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January 15, 2016
Asalamu alaykum Dearest Parents,
This year CIS is approaching Islamic Character virtues in a different way. In the past virtues were celebrated monthly and
then forgotten. The teachers and staff wanted an approach that made students understand that a true Muslim shows these
virtues on a daily basis through their day to day actions. With that being said, this year CIS has an initiative called CIS
Cares. Students will take part in humanitarian projects and utilize their Islamic characteristics in a meaningful way.
This years graduating class of 2016 would like to present to you their "Upstander" initiative. The class has put together
the following campaign projects to begin with; "Backpacks for Change" & "Muslim Peoples Foundation". With the start of
these fundraisers, we hope to be able to do our part as Muslims, in order to help those whom need it the most. The first
campaigns will be targeting Syrian refugees coming to Calgary by providing backpacks filled with school supplies,
hygiene products, and house cleaning products. The second campaign is collecting basic essentials such as food (flour,
rice, sugar, salt, oil) and clothing (gently used or new jackets, sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, baby clothes, etc.), toys and
gift cards. Please make sure that clothing is clean prior to bringing it into the school.
----On the authority of Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him) from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) who said, Whoever relieves a believers distress of the distressful aspects of this world, Allah will rescue him from a
difficulty of the difficulties of the Hereafter... (Muslim)
----Let's work together and make a change. Donate now!

1. Muslim Peoples Foundation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROtsw5ZwFA

Contact: mpfinquiries@gmail.com
This initiative ends on Friday January 22nd.
2. Backpacks for Change: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKPcCjQSIF8&feature=youtu.be
GoFundMe: http://www.gofundme.com/f9fwc7gc
Contact: backpacksforchangeinquiries@gmail.com

This initiative ends on Friday February 26th.

Inshaallah we aim to have an impact locally and internationally in this world. Other humanitarian projects we hope
to work with are the Homeless Bottle Drive, Childrens Hospital Teddy Bear Drive, and MFNS Food Drive.
We encourage using the online Go Fund Me page to donate for the cause instead of sending in cash donations. If
you are unable to and still want to donate money please put the money in an envelope along with the information
below. We will then upload the money to the account on your behalf and you will receive an email confirmation
from Go Fund Me.
Name of Student:_________________________

Grade: ______________________

Name of Parent: _________________________

Email: _______________________

Amount to be donated: ___________________

Date: ________________________

CIS Administration
2612 37 Ave NE, Calgary, AB, Canada, T1Y 5L2

(403) 248-2773


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