3
6. Tyler and I helped in the class.
a. He
b. She
c. They
d. We
7. I bought ____________ a gift for Christmas. (L.2.2.1c) DOK3
a. myself

b. ourselves
c. themselves
d. yourselves
8. Choose the correct irregular verb. (L.2.1d) DOK2
Maria _____ at the beach.
a. are
b. has
c. have
d. is
9. Edit this sentence. (L.2.2.1a) DOK3
The flock of lions ran through the jungle.
a. school
b. barrel
c. pride
d. colony
10. Combine the two sentences to make a compound sentence.
(L.2.1f) (DOK2)
Lance went to the store, _______ bought snacks.
a. and
b. but
c. or
d. so

L.2.2A I can use capital letters.
L.2.21A I can make and use irregular plural nouns correctly
L.2.2.1A I can use collective nouns
L.2.2.1c I can use reflexive pronouns
L.2.1d I can make and use common irregular verbs
L.2.1f I can make and use complete simple and compound sentence.

Dragon Gets by

1. Circle the correct syllables for the given word. (RF.2.3) DOK1
a. die/t
b. di/et
c. d/e/i/t
d. diet/t
2. Which of the following is a place where action happens in
the story? (RL.2.1) DOK2
a. beach
b. school
c. parking lot
d. jungle
3. Why was Dragon not able to fit in his car?(RL.2.3)DOK3
a. He ate sweet and fatty junk food.
b. He ate healthy food.
c. He did not eat.
d. He was hungry.
4. Why was Dragons kitchen cupboard empty in the end?
a. He ate all his food.
b. He had a party.
c. Someone stole his food.
d. The ants ate it.

5. What can you tell from the illustration? (RL.2.7) (DOK2)
a. Julius is cleaning.
b. Julius is watching old movies.
c. Julius is making a big mess.
d. Julius is trying on shoes.

6. How

did Juliuss behavior change? (RL2.5) (DOK3)

He learned his manners.
He made a mess.
He became shy.
He got scared.

7. What is the vowel team in the word feather? (RF.2.3b)

a. ea
b. oo
c. ei
d. ou

Mrs. Brown Went to Town

8. Why did Mrs. Brown go to the hospital in the beginning?
(RF2.5) (DOK2)
a. She is a nurse.
b. She fell off her horse.
c. A terrier tasted her feet.
d. She felt sick.
9. Fill in the blanks. (RL.2.1)(DOK3)

Mrs. Brown lives in the barn outback, with a ______, 2 _______, 3______,
and a yak.

a. cow, pigs, ducks

b. pigs, cow, ducks
c. ducks, bear, giraffe
d. fish, dog, cat
10. How did Mrs. Brown feel about the animals at the end of
the story?
She was _____________. (RL.2.3)(DOK3)
a. upset
b. sad
c. worried
d. happy

RF.2.3 I can show what I learned about letters and sounds by figuring out words.
RL.2.1 I can ask and answer who, what, where, when, why, and how questions to show that I understand
RL.2.3 I can describe how characters in a story react to important events in the story.
RL.2.5 I can describe how a story is written including the important parts of a beginning, and an ending.
RL.2.7 I can use what I learn from pictures and words to show that I understand the characters, setting,
and events of the story.
RF.2.3b I can spell and read vowel teams.


1. Fill in the blanks. (2.NBT.A.1)(DOK1)

745= ______hundreds _______tens ______ones

2. Write the number for this set of base tens? (2.NBT.A.1)

= ______________________

3. There are ____ ______ in a hundred. (2.NBT.A.1A)(DOK3)

a. 1 ten
b. 5 tens
c. 10 tens
d. 100 tens
4. Fill in the blanks. (2.NBT.A.2)(DOK2)
45, 50, ________, 60, __________
5. Fill in the blanks. (2.NBT.A.2)(DOK2)
100, 200, ________, ___________, __________
6. Write less than or greater than than in the blank.
450 ___________ 500
7. Write <, >, or = in the blank. (2.NBT.A.4)(DOK3)
789 _________ 691
8. What group of number has only even numbers? (2.OA.C.3)
a. 1,2,3,5

b. 2,4,6,8
c. 3,4,5,6
d. 4,6,7,8
9. Fill in the blank. (2.OA.C.3)(DOK3)

How many birds? ______________

odd or even? _________________
10. Write the answer in the blank. (2.NBT.A.3)(DOK3)
seven hundreds three tens nine ones = ____________________

2.NBT.A.1 I can understand and use hundreds, tens, and ones.
2.NBT.A.1a I can show that I understand that a bundle of ten tens is called a hundred.
2.NBT.A.2 I can count to 1000 using 1s, 5s, 10s, and 100s.
2.NBT.A.4 I can compare three-digit numbers using <,=, and > because I understand ones, tens, hundreds
2.OA.C.3 I can group objects to tell if a number is even or odd.
2.NBT.A.3 I can read and write numbers to 1000 in different ways.

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