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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Lpez Luciana Carolina
Perodo de Prctica: Nivel primario
Institucin Educativa: Instituto Primo Capraro
Direccin: Gallardo 40, Bariloche, Ro Negro
Sala / Grado / Ao - seccin: Sexto grado B
Cantidad de alumnos: 16
Nivel lingstico del curso: Intermedio inferior
Tipo de Planificacin: clase
Unidad Temtica: Wonders of the sea
Clase N: 1
Fecha: 26-10-15
Hora: 12:55
Duracin de la clase: 80 minutos
Fecha de primera entrega: 24-10-15


Teaching points: Sea life, pollution

Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to

Identify and describe creatures of the sea
Develop their speaking skills by comparing and contrasting sea creatures.

Language focus:





sea creatures.

Big, small,
funny, high,

No particular
function is to
be taught.

Sea, Ocean,
tentacle, fin,
shell, gill,
scale (as in

Superlatives est most
-er than-
No particular
structure is to
be taught.

No particular
feature is to be

// Ocean,
Fish, Shell


Teaching approach: CLT

Integration of skills: listening, writing and speaking.

Materials and resources: worksheets Superlatives and comparatives (sixteen) and

crosswords (three); Video Ocean Pollution and computer to reproduce it; box with
fossils and shells; poster of Ocean zones with the corresponding sentences,
animals and tags, personal tablet with pictures of sea creatures; markers and eraser
for the whiteboard; glue and/or tape to stick items on the board;

Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In class, watching a video to raise

awareness of sea pollution and exercise their listening skills.

Seating arrangement: As delimited by the classrooms teacher, students will seat in

two parallel horizontal rows facing the whiteboard. Children will rearrange in
separated groups for one activity.

Possible problems / difficulties and their possible solutions during the class: There are
a couple of students that tend to be quite negative and disperse, I would try to make
them participate more by helping me distribute the worksheets, erasing the
whiteboard or arranging seats. I will try to encourage them by commenting positively
on their work.

Classroom management strategies: Their teacher uses two different signaling: when
students misbehave she draws a star on the whiteboard: three starts equals extra
homework for the misbehaving students. Au contraire, if they excel at something, she
draws smileys: three smileys means a game or doing something students like at the
end of the week.

Potential problems students may have with the language: These students find it
difficult to produce oral sentences, and this will probably accentuate with the inclusion
of new vocabulary, as this lesson will present. I dont want to expose them
immediately to oral self-production, so Ive chosen a read aloud activity first. Then, I
will encourage them to speak in English while they work together in groups by talking
to each other; and if any of them asks something, I could ask the class what they
think about that before delivering an answer myself.

Assessment: what will be assessed and how. Students progress will be assessed
with a short writing assignment on identifying sea creatures, the sea zone they live in,
and the first notions that pollution has negative effects on the environment.

Warm up (5)
Purpose: to introduce the topic
I will greet students and explain to them we are going to start a new unit together. I will show
them a map or globe and ask them what the blue area in the map is. I will expect answers
as water, sea or ocean. I will tell them that ocean and sea are often used as
synonyms but they are in fact, different.
Sea is a part of the ocean that is very close to land, while ocean is far away from land.
I will invite them to tell the class if they have ever been to the sea, if they swam in it, and how
it looks like. I will encourage this by asking some students personally.
Presentation (5)

Purpose: To activate previous knowledge.

Following, I will ask them to brainstorm what they can see under the sea, and as an
example, I will say a starfish lives under the sea. I will write about 5 to 10 words they say on
the whiteboard. Even if they say the word in Spanish, I will provide the corresponding word in
English, not without asking the rest of the group if they know the answer first.
One thing I can do to encourage them is to ask them if any of them have watched Finding
Nemo or SpongeBob SquarePants (both cartoons that takes place under the sea). I will
bring a few pictures on my tablet to help them brainstorm:

Note: Anglerfish does not belong to the unit. Nevertheless, it will be introduced as its
picture does appear in the workbook.
Activity 1 (20)
Purpose: To introduce and exercise pronunciation of the new vocabulary
Part 1 (This section takes 15)
We are going to build a poster like this (taken from their workbook Our World by National
Geographic and remade with images from Google images):

Each white square is a sentence on a slip of paper; words in red are key vocabulary for this
unit and will be repeated out loud in order to learn its pronunciation.
Given that this class holds sixteen students, each of them will receive one sentence. If any of
them is absent, I will keep any of the zone titles and use it myself.
I will distribute the sentences in a certain order, from Sunlight to Midnight zones (titles after
each zone have been described in the previous slips) and then the three upper sentences, all
following the students seating distribution. I will tell them Now, I am going to give each one
of you a sentence. You can read it in silence, but we are going to share what they say in a
I will invite students one by one to read their sentence out loud, and then to approach to the
board and stick their sentence over the poster. Once the sentence is there, I will make them
repeat sentences which contain words in red once, and ask students if they can explain what
these words mean, otherwise provide explanation of unknown vocabulary as probably are
sunlight twilight layer resources pollution.
Possible explanations:
Sunlight: the light of the sun
Twilight: a soft light, not sunlight, but not dark
Midnight: like 12 oclock at night: everything is dark, there is no light
Layer: For example, when you cover a cake with chocolate, you cover it with a layer of
chocolate; or when you paint the walls, you pain one layer, wait until it is dry, and pain
another layer.
Resource: a supply, something you have that you can use anytime you want to help you do
something. Natural resources are provided by nature: gas, wood for the fire, vegetables and
meat to eat, and so on.

Pollution: when we introduce substances or materials that have a negative effect on the
environment, when people make oceans, soil and air dirty.
Part 2 (This section takes 5)
I will stick the name of the animals on the outside of the poster. I will tell students that we are
going to meet some animals living in each zone, starting with the sunlight zone. I will show
them one picture of an animal and ask, What animal is this? if they know the answer I will
invite one student to come over, take the name of the animal, and stick both on the poster. If
they do not know, I will elicit the answer by using mime or starting to produce the word little
by little.
Activity 2 (10)
Purpose: To practice anterior topics (superlatives and comparatives) in relation with this new
I will leave the poster we just made on the whiteboard and say Ok, Lets compare these sea
animals. I will give each of you a photocopy. You have to complete it by yourself using
superlatives and comparatives. Do you remember how to use superlatives? What do we add
at the end of a sentence? I expect the answer -est And what happens when the word is
larger than one syllable? What word do we use? I expect the answer most. I will ask if they
can give me an example.

Self-authorship with images form Google images

I will bring their attention to the VS. I will ask them if they know that it stands for versus
and that it means against or compared to, as in River Vs. Boca or Good Vs. Evil.
I will explain the examples for them. Ok, now you have five minutes to complete this, after
that, turn to the person next to you and compare each others answers, for example, Student
A with Student B, C with D, and so.
I will walk around helping them, and after five minutes I will tell them to stop and work with a
partner for correction.
I will print the answers and paste them on the board after a while, so students can double
check spelling and answers:

I will indicate to students to make three groups of five members with their nearby classmates.
I will tell them We are going to work on three stations at the time, so we are going to form
three groups: one group will watch a video, another group will explore some interesting
items I brought, and a third group will have to investigate and complete a chart. Lets make
group number one from Student A to Student E, group two from Student F to Student J, and
group three from Student K to Student O
Activity 3 (20)
Purpose: To generate enthusiasm by exploring real items from under the sea, exercise
listening and teamwork, and acquire vocabulary by using visual aid and a dictionary.
While students take their places, I will place on the teachers desk two boxes I would bring
containing this:

This I will present to the whole class. Before revealing the items, I will tell students that I
borrowed something to show them, which means it is not mine and we have to be very

careful with it because its fragile and we dont want it to break. Until one group is not finished,
the next wont be able to approach.
I will ask students what kind of things we can find in the sea, besides fish. I am expecting
answers as sand water or boats, but then I will ask them about a famous gas station with
this logo (I will draw a Shell logo on the whiteboard). When students say shell (or if they
dont, since there is no representation in Bariloche, I will just write the name), and then, I will
take out the scallop.
I will take out the remaining items in groups, first the starfish and ask them what is this? and
try to elicit the answer This is a starfish. I will do the same as I take out the shells for These
are shells and the corals for These are corals
I will then take out an emptied, crushed can, and ask students What is this?... Yes, a can!
But this can is empty! What should I do with it?... Trash it! Yes! Is garbage now Then, with
a face of disgust I will hold the can in one hand and a shell on the other and ask students Do
you think these two items should be together? ... Noooo! Why not?... because this one is
garbage and this one is a living creature
I will tell students Ok, now we are going to organize like this: group one will go to the back of
the classroom to watch a video and discover what happens when we pollute the ocean. You
are going to find a worksheet like this (I will show them one copy) where you have some
questions to answer. I will go there and help you in a minute. Group two will get a crossword
puzzle (I will show them one copy) to complete and Group 3 will approach here and see the
shells and corals. When I say change you stop what you are doing and change with other
group, understood? Who can explain what we have to do? If any student answers, I will ask
them personally to check If they understood the activity. Dont lose your crosswords or
answer sheets (I will show them up again) because we will use them later
Shells stage:
I will then invite one group to take a closer look to the shells and fossils, and provide them
with magnifying glasses. I will remind them to be careful with the items, and to take their
time, since I will be helping their classmates as well. Since I will be walking around the
classroom, whenever I approach this stage I will ask students questions like these:
Which one is the bigger?
Or grab two shells and say This shell is. Encouraging them to use comparison.
Which one is the softest?

They may also draw their favorite one and

describe it in a sentence.
Video stage:
Meanwhile, another group will watch the following video on water pollution. I will bring my
computer and place it on other area of the classroom.

The video is 3:12 minutes long and is an edition of two YouTube videos: Top 10 facts: the
Ocean and Dont trash the beach! You can watch the final product on my Dropbox
Our Home
Over the course of history we would constantly learn more and more about our planet.
Humanity's endless curiosity for the unknown has lead us to explore the far reaches beyond the
When that wasn't enough we took to the skies and even ventured beyond it.
But there is one place, one place that remains a mystery. A place where darkness brings a new
meaning to the word: the Ocean.
72% of the Earth's surface is covered by water, yet 95% of the world below the surface remains
We have better maps of Mars and the Moon than we do of the Ocean floor.
Nearly 50% of all life on Earth is also found in the Ocean.
But scientists estimate that at the very least a million more aquatic species has yet to be discovered.
Which basically means that, theoretically, no matter how unlikely or illogical it might be to us now,
there is still a chance -a chance- that a talking yellow sponge-like creature is enjoying a delicious
Krabby Patty, right as we speak.
It should come as no surprise that water pollution is a big problem all around the world today.
Our complete disregard for destroying something that is absolutely essential for life on this planet is
nothing short of astounding.
It is not just about the life in the ocean, it's about life on Earth, humans included.
Millions of marine creatures, birds and terrestrial animals, are killed every year as a direct
consequence of pollution.
The issue comes down to our inability to account for long-term effects.
The fact that what we do now, today, could literally mean life or death in just a few short years.
We are knowingly, knowingly!, destroying something that is crucial to our survival, and probably the
reason we even exist in the first place.
The beach is a great place for recreation, relaxation, getting together with friends and family, or just
contemplating the ocean's beauty on your own.
We all need to do our part to protect the beach, the ocean and ourselves.
Here are a few tips on what you can do to help keep our beaches clean and beautiful:
Leave the beach clean. Pick up trash even if it's not yours.
Bike or walk when you can.
Bring your own bag to the store. Plastic bags end up at the beach!
Conserve water. Don't leave water running when you brush your teeth.
Eat fresh fruit instead of packaged candy or chips.

Watch the video and discuss with your group about the following questions. Don't
forget to take notes of your answers!!!!
1.What is the problem in the video?

2. Have you, your family, or friends ever experienced the problem? Describe what

3.What do you think might be the causes of the problem? What solutions could a
person do on their own? What solutions could people do together?

While watching activity.

On other area of the classroom, group three will have a copy of this crossword:

Created on TheTeachersCorner.net Crossword Maker

I will walk around controlling that every group is finished and moves to the next stage.
Transition: While I put everything back on the box and retrieve my computer, I will ask
students to sit back again in their places.
Activity 4 (10)
Purpose: To get students to speak about what they have learnt with the previous activities.
I will ask students what activity they liked the most and why. I will emphasize that I said the
most which is a superlative.
This class is reluctant to speak in English, so in case I get no answer, I will write on the board
The activity I liked the most was the crossword, because I enjoy learning new words, then I
will ask two or three students personally.
Lets check the crossword. Did you all finish it? Lets check the horizontals first I will write
on the whiteboard the answers each groups provide. If the same person keeps answering, I
will as other groups to cooperate with the correction. When finished, we will move to the
vertical answers.

Good! Was it difficult? Of course it wasnt! You are all very smart! And what about the video?
Who liked the video? Raise your hands. Who thinks it was sad? Hands?Ok, What is the
problem in the video? Which group answered it?. I will continue checking with them the
answers and what each group found out in the video, and what personal experiences
triggered. If they remain silent, I will also participate saying something as that I went fishing
and I caught a boot instead of a fish, or that I always bring with me a plastic bag to put
garbage in when I am not home.
Transition: I will tell them Ok, before we leave, we are going to play a little game. Do you
know the Pictionary?. Who can explain the game? If no students can explain the rules, I will
write on the board:
1 minute to draw
NO words, NO symbols
NO pointing, NO talking

Closure (10)
As closure, we will play a little Pictionary game. I will ask for a volunteer and he/she will take
a card from a bag. This contains a word or sentence that the student will have to write. When
guessed, the student who named the animal comes to the front and does the same.
Well, Student A will take a card.. dont show it! Read it do you understand it?. Great! So,
when he starts drawing, you have one minute to guess it. Whoever discover the word or
sentence has to come to the front to draw the next one, did you all understand? Yes, no? And
remember the rules one minute to draw, No. words, No. symbols, No. pointing and
No talking. Ok, lets start!





of the

words and sentences included in the game

Today students will have no homework. In case we reach the misbehavior meter with three
stars (class teacher told me she seldom reaches this point) I will give this worksheet as a
homework, taken form the teachers book of Our world by National Geographic.

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