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NAG HAMMADI STUDIES EDITED BY MARTIN KRAUSE ~ JAMES M. ROBINSON FREDERIK WISSE IN CONJUNCTION WITH Avexanoer BOHLIG ~ Jean Donesse —SoneN Givensen Havs Jonas = Roootrnis Kasser ~Pawor LaBie Georoe W. MacRaet ~ Jacques-E. Mewaro Torcny Sive-SODERBERGH Wittem Cornetis van Unnixt — R. McL. Witsox Jan Zanose XXI GENERAL EDITOR OF THE COPTIC GNOSTIC LIBRARY JAMES M. ROBINSON ( THE COPTIC GNOSTIC LIBRARY EDITED WITH ENGLISH TRANSLATION, INTRODUCTION AND NOTES published under the auspices of ‘THE INSTITUTE FOR ANTIQUITY AND CHRISTIANITY NAG HAMMADI CODEX II,2-7 ‘ToceTner wrrn XIIL,2#, BRIT. LIB. OR.4926(1), ano P.OXY. 1, 654, 655 WITH CONTRIBUTIONS BY MANY SCHOLARS BENTLEY LAYTON VOLUME TWO (Ow tHe Ontory oF THE Wort, Expository Treatise Ow THe Sout, Book oF Toss tHe CowtenoeR E.J. BRILL LEIDEN + NEW YORK + KOBENHAVN + KOLN 1989 pore wsLabiby 30 ops 6 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD EDITED ay Bevtiey Layton eneian oyoN NIMS NOY Te FinkocIMoc ayw Brame cexw HMOC Xe Mii Aaaye goon” za TezH HimLaoc ANOK*| Ae FNAFATOAIKNYE xe aly]Bnaana | taroy encecooyn an AtleyeTacke |sinxaoc Mil Teqoyne —Taferae Te Tallnoarseic egxe cFcy¥[ownei mil] * [Frame THPOY eT8e Mxaloc] x¢ oY- oyenoa ae me eH oyzalaec| — ayMoyre epoy xe ozaisec ac | oye! ego me 2finoyerrow eqyoon™ | XIN goyone ac eB0A xe Ned goon” ew nate Mxace au kale ne rezoyerre ne — firagoyiue ae Hea nworn® Kerron* Sovsces Cairo, Capt. Mos. CG XII, iv. 1054S; all ts dferences from pap. are reported inthe nial apparatus (08492601) = London, Brit Lib. Or. 4926(1 textual variants From pap ae reported in the eritiealapprato: stylistic snd dalectal differences are iste on p. 99 (Table, @1)Pae-c00.200 (42) ae coo xi eaks of 4198'S 20 Te) 8:31, TaaTaee. 4 Sah, oveROA ne ai cf, Subachmimic Joba 7:28 ed, Thompson, aac ayer anan ro; id. 10:16; Gospel of Fath CG 1 3418; Middle Eaypian Matthew 21:25 ed, Sehenke; poss. EsSou! 134.34, eRWOY-£ie. @ROY- ‘Text Carmicat Noves 97:28 encian (elman cod, XII 26 Aaaye : Aaay cod. XIN za veow: tal revcod. XL 27 ae: fae cod, XIMT aly]: ay cod, XII 28 aleyerache Feyeraciecod, XII] 29-30 ra(ei ae re rallnoaise1e: Tact ae Te Tanoalne cod xm 30 oyfounss a 98:1 (Frome = Frome cod XIN erse nxafoc] xe : erse mxaoe xe cod. XIII 2 et: wis efit, supetin, ‘Sain Te cod, XII fragment ends with rel ==] ‘eywownte wi] cod. XIE "1 2 port ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD Hays-Gesiaro Betce, Bentuey Lavon Awo tie Societas Coprica HIEROSOLYMITANA* 1. Seeing tha: everybody, gods of the world and mankind, says that nothing ' existed prior to chaos, I in distinction to them shall demonstrate that they are ‘all mistaken, because they are not acquainted with the ori gin ‘of chaos, nor with its root. Here is the demonstration. 2. How well itsuits 98 all men, on the subject of chaos, to say that it is a kind of darkness! But in fact it comes from a shadow, ' which has been called by the name darkness. And the shadow ‘ comes from a product that hhas existed 5 sinae the beginning. Tt is, moreover, clear that it (viz. the prod uct) ‘existed before chaos came into being, and that the latter is posterior to the first product. + Revised by Layion othe basis of Behge's German and discussion of codex pp. 97-106 by the Sociezas (Polsky, praeses; Emme Layton, and Shish-Halevy), 20 7.998 ane 30 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD Maphier ac |ezoyn’ etme ezoyn ae ans emwopm®|Neprow mac! §3 Rramxaoc eresoafentgs || ayw Rreeize enaoyane E80A Hs! ralmoaisere Arme ‘Toveere Ae HNIATYMoy fTapecauk® esoa 2M meTE MiiTEY™ | " apuxy Tore oyeIne aurte eaoa eAiTmilcTIC — eyMoyTE Erou xe Teodla aa ovllaw) aqgume ANOYEPFON EyEcI>NE | HMOYOEINY YW | RreyNoY AYOYWNZ €80A Net NeCoYiog* eyo Rnine fine eyRray may [NNOYMereooc eNceagmeey aN eTgoon® Kworn® epod* | eyzi TMKTe ANIaT Moy MA NeNTaZ gute Simlewoy Foe erhines elco Hinapaneracma eyn@rx® oyTe | Fame MANA mca iawn ae |fire THe Mfireyzatvec himay + MnedI8on xe ES noyoemn ere Mivreu g!2h|Ma NIMS AeHT| — MeyCANBOA A€ oYzA cisene’ ayMoyreerou’ xe KaKe — eB0A| NewTdS ay AYNaMIC OYENe gon ziIxFimkaKe fzaewe Ae aNAYNamic| Fracgune Miwewoy ayMoyTe f eroys| xe nxa0c eMAred® aphxyy — © BOA fiewTy® | arenfoc NilyY ANoyTe t ove ezpat avll 1 anova’ Mima THY. 2wel[re aozaeis]e aN oyzac Hea ngorn’ * Nepron R[racloywne €80A nNOYN* elsoa 2A TmCTICY UBD Ban Sah. on " ios ISie. Rayerron, IRie, Heme, 19 ie. Roywerceoe. cea Sah 1 Sah aveaestec om Tiposs.emend to oveme ce>ay 14-22 eywOYTE €FOu... agorlaw ... sico He raraneracwa expected is eToymoyre eroe -.. acovuiy... ego Hnaraneracna, (Schenke emends ths): ef. Hypaich 844-10 14 aqvoyleg aggone Rwoyerron acoywg eicarsiane Har overron em, Bethge: alko possible is anecoywy Augone Bwoverron 1S acrresusjane Funk eciwe Schenke, Botlig 21 enh ne: prob. corrurt 24-25 + fnew aon emend to meyrovn (thes BEhlig) 30-31 Ferou’ era emend 10 eroe .. RenTd: roe -.. Rane em, Schenke 31 e Layton 32 Fenloc wih Layton: renfea wie sim. rest Wisse 33 ewc{re »--] Sehenke 34 fest. Wisse alsa pulcographirlly posible i {--- Bre ealele (for this spelling ef 99:3) 99:1 Brac] west, Wisse: w is definite, supelin, stoke restored: Hvac] Schen Kel > (ie 20) Layton 98:7-99:2 31 3. Let us therefore concern ourselves ' with the'facts of the matter; and in particular, with the first ' product, from which chaos was projected. ‘And in this way the truth will be clearly demonstrated. 4, After the nawural structure of the immortal beings ' had completely developed out of the infinite, "a likeness then emanated from Pistis (Faith); it is called Sophia (Wisdom). It exercised volition '8 and became 4 product resembling ' the primeval light. And ' immediately her will ‘manifested itself ‘as a likeness of heaven, having ' an unimaginable mag- nitude; ® it was between the immortal beings and those things that * came into being after them, like she (Sophia) ' functioned as a veil div "mankind from the things above. 5. Now the etemal realm (acon) ' of truth has no shadow outside it, * for the limitless light is everywhere ' within it. But its exterior is shadow, * which has been celled by the name darkness. From it there appeared a force, presiding over 'the darkness. And the forces ® that came into being subsequent to there called the shadow ' “‘the limitless chaos.”” From it, * every [kind] of divinity sprouted up '[... ] together with the entire place, {30 that] ‘also, [shadow] is posterior tothe first 99 product. It was in) the abyss that [it] (shadow) appeared, ' deriving from the aforementioned Pistis. 98:13 likeness (here and elsewhere) renders Copic eime = buoiomns of Gen 1:26 andi linc from image in he same Genesis pasiage: $67 below 98:21 like: following text probably erroneous 98:24 ouside; erofor inside 98:31 “the limites chaos”: she manuseripr has (erroneously) "chaos" since it was ‘ies 32 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD Ntangaxe eroe Tole aezaisec’ Faiceane x oYN met |x00P* roc’ ac: Kaz aye Rrarecoyoys || e80a tirooTé oyaaré HreyNoy ack xmoFinkwz xn RGooy EThMay | ACOYUNE EBOA Hs! TAPKH kwe 2(9) [NAN THPOYS MRINEYKOeMOC’ —TKWe | Ae ETIMAY aY- ze erou. eyo Noyze evil nN RewTys — augune flee Finizaleisee eRiNoyNos Roycia MMOOY — Tolre tKOANNTAZWuNe eHOA zhi oa eisec ayNoxé aymeroc Fire nxaoc] IM 900Y ETHimay AoyCia FiMooy f| OYWNE E8OA wre zal |NeHTe ayete e8OA eYoYONZ enOA | eK NXAGe ayo nenraz- ‘TeTwice ANOYKOYleINecMEPICCON* THPOY wayedere | TAEI TE CE. eyantiracgune soa eh eaciec ayNoxteyea aywsineciet Mou] fiTare Nae! Ae yume Tore ACeIfs!| TMICTIC ACOYUNY e8OA z1hi AAA NecEH Mxaloc M61 @YAH Eczfi OYMEPOE - YAN Ainmxacc TacleNTaYNOXE Hee HNOYeove Ne MA TNT rar NenTG xe mirap| tHeg oykake me emiraq’ apuxg® | ayw oYMOOY cenatrag® wit mnaay® | Rrare Tmictic ae Nay anenrazquine Ebon en necwTa AcwTOP- TP] mwTopTP ac aq‘oywne EsOA NNOYIePrON NePre AcKOTE A€ Epog’ alenie el2oyN 2h agnor ae [erate 2) mae O9:3ie avzatves. Yie Reovee, 1 be. sHoynos. Hie. ayoyera (Botligenends sim), 17 i. BoyKoyer 24 ie. ovune exon (Schenke emends thus). 25-26 te, Roytoyte (roycese em, os. 31-32 Le, Roverron. 22 xOAN: eyaNem. Bethge 195, wit hesitation exon" pap. : inscribed space die to an original imperfection in the papy rus wre zpal: forthe word wre cf, Gospel of Truth CG 134.21: poss, emend to >wr ‘27a or coor expat (Polesky, with sition) als posible is wr expat (Emel swith nesiation) 26 Rew Newre em. Bthge 532 ferarte Layton; for¢ can also be read. €.¢, 0. oF # (not): feaotnle Schen- ket fora camalso be read x or 33-34 ves. Polotsky, Schenke?: xle ecenage loys Schenke, Bolig aso possible seca for een, cf. 117221) 46 ae 9 99:2-34 33 6. Then ' shadow perecived that there was something ' mightier than it and felt envy: and when it had become pregnant § of its own accord, sud- denly it * engendered jealousy. Since that day, ‘the principle of jealousy among 'all the sternal realms (aeons) and their worlds has been apparent. Now as for tha! jealousy. "it was found to be an abortion without © any spirit in it, Like a shadow it came into existence ' in a vast watery sub- stance. Then ‘the bile that had come into being out of the shadow ' was thrown into a part of chaos. . 7. Since that day, a watery substance '° has been apparent. And what sank within it flowed away, being visible ' in chaos : as with a woman giving birth to a child ' all her superftuities Flow out; ' just s0, matter came into being out of » shadow and was projected apart. And it (viz. matter) did not depart from chaos; rather, matter was in chaos, being in & part of it." 8. And wher these things had come to pass, then Pistis came ' and appeared over the matter of * chaos, which had been expelled like an! aborted foetus—since there was no spirit in it. For all of it (viz chaos) * was limitless darkness ‘and bottomless water. * 9. Now when Pistis saw what had resulted » from her defect, she became disturbed. ' And the disturbance appeared, as a' fearful product rushed {t0] her in the chaos. She turned to it and (blew into! 99:15 sank: he zat meaning o this Cope verbs meetin 99:18 superuties : Greek pions (is. the aferbirk 2) vp. 100! asia 5 20 B ‘pot aay 4 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD neyzo 2H muoyln net) *qiTA wrinHye THlPOlY Tinleric ac | Tcogra Nrarecoywy [a}rre mm ere | wfiregs nN XITYNOC RINoyeINe | iyFarxe! ex oYAKY ayw exfi NeclAYNAMIE THPOY AUOYwNE E6OA* NlyOPM N61 OYAFXWN BOA ZH MMO|OY E4O H. Nine Moye eyzoy TexIMe | Me eyRiTag’ NoyNos HexoycIa Nera | Rent eycooyn ae an xe Kraquulne sox TON —_TmCTIC Ae ‘Teooia Rirarecnay epoy® 2M MK NMOOY eWIkIM’ TIEXAC Nag xe TINCANICKOC clpialamiera ga NIMAY ETE NeYBwA Me | YSKASESTS AIM Q00y eTMaay aTapixn Fingaxe oywNz mac Nrazmaz | was NoyTe MA iarrexce MA APwMe! —aYWNIeNTargene zITH Ngaxe aylxoKd® e604 Ns! NOTE Mi Narre|Acc MN APOME naPXON 6e TAATROAWS || Yo RATCOOYN’ aTAyNaMic ArnIcTIC Fineanay aneczo AAA auNay arene Nrazwaxe NHMAgS si mMooy | FTanaawes YW €00A 28 TeCMH ETHMay aymoylre ePoy xe Rreaeioc ae | eyMoyTe eroy* ae apianA xe neyellne Hmover ne Nrape mai ae wome | eyfrag MMay Nresoycia® NeyAK armeric Teodia Panaxare! ezrat | enecoyoein® Rirape mapxannay> | eregmerceoc ayw frag. oyaary’| eNTagnay EPo4 FineyNay eKEoya | EIMATIAMOOY zIKaKE TOTE ayeeye | xeilrogolyaary’nerwoon’ — mequell..... ag) xux> enor erriingaxe — ayoywne ea[or] RoyniTs eufina eufinny (z+ XRiFiMooy — Srape nme ae eFimay | oywne es0A* anarxun nupx® Rroycia|FMooy ayMeroc — aywneTwoywoy | ayrorsd AYw E004 ZN eYIAM AgTaMiO Nag RoyMa Kwame yw E804 2f YAN aN TAPXON TAMIO akeneroc aymoyire epoy xe Te 100:3ie, Rovewe: Tie. weme, 13.98 wma Ssh. eneema, 54 ret, Wine, sires, Schenke ("in der Tiefe uteralb der Hime"): for he construc tioncf.103:2 100: sim. ret, Bobig, 19 TERFEENS : wo writen very small because of margin (thas Schenk) 32 auooy :rending of pap. cannot e Hiwooy 35 rest Schenke 33-34 neue [reece aujaun® exo Polsky : neaweileve sraalaae’ coon Witte: nequeleye se ujzux® enon Schonke 10/1 exfon] Schenk: also possible is ealon 26 thus Boh: lig) Saynoraq: expecid is agnopsd thus em. Scheake) 28 em. to Yanaansie #10 an se 63 99:34-101:8 35 its face in the abyss, which is below 100 all the heavens, 10, And whee Pistis ' Sophia desired to cause the thing ' that had no spirit to be formed into a likeness ' and to rule over matter and over all her + forces, there ap2eared for the first time "a ruler, out of the waters, ion- like in appearance, androgynous, ‘having great authority within ‘him, and ignorant of whence he had come into being. '© Now when Pistis Sophia * saw him moving about in the depth of the waters ' she said to him, “Child, ‘pass through to here,” whose equivalent is***yalda baat.” 11, Since that day there appeared the principle '5 of verbal expression, which reached ' the gods and the angels and mankind. * And what came into being as a result of verbal expression, ' the gods and the angels and mankind finished. 12, Now as for the ruler Yaltabaoth (sic), ® he is ignorant ofthe force of, Pistis: "he did not see her face, rather he saw ‘ in the water the likeness that spoke with him. ' And because of that voice, he called ' himself Yal- daoth, But? Ariael is what the perfect call him, for he was like ‘a lion. 13, Now when he had come ' to have authority over matter, ' Pistis Sophia withdrew up "to her light. 14, When the ruler saw ® his magnitude—and it,was only himself ' that he saw: he saw nothing else, ' except for water and darkness—then he supposed 'that itwas he alone who existed. His*{...] was completed by verbal expression: 101 appeared as a spirit moving to and fro‘ upon the waters, And when the spirit appeared, the ruler set apart the watery sub- stance, And what was dry ° was divided into another place. And from ‘matter he made for himself an abode, and he called it heaven. And from matter, the ruler made 100;24 Yaldnoth: errr for Yaleabaote 100:33-34 possibly, His [magnitade); or His hough: ao lees of the word survive 100;34 by verbalexpression or, bythe Word (Legos) 2 2s 20 "p. 102! 150.) 36 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD Royzynonoaton| ayMoyTe eroq® xe maz FiwIwiicwe | anapxan’ meeye 28 req 'bycie auralmio esons 515 zivfinwaxe GNoyzoyTeziMe — aqoywn Wregranpo ayxoy xy cou. RraroyoywN SNeusaA aunay | aneuewT® ayo nexad nayxeT aneyMicwrT ac moyTe epoy xe THB maainag4ra- Mio m™mazcnay Rue — agxoyxoy|eroy —_ AqoywN HiveqBaA ayxooc iimeqewr xe [a] €> aneyeiwr Moye | epoy xe eXUS] — maaiagramio RimmazwonT’ RgHPe —_aqxoyx0y poy aqoywNANeWsar auxooc MneyeWwT xe ac ameqi clwT* MoyTe ero4 xe acTAgaIoe —_NaleINE NWOMT Nghpe M moyeieT® alcowy’ oywne e80a 2H nxacc ReoyrMeame —oyRray HiMay 416 Smoyran RzojoyT wRinioyranfezme — ft mpanAceme t |ne TmpO- Nol caMsaeaceTe cesaoiMac Te nea’wape ae eYMoYTE: epou*| xe 120 eyran Nceme Te THNTNOYITE THNTIFPO. Riczme Te [TMAr]pHIMAo reoolaNagli Ne Tleolayel Haynaluc Rrcoage Nine Fn[xajoc neypanNcme Te 7HRrxacic| — caeXoS aAawnaloc meqranWezme Te eawaioc neypansiez|iIMe me nkwe| @patoc neyran actagaioc ae meqpain Wezel] * Te ayquine ac RzoytezMe antynoc Naealatoc eTwoon® ziToYe- 17 2HkaTa Moylwg ATMCTIC xeKAAC TINE FneT*|yoOR xIN* NaoPT cunaapxel wa | NapHxg® Dist te Royeoyreeme. 16:2. Tame. 00:4 Sah, reve ' Eat cancelled by the copyst: Le. uHewe: ef. 11326, 36; 1435; ete. U1 o¥: soy: # added above the line 12 xovaoy : ef, Mapi Ps 157:17, 1881, 18232 1 by Polotsky 13 Wraroy expected ie rare (Bethge emends thus) 18 EB: bottom stroke of & prob-omited by eopyist giving the impression of A 18 fa ‘copyin wrote and then canceled a false stat of aney 20 agxoyaoy ero: his phrase dod above the line 24 cows: altered from y 24-25 also possible Is a new sentence begining 8 coyreume ovfray 264... $2 poss, emend lo napean ae negran Reeve oF sim. (Layton) 28 eynoyre : eroysoyre em. Bethge 33 [ror] ¢ read from smal, tmbiguous trace: of superin. woke Is definite, o¢ restored 34 pal czme) = cf 101:26, 29-33 | 102:1 rest Schenke — colgae} H | wi definite, superlin. stroke restored Dees Schenke 100:8-102:7, 37 4 footstool, ‘anc he called it earth. 15. Next, ® ihe euler had a thought—consistent with his nature—and * by means of verbal expression he created an androgyne. ' He opened his ‘mouttt and coved to ‘him, When his eyes had been opened, he looked ‘at hh father, and he said to him, “Eee!"” then his father called him Eee-2-0 (Yao). Next he ' created the second son. He cooed ' to him. And he opened his eyes and said to ' his father, ““Eh!"” His father called ' him Eloai. Next he created ® the thied son, He cooed to him. And he opened his ' eyes and said to his father, “‘Asss!"" His ' father called him Asta pphaios. These are the three sons of their father. 16, Seven apzeared in chaos, androgynous. * They have their masculine ames ' and their feminine names. The feminine name ' is Pronoia (Forethought) Sambathas, which ' is “'week.”” And his son is called * Yao: his feminine name is Lordship. Sabaoth: his feminine name is Deity. ‘Adonaios: his feminine name is Kingship.' Eloaios: his feminine name is Jealousy." COraios: his feminine name is Wealth. ‘And Astaphaios: his [feminine] name 102 is Sophia (Wisdom). ‘These are the [seven] forces of the seven heavens of {chaos}. IT. And they were born ' androgynous, consistent with the immortal pattern ‘that existed before them, according to the wish $ of Pistis: so that the likeness of what had ' existed since the beginning might ceign to ' the end. TOEI1 by means of verbal expession er, bythe Word (Logos) 10:26 The feminine name: ext erroneous; corect tex Now asf the rule, hi eine 30 35 38 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD knaze aTenepria fineeipan| MN TAYNAMIC RAZOOYT® eR Tapxar FeAmn imw¥ene nenpogwTHe — ilpan ac NNEziOMe ZR TgOrT™ A- sisaoc | NNwpaiae> napxirenntop® ae TEXSEWSUS eyRraq zANos Rexoycia agra: Mio fiahimiye Finoya nova SNeW gure 2TH mwa.xe eNecwoy MMA filgune ayw kara me Nos Neooy eylcorm™Ncomy AKws — 2A eronoe Mil] eFiaa Rayore mii eAPnaye aye eRlzapma ayw ehinapee- Noc fintx # expat | ayazoparon* t Mii Noyeooy Moya mova 1 oye ‘rage efi reyme 2NeTpaTeyMa SIAYNaMIC NNOY TE zt x0eIC z1 ar TE Aoc |z1apxar‘rence eivraa eniiray ume aYrpoyFeynireret xicropia SNacrENAlze eros aKpiswe 2M MyoPM HAOrOC | Hw paiac AYHOKOY A€ E80A zhi tne walepal ETMeZCOE HIME TA TCOMIA AyWORMe Nite MA neqKaz e90A ZITR| NeTwTOPTF ETRNITA RMAY THpoy | Mic Hinxaoc xe wim ne(w)razTaKo Nrne eTiiniTA HMOOY — Ria AYWATCOHNENOEIN NEcECoOYN | rap Nei MAyNa: PeceiMe Ae Noi TricTIC AngwyY|FnewTOrTF ACxOOY FNECNIAE Acivlora’ aclNoxy’ ertHentarraron] — [xiMS 600]y eTMMay (922) pa. 01 1) (begins at 102533 acrdora). TT fvoraiae be. Risorars. (vg Nogaias) or poss. eral (ig pata ef. 102.25 and Layton Horsord Theological Review 67 (1978) 366 1 ke. pnievézop. 19 alo posible is MRinoyeooy. ie. MB oyeooy. 23 i.e. TaVC ‘ror, fh itopia (sim, passim), 25 fwpaiae : Le. rare (is pais) oF oss. uarara (ieNopotag, Schenkeemends thas ef 12:11 and note on E1123, B59 rapxarspeamn Suayene: cf R. Reivenscin Poimondres 186, 292-99, A, Diets Abvanas 202, K Preisendane Pap. Grave Mog. 2 13972 1519 f-.7 prob. corrupt: cevewur> etpat ayazoraon Bethge 2 ne: teem. Beinge 27 neqae: neckar em. Belige 29-30 nececoown rar yrorv# sim. Bethge 33-34 achwford® aclnoau® rest Schenke : accunee Anau achulgrae Sn(ay---]024926(1) 35 bum gooly BH e007 0149264) os 49 $20 sa an 102:7-35 39 18, You (sg,) will find the effect of these names * and the force of the male entities in the Archangelic (Book) ' of the Prophet Moses, and the names of the female entities in the first Book (biblos) ‘of Noraia. 19. Now the prime parent (archigenetdr) Yaldabaoth, * since he pos: sessed great authorities, ! created heavens for each of his ' offspring through verbal expression—created them beautiful, as dwelling places '* and in each heaven he created great glories, ' seven times excellent ‘Thrones and ' mansions and temples, and also chariots and virgin spirits up ‘ to an invisible one and their glories, each one * has these in his heaven; mighty ' armies of gods and lords and angels ' and archangels— countless myriads '—so that they might serve. 20. The account of these matters you (sg.) will ' find in a precise ‘manner in the first Account (logos) ® af Oraia 21. And they were completed from this (cf. § 14) heaven to as far up as the sixth heaven, namely that of Sophia. 22. The heaven and his earth were destroyed by ‘the troublemaker that was below them all. And the six heavens shook violently; ® for the forces of chaos knew who it was ‘that had destroyed the heaven that was below them, ' And when Pistis knew about the breakage ‘resulting from the dis- turbance, she sent forth her breath and ' bound him and cast him down into Tartaros. * Since that day. 1028-9 a work ofthis tte ected also i Grek magical lieraure; cf: Retest, Poimandees Leip Teubner, 1904), 186, 292-209 102:10-11 or, Book (bbls) of Ora 02:11 areigeerr: the Greek ord is sly pled ths in he momasrpr but here ond 10612, archientie) 102:18-19 up oan invisible oe: tex probably erroneous 102:25 or, Account (oges) of Nort 103! siLy 20 40 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD arne curd mii * neckaz es[oa] 217 reopia HiSKBABAIDOS ToT UTR MMOOY THPOY Rialpe Mmwye Ae cofiroy Mi NoYsOM* | MHI TOYAIOMNCIE THRE AMApxirene}Twp xice HMoG* — ayw agxi €0oy zITH| eTPATEIA aya t ANoyINE THROY MN Noyar‘reroe oyeMOY Imfinoyeooy ayraayNag’ — Rirog Ae agloynoy® eit neuenT ayw Auwoywoy I FiMoy NNay NIM €qaw HiMoc Nay*| xe TF xPeIa. aN X- Asay mexaq xe alor’ me MNoy Te aYw Mii ReoYA goon | Rrapeuxe Nac! Ae AGF Nose alNaTMoy THPOY ETxE oY — aYw ayallene nag® Rare THicTIc se Nay aTMNT|aceBHe nNOS RAPKUN AcEwAKY exac xe KPTAANA |eaMawa’ ere nae! YN oypame Naeanaroc FrFioyoet(n) fl oon’ ziTeKeH maeleTNacyONZ EBA |ZANETHMAACMA —_GNAP> ayo Kna- 2B) Fey. | Neynay ans roc Me MNOYTe BBAAE | Karama er HIMoK Roe Riiome Rkerameye waylcomoy Bak MANE Te NOYES [NE AMITH Wa TeK*MAAY NNOYN ‘Tencia rap HNETRZEHYE CelNaPKaTAAye FingTa THpy> Hradoyiane (§23)eaP, OR4G26(1 breaks aff ca, 10334 ma), 20P, (6 25)par, 0849261) (Regis at 103-25 werfewrye), 1033-4 Sah. ney... Tey. 7 Sah.nevarrence. #6. mRovesoy. {4 xe oye ef Middle Egyptian Matthew ed, Schenke, where equals Suhiie oye 19ie.phiioyoen 21 ie. werhmascus, 22Sah, exay (Bd emends tus). 102:35-1051 arn SOS: arcopia Rianaalqawe: 2ccHT Tale WON rae 0249261) /0F:1 neckaz qKAE O14926(I) 2 FeveINTA BMOOY Troy sbsentia O¢4926(1) rerunirh poss. emend to nervinr 4 amapnrenerup anapxeenerar em. Oeyen 133: rofre] Analrlarelvle rar Or4926(1) Sas coy: wovaloy] Rmay OF4926(1). sim. ret. Onyen 6 ‘croerrareta i revvarera 0r.4926{1) wr absentia OF4926(1) MOYNe =emend tomnoyre thus Or-4925(1}) sf. 107:29. 1098 14 erxe ove: cuxe ova is poss. expebid, but the desired seme is not apparent [4-15 appa wad ke. caret nau: poss conupt a2 $24 925 102:35-103:27 41 the heaven, along with 103 its earth, has consolidated itself through Sophia the daughter of Yaldabaoth, ‘she who is below them all. 23. Now when the heavens had consolidated themselves along with their forces ‘ and all their administration, the prime parent > became insolent. And he was honored by ' all the army of angels. And ' all the ‘gods and their angels * gave blessing and honor to him, And for his part he* was delighted and continually boasted, " saying to them, '**I have no need of anyone.” He said, ' It is I who am God, and there is no other cone that exists apart from me, 24. And when he said this, he sinned against ' all the immortal beings who give answer. And they laid it 'to his charge 25, Then when Pists saw the impiety ' of the chief ruler she was filled ‘with anger. ' She was invisible. She said, “'You are mistaken, ' Samael,” that is, “blind ged.""**There is an immortal man of light who has been in existence before you and who will appear ‘ among your modelled forms (plasmatay; he will trample you to scorn ‘just as potter's clay is ' pounded. And you will descend ' 10 your mother, the abyss, along with those that belong to you. * For at the consummation of your (pl.) works ' the entire defect that has become visible out ofthe truth will be abolished, 10:2 she who is Blow them ll: she phrate i absent inthe Brith Library manuscript 10314 who give answer: the enactmeoning of he Copric phate ino cet 103:14-15 laid itso his charge: the Copie ver doesnot usally have thi tense txt pose by erancous 30 35 p 108! I52L3 a2 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD es0A cfiTwe yw quawan RyP | oe FneTe Hed wane rape Tnievic xe Nae! acewant eBOA 2ANRIMOOY finecemNe H- TECMNTNOS —_aylw fiTeeize acPaNaxare! expat elnecoyoeIn CAdNDO Ac mane | Raa AATEUS Arapeqowrh arewa NrmiCTIC adzyunerero[e aghikaaremwcxe news [. #9..] * exh [agit eooy Nac{ xe acramooy anpamefaca- TMictic ae TcopIa acicwr’ HnECTHH- nwaxe Armeric Maroc’ | ii negoyoens set es0c acnwzT axmg. | HoYOEINY e80A zh MeCoVOEIN ayKalTa- casawe™ se Ara peyx! oYOEIN aux oyNos ximmzooy ev xpima sineuseiaT™ Hiexoycia® | ezoyn enaynamic THPOY FIM her likeness of her greatness in the waters. And'so doing she withdrew up to her light, 27. Now wher Sabaoth the son ' of Yaldabaoth heard the * v. Pistis, he sang praises to her, and [he] condemned the father [ of j108 at the word of Pistis; and he praised her ' because she had instructed them about the immortal man ‘and his light. Then Pistis Sophia ' stretched out her finger and poured upon him $ some light from her light, to be a condem- nation * of his father. Then when Sabaoth ' was illumined, he received ‘great authority ' against all the forces of chaos. ' Since that day he has, Deen called !9 “Lord of the Forces."” 28. He hated his father, the darkness, ' and his mother, the abyss, and loathed ' his sister, the thought of the prime parent, ' which moved to and fro upon the waters. And because of ‘his light all the authorities of chaos were jealous 'S of him. And when they had become disturbed, they made a ‘great war in the seven* heavens. 29. Then when Pistis Sophia "had seen the war, she dispatched ' seven archangels to Sabaoth from her light. ® They snatched him up to the seventh ' heaven. They stood ye him as attendants, ' Furthermore she sent him three more archangels and established 103:29-30 revealed her likeness : the Brich Library manuscript has showed (2) 10 the fle er likeness; he exact meaning of his Coptic verb showed") walnown 30 of her greatness thi pra saben in the Briish Library manasript 103:35 posi, hstather (and his mothe] (cf Hypostace of the Archone 95:16) 20 38 e HnaroeNoc eYM Maase Nolealra NTooTOY MB zMWaATHPION [MIS * zucaamirs’ eyt eooy Nad’ aywilerPat ‘Teyma THPoy fislarreroc cet eooy Nay] —_ayweeeMoy epou ‘e42Mooc AE 2148 OYJoPONOC OYOEIN NNOS NKAOOAE EC- ckelnace RMog* arcooia TnicTIC | ecTceso MMOUY ANETWOON® THPOY ZN TMAzh AYW Ne Mii Aaay Nfiwag’ | 2M TeKACOAE €1 MuTH GMOYNe XeKaac EYNATAMEIO RNTONITA Rin ina TMAiTErO cota MoyNY eB0A* | Nag ga TCYNTEAeIA NHMHYE HXaOc | MN NOYAYNA~ Tmictic ae Teosiacinoray emake [c] AcMOYTe epod €oyNAM| Fimoc napxirencTwp ac acxaagzi6soye|HMOc XIN G00Y eriimay ayMoyTe €oyINAM’ xe AKAIOCYNH Boy? Ae AYMoyire epoc xe Tamia Tek KANCIA NTAMKA/JOCYNK MN TaAIKIa aze ePpaT exR OYCONTS | TH: roy + erse naei6e ayx1| THPOY } HoyKOcMOC A ($55) rar 8492611) (begins at {06:14 aywoyrer 33ie. mOSpe H-I2 be, reopia aenorag. 15 Le. Tawatocynm (Bohligemends this), sf 10616 ‘rama #2 Worl Cope Sounds 38 for pronunciation ofa a5 © 105-32 eaweype Schenke, Bohlig ey maase cep Dticioara Rreoroy Bethge 34 (so -superin. stoke is definite, restored ‘rmorie Bethge, with hesitation icf, 1031 Toots HSRAREROS 12 fed canceled by the copyist 14-15 oyMaMr .. etovR: nat ex Boblig. Beige, utunlely 18-19 oyeuwrs|Tieoy :NoveuNT TROY Em. Betige: oveun® wor! Schenke, Bont i at p35 108:32-106:19 47 the seven virgins stand before her, ' possessing thirty harps, ' and psal- teties and 106 trumpets, glorifying him, And ‘all the armies of the angels slorify him, ‘and they bless him, 34. Now where he sits is upon a "throne of light (within a) great cloud that covers $ him. And there was no one with him ' in the cloud except Sophia (the daughter of) Pistis, ‘instructing him about all the things that exist im the eighth heaven, 'so that the likenesses of those things might be created, in order that his reign might endure "until the consummation of the heavens of chaos ‘and their forces, 35. Now Pistis Sophia "set him apart from the darkness and summoned him to her right, and the prime parent she put at her left. Since that da right has been called ' justice, and left called ' wickedness. Now because Of this they all received 'a realm (Kosmos) in the congregation (ekkiésia) 4... upona creature... all Of justice "and wickednes: 105:39-106:1 posessng thy harps... glorifying him : ext possibly erroneous correc eat posi wile thi (others), possessing harp... lof him 06-18-19... sind... all tet erroneous; correct test porbly where they all stand foundations; this conjectre is party supported by the British Library manuscript 20 2s 30 3s p.1078 Ossi) 48 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD napxirenetur se finxaoc Riralpeyuay eneq ante casawo® 536 AYw nelooy ergnenry® xe yeorn® anexoyela | THPOY Finxacc ag kweeroq> —_ ayw Wralpegewnr’ ayxno Finmoy e8on ei neu Moy aykasicTa MMog. ex TMazcoe | Hmeayrarn® cals@s A- i AYO TeeIze aqxux® E60A Nei RaploMoe ITCoe ToTe MMoy |eqo RoyTsczme agrae MA Teugyere | Auxmo Reagy figure eoyTceMe | NaeiNe FpaNARzooyT’ nkwz meant | npME Maw ezoMnneN- 537 Naci Ae Ne RAN |FINezIOMe mma exvimayS | Aesoycia nxaoc 00¢ nwy Ay/Aae! nie RyTEO ‘Torrn® TAY MH OHAONH | Tay Eom” NeAZoYE THERA THICT>t Tw(N) I avRomonermiNoyerny anova jale nolya xne cau ewere cecire H*emeyifr]® RaAIMaN zoyTCeMe| NoyPaN MA NOYENEFrela KNAZE | €POOY eRiTEXHWME ReOAOMaN | $38 yw finkiro eso,* Nac! zwH. eTSWoon MA casawe acTaMio $39 cag | Waywamic enanoyoy Hzoyrezme| — RpansReooyT Ne acl MeTe Magkwe’ mMaKaploc NoyNods MAAKElNOC METE Maypoonel naranktoc|| netReot’ — Relome ewoy te Nae! Novipan t tPHNHY NoyPaT’ MTEAHA ToMiiT>MaKalPio® TAAHEEIa TA FameTmeTic Ayla €80A 28 Nae OYA 2a2 FINN Naraleon aya & ($36) rar. 08 4926(1) (breaks off at 106:19 erarean), (9837-81) Sig. wazcoe ne eayrayn, 25 Ssh. siiama evimay, 264, reece 35 Sah. neyerny. 36 Sah. iceere. W07:2San ney. ney: Sieramie. 10Sah- neva 22 aqeae copyit fist wrote ay, then cancelled and added g above the line 33 Rctiowe : Rweriome Bethge 269, pos. cghily (yet ef, GTA 51:20 and ThCont 139:38, 13942 Rewtome) 31 wher>t Bohlig 36 al-=-]va read in. photo graphs 107:1 yufeP: + inexplicably cancelled by the copyist yr oF wie the expected form 107:3 mamune Neoronaum: cf. Docesse Secret Books 170-11; Layton Harvard Theol ical Review 9 (1976) 3 n TI; Reitenstein Poimandres 186-87 Sneer>Layion OT Nenaer novraNt emendto Sagi :cagye ireapected aes we novean (hes BOhig) 106:19-107:14 49 36, Thus when the prime parent of chaos ® saw his son Sabaoth and the glory *that he was in, and perceived that he was greatest ofall the authori- ties ' of chaos, he envied him. And ‘having become weatbful he engen: dered Death out of his * death: and he (viz., Death) was established over the sixth * heaven, fox) Sabaoth had been snatched wp from there. ' And thus the number * of the six authorities of chaos was achieved. Then Death, * being androgynous, mingled with his (own) nature * and begot seven androgynous offspring. 37. These are the names of the male ones: Jealousy, Wrath, * Tears, Sigh- ing, Suffering, Lamentation, * Bitter Weeping. And these are the names of the female ones: Wrath, Pain, Lust,‘ Sighing, Curse, Bitterness, Quar- relsomeness. Toey had intercourse with one another, and each ‘ one begot seven, $0 that they amount to 107 forty-nine androgynous demons. ' 38, Their names and their effects you will find ' in the Book of Solomon." 39. And in the presence of these, Zoe, who * was with Sabsoth, created seven ' good androgynous forces. ‘These are the names of the male ones: the Unenvious, ' the Blessed, the Joy(ful}, the True, ' the Unbegrudging, the Beloved, ® the Trustworthy. Also, as regards the female ones, these are their ' names: Peace, Gladness, Rejoicing, Blessedness, ' Truth, Love, Faith (Pistis). And "from these there are many good "and innocent spirits OT: 15 mor posible to identity precy the mork cited here some possibilities ae i cussed by J. Doveise. The Secret Books ofthe Egyptian Gnostes (New York Viking, 1960), 70-171 2s 3s +p. 108" S61) 50 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD NoyanoreneciMa Mi NOYeNEPre!a KNAZE EPOOY 2N|NCXHMA RAF $40 MapMenn® firme eTHinca MniTA HIMHNTCNOOYe napxireneTup ae firapegway AnINe irmicTie 2RRHMOOY AdAY- AA nelemalre Maaicta Stapeq*cwTh areccmi | eceiNe iTworn KeMm ‘TaeienTaziMeyTe eroyeson zfiFiMooy aw | Nrapeyeme xe raeiTe Wraet panjerod.adewezom — aqwine exit req narasa, cle ayw Rrapeqveie naiMe x€ oy8 oyPuME NatMoy FPMOYOEIN goon 2! TeuerH agwtor tpeMaTe XE NE au) NoyTe THROY MA Noyarrexoc | X€ aNOK* Me MNOYTE MiiKeoya | goon axkt Neal OTE rap mHlnwe ReeeiMe xe OYR KEOYA | goon’ 21 reye2n HiceFkararinwexe MMoy roy ac 2w¢ aNolToc aqkaTagronel ArkaTarnwicic AUTOAMA 80, Kac’ eNaNay eney*oyoeIN ayo a nexa xe ewxe oya oon zi TaezH MAPEGOYONE | ayw |RTeYNoy €1¢ OYOEIN ager esoA 2A TMAZiMMOYNE ETHNcA 543 ere ayxwee nfinuyle THPOy mka’ rape narxirenerwp*| Nay ETOYOEIN xe NecwyS eyPPIBoY*| 44 AUFarwpe aywayyineemate —_NTape| moyoeIN oyenz esr ayeite Frume]| ewan eB0a RzhTg* eo anure emalre aay Nay epod® e1MHTI® alnapxireneTwp® oyaad® MN TeMPONCIA | aye fine erfitimag’ — meqsoyoein ae aqsoywnz e80a® | SHayNaMIC THROY NRiTHYe ETRE MaEI| AYWTOPTF THROY e8OA zITOOTTS ‘Tore tnpojNola firapecnay amarreaoc acmeriry| Toys $45, Necoyww ae ASOAXE HrarecrNwtXeo Fineceeie | acnwzt® Ae NeqsMocre RiMoc™ xe Nez MKAKe Muog — Fnecisii com Finecoyoemn’ exh meaz I1SSah. wey-...neys, 16k. rgmarvenotf eugpudvn (si. passim) 19i¢, eR uoay (post. emend hus), 26-27 ie. FHiHOYOENL 29 Sah. Neyarrence. 108:2xAe Sah xexase. 3 Le eyoyoen (Bligemends ha). IDerniaag ie ering Bi ene = added shove he tne 108:1 ov ova goons expected (prob. emend hus) 7 rare: 90 supetin. sticks cou be inscribed above w bees of a orginal imper= fection nthe papyras 107:14-108:19 5 40. Their influences 'S and their effects you will find in * the Configurations oj the Fate of Heaven That Is beneath the Twelve. 41. And having seen the likeness ' of Pistis in the waters, the prime parent grieved very much, ® especially when he heard her voice, ' like the first voice that had ‘called to him out of the waters. And ‘when he knew that it was she who had given a name ' to him, he sighed. He was ashamed on account of his * transgression. And when he had come to ‘know in truth‘ that an immortal man ‘ of light had been existing before him, he was grestly disturbed; ' for he had previously said 'to all the gods and their angels, ® “It is T who am god. No other one ' exists apart from me."" For he had been afraid ‘they might know that another ‘had been in ‘existence before him, and might condemn "him, 42, But he, being devoid of understanding, ® scoffed at the condemna- tion ‘and acted cecklessly. He said, “If 108 anything has existed before ‘me, let it appear, 's0 that we may see its light. 43. And immediately, behold! Light came out of the eighth heaven ' above and passed through all of the heavens 5 ofthe earth 44, When the prime parent ' saw that the light was beautiful as it radi- ated, ‘he was amazed. And he was greatly ashamed. As ' that light appeared, a human likeness ' appeared within it, very wonderful. ® And no ‘one saw it excep: for‘ the prime perent and Pronoia, ' who was with him. Yet its light appeared ‘to all the forces of the heavens. Because of this * they were all troubled by it. 45, Then * when Pronoia saw that emissary (aggelos), she became ‘enamored of him. ' But he hated her because she was on the darkness. + But she desired to embrace him, and she was not ' able to. When she was unable to assuage her love, she poured out her light upon the earth, 20 30 tel 20 2 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD XIMY | Q00Y eTHMay AYMOYTE AMArreAoE ElrmMay xe AAAMY 546 ovoeIn ere neyoywer | ne mPfificNoy HoyoeIN ayw ankaz} Layton kas Aa aaneneripa: forthe incongruous feminine cod ing (-xivm) ef Kasser Kemi 20 (1970) 52, Layton Marsa Theological Review 69 (1976) 52 281 cnios: emend to eno (thus Schenke) 108:3 eRaPABE i.e. Himeros: emaee em. BOblg (comparing Tugoos) Zoyeume a added above te line 108:19-109:22 3 46, Since ™ that day, that emissary has been called ' “Adam of Light,” whose rendering 'is “‘the luminous man of blood,"" and the earth (upon which it (her light)) spread, (has been called) “holy Adamas,"* ' whose rendering is “the Holy Land of Adamantine.”” 47, Since that day, ' all the authorities.have honored the blood of the virgin, ' And the earth was purified on account of ‘the blood of the virgin. 48. But most of all, ' the water was purified through the likeness of Pistis ® Sophia, who had appeaced to ' the prime parent in the waters, Jusily,* then, it has been said: “through the waters."" "The holy water, since it vivifies the all, 109 purifies it, 49, Out of that first blood * Eros appeared, being androgynous. ' His masculinity is Himireris (ie., Himeros), being ' fire from the light. His {emininity® that is with him—a soul of blood—is from ' the stuff of Pronoia. He is very lovely 'in his beauty, having a charm beyond ‘al creatures of, chaos. 50, Then all the gods * and their angels, when they beheld " Eros, became enamored of him. And appearing 'in all of them he set them afire: Just as ‘from a single-lamp many lamps are lit, and one and the same light is there, but the lamp ' is not diminished. And in this way Eros became dispersed in all the created beings of chaos, ' and was not dimin- ished. 51. Just as from ' the midpoint of light and darkness * Eros appeared ‘and at the midpoint ' of the angels and mankind ® the sexual union of Eros \was consummated, so out of the earth the primal pleasure blossomed. ' 108.23 Adams or, Adatnan 30 *p. Lio! (set) 30 4 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD arceme oyazéfiea maz] ayw artramoc oye Nea Tez! $32 Me anYJano oye fica nramec — aNBWA eBOATIT evar ca Fimfinca nepwc |evHMay ATBENEAAAAE toyweerarjesoAcH —— $50 micnousitaynaetG exinkaz eTse MAT NeTYcw iMod wavixro hay Rrenieymia Hrcynoyera | FIMRKIca TeeNeAOOAE ayBeR! Te MENOYBERAAEMEN + oYw ezipaT 2M Mkag Mi MKeCeeme ROHN | kara renoc eyRray nay Rnoylenera eral HewToy eOA 2M m¥cnepa fifiesoycia Mi Noyarrenc | yore TAMAlocyNW ACTAMEIO NMalpaacicoc ENecuyedtinaoAy — $54 Finvyikaoe Fino: MA MRYEAOE Finpw gm] Maz ETPYOH eTSADHMA Kiya ef Taare [fslane aye TeMeyMa 2H TMHTE NIRWHN ENE ‘ewoy eyo NAazac ‘c8oa tf Royww RMNOYTe | 2Finica Mart’ Finmapaacicoc aTregF | yw [N@HN Tune FINATMOY Moe RTaWoywne YYxHHNETOYaae® aeanaToc Nae! | ETRNHY enOA* 2 AMAAcM A qeiitienke ArcyNYTEAeIA FTAKOR —-NeYAN| Ae Fagan Rinone Hee Ginph aywi| NeGKARACENECHOY —_ Neuswee Noe | NNAMRYNA- piccoe —neakapmoc Hee| Niaz ReAoonc eyoyoss — eux ce en wazpat erne yw aroywu MwH(N) [NTNWCIC eyRrag Himay Rraywamic lH —§SS nNoyTe —neyeooy oNee Finooe ew nFrwoy emaTe — ay neqrars Necwoy| — Neqewuse o Nee Anlewwne HkRrE | meaxarnoc o flee fiNlgRNE™ eTNANOYloy NAeEAE Tac! AG ‘eucl nea ait’ Finalpaaicoc aTpey*TWoyN NRPYXH EB0A | 2f1 TEGEY Fiiaamwn xeKaac eyNHy |ELOYN EMuHNY HMONZ ReeoywM® Fl eqearnoc aya NcePkaTaRPINe fillesoycia mA Noyar’reAoc manoreaeciva Sineeignn yon 2fi xiepa biexoe | x6 NTOK ME 586 ide ove ove infitives): Sah. yaad. ovard ef. Funk? a Sli wove, 33-34 S24 Rneyorenas Hoss ue pose neaenrtpyan. 81.8. Rarwoy. 13 ie 28 TeyNTeAeH, je, noraaicoe (Bohlig emende this). 26 Sah. xexaac eve of | Clem. 48:2 [Achminie = Ps 11719 Said explained by Polotshy. 29 Sah. wevarreace. 30k. ravers, ied 2) avoume ovaté fica neat: anooy? ovazg Rea SHAE aTceme ovaré ea neooyrem. Hethge 257 eyacu:em.roovacd ‘MoS ow Liyion 1S ceo reywreneta BOblig meyaw:noyaewem: Schenke 109:22-110:31 55 52, The woman followed earth. ' And marriage followed woman. Birth followedmarriage. Dissolution * followed birth. 53. After that Eros had been shed over ' the earth. Because of this, those who drink of it conceive the desire of sexual union. ® After the grapevine, a fig tree ‘and @ the grapevine sprouted up ‘out of that blood, which ‘pomegranate tree sprouted up from’ the earth, together with the rest of the trees, ‘all species, having within them their seed from the 110 seed of the authorities ane their angels. * 554. Then Justice created Paradise, ‘being beautiful and being outside the orbit of the moon and the orbit of the sun in the Land of Wantonness, in the East in the midst "of the stones. And desire is in the midst of ' the beautiful, appetizing trees. And 'the tree of eternal life is as it" appeared by God's wil, # tothe north of Paradise, so that it might make ' eternal the souls of the gure, ‘who shall come forth from the modelled forms (plas- mata) of poverty ‘at the consummation of the age (aeon). Now the color! of the tree of life is like the sun, And ° its branches are beautiful. Its rapes leaves are like ‘those of the cypress. Its fruit is like ‘a bunch when it is white, Its height ‘goes as far as heaven. 55, And next to it (is) the tree ‘of acquaintance (gndsis), having the strength (dynamis) ® of God. Its glory is like the moon ‘when fully radiant ‘And its branches are beautiful, 'Its leaves are like fig leaves. ‘Its fruit is like a good appetizing date. ' And this tree is tothe north of Paradise, * 50 that it might arouse the souls from ' the torpor of the demons, in order that they might approach * the tree of life and eat of'its fruit and so condemn the ‘authorities and their angels. 56. The effect ® of this tre is described in the Sacred Book, ' to wit: “It is you who are ptt! Bois) as x0 56 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD TMHN RTrNwcie nac!| eTeR maraacicoc naeiNra ngopn’ | Frame INe agPkataxpine * ‘oyomu® aqoyn® amegnoye | auMPre Teua xity® ‘Tgorn® ac SivyxH AcMPre |nepwc ETRNAMac acnuzT* Finecl- HHwWORT Neooy dew | 214% nxale] FinpHTe Azooy enay aye NtnpoNola eTFinea MmiTAl 2 | The ags@x ezpal eneqoyoeIN aya | NTeyNoy 32. nnapaacicoc (Béhlig emends ths), 33 Sah. agovane 15am:Sah, on, 20 Sah, Rneyenoy 23 ie. Resoyers (BOhlig emende thus), 23-24 Sah. weyarrence, 28 i.e Ki ‘exoyeta (Bobligerends tus). novarrenoe Sah. wevarrence, 11:1 o> Layo et 1112 ero0y) 8 ewa> Quecke! 0 nousim, Bobie 2Bancenenna -Aenoyenerua spat ReHroY €80A 8H necmerma Quecke, with hes as ass 10 Ho:31-111:34 31 the tree of acquaintance (gndsis), which is in Paradise, from which the first ‘man ate ard which opened his mind; and he loved his female coun: terpart and condemned 111 the other, alien likeness and loathed him." 57. Now after it, the olive tree sprouted up, ' which was to purify the kings and the ‘high priests of righteousness, who were to S appear in the last days, since ‘the olive tree appeared out of the light’ of the first Adam for the sake of the unguent' that they were to receive. 58. And the first soul (Psyche) loved ' Eros, who was with her, and poured her blood " upon him and upon the earth. * And out of that blood the rose first sprouted up, ‘out of the earth, out of ‘the thorn bush. t0 be a source of joy forthe light that was to appear in the bush. 59, Moreover after this the beautiful, good-smelling flowers ® sprouted up from the earth, ‘different kinds, from every single virgin ‘of the daughters ‘of Pronoia, ' And they. when they had become enamored of Eros, poured ‘out * their blood upon him and upon the earth." 60, After these, every plant sprouted up * from the earth, different kinds, containing ' the seed of the authorities and their ’ angels. After these, the authorities * created out of the waters all species of beast, ‘and the reptiles and birds ' —different kinds—containing ' the seed of the authorities and tveir angels. 61. But before all these, when he had appeared > on the first day. he remained ' upon the earth, something like two days, and ‘left the lower Pronoia in heaven, and ascended towards his light. And ' immediately 116 appeared eut of or appeared in sp.i2! (6086) 5 10 1s 20 58 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD ammaxe une axij meoemole] * tray Toodia ae ere THe inca MmiTH | Mrapecoywy acu oyexoye!a firooré | AtmIcTIC AcTaMIo Nefinos peu YF OYOIeIN MA Ricioy TH: poy ackaay 2fi THe arPoyi oyoein €xm Mmkaz AYW CEXOK EOA BlaRicHMeion AxPONOG MA zRikalPoe Mi | efipfinooye ayw 2hNesaTe Mil tRzooy | mii eNoyaH Mi zRcoycoy MN Mkeceeme|THPGY AyD Aireeize anwa Tueg® Frocmer| viafi te AaAM® ae oyoeiN’ Srapey oyu | asax ezoyn* enteysoyoen ere mac! me | eTmazyMoyne Mineqwem GoM eTee| THRTZHKE Tore] ayramelo Na’ HoyNos 8 AION ayw 2Hi|| TaNNY eTHMay AgTAMIO ReOoY HAIWN | MA NOY- Rrarwz MA neqsoyoeis KocMoc eyeire Ncooy eycorn | anfinkye Fimxacc MA NoyKoCMOe Fleawg. kos NECIAION AE THPOY MAI NOYKOCMOE eygoon” zHineTe Mire ApHxy> || e4oYTe TMazMMOYNE MA TxACE ETRMITA RMoc eyHN™ MA MkocMoc ere na TyMiirenKe ne ewe Koywy eeme Hralaloecic NNAEIKNAZE EPC ECCHE eH Mazicawa NkocMoc figieraaiac menroou|Tuc 2a Tezk ae Hare AAAM ROYOEIN FIANAXwPel 7 MxAOC ANESOY- cia nay erog® aycuse Sica napxirenetwr’ xe axe GOA eux (962) par. 08 4926(1) (begin at 112:3 Srmeri, breaks offea.112:10 ArareuovEs) areata ($46) par, On 4926(1) (egos at 112:27 narxireneren) Mie exe 112:8 Sah ayo scexox, Tis, renerare, 10 ie, Royoen (Belg emends thus). 13 Le, Sraxrae (BOblig emends thus). 16-17 Sah.ney-...wey [7 aniinwye: Sth aimaye 16-19 Sah, neycoonoe, 24 Sah, eraninc 34 ani ho aa can be rad se tine 1122 xext: ax1 Funk: cf 98:18 sroorg rea in photographs 3 F ovo readin photogeapht rea'¥ oyoem: oviaclmaylelifel O:4926(1) Saye cexue :Regere (0149261) Saye... Peocmer: shorter ext but mostly in lacun) in OF.4926(1) mgogmote] mole] exceeding lters, writen below 30 ges 565 566 1i34-112:28 59 darkness covered all the universe. 112 62, Now when she wished, the Sophia who was in the lower heaven * received authority from ' Pistis, and fashioned great luminous bodies ‘and all the stars. And she put them in the sky to $ shine upon the earth and to render ' tempora! signs and seasons and years and months and days "and nights and moments and so forth. ' And in this way the entire region upon the sky was adorned. 63. Now when Adam of Light conceived the wish ' to enter his light— i.e. ' the eighth heaven—he was unable to do so because of the poverty that had mingled with his light. Then "he created for himself a vast eter- nal realm (acon). And within that eternal realm he created six etemal realms "and their adornments, six in number, that were seven times better! than the heavens of chaos and their adoraments. (64, Now all these eternal realms and their ‘adornments exist within the infinity ® that is between the eighth heaven and the chaos below "it, being ‘counted with the universe that belongs to poverty. 65. If you (sg.) want to know the arrangement 'of these, you (sg.) will find it written in the Seventh ' Universe of the Prophet Hieralias. * 66, And before Adam of Light had ‘ withdrawn in the chaos, the authori- ties saw him ‘and laughed at the prime parent because he had "lied when he said, 20 35 spt 161 89.) 5 25 Cy noymaacma accuise Hea Toyrnoma xe 2 ATCooyN ayTaMiog® erooy oyalay aye) CecooyNaN xe oY TE eroynalag cana Tame | nOyRAAEMA Hee eqNaKATAgPONE! ze uNanoyeM® ePooy | ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD HiMoc xe anok’ ne nnoyire MX Aaay goon e1TaeeH Rrapoye! yallroq’ nexay xe MH TaeIne MNOYTE RraziTaKo M567 Nfierron adoywwsnexagxefeze> ewxe TeTROYww xe- Kac Neq’aHi| GoM fitaKo RinNepron amwerTh mapalTameio NoyPa> Me eson 2H mkazkata | TAKONY HMRcoMa® ayw Kata nee * Fin NGUMQe NaN xeKAace mH euwalN)INay EMIeYYeINe RgME- rerrg’ —oyketignalraco Hniepron AAA NeTOYNaxmO. oy [e804 2H MOYOEIN NTNaay NZMZEK NaN || EM MXPONOG THT Fe naci ac | THryY Rraq‘wome kata THPONOIA Rrmilcric WINAENPE- — 5 65 Me NAoYUNZ EBOA* NiNazPH MEYSEINE Fiyka TAKPINE FiMOOY | E8OA 24 ayo MoymAacMa || aqwone HXOAxK Hnoyoein Tore Nelsoycia ayxiNitrnwcic atpoyramie|mpume — acF fo gor’ erooy Hei Teogia|zwm fe] racer \zarRcasawes ayo NEeYENE 2A} OYMRT- Ala ToyTO™ ACF Worm erooy AcTAMIO |Noph’ RinecraMme wna §70 IMooy ayw Areer Hiamio Ae Finredramo Ntaqgane Ajrecize —TeopIa Nra- a7 PecNoyxe RoyTAITAE OYOEIN Aczate Exh MMOOY NTeYINOY ampa> Me oywNz 680A e4o RzoyT CME TAHA eTlimay acFrymoy fIMoc worn ANoycoma Nezme Ag MaRewe acPrymoy MMoc eM nculMa Heine NrMaay RTazoywne (§67)pap. 014926(1) breaks of at 112534 st meas) 368-79) 09 9 Sah ney. ney. 1 Sah. reyrunm (6-175e, eroynaane ie. meymaaena. 2544 oyoen (Bong emends tus), 2Sie rrKtAe, 26i.,sagorM (Bahlig emends thes) Coyewn, 20K Naa “BH @@ 07492601) 29erapoyer-rore eafyotazolys Or4926(1) 35 meme s1 adéedabove the ine 115313 fepeanclied by the copyist, 28-26 acFrynoy shoe : AeFrynay Ritoy (ie Smooy) em. Behge 112:28-113:28 61 “It is I who am God, 'No one exists before me.”” 67. When they came to * him, they said, “Is this not the god who * ruined our work?” He answered and said, ' “Yes. If you do not want him to be able 'to ruin our work, come let us ‘create a man (ie., human being) out of earth, according to the image (eikdn) of our body and according to the likeness 113 of this being (viz., Adam of Light), to serve us; s0 that when he (viz., Adam of Light) ' sees his likeness he might become enamored of it. No longer will he ' ruin our work: rather, * we shall make those who are born out of the light our servants * for all the AYEWARS EFOAS NRPYXHHeABAweS 576, ayw erse Nae! arecwn eToyaas’ | a00c xe awaelayuHreTmanae!’ — epi Juli neg [. Jaci eTRNKY AMSHAACMA IHesoycIa xoleic exA Scwnt’ troy ayw NaeINe Ntay|PaxMaawrize fi Mooy Kata KAKPOC ElBOA ZITA MAPXIeNeTwRY — ayw ATeeIze| ayor‘noy ezoyn eNgTexwoy ANMAacIMa fH 2fi TeyN*TeAeIa mater t 25 nkallpoc ac eniMay Tore amaPxIFENETOP | Aut OYrNOMH A neTiiiMag’ eTse npwlMe — TOTE amoya mova ReHToy NoY.xe 15 neg*cnepma exh Taare Nezine Hinae TE:14-15 Le, AAAa ania (BEdligemends this) Sie. anexovcia (Bethgeemends hs) Die iwerniaay. 28:6. frexre T1418-16 ci noylog <--->: main clause accidently ited noveg em, Behge femoving est tom lie | and ranspsingitoline 1617.1 opyist wrote and then cancelled a fate sant of © or © 24 fH ef TeyH reAeia Be ranwn f: this phrase i pos. a gloss not part of author's text desiced sensei ot appar tnt: a reynTenera Sinanon em, Bohl 113:28-114:29 63 ‘And she finished it in twelve months. ® An androgynous human being was produced, ‘ whom the Greeks call Hermaphrodites; ‘and whose mother the Hebrews call ‘Eve of Life (Eve of Zoe), namely, the female instructor ' of life, 173. Her offspring is the creature ™ that is lord. Afterwards, the authori- ties 114 called it “’Beast,"* so that it might lead astray ' their modelled reatures (plasmata), ‘The interpretation of “the beast” 'is “the instruc- tor.”” For it was found to be the wisest ‘of all beings, 74. Now, Eveis the first® virgin, the one who without a husband bore her fist offspring. “Its she who served as her own midwife. 15. For' this reason she is held to have said:' “Ibis who am she part of my mother: And ts | who am ‘the mother. Itis I who am the wife; 11 is I who am the virgin. © Itis I who am pregnant; It is { who am the midwife. It is I who am the one that comforts pains of travail Itis my husband who bore me; And/ itis I who am his mother, And it ishe whois my father’ and my lord. It is he who is my force; What he desires, he says with reason. Lam in the process of becoming; Yet ‘Shave bore a man as lord. 76. Now these through the will! {...), ‘The souls! that were going to enter the modelled forms (plasmata) of the authorities were manifested 10 Sabaoth and his Christ. ‘And regarding these the holy voice said, **Mul- tiply and improve! Be lord” over all creatures."" And itis they who were * taken captive, according to their destinies, by ' the prime parent. An thus! they were shut into the prisons of the modelled forms (plasmata). Or: at the consummation of the age (aeon). 7. And at thst time, * the prime parent then ' rendered an opinion con- cerning man to those who were with him. ‘ Then each of them cast ‘his, sperm into the m dst of the navel of" the earth. [4213-17 Now tet... were manifested to Sabaoth and his Christ: some words pos: by ome here in enor: ov ese the ext has been darranged, the correc tet being Now thi manifested through the will of Sabsoth sn his Christ tothe sous that were going ‘0 114:24 08. ..ftheage (aon): the et ofthis sentence i erroneous “ ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD 30 x1M @00y eTHMay arama HaPIXON FoAacce HmPoME ented: cama [MeN eINe finoycuma medveme ae euYeive finpome Rraz- OyENe E80 Nay! MeYMAAEMA aqwoNe K[alra MePoE Hinoya 38 Moya NOYNos Ac AgrAMele| NerkeOaAon mA naTKAG Hiiiewe|+ agoywne eB0a zac aregrezn} — aquune * Floy- fame FiyyxKOe — ayw aYMOYTE erou xe AaaMY ere nacre newt kara [mean finer’21Teq°er 163 80) 5 Rirapoyaor ae Siaaam® ageaau SNoyeKeyoc eagx! Moplon Hee Aueoyze EMA nNeyMa NewTd>| — eT8e MeeIwe Arare MNOS K APxUN]| FmMceye Hinyaxe RrmeTic agF zore | minac Rai et MPR Me €zoyn eneysinaacma Rap xoeic exmg 10 eTwe Maciadsixw Mne4mAacMa Heme Rzooy xwPIc|¥YXH ay AW’anaxureraqeaad’ — cimylaz}ame ae Rzooy arcogia HizoH TRINOOY | Finecniye ezoyN aaAAM Mae! ETE MB | YY XH A Is Moy — agapxerNkmeixmimeaz|| ayo Mmequeh com. eTwOYN, nieag® | Ae Rarxwn Wrapoye! ayNay €POg® aYigTOPTF ema Te aytmeyoyoes ezoyn erou® ayemacte fiMod™ 20 XAG inuige ETReHTG xe HrOK NIMS ayw HifroK*e! E#OA TON ag oywayd | nexad® xe Rracie! E#OA eITA TayNalMic Hi ayo ne RpwMe eTue Tako HneTNePIroN (80)r0P, 08 (§8i-89}oar 261) begins ca. 115:4 ea, Pbreaks off at 115:9 Ruf xoeH0) 31 Sah mneyeons. 34 Sah. none 36i.e.ea Tevean 11S:A Sah. es oyereyee. 8 i.e 2iiza he, cf om 106-28, 10-20 Sah. raves (Bete emonds thus). 20 ena: Sh. eneeata. 36 ayoyune fry can also be read w: oy reed from small, ambiguous aces <2>a 1/$:6.¢r4e neeicoe: Iacana in Or.826(1),t00 short fortis pase 1125 as definite, super. stroke restored ma sim rest. Wisse: the word wae ‘musthave extended far ito the Hah margin and may ave been writen san afterthought 18 nexaq: forthe abrupt silt to sagula cf HypArch 88:3 and Layton Harvard Theo logical Review $9 (1976) 30 9.41 nexay en. Bolig i738 a $80 $81 a8 114:29-115:23 65 78, Since that day, the seven rulers 2 have fashioned (plassein) man ‘with his body ' resembling their body, but his likeness ' resembling the man that had appeared to them.‘ His modelling (plasma) took place by parts, ‘one at atime, And their leader fashioned ® the brain and the ner- vous system. 79, Afterwards ‘he appeared as prior to him. He became 11S a soul- endowed (pspkthikos) man, And he was called ' Adam, that is, “father."” according to the name of the one that existed before him. 80, And when they had finished ' Adam, he abandoned him as an inani mate vessel (skewos), since he had taken form * like an abortion, in that no spirit was in him, ‘Regarding this thing, when the chief ruler‘ remembered the saying of Pistis, he was afraid‘ lest the true man enter his * modelled form (plasma) and become its lord. 81, For this reason he " left his modelled form (plasma) forty days without ' soul, and he withdrew and abandoned it. Now on the fortieth ‘day, Sophia Zoe sent ‘her breath into Adam, who had no soul. He began to move upon the ground, '$ And he could not stand up. 82. Then when the seven rulers came, they saw him and ' were greatly disturbed, They went up to him and seized him. And he (viz.. the chief ruler) said to ' the breath within him, “Who are you? And * whence did “T have come from the force ‘you come hither?"" It answered * and sai (aynamis)'of the man for the destruction of your work.’** 14:36 appearegas prior 1 him: text erroneous 2s 30 35 p16! (16488) 66 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD <-++> Rrapoycwthl ay eooy Nag® Ma nroovy eToviilentg> — ToTe aYMoYTe Edooy ETHiMay | xe TA namayere RTePOYNaY ae EAAAM® | xe FineuTwoYN ayPawe ayurra® | ay kaaqefnmapaacicoc — ayw ayFalnaxwres ezpat enoysinnye MAilea neooy KTaNanaycie aTcodia | xooy NzuH Tecqecre ey: xe auth Nay HTON eoPTe xe ayHTON HMOOY | €80A 2H OYzICE MoyTe | eroc xe eyza ewe rey TaMo aTPEciToyNOC AAAMY mae! eM YYKH HenTd | XeKAae NeTeWNa xoOY [e]yNawwine HarreIoN Rimoyolei® Aitjalple * evea way erecwsPeme eynwx® acui | erwe za- rwoynaxiinkaz —sirey- firape aaa rap’ || TWOYN A, pog’ — aywnexac xe aaaM’ ane! Noy anecwalxe game floyerron TeyNoy agoVeN HNeWeAAS| —-RrapeUNa epoc Mexad xe ATO. eynamoyire ero xe THaay HNETONZ xe NToOneTacit Nae! ‘Tore ayTame flexoycia®| X€ NOYTAACMa ONE AYW AUTWOYN aylatortF emate’ ay xooy cagy’ Napxar rence aTroynay enentazqume ayellwaasam — RTapoynay eeyea ecwaxe whiMag® mexay fi Noverny xe voy Te TeEIrMoyoeIN ‘TeNoy aMblerTl MapRemazte i oy|ne e80A Nan 2h moyen Moe Rrfinoye |FiinRicnerma epoc xexaac ecwaawell| Rinecwei som’ RewK® ezpaT enecovoesiy)| aAAANETScNaxmooy cenaF- zymoracce | NaN MinPrrRxooc se HAAAM — XE OYESOA|ReHTHaNTIE AAA Maphicine Hoyaye |ezral exigs — ayw Maplircesou 2¥i nea‘lamke 305: eweymmy. 16:9 Sah. neyanaena, 13Seh, Revers. 13-146. yyoen. Isis. eceme. Bes. some words aceidenly omited (Bethge explains thes) 27 eR awaveice em, Bethge, prob. rightly 38 xnooy readin expected (poss. emend hus) SH ew vam > ex mueyna. em, Bethge 364, with hesitation photogeaphs 36m. rest. Bohlig 116:21 anne: an teem. Behge #83 sae 535 586 sas 19 115:23-116:23, 67 83. (...) When they heard, they glorified him, since he * gave them respite from the fear and the anxiety in which they found themselves. * Then they called that day ' “Rest™” (anapausis), in as much as they had rested from toil 84. And when they saw that Adam ‘could not stand up, they were glad. ‘and they took him ‘and put him in Paradise. And they withdrew ® up to their heavens. 85, After the day of rest Sophia ' sent her daughter Zoe, being called * Eve, as an instructor in order that she might ' make Adam, who had no soul, arise > so that those whom he should engender might become ' con- tainers (aggeia) of light. 86. When 116 Eve saw her male counterpart prostrate she had pity * upon him, and she said, “Adam! Become alive! * Arise upon the earth!" Immediately her word ' became accomplished fact. For Adam, having * arisen, suddenly opened his eyes. ' When he saw her he said, ““You shall be called ' ‘Mother of the Living." For it is you who have ' given me life.” 87. Then the authorities were informed * that their modelled form ind they " wese greatly troubled. They sent seven archangels '1o see what had happened. (plasma) was alive and had arisen, 88. They came ‘to Adam. When they saw Eve talking to ' him they said to one another, “What sort of thing is this luminous woman? ' For she resembles that likeness which appeared ' to usin the light. Now come, et us lay hold of her and cast our ' seed into her, so that when she becomes soiled ' she may not be able to ascend into her Tight. Rather, those whom she bears will be under our charge. 89, “But let vs not tell Adam, for he is not one * of us, Rather let us bring a deep sleep "over him. And letus instruct him in his sleep T1573...) some words (pohly several semtences) may have heen erroneously ome 116:20-21 forte is not one of ue tt possibly erroneous: correct tet possi for she is rotone of | 30 3s spur 165 Bo.) 5 10 6 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD 2we ewxe Aracuwne euor 2 | ney crip xexaac eTeczme NaPey- nofracce™ RyP xoeic eroc Tore eyza eciyoon* WayNamic accuse Rea ToyrNuiMmY act 490 eAACTH eNOyEAA ackw MMay |Nineceie Nxloye aTOyRaaaM™ ceux’ |ezoyNenganAtrnwcie acew Rmay || Srooy Ac 591 ayoyme Rewe acoywn2 €jsoA Nay xe ACHUKY E2OYN EMGHNY ACP] HN Rrapoygame Ac [e]HI OyNOS HleFre aynor* es0A Ror BFPE Fnitcwe fr{aploynnde 28 Teye aye! ezoy(n) fafa] se Alaa’ alyw Stapoynay anine situs * eatoord aygrortF ey. Meeye Xe TAe!| Te eYeA HAANOINH AYWAYPTOAMA —aye!| ezoyn* waroc ayemazTe MMoc ayNoyixe Hnoycnerma ezral awe ayaac 2ii|| OYMATMANOYFrOc EY AWA OY MOINONGYCKWE AAA 993 2H oycwny’ eylaweli Rregraric Hinecerooy Nwopn® | Nrazwaxe Ni May xe oy MeTwoOOM® | zi TeTREeH aTPOY Awe NNETAW AIMOC xe err mwjaxe ey.xm0 MMogy | 2H TCYN*TEAEIA ZITA TPOME RAAHEEIE ayo aYFMAaNa ENCECOOYN AN] xe Wray xaM MoyCwMA TINE ne Fimayxaznd HeiNesoycia 2eMOr™ NIM | MRiNOArFEADE cw Ryorn* Hasea|esoa zhingorn™Napxan aywnkeceeine 495 Rupe Stacanooy 217A Teague | Resoycias Mf NoyarreAge (90) par. 02 4926(1) (begins ca, 116:26 accwse) ($91) rar, On.4926(1) (breaks ofa 16:30 Acovune), (9592-95) ar 26-27 Soh Teyrnwna..eneyHan 27 Sah. act enoeris 14 Sah Bnevenersa 13-15 Sah. neyeuna...wevarrenos. 8 Sah, neyarresoe. TT eotanay “ewe without ay) OF492641) 29 may awry 01492661) 32 [eH is definite, supertin. stoke restored 33 re: emend lo fahne.o¥ poss. eRe (hus BéAlig) aphs AS gla} test Wisse alan ayo sim. Bohl ih heshation 9 Bethge 374 ua coun arrovauin Bethe 116:23-11 7218 69 to the effect that she came from ‘his rib, in order that his wife may obey, and he may be lord over her." 90, Then Eve, being a force (dynamis), Laughed at their decision. * She put mist into their eyes and secretly left'her likeness with Adam. 91, She entered ' the tree of acquaintance (gndsis) and remained there. °® And they pursued her, and she revealed ' to them that she lad gone into the tree and tecome a tree. Then, entering a great * state of fear, the blind creatures fed. 92, Afterwards, ' when they had recovered from the daze, they came ® {to Adam; and seeing the likeness of this woman 117 with him, they were ‘greatly disturbed, thinking it was she ‘ who was the true Eve. And they acted rashly; they came ‘up to her and seized her and cast' their seed upon her 93. They did so * wickedly, defiling not only ‘in natural ways but also in foul ways, * defiling first the seal of her voice —that had spoken with them, saying, “* What is it that exists ' before you?”” —intending to defile those who might say " at the consummation (viz, of the age) that they had been bom of the true man through verbal expression. 94, And they erred, not knowing ‘that it was their own body that they had defiled: it was the likeness that ‘ the authorities and their angels defiled in every way. 95. First she was pregnant with Abel, ‘by the first ruler. And it was ' by the seven authorities and their angels ‘that she bore the other offspring. 116.3 the blind creatures ed: oe manatript has erroneously} ed 1178-9 ex presi eroncous:corect tea possibly saying, "(Do you nat know) what it ie hatexies before you? QNsy is iiposile to dele 20 35 ust 60) 70 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD act ae | THs aggume KATA THPONOIA MmapIxineNeTuP xeKaac ‘Twopn® fimaay jecaxmo zat N2Hre Romepma Nim | euTIE egFzaPMo- ce ezoyN* exIMarIMeNH RMKoCMOC ME NECEXHMA ay TAIKAIOCY- AyoIONOMIa une | eTEE EYEA KEKAAC FiMAacMa NesoyCIa | eYNawwTe HXOAXK FinoyoeIN —Tolre qNaPRATAKPINE HMOOY ZI: Tinoyinaacma, wom ge flaaam® fire moyloem oynNeyMaTIKOE ne [es0a fingopn’ Hzooy —nMazcnay |HaaaM’ oyPYXIKOe Te — ayoywne E8041 Hinmaz{coloy Rrooy nei eToymoyire rou nMazgomT |Waaam oyxoTKoe ne ete nacine | Ayoyene, ale aleroaerrn TFRGNOMOC Nrazoy[anz) eBo[A] 2m | MMazwMoyN Aeooy [. 35Y.. ranal*nayeie Hrmlirenke TAel eTOYMOYTE | POC xe ZHMEPA HAIOY auxro Tug’ ae ume ae Fin xoikoe NaAAM AUaWeE! AGXUK® ESA | gral fiewTe> RwteTOPIA NIM® Alyy xKOC Ha aaM® new’2h oylaRrarcooyn® Mufiiewe twa xooc | Nrapoynay Ae eFoY® Hei NAPXON Mi | TET Niwags eynAaNa 28 OyMRTaT |cooYN Hee HNITENN AYPAwE Hi nyast > rapoyeie xe mpume HaTMoy quaFirapasa aN erooy aAAa eyNaBnke? 2olre 2n7é firenTazk HN aygToPTP melxay xe ($95) rar, 8492641) begins (697) Par, On 492441)(117:24 7, ofthe word ayorconoma), (998-20 Pa", 11720 aenase) 125 ie. enoryer (Bethge emends ths). 2 1183S be. nyyexee (Batligemenes thas) bie. vera Suh. meymaacna. Ti mmnocnoe = prob. nofyxecmoe] Or4926(1) 32 amaeleoloy soo wim. west. Wisse: Le. Hudpa ‘Aqpobing, dies Venris (et 11283)re1. Gen 126-21: nuarlerojoy Reooy rst. Bchlig 33.afe cenwra}broace -rwce> Bethge (caging waelero}oy at 117-32) 36 wien ran] Wisse, sim. Bethge 18:8 ey poss erend to ay 0.<--->fraray Bethge 386, with hesitation Scherke? HOT xe coy MoNOND. anAA 596 sor 598 499 $100 so 11718-11813, nm 96, And all this "came to pass according to the forethought (pronoia) of the prime parent, ® so thet the first mother ' might bear within her every seed, ‘being mixed and being fitted to the fate ' of the universe and its configurations, and 't0 Justice. 97. A prearranged plan (oikonomia) came into effect * regarding Eve, so that the modelled forms (plasmata) of the authorities * might become enclosures of the light, whereupon ' it (viz., the light) would condemn them through their‘ modelled forms. 98. Now the first Adam, (Adam) of Light, *is spirit-endowed (pnewma- tikes), and appeared ® on the fist day. The second * Adam is soul-endowed (psykhikos), ané appeared ' on the sixth day, which is called * Aphrodite. ‘The third “ Adam is a creature of the earth (khoikos), that is, # the man of the law, and he appeared on ' the eighth day [... the} tranquility (anapausis) 1180f poverty, which is called ' Sunday (hémera Héliow). 99, And the arogeny of the ‘earthly Adam became numerous and was completed, * and produced within itself every kind of scientific informa- tion of the soulendowed Adam, But all were in ignorance. 100, Next letme say ‘that once the rulers had seen him andthe female creature who was with him erring ignorantly 'Iike beasts, they were very glad. 101...) When they learned that the immortal man was not going to’ neglect them, rather that they would even have to fear ' the female creature that had turned into a ree, they were disturbed, and they said," 118.10 some words (possibly several sentences) may have Ben evroneously omied here 20 2s sp.nist 16788.) to n ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD Munwe nacine mpume faAHsJoeiNoc Tae! eNTAct AOCTH NaN ayw AUTEELON eT2€! ENTAYXAZMEC ECINE | FIMOG WINA EYNAXPO EPON Tore ay x1] cyMBOYAION Kincamd® eyea 2RNOygonoc —-Mexay Nags] Xe QHNNIMS eTeN Mapaacicoc ayerezoyn’ wa alaan’ mit RTayCONETOy NATH eyOVOM MOyKAPTIOS cic epie epwrh inFoywm™| eBoA Newry — ewame TeTNaoyam TelrNamoy enoyesoyera ‘rolre ayet Hei nease napapooy THPoy | maeiWrayMoyTe e- rod. xe TeHPION | ANAC Xe OY HeNTA MNOYTE | XOOg NATH Texac xe Agxooc xe oY MONON xe gH | ac Aire Rrapoyt nay oyNos Méosoc | ayFanaxaper ezrat aye Rrapegnay enine Nroymaay [eyza* me- xe finFoyws e6on 2Fi nga(e) | Atrmwcre FinPoyem eso{a flgurg’ aAAa| Rnpxwe epoy> wna x[e Nel Moy Mexay|NagxcwnPBzoTe — tRNoyMoy eTeTNalMloy aN’ dooolyis rap xe eTeTHoywn* * 80a RewTa’ MeTANOYE NAP Nige ava| TeTRNagane Roe fININOYTe ETETRICOOYNNTAIagora> eTwoons oyre fiinonbpoc Frame MAflarseoc — Ntagixe maesrar NTR egFeone! xe NeTRoywM eBOX zHTYY eyea ae acearrel| anwaxe Finpegramo — acewat® exoyn| 2m TaN AcNAY epog xe NEcay ay] OYAEZAZ TE ACMEPITY —_ACX! e804 2m) Meykarnoc acoywm® wag’ TOTE AMOYNOYE | OYON Act Rinecklelzai agvoyo Rrapoyoywn rap anoyoein | (s 0#)ear,20R#92601) (epi at 119-7 ezoy, Leaks off at 119:16 RrapoyNay) [Hie enocri (éligemends thus). 156. eeeme: sie. 26 ovgotoe, 19 Le. nmaraacieoc (Bohligemends thus). 20 Sah, yew ney. eammoe. 24 Sah. enevesoveia 27Sshrireymaay. 33ie 2 eyo. 19:11 Sah, aneywore 20 eyorasovum eyeoyan' em. Bele? with hesiaton 32ef Gen 33 {va uh dodvnse 33 nae: cf. Gen 3:3 elm 6 Org: als palace rapically possible is way wn no soperlin. stoke was writen abovens 33-34 Gen 38-5 06 bawdy droBaveie- iB yép 119:)0-11 neceieat cf Gen 36 xi dvi abs 102 suo 118:13-119:12 B “Perhaps this is the true man '—this being who has brought a fog upon us and " has taught us that she who was soiled is like him—and so we shall bbe conquered!” 102, Then * the seven of them together laid plans. They came up to Adam ' and ve timidly: they said to him, * “The fruit of all the trees created for you in Paradise ® shall be eaten; but as for the tee ‘of acquain- tance (gndsis\, control yourselves and do not eat from it. If you eat you" will die.”” Having imparted great fear to them ' they withdrew up to their authorities 103. Then came the wisest of all creatures, "who was called Beast. ‘And when hesaw the likeness of their mother ‘Eve he said to her, “*What did God * say 10 you (pl.y? Was it ‘do not eat from the tree " of acquain- tance (gndsis;'2" She said, ““He said, ‘Not only "do not eat from it, but do not touch it, lest you (3g.) die.’ He said ' to her, “Do not be afraid. In death you (pl.) shall not * die. For he knows that when you eat 119 from it, your intellect will become sober and ' you will come to be like gods, * recognizing the difference that obtains between evil ' men and zood ones, * Indeed, it was in jealousy that he said this to you, so that you * ‘would not eat from it.” 104. Now Eve had confidence ' in the words of the instructor. She gazed 'at the tree and saw that it was beautiful and ' appetizing. and liked it; she took some of! its fruit and ate it; and she gave some also to her hus- band, ' and he too ate it, Then their intellect ‘ became open. For when they had eaten, the light » a5 30 (580) ” ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD Rrrnweie F oyoeIn Nay kakazHy] atnocie Rrapoyt awloy Fingine ayeme xe Ney: firapoyFNN@e ayNay erooy | xe CeKaKazHy AYMPre NoyerhY —_Rralpoynay ANOYTAAGTHE eyo FMOPgH | ROH FION aYCIXANE epooy —ayeime emaire ‘Tore Napxwn Wraroyeime xe aymalraga RToyENTOAN aye! 2h OY KHTO | MRNoyNos RAMeIAH EZOYN® ERMAlPAACICOC WA AAAMS MA Tore |aaaam MiiNeyza aywTorTF eware | AYKOM 2a NHN ETE maPaaet Neyza etpoynay | enanoreaccma Hreokecia coc] Tore HaPXWN FinoyeIme xe eYTAN| Nexay Xe AAaMS Texagxe tHNEeMA — eTBe TeTRFTE ae azKun® | ‘rapipire’ — nexay ae wag’ 28 oYyMHtTIaTcOOYN xe NIM MeNTAEKO nak linge Rrax*raag 2woxs e1miri xe | Koya enoJa 24m wis nexaq! xe Tezim{e) HraK*Taac wae! FToC MENiract nae! actoyan aad’ acoywai melaac xe mpey‘tamo nentazToscT® azit oven torle nexaly Blrly * xe oy me mae! Fira: Tore ANAPXUN E1wa NPEYTAIMO — ANOYBAA* F ZADETH EROA ZH TooTg. | BNoYWER GOMAPAaay Nad’ — aycoyzwry®|zwc EVO A- Himivicwe ayer wa TeziMe aycoyewre MENEcwHPE — FMRC | Tezme® aycz0yup’ aAAM™ Mii TKAZ ETEHTG™ | MAURIKAPRO® — AYW 29 wim KrayTaMiolloy aYCzOywrOY MAAaay NeMoy Rroolroy MN GoM Nicexme ara@on 80a zhi (65 105-108) pap 20 Sah. Rreyenroan. 21 Le. wR oyMOS. 22 ie MA eyea. 24 ie mA eye 25 ie mapaacicoc (Bahlig emonds thus). 27-28 faweenea : Sah. efi neesea 120:4 Sah, aneyan, 3a Ryan: wis define, supe, stoke [bes rest Wiese 32 ef Gen 31 dnd 208 Bow. ares 20:8 eroyan 2 added above the ine 05 5106 07 S108 119:13-120:12 8 of acquaintance (gndsis) had shone upon them. When they clothed ‘them selves with shame, they knew that they were naked ' of acquaintance (gnoiis), When they became sober, they saw that ‘they were naked and became enamored of one another. When! they saw that the ones who had ‘modelled them had the form ' of beasts, they loathed them: they were very 105. Then when the rulers knew that they had broken ® their command- ments, they entered Paradise ' and came to Adam and Eve with earthquake and great threatening, ' to see ' the effect of the aid (bogtheia). Then * ‘Adam and Eve trembled greatly ® and hid under the tees in Paradise. * ‘Then the rulers did not know where they were ' and said, ‘"Adam, where are you?" He said, “I am here, for through fear of you I hid, * being ashamed.”” And they said to him ignorantly, * "Who told you about ' the shame with which you clothed yourself?—unless ' you have eaten from that tree!" ‘gave to me and [ate you have done?" She answered and said, ‘me on, and? He said, | “The woman whom you gave me—it is she that ‘Then they said to the latter, 120 “*What is this that ‘vis the instructor who urged 106. Then the rulers came up to the instructor. ' Their eyes became misty because of him, 3 and they could not do anything to him. They cursed him, ' since they were powerless. 107. Afterwards, they came up to the woman * and cursed her and her offspring. After‘ the woman, they cursed Adam, and (cursed) the land because of him, “and the crops; and all things that they had created " they cursed. 108. They have no blessing, ' Good cannot result from ‘evil 16 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD nim 900 ETFmay aNexOYIcIa eMme Xe AANOWE OY HETAOOP 215 109 |Toveen —Neycooyns anime e1muti xe || HnoyFrHPeIroyeNTO- AM ayf oyNos |Nkwz ezoyN emkocmoc MONON eTBe | nrwMe N= aTMoy rape NarxuN Ae Nay |eMOyAAAM™ aqwume ENKErNwoIC Ay! §110 oywa aFneipacefimoys — ayewoye’ elzoyn® RATENOOYE THPOY Mi Rioupion | Finkaz Mai fleaaate ire ayRroy a aaaM xe eyenay Rrrapeq'nay erooy> aut ran XE GNAMOYTE EPOOY Xe | NIM ewoylericma® AYWTOPTP XE AGPNHGE E8OA | Rarwnia NIM Ast aaaMy — ays IIT ‘cwoy? ayia! CYMBOYAION Rexay x 1c aaaM®| aqwume Hee Oya e80n* MON aTPedNeme RTAIAgoPA FMOYOEINMN Make Te Noy Munwe Reef 2XX Mou” Nee || Man FiTrNwcIC Ry! ON e- Loyn |enyin® Finwnie AoYwM eBOA ReHT4® | Aygaome NaTMoYS uF xoferc] Aaxaraloroner AMON AysaslwaN MIN MANElOOY twela] MiiWewe yuagik]araKrine fiMfON MA MRKo}cMoc AMT ii mapinoay® * €20a 2h mapaseicoc emrh exh maz | mma, enTayfitd e8OA NawTY> XeKaac ANEGWSH Gow. xin TeNoY AoYuN Aaay Reovlo €r0n paaicoe mit reqeime ayw fireere ayNoyx* aaamesoa 2finmas aye fine maleirewe Amooy Arayaaq anda fitayF col: pe re ayerezoyn emgun sinwnz ayTkTO | Nefinog NzPre epou (§110)rar. 70449261) 2 begs ca 12:23 rarewmay) 111) par. 708 492601) (7 oreaks off a (20°31 fa 8112-13" 4-15 Sah. Teyan, .revewrone, 18Saheneyaaas, 23-24 Sah, eneveriona, 27 ie. Rova (Mihigemends thus) exon Rew. 30 Le, yer 33; neneooy. rrcma: [eniowa] taroly == 1708482641) 25 are arngons em. Bete poss, rightly 29 smnwe: used like wrote: (+--+ minorfe ===] OF492611): cf Gen 322 LXX pinore 32 sm, rest. Boblig 33 rest. Bablig 34 sim. rest. Bote Tig avaT- + is definite, superlinear ke restored —-M-38 fon MH ---] res Bohlip 35 [-+=nfkolguoc Layton (ef 1203): [---mnolewoe Bohl 120:12-121:8 n 109. From that day, the authorities ! knew that truly there was some- thing mightier than ‘ they: they recognized only that their command- ments had not been kept. Great ‘ jealousy was brought into the world solely because of the immortal man. 110, Now when the rulers saw ' that their Adam had entered into an alien state of acquaintance (gndsis) they * desired to test him, and they gathered together * all the domestic animals and the wild beasts of the cearth and the birds of heaven and brought them to Adam ‘to see what he ‘would call them, ‘ When he saw them he gave names to their creatures. 111. They decame troubled because Adam had recovered from * all the trials, They assembled and 'Isid plans, and they said, ““Behold Adam! "He hhas come to be like one of us, so that he ' knows the difference between the light and the darkness. * Now perhaps he will be deceived as in the case of ® the tree of acquaintance (gndsis) and also will come to ‘the tree of life and eal from it*and become immortal and become lord and despise * us and disdain [us] and all our glory! ! Then he will denounce * [us along. with our) universe, Come, let us expel him 121 from Paradise down to the land ‘from which he was taken, so that henceforth he might not‘ be able to recognize anything better ' than we can.”” And so they expelled Adam from $ Paradise, along with his wife. 112, And this deed * that they had done was not enough for them, Rather, they were afraid. ‘They went into the iree of life and surrounded it with great fearful things, 120;25wials yeni: abhowgh appropriate othe conte possibly an eror for ignorance (Gywosi lack of ads) 30 3s 8 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD zKizwon® Rxwet? | eYMOYTE EPooY XE XEPOYBIN. aYW AYKW I fi oyenge Neate 2f ToymiTe eck[w}re | Anay NIM 2fiNoyNos NzPTe gina [x]e [Ne Aaay ence 2 ayw Nrapece! e8oa 2A Tworn® Hine o€ Ryy[a Jarman! || MMONHPOS 214 MAT [..EIOA J * xenaae two Bromme er2W napaacicoc | ans eunaay FinoyKocMoc OYZWON REM WYXON EYMOYTE EFOg™ x€ FOF nis WauNMooyTys oyaara® RytReog® ayiirre Iinoyzan xe ayPaaike! Hasan’ MN Teq\jrenea ga TEYNTEAEIA HAIN <---> wows | Frome Ne ayw NeureNea wa TCYN TeIAEIA Fi sue mxoeMoc MNEYMaTIROS Rinaia(n) | MA nYyTkoc MA MxoTKoe T2IOSan-reyware. 11 Le. 2Roynoe. Wie. eunove. 325an neymnve 122:1 Le naraaereoe (Botilg emends thus). 2 ie. ewaaay (Bohlig emends ths) 5 Sah.Aneysan Sie nnveysarin (Bohligemendsihus) $i. wyxmoe T2Is1Ow{alre Fef.Gen324LXX owpeponiwy gma [ale set. 11822 12> Bethge (ef. 10319, 10726) > Boia 21 ayewat cinoyaze> Bethge 28 nay xe A: prob, emend to may a 32 [--- )nwye: forthe form ef 1127, 115:30,123:5. 12699. 33sim. res BOhlig 34 si. rest Bohig 122:6-¢---> some words accidently omitted, o else the following passage is corpt 121:8-122:9 9 fiery living creatures ' called “*Cheroubin,”” and they put "a flaming sword in their midst, fearfully * twirling at all times, so that ‘ no earthly being might ever enter that place. 113. Thereupon since the rulers were envious of Adam they wanted to diminish " their (viz., Adam's and Eve's) lifespan. They could not because cof fate (heimarmené), which had been fixed since the beginning. ' For to ceach had been slotted a lifespan of 1,000 years according to the course of the luminous bodies. ' But although the rulers could not do this, each of the evildoers "took away ten years." And all this lifespan (scil., which remained) amounted t0 930 ' years: and these are in pain and ' weakness and evil ® distraction. And so ' life has turned out to be, from that day until the consummation 'of the age (aeon). 114. Then when Sophia Zoe ' saw that the rulers of the darkness had * laid a curse upon her counterparts, she was indignant, ® And coming out of the first heaven with ' full power she chased those rulers out of * [their] heavens, and cast them down into ' the sinful {world}, so that there they * should dwell, in the form of evil spirits (daimones) upon the earth, 11S. {,..}, 122 so that in their world it might pass the thousand years in Paradise * —a soul-endowed (empsychon) living creature * called “phoenix.” It kills itself and brings itself to life as a witness 5 to the judgment against them, for they did wrong to Adam and his ' generation, unto the consummation of the age (acon). 116.(...)are (...) three men, and also his posterities (geneai), unto the consummation ' of the world: the spiritendowed (pneumatikos) of ctemity (aeon), ' and the soul-endowed (psychikos), and the earthly (hoikos), 1226 (..1) are(+..3* ether some words ave een erroneously omitted her or he et 122.7 hear » 30 3s sp.t23! (7186 80 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD ‘Tact Te ee MIngonT’ MOONS. Sgones® Bethge ‘ovoue: pos or (sat)ovadieev (Bohlig 17 explains thus) 78 Reyara: understood by Puech in Tadien Trois mythes 267 as ai vues oF a8 ‘np bi. 268): eyara em. Bobi tie, af SBpm), comparing Slavonic Enoch 12:1: 8 yan understood 38 of Bpian by Doresse Les lives secreit 196: explained by Tardiew Troi myhes 264-69 DS ewrat exwoy poss corupt 26a zoyw® acteynrencia oman Bethge 28-29 POTD LRX Sicatos fg goivg évOjon, 3356 i dente superlin, stroke restored rests BObligef 110-13, 11424, 121:26, 1226, 123:30, 12532 Seat. Bohlig 35s superin. stroke ie define, w restored ces. Bohlig 64 €f, Shisha Haley Journl of Egyptian Archorlogy61 (1975) 256-87 ey em. Bethge ‘sion Bohlig 11 rest Bohlig 13 aw sus pus s 20 se yim gus 122:9-123:4 81 117, Likewise, \ the three phoenixes (in) Paradise—the first * {is} immortal; the second lives 1,000 * years; as for the third, it is written in ‘the Sacred Book that itis consumed. 118, So too there are ' three baptisms—the first is the spiritual, the second is by fir, the third “is by water. 1119, Just as the phoenix ‘ appears as a witness concerning the angels, ' so the case of the water hydri in Egypt, ' which has been a witness to those going down ® into the baptism of a true man, * 120, The two bulls in Egypt possess ' a mystery, the sun and moon, being ! witness to Sabaoth: namely, that over ' them Sophia received the universes from the day that she made the sun and the moon she put a seal upon her heaven, unto eternity (acon). 121. And the worm that has been born out of the phoenix ‘is a human being as well, It is written (Ps 91:13 LXX) concerning it, “the just man will blossom like a phoenix."” And2° the phoenix first appears ‘in a living state, and dies, and rises again, 'being a sign of what has become apparent “at the consummation of [the age (acon). 122, It was only in Egypt that these great signs [appeared] ** nowhere else-—as an indication 123 that itis like God's Paradise." 123. Let us return to the aforementioned rulers, ‘so that we may offer some explanation of ther, 22:18 water yi he hyd or hyde spon of nts passage have been variously dented os wes serpents, crocodiles, and (understanding ennyies) eters: M.Tadie, “Trois myes gnostiques (Paris: Eades augustinienres, 1974), 264-269 122:29 phoenix: the Greet version (= Ps 92:12 ofthe Hebrew ex) poinibs usually ‘owgt to mean “palm ce 20 2s 30 3s opis! 17280.) 82 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD micowy rap HAPXON AilrapOYNOXOY e80A 2 NoYHMHYE EmHITA exiinkaz’ ayewnT Nay Reflarreaoc | ere Zaz Ne RAAIMON ATPOY?: aymmperer|Nay NABI Ae AYTCeRe Frume azac HnAalNN et Mareta 2idapMakia 21 MNTURgE | ELAWAONS ziMeTe CHOY EBOA EI wHYE ZH] Fre eieycia 21 cnowan Aflaaman | THroy Himkaz eyiiray faMay ¥ ‘Toy gePIF 28 xiMapMenn TacI NTazgume Kalra TCYM™paNIa 2TH A NoyTe Nraaixera | MN TAKAIOCYNH ayw Rrecize Arare mkoclMoc wae ZRNOY x! Pad’ AUPTAANACH fe eR MxPoNoG THRU’ —ANPOME FAP THPOY |eTEIXT MRAZ AYaRE iiaamon xin | TKATABOAH Wa TCYNTEAEIA HarreAoe | MEN RTAL kalocynn mai Spame Hira aiikia, zpad® sANOYHRTATCOOYN MRNOY! arnapoycia | Finrwme Haanomoc oyagre era xexaac enaauk® es0a* req eycralcic mii Tedsal ‘Teele anrocuoc wume zfinoy|x! Je AYMAANA THPOY wa ZOYN era TRNKY €zoyN enikociMoc | ga neema oywirraxpiene Tore ynaoywne enoa flee ENTAYize ETHICTIC HNEeHT™ NETOYONE c8OA | XIN TRATABOAN™ wa ZOYN ATCYNTEAEIA | mall]ON Rnny ae ezoyn enxedanalo(n) |eTaie[zoyN elnreme Hacana- roe tNalwaxe enlere] Novas THPOY xe ETRE oY |NeMoT® CYR: Sitalre olywininiwe Frome gone esola ek aaam nat] * Re TAyMAACCE MMOY™ AYW EBOA eH OYAN | HAH ATAFE MKOEMOC MOYE SSah nevonve, Ieie. soya 2iedBie Reece... aRoy- eV... MOY Bs yaneena Sah encema, Sig ewere novane may. 34 Hiveenea Sab. oH neem. 23:7 exaewe isexpected 19 reyereneta camanono Borge (cf on 12283) 2owerovone exon : prs, emendto Hero yONE E508 Streit Layton reat elooy tal Sehenks?: erat oly ea} Bohlip. 33 est. Wise focihe consretion cf Layton Zier fe Papyroiogi wed Eplgraphik 11 (1973) 182 3S crofa eX anam == }cest BOhlig 38-1241 [--~ mah | Rray rest, Lay lon [24 1n2 Sou) aye 64OA ER... nan rare mou exon ER... AYW NAN RTaE tem. Bethge $27, with hesitation ge 9126 gus 123:4-124:2 83 124, Now, when the seven rulers 5 were cast down from their heavens * onto the earth, they made for themselves angels,‘ numerous, demonic, 10 serve them, And the latter instructed mankind in many kinds of error ' land magic and potions and worship of '° idols and spilling of blood and altars and ! temples and sacrifices and libations to all the spirits ‘of the ‘earth, having their coworker ' fate (eimarmené), who came into existence by ‘the concord tetween the gods of injustice "Sand Justice. 125. And thus when the world ‘had come into being, it distractedly erred. + at all times. For all men ‘ upon earth worshipped the spirits (daimanes) from: the creation to the consummation—both the angels * of righteous ness and the men of unrighteousness. ' Thus did the world come to exist in distraction, * in ignorance, and in a stupor. * They all erred, until the appearance (parausia) ‘of the true man. 126, Let this suffice so far as the matter goes. Now we shall proceed to ‘consideration of our world, 'so that we may accurately finish the descrip tion of its structure !and management, * 127. Then it will become obvious how * belief in the unseen realm, which has been apparent” from creation down to the consummation ‘of the age, was discovered. 128. 1 come, therefore, to the main points‘ {regarding} the immortal rman: I shall ‘speak of all the beings that belong to him, explaining how they happen to be here. 129. When a multitude ® of human beings had come into existence, through the parentage of {the Adam] 124 who had been fashioned, and out ‘of matter, ‘and when the world had already become full, Tae vet pss erroneous erect test posily who had ben fashioned out of matter 0 84 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD anapxan P xoleic ezpal exwy? eve maci me aykaTexe filMod® 281 oyiiirarcooyn, AWMEMAITION] macine Emel meust* Haeanatoc CooyN| xe aygTa gure €6OA 2 TME ZpaT ZH NaN’ MR TOYKOCMOC eTBE nal Rrapeq*oyiow aoywcy ARaPKUN® FiTaKO ZITNNOYITAACMA Auxooy RneTfeme ezpal emcocIMoc fintaKo ere Naci Ne MINE N- BaacHT™ | MKoYer ceo ansafimo erYrnwcie Trnwere rap THEE tRinovar’reAce| + eToyONE exoA 21 TOYE- 2H macloyatsom’|aNmenNagpM MeWwTs — ay acu>t Nay 8 TrNwicic — (TNWCIC rap THRE zHNOYar renoe |eTOYONE eBOA™ 21 Toyermacioyateom’ |an me SuazehinewT’ — aywatNnay 8: TeNwieic} RreyNoy eygaoyane ego 2H mkoc)Moc Himraro ceNaswan® BOA Rwopn’ Hintynoc Rrumrar*raKo aykarakpicic | Aaron Mil oyaynamic Rrape Miualkapioc se OYWNE E6OA* efi MAACMA HelzoycIa AYKAE erooy —ANesOYCIa ac eTBE| newe ayTw HNOYCTERMAY NIIMAY atroylinamoy Fivaxapioc® | se Nrapoywne E60A ZHNOYOEIN KaTa | AlAGora, ayo moya moya | N2HToy E80A 2H MoyKaZ ay- Fnoyyeh som’ AYOYNE EBON Gwar e804 | RTOYFNUCIC RiTeKeANCIA NTaZOYNZ || ELOA ZENA (G98) pan, OR492641) Deglas 126.27 nova noys, bredks off a. 12 sarotrle T24:7-9 Sah, neveocMoc 21 ke. mevavwante 26 ie sirapoyovane 9 Sah, neyead .. Rreyrnscie. 30 137 eroyone : emend 10 eyovon (thus Bahlig) aepBi nensr® aya at pap.: nae Buaeyst neta aya ovavzou™ an ne at em. Berge 48214 acy Layton IS-IR [rrnuete ... ferns) + errneovsly repeated by 13-14 mesoyareon jaune 18 ton tH nOyEAE AYEWAT ‘e804 fom. Ocyen 1337 agovwine Asan (pineal agewsn atan ® Or4826(1) 29.0 ‘royrnete:reetllactile Or 4926(1) 5130 1 se gu sa 124:2-30 85 the rulers were master ' over it—that is, they kept ' it restrained by ignorance, 130. For what reason? * For the following: since the immortal father knows ‘that a deficiency of truth came into being amongst the etemal realms (ceons) ' and their universe, when he wished ‘to bring to naught the rulers of perdition through the ' creatures they had modelled (plas~ ‘mata) he sent your (pl.) likenesses down into the world " of perdition, namely, the blessed litle ‘innocent spirits. They are not alien to 'acquain= tance (gndsis) 131. For all acquaintance (gndsis) is vested in one angel * who appeared before them: he is not without power in the company of the father. And he) gave them acquaintance (gndsis), 8 132, Whenever they appear in the world ' of perdition, immediately and fiest of all they reveal ® the patter of imperishability as @ condemnation ‘of the rulers and their forces. 133, Thus when the blessed beings ' appeared in forms modelled (plas- mata) by authorities, ‘they were envied, And out of envy the authorities" ‘mixed thei seed with them, in hopes of * polluting them. They could not. 134, Then when the blessed beings * appeared in luminous form, ' they appeared in various ways. And each one ' of them, starting out in his land, revealed 'his (Kind of) acquaintance (gndsis) to the visible church ® constituted of the 124:13-14 he it not without power the father and is aot without power io give them the manuserit has (rroncoush) hei not without pover And to give them 124:15-18 dn sh paste the copys erroncousy repeated the txt of § 31> the repetition eno eee translated into English {2427-29 ce British Livary manatrpe probably had (And each} one of them appeared {om earth] and revested nis (ind of aquainianee (gn) And (he) gave them : or hes in she company of sp.128! 7380) s 86 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD lc]mena Nesoyera Rrazrale NMae} To[rle | ncwrp’ ayrassio ROLY. .... Jet €80A [N[z]HToY [T]APOY AYW TNE ANae! Oy[oNe e8OA eyC]orn® eyo RiMaKapioc’ * ayo eywaeloeir® anex*AorH ayw emiKooye ENagwoY YO HaTFPO ey. comm’ | aoyon wim erzitoyeen ayee epoc eyiirac cnepma nim* erae 2weTe OVA YTO|oy HreNoc Woon — ay WoMTeTHT aNflPwoy 5136, RrmazwMoyNe — mMazyrooy A€ [RreNoc oyaT*¥ro Ne HiTeAcion eutinoyca Nepe THPoY Naei rap eyNaswx® | ezoyn enronoe erovaar HnovEWwTS su37 Aya Cenairon Hoy 2f oyaNamayiicie MNOYeOOY WA eNez emaywwa.xe | epou ayw 2fi ovypawe axf wan CeO AG |HPPO 2H neNHTON we AeANATOC —CeINAFKATAKPINE $138 Ninoyre Finxaoe Mii |NoyayNamIe MAoroc 6e ETAOCE EOYIONNIM aYTRNOOYAY EneeHZwE MONOIN)| $139 atregixneyece e7se neToycooyn a(n) |fimoy [x] mexay xe ayo nere Hnoycoyany®| cena: MN eoun® eroyione E600 AN coywng® (6135-198) (5 139)042..044926(1) (bging125:17 eveyone Te inex yea (Bethgecmends thus 125: 35ah, reve 6 Sah euineyes. 8S0h Finevews. 10i.¢. wi oveoor. 14 Sah weyaynanne SE role hac} eet Bobi 23 ramio Rolyovaa}st rest Schenke?: desired sense is not apparent 3-35 oylome eon ++-|Liyton:oylune exon. |Bahlig 35 [---evojorn rest. Bohl (25:17 fab cancelled bythe copystmeaaq: 4 altered from fase start of x (wbich hus been cased) 17-19 Mi, conacoyany: [HR nejoun eyulaoyane stain] em Ay[W 8 rue eywaco yay els Or4926(1) 124:30-125:19 87 modelled forms (plasmata) of perdition. It (viz, the church) was found to contain all kinds of seed, because of the seed ' of the authorities that had [mixed with i} 135. Then * the savior created {...} of * them ail—and the spirits (neumata) of these (are manifestly) » superior, being blessed 125 and varying in election (ekfogé)—and "also (he created) many other beings, which have no king and are superior ‘0 everyone that was before them. 136, Consequently, four * races (gen€) exist. There are three that belong to the kings * of the eighth heaven. But the fourth" race is kingless and perfect, being 'the highest of all, 137. For these shall enter ' the holy place of their father. ' And they will gain rest in repose (anapausis) ' and eternal, unspeakable glory ‘and unending joy. 138. Moreover they are ' kings within the mortal domain. in that they are immortal. They ‘will condema the gods of chaos and ' their forces. 139, Now the Word (Logos) who is superior to ' all beings was sent for this purpose alone: ‘that he might proclaim the unknown, ' He said (Mark 4:22 par), “There is nothing hidden that is ‘not apparent, and what has not been recognized will be recognized.” 125:17-19 she British Library manescrpr has (There is noting for. 90 one hidden that] will not tecome apparent nd [thre na} person who will oi be recognized 88 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD 20 -NaeI Ae ayTRNOOYCE | aTPoYoYuNE. exon eRinEeHTT MA] 140 Teamye Resoycia Finxaoe MA TOYIMNTACesHe —ayw TeeIze aYKA ‘TaKPIINE FMooy eEMooyTOY 28 Rrapefirencijoc ce THroy OYONZ eBOA 2H FIMAACIMA ARapxun $141 ayo Hrapoyswan’ ejeon Rraanoeia emi neT THTwN Eos at ar Teficogia NM ARNOyire — ayw ToywIMAPMENH™ ayze epoc|_eco 30 fikaTarnweic ayw Toyaynamic| acwum — roymiirxceie ayiraraaye [Fin[ole Toynponoia acgune ayneruloyerr® mii nloyeooy za TeeH AreyiN)Irexeia [final] MMA THY NaNOeIN |zITFE sian 35 Noylilos teroyssalel} Tote Hapixannafneneei cyl *p.120 moly“*woy —MarreAcc Nap eHBeNNoyPOMe| — aywaaIman (17509) apie RNoyRaIroc| —_ ayw Noyrume CeNaNezme Reeawkak® e80A ex noyMoy $ ToTe MAWN| WaParKe:NcewToPT® —NeuFrmoy Naltzeeton eH $13 Tenye care — ayw cenalF noxemoc ezoyn enoyerny ewere | ‘Te Mea fee e80A 2H HenogeTMozTs| esoA _ayw Noanacea 10. NawropTé eiTfi| RnoAemoc evHiMay (§ 140)par, On49260), 66 4) par, O84926(1 (breaks off ca, 12524 oven e404 2h (G5 142-150) 9a. 20 2H: Le: (BOhlgemends thus). 21-22 Sah, reyssracesne. 22i.. Hreeie, 28-32Sih. rey... reyayNanne...TeYMITACRIC... TeyMPoNEIA-. neyeoOy Mie, arRoynos. 35-126:4 Sah. neywoy... RNeynaMe ,ANeYKaleOe Ney: 12637 Sih eneverny. 20 wiv: [evans] W. avaa 07-4926(1) 2 Snxace: abeent in OF926(1) 23 ‘euoeyrey 0492601) ditfrent S2rest Wise, Bothge 33 sm. rest. Bobig: ef, on 12233 34-38 Rapfxow: supeln, stroke bs definite,» festored 35 ey[f core eainoly* sim. Wiste: desired sense is aot apparent, 126:S arvernicewrorT# poss. corrupt: aPxei Torr en. Bethge 128:19-126:10, 89 140, And these were sent ® to make known what is hidden, and * the seven authorities of chaos and their ‘impiety. And thus they were con- demaed to death, 141. So when all the perfect (teleioi)‘ appeared in the forms modelled (@lasmata) ® by the rulers and when they revealed ‘the incomparable truth, they put to shame all the wisdom of the gods, ' And their fate (heimar ‘mené) was found ' to be a condemnation. And their force * dried up. ‘Their lordship was dissolved. ' Their forethought (pronoia) became empti ness, *zlong with] their glory. 142, Before the consummation ' [of the age]. the whole place will shake ‘ with great thundering. Then the rulers ® will be sad, |...] their 126 desth. The angels will mourn for their mankind, ' and the demons (daimones) will weep over their seasons, and their mankind will wail and seream' at their death 143. Then the age (aeon) * will begin, and they will be disturbed, Their kings will "be intoxicated with the fiery sword, and they will wage war against one another, $0 that ' the earth is intoxicated with bloodshed. * ‘And the seas will be disturbed by "those wars. 1AS21 of enon: shi phrase it asent in the Bish Library manent 12838 cad: wo lees of the flowing word rave, indotng that ita the equivalent of 4 pariciple (gearing thei death) 1264-5 text posibly eroncous: correc text possibly Then the eal acon) wil begin to bedisuted 2 as 8 spizT! 07588, 90 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD TOTe nPHNAP Kale AyW NOOR NaTaKo Fineyoyoein| ayw OYRNOyNos feroyet ZAYNaMIC THPOY H Rralpe TH rami F firme NaPasere! Finoyaromoc | Ny e150, zRNoyNos HayNamic erfinea NiTne Mxaoc mma ere ncrerewma fiMay Hrezime worn’ HePron cnalke ezpaT mkwet Scase Are TemiNola Cnt aiwuse Royorrh Hae Ma ont Tore cnaPalmce RHNOYTe | inxaoc NaeiNTAcconToy mA map xirenerer® GNaNOXOY EnITHeMNOY(N)| — CeNAuoTOY e80A zivfiroyaamias — cenalwane rap Hee RNITOOy enxere KwET | Rceoywm fica Noyery BaNToyuxh | esa zITOOTYS FinovAPKIFENE- Tups| — coTAN eqaNoanoy qnaror4’ epou* | oyaad* fiyouNed® ganrewoxn ay@ |Noyiinnye Nazaeie exRNoyerHy | ayONTE [Y] NoyAYNA: Micpor? + HoyKelalan cenawory® ayw Teume najzaeie NeP enay nuk... .8( 24, ]waleaete ane- J.Jgqizapooy —cenazagiie enin]¥ ennoyin) alylg myfoyln t nagoree Toyoein nas. #4. Finxalke fiquoras eon rere neqwwne cour’ enkal i aaP o€ * Me ayo merron fra | mkake oyHe RewyS ynasaa® e80aY — ayw| mura Nanak’ za TeuNoyNe emrfielmace aye Noyoein NaPanaxwper ez[pat eTeUNOYNE [nie emer: or, 23-265ah revaamin..neverny 29.31 Sah neymye,. -neventy...NEYAYMANHG .. NEYKEAMN 38th anag. 127:2 oyve infinitive): Sab, vane: ef. Funk’ 30 173 cancelled by the copyise Beings 459) 32 pap. poss, negeoey if. (fist ace (9) cannot bee): reading of pap. cannot have been neuroemoe: mege....A(eiov) sim. Wise, with hesitation 33 eeal J.sennalg --+], rest Bohlig: entale aye ie neal rest, Scherke reading of pap. cannot have been enkal by 34 rest. Bohlig [--- ermoyin): of Fw is definite, superlin. stroke restored 35 mafoyln im. rst, Bolg t woFu : o added above the line: copyist first wrote WPF. ten corrected to ‘goraP. neglecting to erase the frst sperinsroke “em. £9 07 36 foweas =] Winse:[oxemace --- | Bethge ‘Bmweake Boblig—127:1 Hume re: no superlin. stoke could be inscribed above ve Beeaue of an orignal mpefeston 30-31 + Royrelaim: emend to novResion (hus Inthe papyrus ates a6 ans 126:10-127:5 91 144, Then the sun will become dark. ' And the moon will cause its light to cease, ‘The stars of the sky will cancel their circuits. ' And a great clap of thunder will come out 'of a great force (dynamis) that is above ¥ all the forces of chaos, where 'the firmament of the woman is situated. ' Having created the first product, she will ' put away the wise fire of intelligence (epinoia)' and clothe herself with irrational wrath, 145. Then she will pursue the gods ' of chaos, whom she created along with the prime parent. * She will cast them down into the abyss. ‘ They will be obliterated because of their wickedness. For they will 'come to be like volcanoes ® and consume one another until they perish ‘at the hand of the prime parent. ' When he has destroyed them, he will turn against him: self ‘and destroy himself until he ceases to exist. 146, And‘ their heavens will fall one upon the next ® and their (the rulers’) forces will be consumed by fire. Their etemal realms (aeons), too, § will be overturned. 147, And his (the prime parent's) heaven will ‘fall and break in two, His... will fall down upon the (...] ‘support them; they will fall into the abyss, 8 and the abyss will be overturned. 148. The light will *{ ... the] darkness and obliterate it: it will be like 127 something that has never been. And the product 'to which the dark- ness had been posterior will dissolve. And’ the deficiency will be plucked out by the root (and thrown) down into the darkness. And the light will withdraw up to its root 126:32-58 His.» wil all down part ofthe ext i damaged and undecipherable 2 ON THE ORIGIN OF THE WORLD ay@ Me0oy HTareNINHTOC NaoyONe EBOA yw gNAMoy?| H- NaIWN THROY erga THPOOHTE!A Mfi| xICTOPIA HNETO Fro GwATY 80 avi | HeauK® e80A 21TH NETOYMOYTE EPOOY || Xe TEAEIOE Nee nov TeAcioc ac | ZH nareNcnowToc e1wT® cena xt® HNOY- elooy eR Noyatwn aya 2A FiMNT#PO RINATMOY — ceNagux’ ae aN enez ezoyn | ermitrarfro ZANE rap eTFe OYON nM | gwES ENTOMOC HTAYe! EBOA H: 247] noyla rap moya es0A 2H TeqnPastc Mii Tegirnucie NAcwAn eson* Areuoycie: TIPS je, Toretora. H (oropla. LI ie, Sew (BOblip emends thus). Sah Trarenomeroe Bublig 17 after mis ine the copyist weote dhe title of tritae 6 (reakeHoIe eTEE THYAN) insiead of he one Belonging to the present work, whose oma tile is i consequence vnknown 49 s1s0 127:5-17 93 149, Aad the glory of the unbegotten will appear, And it will fll’ alt the eternal realms (aeons). When the prophecy and" the account of those that are king becomes known and "is fulfilled by those who are called perfect, those who—in contrast—have not become perfect ' in the unbegot- ten father will receive their glory in their realms (aeons) and in the king~

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