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Minutes of Parish Meeting

Wednesday 24th June 2015
1. Present
David Clarke (Chair), Adrian Lawton (Clerk), Dave French, Mo Tyler, Florence
Baldwin, Alex Powell, John Powell, Ann Candlish, Edgar Candlish, Brian
Bancroft, Linda Brunning, Ian Brunning, Peter Rowlands, Pete Severn, Ben
Mason, Chris Baker, Carol Cardwell, Lawson Cardwell, Judy Muirhead, Colin
2. Apologies
Ann & Roger Clay, Maureen Dobson, Jane Clarke, Roy Wood, John Broughton,
Lyn Broughton, Ian Dales, Lynda Dales, M Matthews, Eleanor Mason
3. Minutes of Last Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on the 15th April, 2015 were approved.
Proposed Brian Bancroft, Seconded David French.
4. Matters Arising From Previous Meeting

Provision of Community Service personnel to undertake specific village

projects is awaiting a further meeting between the Clerk and the liaison
officer from Nottinghamshire Community Payback service
Action: Clerk


No response has yet been received from the Parochial Church Council
on the formal transfer of responsibility of the churchyard to the Parish
Meeting for upkeep. Once formal notice is received then a vote will be
taken to accept or reject the transfer.

5. Correspondence

Broadband Connection Vouchers notice from Nottinghamshire Council

offering capital support for qualifying registered small and medium
enterprises in the county. Application forms available from the county
website found here


Planning Rules for Wind Farms changes have been made to the
criteria in which Wind Farms can be granted planning permission for onshore installations. Briefing note received from East Midlands Councils

6. Planning Applications The Old Vicarage, Church Lane, South Scarle

Following a review of the plans by meeting voted on the proposed application for
alterations to the Coach House as follows:Support 9

Do Not Support 7

Abstention 1

The Parish therefore supported the application and will indicate accordingly to
Newark and Sherwood District Council
Action: Clerk

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