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ExonMobil MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE INTERNATIONAL MARINE TRANSPORTATION LIMITED (MP-100, ExxonMobil House, Ermyn Way, Leatherhead, ‘Surrey, KT22'8UX, UNITED KINGDOM) SEARIVER MARITIME (SRM-EMB 4.038, PO BOX 1512, Houston, Texas, USA) TONEN GENERAL (1-8-15 Kohnan, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, JAPAN) & a & MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE INDEX wrropucTion “3 ‘THIRD PARTY VESSEL INSPECTIONS “6 REPORTING INCIDENTS. “8 SECTIONA GENERAL INFORMATION 3. SECTIONS CREW MANAGEMENT -10- SECTIONG CREW MATRIC REQUIREMENTS oa ‘SECTIOND NAVIGATION a4 ‘SECTIONE SAFETY AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT a8 SECTIONF POLLUTION PREVENTION oa. ‘SECTIONG — STRUCTURAL CONDITION m4. SECTIONH CARGO AND BALLAST SYSTEMS 2. ‘SECTIONS INERT GAS AND CRUDE Ol WASHING SYSTEMS. <0. SECTIONK MOORING 2 SECTIONL COMMUNICATIONS 38 ‘SECTION ENGINE ROOM AND STEERING GEAR 236 ‘SECTION GENERAL APPEARANCE AND CONDITION 39 ‘SECTIONP SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFER SUPPLEMENT 40 ‘SECTIONG ICE OPERATIONS - APPLICABLE TO VESSELS OPERATING IN SEVERE. 'SUB-ZERO CONDITIONS. oa. SECTIONR CHEMICAL CARRIER SUPPLEMENT oa. SECTIONS GAS CARRIER SUPPLEMENT 8: SECTIONT COMBINATION CARRIER SUPPLEMENT 48 [APPENDIXA: ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR TERM CHARTERED TONNAGE. 46 [APPENDIX : DRUG AND ALCOHOL DECLARATION “8 APPENDIX: MESQAC COMPLIANCE DECLARATION <4 MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOSE- AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev: OF INTRODUCTION ‘This document has been prasuced by Intemational Marine Transpertaion Li. (kT) ‘SeaRiver Martime (SRM) and Tonen General (TG), who jin use a standard methodology te provide voting services to all ExxonMobil Afiatas engaged In marine. Vanspotalon using third party vessels. This document may be refered ton short as MESGAC and ‘apples to the seagoing vessels inthe ExxonMobil Aflite servic, ‘The purpose ofthis document so provide vessel eperatrs with an understanding of the ‘marine enironmenta, safety ana quay assurance expectations of third party vessels tobe Considered for ExxorMbil afte service. Please note that, in hs context, "servce™ ‘means carying aonbobl aia tle cargo, charteres by ExxenMobi afliates caing st ExonMebilafiato feciites, or caring cargo or caling at facies in wich ExxonQfool aflates have ajoPt venture intrest. In alan, “operator refers tothe tacts manager having day-to-day oversight ofthe tacnical management of the feet vessels and ther Salty managment eystoms Third party operated vessels not meting the “MUST” crterla will not be considered for ExconMebi aflata service. I meotng cain of these teria volves gas feng or dry docking the vessel. or requires long lead tines, a imtod period for futher consicaration of the vessel may be granted upon receipt of wrtlan confirmation that actons wil be taken at the eatest opportunity, and if documented mitgating precedures are in place. esse nok meeting those envranmental and safety expectations Sestribad as "Strongly Preferred” may bo dleacvartaged in the section prosess versus other vessels meeting those reauirements. \essels MUST be in full compliance wih all pplcable intemational conventions, laws, regulations andior ator requirements of tne county of vesolrogsry, and of he counties, ‘ates, andlor port auhorites ofthe ports andor places, including ace, to which the vessel may de ofdered_ whi in Saonkabl afl’ sevice, andor the appicable regulations or requirements of any torminals o facies in such ports or places where the esse! il load or discharge. Vessels MUST have on board, al cortieaes. records or ther ‘Secumants required by the aforesad conventions, laws, regulations andor requements ‘Tho inepecton plograms contained in this bocket target those vessels likely to be considered for Exxontiodl alate ‘serveo. Vessel operators MUST. familiarise themselves with the information r egarding vessel inspections cont ained int his booklet. itis the responsibilty of the vossel operator to ensure that thor vossale meat ‘orexceed MUST cr teria and this willbe ver Med through the use of a vessol Inspection report. Ideal this inspection report should be no more than sb months ‘Questions or comments regarding this document should be accressed tothe appleable veting organisation (IMTISRMTG), for the aention of the Manager Srd Party Tanker ‘Qualty Assurance Group, a the address given one te page. ‘Adiional Marine Environmental, Safety and Qualiy Assurance Citra for vessels in ExzonMbiaflae Term Chararsenvoa are se atin Appendix At this publication, or are avaiable, upon request tom tha Tarm Charter Co-rcnator. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING. INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev OF SUITABILITY To CARRY EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE CARGOES Operators of Sid party vessels are reminded that vessels are not pre-spproved for ExxonMobil afflate sorvice, All vessls aro seresned for ho particular voyage, using ‘he latest information avalao TANKER MANAGEMENT SELF ASSESSMENT (TMSA) ‘Tho management and operation of vessels within a culture of safety and environmental ‘excallence has. been formalised wth the Implementation of the. Intemational Safety Management (ISM) Cade. OCIM's TMSA program ules upon te ISM Cade and is used a 2 tool fo help vessel cperators assess, measure ana improve ther safely management ‘ster. ‘Tho TMSA program encourages vessel operators o assess their safely management sysloms against stad Kay performance indealre and provisos recognised best race ‘licance for each indeator. Vessel operators are assessed on factors which include the efectveness of their safoty management system, fet safly ane environmental peromance. When sutmited 10 ‘OCIMF, and when “iniemational Marine Tansportaton’ fs selected from the report recipient list, ExconMobl afflate vetting organisations are able to review the operator®. TMSA, ‘sbiszion In order fora vassal to bo considered for ExxonMobil aie service, tha vessel's operator MUST have submited a TMSA (wth a “coated date?) wihin tho past 12 montne The screening afilate wil evaluate the requirements forthe specie type of business actly Doing consdorec. Vessels operate by a company whlch has not submited a valid TMSA oF has not achieved Stage 1 compliance may not be ecceplabie for ExxonMobil alate sardce. Furter updated TMSA ‘supmisslons should be. submited. via www.ocimt-tmsa.com vwenever an oporator considers thas made material changoe to safely management system. Althe mirimum an operstor should rake a submission a inlenvals not exceeding 42 months. By doing tis the operators abe to demonsate that il management have Undertaken a fora vw ofits safety management systom, It fs expected thet an operato’s entre TMSA submission wil have been reviewed and endorsed by senior company managomant as an accwate assessment of the operators current safely management system, Excontebisflste veting oganisatlns may periodically request to visita vessel operators coffces with tho primary aim) 0! mekng an assessment a fo the accuracy of an operator's ‘most recent TMSA submission, Those vats ar ford tose TMSA Review Meetings anc Use standard audit techniques to very tho accuracy of he TMSA submission and gauge the processes and procedures putin place to achieve te expeciatons of te sampled element ‘A structures and systomate approach Is taken when conducting @ TMSA review. To faciato this, tho IMT reviow team use ® proprietary eooument and examine the operat: ‘ost recent TMSA submiasion, itis important to note that a TNS Review Mestng foot an ‘ud and ro writen report or documented non-conformances wil be sued. Operates wl however, be provided with verbal fedoack curing ara t the end of tho roviow ane sho se tis ooporuniy to seek verbal carficaion ana understanding of he Exxontel vating slate interpretation of TMSA key performance Icicaors as required MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFIIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDINON, Rev. 0! Following a TSA Review Meeting an operator may be asked to re-assors ts TMSA submission and re-submit the TMSA at the eariost opportunity. Its important that the ‘operator undotakes tie 26 s00n as is roasonably posslbie For further dels ofthe OCIMF TMA program goto www.ocimf-msa.com. For assistance with any TMA Issues concamning ExsonMobil afte vettng please ema MSOwner@exxonmobilcom or TMSA@exxormobil com, MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS Iv EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 1, ‘THIRD PARTY VESSEL INSPECTIONS Evaluations of inspection ropes of third party veseele re conducted inorder to ascertain ‘whether the vosseis root th applicable veting organisation expectations. Indust, OCIME ‘SIRE and Chemical DistbutonIneiuts (CDN, reports wil be Used. ‘A ti arty vessel inspection may ony be arranged by the applicable veting eganialon it allo tne flowing conditions are satsied 1. Theresa reasonable probably thatthe vessel wil be offered to and used byan BoxonMobs aie. 2 Thelas inspection is beyond ts date of vay. ‘Change of vessel onmership, operator, andr classieston society, may Invaldate Inspections cared out whi the vessel was under te revius operatricasseation society. 3. Tnevesselis covered by a valid Aeohol and Drug dectaration (oe sample ‘appenced to this document) andi in compliance with te term ofthat ‘seoaraton, 4. Thevosselis avaiable or nspection curing discharge operations. Gas and chemical parca cris may be inspected at load pots. 5. There are no other inspections ofthe vessel scheduled a the same tne, 6 AVPGhas boon submitted fo OGIMF /C01 11 Deficiencies identified in pir inspections have been aderessed or corrected. Inspections are excl sively conduct od on vessels b sing consi dered { or use by ExxonMobil afiltes or Joint Ventre activites. [AS inspections ranged by the eppllesble veting organisation wil be undertakan by accredited inspects. Inspactons are arranged through, and wih the permiaion ofthe ‘vessel operator. Its necessary thatthe operator advise the vessel Mastor and the appropiate port agent. On boarding the vessel. inspectors are inetnted to rocoto the Master, (or the COW if the Masi isnot avalaie). The Inspectors wil conduct th Inspections in such a way as to manimise iirfeence wth te operaton or managment of the vessel, On complaton of ta inspection, and porto deparing the vost Inspectors wi ‘conduct a verbal close-out meeting to summarise findings wih the Mastor or the Masters represeniaive Vessel onmersioperators should communicate with OCIME / CDI explaining the cause ané correcive actions to aderess observations identified inthe Inspacton report. Fale to Provide satstactay evidence that obsewvelions have bean addressed may reaut In the ‘essl being consicered unstable for ExxonMobil ait serve, [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXCONMOSIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev: 0, Please note that following an inspection, the vessel operator MUST respond to OCIMF |1GDI in cespect of any observations Ment fied in the repor.. The applicable vetting ‘organisation cannot evaluate the inspection reports without the operator's response. ‘Third Party Voss inspoctions can be requestes by contacting the Vassl Inspection Co- crdnatorat te applicable veting organisation va he ermal adrossos:~ Internatona! Marine Transparaton Lic: msinspect@exxonmobil.com; Searver Maritime Inc. for US fag vessels; Tonan General fr Japenese coastal Vessels, Joint Vertue and Term Charter vessel inspections can be requested by contacting the Term ‘Charter Inspection Go-orinaor via the ars adress: msterm@exxonmobilcom, inspection systems, Intemational Marine Transporation, Tonen General and Seariver Maritime suppot the use ofthe OCIMF SIRE Uniorm Vessel Inepacton Procecure and the CDI Inepecton System Operators MUST understand these industry vessel inspection formats and famlarse themselves with the associated procedures and advise heir Masters accordingly. Ils required that an up-to-date VessolPariculare Questonnara (VG) wil be avalode in the SIREICD! systoms. Inspection result Flue to present the vessel for inspection in good condition, or presenting with poor appearance, wil be regarced as evidence of a flue of vesse! or shore management Systems. In ths caso, the vessel may not be considered for use flowing compton of comectve acton. The eperater’s eXgibty for ExxonMobil afiate or joint venture eerie may be adversely afecog. Once a SIRE inspection has ben cated out the operator MUST responato te observations raed in the SIRE Inspection Repon. ‘Change of Owner ang Data ‘oral vessels including new vessels, vesls that are sod, assigned a new technical ‘operator, or change classifeation society, used inthe ving process ‘Tho primary source of vessel specific and operator data is IHS FalrPlay . Such data i automatically dow nloaded by the applicable vet ting organisation. Vessel Operators are strongly advised to promptly notify IHS Falplay of any changes by contacting IHS Fairplay at the following email addres “ships-data-feedbackaaifaiplay.com" [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 0" REPORTING INCIDENTS. ‘As stiglated inthe charter party agreements, vessels In BexonMobi site service may be ‘subject o an investigation by 8 representative of the voting organizalone to ascertain the Cause of any incidents. A vesse"'s Mastor/ vessel operators required to nly an indent {o the Vessel Incident Coorcinater i tho vessel Is volved in any lnedent, accident ot casualty Incucing, but not led to: calsion, grounding, polation, of spl on dock, fre explosion, srutura! faire, aiision (contac) wih teminas / jolie / piers / SBM 7 SPM, Tallure or breakdown of veeees equipment incuding, but not ited to, main and euxany engine / cargo handing machinery and navigational equipment, smoking, dg & alcohol ‘olation, or any inet invelvng cargo oss! containation or affecting performance of the ‘vessel voyage, such a dat state dotonons,eezurel ares, touching Bottom, unecned led ‘movements and any delays due to deviation. ‘As part of te fawioss oparaon expocialons, ‘be expleableveting oganisatons recor al inederts, Besore the vensa ls considered or ExconMebi alte service, @requremant hat fe vessel operator eneures thet rigorous investigation are completed, repars, where appicabl,effecte, oot causes dented and that effective corectve | provertatve acions are taken lo avoid re-ocaurence of slat incidents on board any of he vessels within tet, In ne wih the TMISA guideines, ners and operators are expectd to manta an into Incident and near-miss poring and recording system, fom which lessons can be learned and necessary preventative actons can be taken, The existence ad efcency ofa roves Ot his ype may affect th eighty of to operator for varcus foms of ExxonMfob affate Aang Joint Venture business. ating Inepeciora may ao to e6e the past records of any Incidents which may have occur. “The incident notification MUST be sent, in tne with the charters Issued notation procedures detaled witin the charter party andlor voyage orcrs, tothe Inccent Co- Srainator at Ineident@exxonmebil.com Flowing an incident the vessel may be placed on WORLDWIDE HOLD (prevented trom tenting 0” continuing ExxonMobil ate sorvee) unt te incident investgation report has bean reviewed by the applicable veting crgenieaton management It ie strongly suggested that the operator eneuros that the roport has received senior management endorsement bafore tis sent to the applieable voting organisation, The reasons fr reviewing tho invosigation report of such an negent are: to ent the reat ‘ausels) thal could lead to re-occurance af the incident on the same vessel or another Vessel win the ownor or eperators fleet: end, ones the causes. have been clear dented o confirm that corectve ad proventave ection have been competed Incidents which occur whist not on ExxonMobil afiateveyages MUST be reported to IMT a Ineldent@exxoamobi.com, a tek successful closure fais pert oF he veting approval process MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rav OF, MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA ry a2 As Aa AS SECTION A GENERAL INFORMATION ‘The ship operator MUST provide an up-to-date copy ofthe curent version of COCINICD! Vessel Partculars Questonnaie(VPQ) tothe Inspector. Operators [MUST ledge a cooy af the VP with te SIRE programms at OCINE and wth the CCI programme as appisadle. OCIMF now encourages Inspectors to dounload the vesse's VPC pir to boarding the vessel tis nat only ves be Inspector an insight int the vesse to 08 inspected but also saves a large amount of ‘ministration ime on board tne vessel Operators are reminded ofthe importance of accuracy of data contained within the PO. Technical assessments (eg. bet ft that may afet the commercial decision vibe bated ont cate, ‘To ensure corectitentcation, the operator MUST very thatthe IMCILR number assigned tothe vesse, anc eniored in the VP, comespands exacy to the umber in Lloyds Repistor of Shining. ‘Requests fr inspections wil be rejected in cases where a VPO has net been ‘submitie to OCIF /CO! Operator MUST warrant an understanding of the Marine Environmental, Safty and Qualiy Assurance Cilla (MESQAC) for seagong vessels considered for Exxontebaflits service, (Operator makes the above waranty by submiting a signed Blanket MESQAC ‘Compliance Declaration (Same as in Appendix Co INT. Ths shou be sent ‘as_an emai atachmant tthe flowing adress Imssewengexsonmosi.com MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev" 0" <10- SECTION 8 CREW MANAGEMENT (As per applicable STOW Code & USCG CFR) 81 AllMasters MUST have suffcent and approprite experince as Maser or Chiet Offoer. For recenty promoted Masters bus should cud: 8) Recent manoeuvring experience as Chief Offcer or as supemumerary ‘on the same vessel oF class of vessel having the same or smar handling characteristics, OR 1) Having attended an approved ship handling simutor course at an instalation capable of simulating the manoeuvring characters of fuch class of vesee [STOW Cose - Section A112) B.2 Al Ofcersin direct contol of Navigstion, argo andlor Bunk ll handing ‘peratons onboard tankers for seagoing sevice MUST have conversational profcency in English Allofcers MUST possess vais certfeatas/csnses required for he cenk andlor positon on he vessel, andthe intended ade. This MUST include Dangerous ‘Cargo Endorsements as spec in STCWIECHIBCIIGC, B_ The operator MUST onsure that Mastor and deck offcors have undergone & recognized indusby Vining coures in Bridge Resource Management [STOW Code - Rog. BVII/2/ CFR, 10.205) 4 Its Strongly Preferred that hose ofcrs who have immediate responsiblity {or cargo transfer aroin possession ofthe Certhcates of Specialize Training, applicable to the type of eargo being cared, [STOW Code — Reg. 8412 & 8.412.40] 8.5 _Inadaiton o compliance wih their Safe Manning Cetifoae, vesses engaged in ‘24 hour continuous operations MUST mee he olloning minimum requrement: 8) For vessels greater than 18 k OWT ~ minimum manning lovel MUST Consist of at least one Master and thee licensed deck officers, and for the engine department, regardless of vesses being UMS, atleast one (Chet Engineer and two loensed atsistant engineers 1) For vessels les than 16 k DWT - Minimum manning avel MUST consist ‘ofa east one Master and wo licensed Deck Offers, and atleast one (Chet Engineer and one leeneed assistant Engineer. ‘Other manning arrangements ray be considered folowing a review on acase-by- ote basis. This wil node a review of row compotoncelexparience, andtions ‘of service, iesve talon, equipment and procedures io address contingencies, MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY ANO QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDTION, Rev 01, ome 8.6 Procedures MUST include provisions for montring, recording and contrling ‘maximum houte worked and fatigue evoidance. (Refer INO Pubicaton “Guiceines on Fatigue) 8.7 The operator MUST warrant that it operates under an Ale! and Drug Policy which meeis or exceeds te standards stout inthe ICSIOCIME pubication “Guides for the Control of Drugs and Alcohol On Board Ships" and current STOW Flag State requirements. Such poly MUST, ta minimum, contain provisions for rug ard aloanol esting that include unannounced testing an ‘outine medial exarinatios for all oficers are provides for al fice o be so {ested at least once 2 yeas trough the combined program of unannounced testing ‘and routine mesial examinations, “The operator makes the above warranty by a) agreeing tothe ExxonMobil Brug {and Alcohol charter pary clause and () submiting a signed Blanket Decaraon Noto. Companios based inthe USA wih USA ag vossos that meet USCG reguiaions for AAD testing ae acceptable, BS It's Strongly Preferred that vessol() are operated under ZERO ALCOHOL poly B.9 The operator MUST have documented procedures for vessels operated under ZERO ALCOHOL policy that acdressas the flowing ‘+ Campaigns to discourage the smuggling of crugs and / or slecol onto the veseet ‘+ Random unannounced cheeks for unauthois ‘of Alcona or Drag on board tne vessel ‘+ Drug and Alcohal testing post incident and / or operational anomalies ‘Testing where individual is suspected of being under the infuance of Alcohol orb + Disciplinary action where person(s) found and/or suspected to be In breach ‘of campany’s Onug & Alcona! paey possession and consumotion In ation tothe above, whore vessels eo not operated under a zero alcoho poly, te eperter MUST have documented procedures tht acess the folowing + Sysiem for convoling the issue of alcohol 4 Defined author rsponsibe for controling the issue of alcohol Onboard and shore sde system to monitor isve of alcohol {+ Motnod of verietion for stit adherence to policy. B10 itis Strongly Preferred that wo officers on boar ae trained as Aceidentinatent investigators, 8.11. itis Strongly Preferred that the appointed safety ofcer has received traning specie totes role MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01 ota. SECTIONG CREW MATRIX REQUIREMENTS “The safe operation of a vesse i function ofthe competency (as per STOW Cade) and experince ofthe affears responsiie forthe execution ofthe company’s safly ‘management system. Therefore, Is expected thal vessels are manned witha complement that refecs an adequate amount of experience and familiarly with company processes and procedures. ‘The provision ofthe tabl(s) belowis Strongly Preferred: ceprence | "eet rl th ‘Conse | convinces > Three (3) Years (Sea Time) | ane tres ()yeus amines, |, rk vosetanuentetiae ts) | >Ouc Year ‘months & Chief OF. should have nto amr cet rch esas ia wo @) Gade’ Yous | > Gn) Coon Vear ae > Six (6) Years (Sea Time) | NA Ora TST ‘Altype of in | omnes ay Ny | Nebeeo voce |. Stl | yor Enea aaa Chief Engr. + 2nd Engr. ‘Engr. + 4" Engr. ‘eas ean) > Tee (Yer (ea Tn) ote te yeas |. Rank combined, Chis Enginosr | >On0(1)Yoar | 9761) shoudhave miaimom si(@) | (Sea Tine) | og XR, ont and bd Ergnes sae ee ine en cower | >Two(@cauntevoan | >OmC1.Comaar |“ Gaar ‘or THE PC OT | 5 i) Year (Sen Teva) NA NA setarat Foor Taras tanker: NA Years (Sea time) NA MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND GUALTTY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR GEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS I EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rav 1, -13- Fox vessol(s less than (c) 16k DWT, where ther is reduction Inthe numberof engineers (on board the vessel ‘Senlor Deck Officers ‘Lunior Deck Off Experience Master + Chief OFF 2ndOf. + 3rd Of (Combined) (Combined) > Thee (8) Years (Sea Time) Cf tre theoe (8) years combines, Rank Master shoud have minimum sx | >One(1) Year (Sea Time) (@) months & Chet Of. shou have minimum sx (6) onthe (Sea Tine) Operator > Two) Galnder Yours | > One () Calendar Year ‘This type of > Sic (6) Yours (S00 Tne) “ Tesi Sm (6) Years (Se8 Tne) Na Sore aad a Fal TS) all types of NA “Years co (sea Tne) Experience Engineer + Junior/ Licensed | Gas (Cargo Enginee peri tant Engineer(s) (Combined) _| {LNG vessel only Thro (9) Years (Sea Ti). , | >one.t) Year Rank Ofte thes (3) yeas combined Chet Enginer should have minum si) ae ‘mont (ea Tm) Operate > Two @)Gaonar Years nate, This type of > fears (Sea Time) is pe ‘Six (6) Years (Sea Time) NA ‘iltypes of pes NA WA SIRE.ONLINE Crew Matrix Interacive Online Crew Matix onthe OCIMF SIRE website MUST be kept updated at al times bythe Operator. itis strongly sic that years are stated with a decimal pint in oder thatthe reader ofthe mati can make corost assessment. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. OF 14 SECTIOND NAVIGATION In aden to statutory requirements, each vessel MUST be equipped wih at least he {olowing equipment which MUST be maained in good working ager and condo, is recognised trat some governing Flag Slates may require ADDITIONAL equipment to that ‘equied inthis section. Furr, Fig States may fequre certain Rem of equipment to meet local operating stancards or “Type Approval. Each vessel MUST comply wih these ‘adltonal equipment requirements 1D.4 Vessels MUST have a means to prove warning ithe vessel deviates off her intendes course; e.g. GPS cross track eror,auloplo alarm ee. An independent magnetic of course alarm is Strongly Preferred. (vracH. 4311.1 D2 Vessels » 8000 GT for soageing service MUST be provided wih a Voyage Data Recarer system. It's Strongly Preferred thal vessels < 2000 GT for seagoing service are provided with 2 Voyage Data Recorder system Voyage Data Recorser systons MUST be of approved type and capable of storing navgational data, brdge audio, etc. so that the dala stored can be feineved and analyse, ‘The vessel MUST have documented procedures for downloading data from VOR. ost incect/ operational nomabes, Da ths Strongly Profered that he ve sted with a wind speed and rection inaistor Pa cH. 4.294) DA Vessels above 100 k OWT MUST bo fied witha Rate of Turn ndiatr. (VPQCH. 4.18.1) DS The vessel MUST be fited with a gyro compass. Its Strongly Preferred tat vessels nave two gyro compasses, or one gyro compass and one vansmiting ‘magnetic compass, [vPQCH.42.1) 1.6 The vessel MUST have means of taking visual compass besrings. DT Radar: Vessels « 3k DWT: MUST have atleast one (1) radar ited wth a ue north festure Vessels > 3k DWT MUST have atleast two (2) adr, at least one of which has ‘a tue noth feature Its aso Strongly Proferrod that Sem and 10om (X & $ band) capably is ‘rovided via the combined use of twa radars that can be iter-eiched IVPOCH. 44.1.1] 8 One adr MUST be fed wih electronic tracking plating facies uross a stand ‘alone ARPA ited. IvPack.4:7.1) [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONNOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01, -18- D9 Vessel own speed input to ARPA MUST be speed through the water DAO The vostel MUST bo fited with a Dopth Finder. The Depth Finder is Strongly Preferred to have capability of recording Pach. 49.1) 1.11 The vessel MUST be fited with rucder angle indietors and propeller RPM ot cantolaole pits peopel pte seting inate. (VPQCH. 4.13.1] 1D.12 itis Strongly Preferred that vessels are fitted with bridge wing repeaters or rudder angle, propeller RPM and pitch stings. [vPQCH. 437 & 38) 1.13 The vessel MUSTe fited witha course recorder. IVPQ.CH. 4.30.1) 4 The vessel MUST fited wth GPS. WWPQCH. 422.1) 1:15 Itis Strongly Preferred thatthe vesslisfited with weather fx capabity (VPO CH. 4.34.1) 16 The vessel MUSTbe ted wih an approved Automatic laemicaton System (AIS). The AIS transmittor power MUST be set according to SCOTT ‘recommendations when alongsice in part. D7 The vessel MUST fited wth Long Rang ‘engaged on inirnationa voyages cation and Tracking (LRIT) if 18 Its Strongly Preferred hal vetse's shal be fied with a Bilge Navigational Wate Alarm System (BNWAS). 18 Any vossol wit a beam > 25 mater MUST be fied wth bridge wing repeaters, 1020 Any vessel for seapoing senice MUST be ited wit Satelite Communications 021 Manuals covering Navigation and Brcge Procedures MUST be maintained ‘onboard and vessels MUST be navigated in a manner that ensures compliance wi tese procedures. To avoid ere) by one indvdual during eal ‘operational condtons (9. pictage waters, navy rai, restricted vba), ‘hese procedures MUST incude appropriate bridge manning fr all stuations vunen the vessel is underway and at anchor ‘Tne folowing publcatons MUST be mainaines on boar Flag State or National Coastguard Agency Guidance Notas pertaining tothe Safety of Navigation, e., UK Marlime ané Coastguard Agency Guidance Notes, Morenant & Marne Notes. 22 Vessels MUST maintain an up-o-ate record of evens in an appropiate Deck Log ‘ook [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SERGOING INGUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 0" a6. 23 Thee MUST be an established systom to ensure that he vassals provided with al nautcal publestons anc chars othe ilended route. An effective system [MUST be in place to maintain hese publeatons and charts Upto da, 10.24 Vessels equipped wih an ECDIS system MUST meet INO approval requiroment land nave a backup system as preserbed by IMO, Any other Eletronia Chat Navigation ECN) systems that are nt approved by IMO MUST have paper chats ‘ntoar asthe PRIMARY system. In all ercumstances, there MUST be an ssialshed system for chart corectons 10.25 On Vessels where paper charts ae the PRIMARY System but fited wth an Electronic Chat and Display Information System (ECDIS), itis Strongly Preferred that all deck oficers using the system have undergone a docimentes lzaning program. Where vessels are equipped wih an Execronie Chat and Display Information System (ECDIS) as the primary means of navigation, all deck ‘offcers using the system MUST have undergone @ documented training program forthe type of equpment fie. ISTCW Cove - Reg, 112 & Section AU182 IMO Model course 127] 26 Vessels MUST rocoive regular Notoe fo Manes updates appropriate to ther racing areas. The vessel MUST have updated! corrected andthe mast recent ‘tion Chars ofa sultable scale fr he intends Wade, 127 There MUST be a uly documented passage plan, approved by the Master, ‘covering al legs fhe voyage, bath at sea and in por incu when a pio ie ‘board. Spec attention shoul be given to the i-pot passage plan, the Interface of the plot withthe Bedigo Management Team and in-por iesves such {25 he effect of squat on under keol clearance. As @ minimum the pian shoulé Include te folowing elements: 1) Appraisal: revew of al relevant information pertaining tothe voyage leg shouldbe cared ut all ptontal hazards and scenarios aa approprate Should be risk assessoo. 2) Planning: detailed writen plan should be prepared, with tems such as ‘anger ares, tidal cata, Wayport, et. highlighted onthe voyage cars 53) Execution: a prosass must ens to ensure the Béigo Team reviews the an and that contls ar in place to ensure eafely executed Monitoring: the Bridge Team should use al avalable means to monitor the passage including te actons ofthe pc, and review against te plan 1028 kis Strongly Preferred thatthe vessel pst. on the ridge alongside ther ‘manoeuvring daa, the resus ofa ZIG-ZAG tat as pe IMO MSCICrre 1053 132. 28 Vesseis MUST be ble to demonstrate that Wo independant means of obiining navigational data are employed to very vessel poston. 1.80 The vessel MUST maintain a recor of deviations for magnetic compasses and a record af error for gyrocampasses lo enable corectons of bearings courses to “io reacinge. [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGONG INGUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 0% bat ps2 red “17 ‘The operation of all navigation equipment and steering gears MUST be verifed porto each por entry and departure. The man propusion system MUST be tested ahead and astern, CCompretensive Under Keel Clearance and Air Ora calclaton(s) considering a Significant allowances MUST be documented for tn conrling depth) on passage. Tho clculatio(s) MUST be relevant for tical effects and speed of transit ‘ver he contling depth), \Vessels a anchor MUST have a conse offer onthe bridge, go ato maintain antec anchor watch, and an aporopiaty qualified engesing oer inthe ‘engine oom if te vessel isnot UMS, or avalabe ata mee curing th period at ‘Seema the vessel is UMS, ‘Vessels MUST have a means o prove warring if the vessel deviates signfcanty ‘rom the intended rack e.g. GPS and ECDIS (1 instaled onboard) cross back MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. OF e1 e2 Es e4 Es ES e7 Eo E10 -18- SECTION SAFETY AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT (4s pe eplcabie ISGOTT, Cade of Safe Working Pratoes& ISPS Code) ‘Operators MUST ensure tht al crew members working in hazardous areas use personal protecve equipment (PPE) appropriate othe operations beng ‘ondcted sn the ak invoWed, ‘Accommodation ladders fo lot embarkation MUST comply with SOLAS Regulations ad the IMO Recommendation on Avrangements fer Embarking ad Dsembarkng Piss. {ll vessols MUST have means of embarkation and csembarktion in port such as ‘gangways and accomadation lcers. ‘Safe access MUST be provided for connection isconnection of cago tractor hoses es ‘All vessels MUST cary Emergency Procedures that cover as a minimum, action {to be takenin he event of colson, grounding, potuton, fre and explosion, and also gas releases rom gas ships and love Vapour releases frm chemi! All vessels MUST demonsirate documented procedures for safe entry into ‘olen dangerous or enclosed spaces, such as cargo pump rooms oF cargo tanks, wih, a¢ a minimum, an "Enty Permit systom as deeebad in SGOTT. In ation to statury requirements for double hull vessels, al vessels MUST have onboard a documented eystam or procedure to some for fammatle atmospheres at frequent intervals ial ballast tanks, coffedams, or oer such spaces win the hazardous zones ofthe vessel whore flammable vapours can ‘accumulate, The fequercy of esting wil be dependent onthe voyage length, ‘vessel condton, type of eargo etc, but MUST be cleary stated within the vest ty management systom, Ifa ied sytem wih recorders not ited, th procedure MUST Include samolng with parable eguament, Record of monitoring ofthese spaces MUST be mained IvPQ cH. 8.112) Equipment no longer active (eg, obsolete ochas beon replaced) MUST be ceetly and permanently marked and ieoateg, 0° remeved ff presents a hazard or could adversely affect the sate operaton ofthe vessa, {A vessel having 0,2 a feed Fie Fighting Exinguising system MUST have two ‘separate releasing contle, Vessels MUST have a documented ship-specinc Emergency Towing Procedure which conforms to SOLAS It (reg 3-4 as amended by Res MSC.256(04) I is ‘Strongly Preferred that such procedures are incorporated within the. Safety Management System (SMS), MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDINON, Rev. 01 -19- E11 The vessel MUST a limes, whether in port or at sea, maintain adequate secutly measures. Vinen anstng Pvough a pracy-nfested area, a vessel [MUST Use al avaiabie suppor and ulise Best Management Pracives fo leshance secu / safety on boar, a Rsk Assessment MUST be performed and Preventative tigating measures compled with E12 Whilein por a vessel MUST maiiain sufficient head count on board to handle emergency stations. Te vessel operator MUST include guidelines wihin Sip Managemant System (SMS) to eneure te comelance, [vrack. 3:1) E13 Avessel carying H:S cargo MUST have on board dedicated and certied personal ‘ovieas fr mossuring 8, suet for at least avery ew member working on ‘erpated deck area, [SOLAS rogulaton IM18-9& MSC.1/Circ, 1991] E44 Alvessols MUST cary the following portable gas detection equipment: = Two Explosimeters (at minimum) = Two Oxygen Analysers (ata minimum) = Toxic Gas Detectors or Analysers sutabl forthe range of products being cae. + On vessels operating with IGS, two instruments capable of measuring hydrocarbon contant in an oxygen deficient atmosphere MUST be provides (ata minima. Itis Strongly Preferred that personal multiple gas detecting alarm units are used by each person working na potentaly hazardous are, (vPach.a.114) E15 Toxic gas dtoctors for measuring H2S MUST be cared special for use in air cin an inert gas simospnee, E16 Allvessels MUST have on boars records of ess o show that all gas detection ‘equipment (xed and potable) s routinely maintained and calratee. EAT Appropriate span‘catraton gas, maintenance kite and batteigs MUST be carried to enable the equipment performance to be checked an kept ina fully operational condo. [vac 8.0} EAB The vessel MUST havo an automatic system oe detection nthe ‘ecommodation,taunry and galley areas. Is Strongly Preferred that he fre ‘elecion system cover all cabins, n alien to pubic rooms. E19 tis Strongly referred that Anemometer clsplay/ monitoring repeater with a ‘recorder (paper dia) is avaiable inthe Cargo Canal Room (CCR) and {signed to be capable of cating a minimum of wo desired alarms its. Tis ‘lam should sound an aucble and visual alam inthe Cargo Contol Room (CCR) land on deck f the set limts are excooded 20 A vessel MUST ensure that suffeent tme prio 10 departure is allocated to all ‘offeers,raings and Contractors, as applicable ofemitarize themselves wih, Dut rot mite MARINE ENVIFONMENTAL. SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBE. AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. OY -20- 2) Personal Survival Techniques, Medical Care, Emergency, Fie and ‘Safety Equipment as deineated in Chapir Vi, Section AVI, of Standards of Training, Carication and Watch keeping for Seafarers (sew. b) The sips emergency Fire Fighting and Lie Saving Equipment. ©) Equipment which they may use or operate in safely caring out ther utes, 4) Any watch keeping, safety, environmental protection and emergency protedues or arrangements that thay need to know tobe abet cary bul their assigned duos property. ©) Theirdutes ard esponsbttes under the ship's Vesse! Response aan (VRP), Shiptoard Oi Polution Emargenty Pans (SOPEP) and Ship Seourty ian (SSP) 4) The company’s Drug and cohol Poe. E21 is Strongly Preferred that every vessel prepare a Fire Pre-Plan io be used as @ {ool by emergency response personnel to access a ship's spaces in pre foc retighing. The plan shouldbe prepared for every space covering th ship and each space shaulabe examined fo Space location “Type offrefuet Bounsares Electrcal power sources Ventilation Hazards contained within the space Fire protection Plan of tack Date Pre-plan Prepared Such plans shuidbe checked an approved by Ship Management Team E22 Alportable ladders MUST have a unque dentiving number clearly marked onthe ladder. The company MUST have in lace procedure for ragularingpection, E25 Alaricks, cranes and chain backs MUST be clearly marked wih thi safe working iad (SWE), and where aporopite, the operating ange and Wetting reference number. vPa ck. 1071 E24 Alling sings, stops and wires MUST have mechanical eyes formed in them ‘marked withthe SWL, and have a unique idantication number. £25 Portable iting devices suchas chain blocs, stops, sings and shackles atc [MUST be suppted wih orignal test ceticales, These MUST be subjectad to a ragular periodical inepecon and MUST be inspected ror o each us [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SERGONG INGUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 0" Fa F2 FS Fa FS Fe Fr Fe Fo 2 SECTION POLLUTION PREVENTION “The vossel operator MUST provide the applicable voting xpaniaaton with ofice and ser nous telophone rumoers and tas of ter shore emergency response ‘organisation inorder to facltateoperatovcharerercommuricatons in tha overt ofa vessel casual or escape of cargo. Ths information shou be ‘communicated to MSOwner@exxonmobilcom and Kept Updated at al mas, IvPQcH. 1.23) Cargo transfer sysoms MUST be tested annually tothe designed working pressure. The vessel MUST have on board records verving annual pressure testing of the cargo system. Records of ncivicua cago valves maintenance and {ests MUST be kept on board and avalale, ‘Bunker transfer systems MUST be tested annual tothe designed working pressure. The vessel MUST have on board records varying annual pressure {esting of the bunker system, [vPacH. 6.18) HF the vessel is fied wih a dedicated faciity to supply water ballast into cargo {ank(s) ftom the segregated balast system, there MUST be atleast two-valve ‘sogragaton between the segregated balast system an the cargo tanks) and at Teast one ofthe valvs MUST be ited win a non~elum device. Vessels MUST be fited witha continous ack edge flat that encoses the ‘main dck area, fom bom io ster, such that escape of cargo or bunker anc Contents wil be contained tls Strongly Preferred on ships fits wth stem anchors, hat he poop decks {uly protected with an appropriate fh plate or gutter bar and should have a means to prevent te escape of Iqui through te nawse pipe. For vesols with Continuous decks, a ransverse fshplate MUST be fited, af ofthe lat carge tank, {o prevent the flow of cargo around the poop / accommodation deck area, A. ‘means of draining or removing ol fom the enclosed deck area eentainment MUST be proved, [wPack.6:1&62} ‘All Bunker marifolis, cargo maniods, sence an storage ol tank vents MUST have spil contsinmert arrangements which are of permanent constuction. I Strongly Prefered thatthe Hyaraule Machinery ané Heating Col Marois on eck also have contamentarangemenis af permanent constuction, IWPOCH.64,65,66867] ‘Allangee connections requing bots MUST be fuly bolted ata ties. ‘Allopen-ened cargo, bunker or ballast pipe work and unused manifolds MUST be blanked and fuly bolted (or cappod inthe case of small ameter Ines). Any Dank ange fitedon the vessel MUST be of eufcient strength forthe certined ne pressure MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INGUSTRY VESSELS I EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rav 0 10 Fa Fas Fa F.A6 -2- Blank anges MUST be ftes onal cargo related overoard eischarge, unless Impractiabie, in which case double lock valves are acceptable ty ae ited wih system to monitor the integrity of ie space between the valves (as per Fo) vrai. 6.15) ‘Scuppers MUST be effctivaty sugges curing all cargo, ballast and bunker handing operatons and at ai ther tmes when in port except when clearing rain water. Were the ship is ite wih a scupper erin system tis MUST be checked Dror to arvalin porto ensure that th ine ae lar and the valves operate ‘carect. Scupper dain sysiem valves MUST be clearly ideniiod and MUST be Kept closed whist the ship i in por. Mecharicalscupper plugs ae Strongly Preferred. Wooden slugs wth cement are acceptable provided they are propery rmaitaines, Scuppers on Gas Carrs MUST be efecvely plugged curing bunkerng and ddrng cargo operation ony if caying a MARPOL Annex 1 carga, WvPacH. 68) Polluton cont! equipment MUST be avalabe in accordance withthe Ol Poluton Preparedness, Response and Coorinaton (OPRC) Convention 1990. ‘As. minmum, the folowing equipment MUST be avaiaso. 2) sorbents )non-sparking hand sccops, shovels, and buckets ©) containers stable for olding recovered waste ©). emulsiers fr deck caning 2) protecive clothing 4) wo (2)nonsparking potable pumps with hoses in goes operating condition. Untess otherwise stated inthe manufacturers instructions, all porabie pumps MUST be ertned when in use. For vosels ited ‘wih xed dump valves, porable pumps are rot requires. [vPacH. 6.10) \Vossels MUST be fited wih at east wo valves on each cargo sea chest, A system to monitor te intagriy of te space botween the vales for product leakage and sea vaive ntegity MUST be fited uloss the soa chest olated ‘fom the cargo system by a spect piece o lank. {OCIMF publeaton "Prevention ‘of Ol Spllages through Cargo Pum loom Sea Valves” may be used asa gud). TVPOCH. 6.118643), ‘ner instalee, the Cargo Sea Crest valves MUST be kept closed and senlad at al times wen notin use. All portable spodl pieces between the cargo pumps and 0a valves i ited, MUST be removed and the pipeline ends blanked, ng neal cargo operations whan tha connections tothe 9ea valves are not ried Operators MUST have in plac an Environmental Poly covering polation fram the folowing sources, a appropiate = il, associated prductslchemicas, LNG &LEG + Nokous Liquié Substances 2 Sewage 2 Dangerous Goods + Garbage = Ballast wator (including the tense of micro-organisms) = Cargo Vapour and Engine Exhaust Emissions MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev: 0% -23- = Halons and CFs 2 Noise 2 ntiFouling Paints {Guidelines isu by tho Intarnational Chamber of Sipping “Shipping and the Environment ~ Code of Practice” should be used as a reference, F.16 Vessels provided wih connections between Cargo andlor Ballast andr Inet Gas ‘Systems MUST be equipped wits portable spoo! paces, whieh MUST be Aisassembled and Kept slowed ins conspicuous positon. FAT The Olly Weter Separator (OWS) and Ol Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODNE) MUST be regualy tested anc veri uly operational, porto each vse, “The OWS and ODME MUST be caltrated on an annval basis, ‘The OWS and (OOME piping systems MUST be tamper prea ang in accordance wth MARPOL, Regulations andthe approved system drawings F.1B Its Strongly Preferred thatthe swich forthe electric power supoly forthe Engine Room Oly water separator be located en the Brie. Ths it prevent the Oly watar separator being inadveteny started within Port and MARPOL, ‘Special aroas, or without the permission af the ridge Watah-keeping Oe, F.19 Its Strongly Preferred that all flexible hydraulic hoses exposed on deck are replacec every 5 years. Company MUST have in place a procedure for Inspecton, testing and replacement of al such Hebe hoses F.20 Its Strongly Preferred that vessels are constructed with double skin Bunker Tanks, Lube OI Tanks and other spaces containing polaris F.21 tis Strongly Preferred thal balast tanks have protective coatings an vassel comply win performance standards reerad ton USC Regulations 218 (2), F.22 Its Strongly Preferred thal vosses are povided with adequate means for cuck ‘sampling and visual inspection of te segregated balast waters por fo Gacharge, F.23 It's Strongly Prefered that vessels have a Shi Energy Eficency Management Pian. F.24 Vessels MUST have ¢ Garbage Management Plan on board, defing procedures for Garbage Storage, Segregation and /or dsposal mathads [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDINON, Rev. 01 ca ca cs -24- SECTIONG STRUCTURAL CONDITION ‘Onnersioperators of al vssols of 15 years of age or more, MUST provide thee most recent Special Survey documentation for review by IT, Seacver or Tenen General For US. Jones Ac ships, cocurntaton shuld be submites io Sever For those vessels o be considered for ExxanMobl afilale sevice the following documents are requ! 1) Coricate of completion ofa fal Enhanced Special Survey, Including dy-dock, as required under the survey provisions of the 85 MARPOL Regulations. 2) Reopy a the onboard doumentaton fle or he, St Ah, or St (whichever is he most recent) Enhanced Special Survey, inaiecing I) The Survey Planing Document 1) Tho Executive Hull Summary (Condition Evaluation Repon) {or complaton of applicable Enhanced Special Survey li) Hut Structural Surey Reports an sry subsequent Ml ‘suneys Iv) Ultrasonic Thickness Measurement Report. 3) Latest lass Suney Status Repon, Gas and chemical ships are not subject to an Enhanced Special Survey, however ‘hey ae stil required fo undertake a Special Survey. Asa consequence the ‘anplicabe vting organisation stl requires ta review as much documentation that iS appicabe tothe survey in question Ts should include, Sut note imited to Hull Sintural Survey Reports, Uiasone Thicknese Measurement Repos, Latest Gass Survey Status Repors, ‘A communication wih INT relate to this process shouldbe drated forthe ‘atetion of ESS Co-ordinator by ema to: MSess@exxonmobi.com TPO cH. 1.38) ‘A vesse older than 15 years MUST provide @ CAP (Condition Assessment Programme) Certificate wih regard to Hul, Machinery and Cargo System with 21 (22 rating ised by a Casseaton Sosety which @ member of ACS. Tha CAP Catfcate MUST be renewed every § years, the vessels older than 20 yeas, the CAP Certfcate MUST be renewed every 0 months vPQcH. 1.44} ‘Aluminium anodes MUST NOT be used in CARGO tank. If used in BALLAST ‘tanks, they MUST meat he following eters MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY ANO QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01, os -25- ‘Anodes MUST not be placed higher than 1.8m or higher han a postion ‘at may cause an impact energy greater than ZOkgmn the event of tal ‘Anodes MUST be shisided from cbocs fling from dec overhead (special designed box ial) ‘Anode alloys MUST cortain pe more than 0.02% magnesium of 0.4% siicone or MUST meet US. Coast Guard Requrements f =ppicable, (Code of Federal Reguations- 35.0251) (8) {PQ CH. 7.3} For vessels engaged inthe carsage of chemicals ce clean products, tanks MUST either be stzinless steel or be fuly coated wth a coating sutable forthe range of rads intended tobe cared. A record of cargo tank cating conation MUST be ‘ainained on board showing the sats ofthe coating conctan noah tank (Cargo tanks tet av used for caring viaton grade Kerosene MUST be ree of copper, zine, cadrium and ther alloys MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev" DY SECTIONH CARGO AND BALLAST SYSTEMS H11. The vesse! MUSThave on boatd cargo operation and handing procedures in atditon to documantaton showing maximum lacing ratos,veting capocties and maximum permissible pressute nd vacuum each tan can withstand H12 A dotaited and documented cargo-handlng plan writen in the language of he Offcer's and Crew MUST be prepared and avalalo for evary cargo x baat ‘operation undertaken HS Materal Safty Data Sheets (SDS) for al products being hanclec MUST be splayed. Where apatcatle, copy of the USCG Data Guide shoud be aboard H4 Vessels for seagoing sarvioe MUST be capable of handing at least 3 grades ‘Cargo pumps MUST have emergency stops locates on deck o inthe Cargo CConttoi Roam. itis Strongly Prefered hat emergency stops ae also located in the Cargo Conol Room, at the mantel, ad just ousie the pump room cenvance i vessel sited with a cargo pump room). Ret; OGIMF: A Information Paper on Purp room Safely (September 1003), Wweacn. 8.15} H5 Ifthe cargo pumps are centifugal and locate ina pump room, ther bearings and casings MUST be ited win igh temperature alarms or tpa. tis Strongly Prefered that al pump dive sha bukvead glands are ited with alarms o tips, [BOTH alarms and tips are Strongly Preferred ie slo Strongly Preferred that rolary postive displacement pumps ae filed wih this equipment for high fash Point cargoes, ant MUST be so ited for cargoes with fash ponte below 60de0C. H6 The vessel MUST have appropt ‘coro events logoook(s) on board containing an upto-cate HT Vessels wit inherentntact stability are Stronaly Preferred. Where the vessel {es not possess inherent intact stabil, the operator MUST determine whether ‘here are any possible condtons of cargo andor balst opecatons where INO stably erteria are not satsie. Vessels that have large Undvded tanks in when [guid fre sutace may afect vossal stabi, uch as douse ul, double sides, ‘and OB0s, without a continuous lengtdina bulkhead Inthe cargo tanks andor vith "U" shaped ballast tanks), MUST have operatnginsrucons that 1 Indeate the number of tanks which may be slack and sti sais IMO stably crtoria under al possble conditions of igus (eatgo andr ballast) transfer ‘Are understandable tothe ofcerincharge of transfer operations Require no extensive mathematical calculations bythe oficerincharge Husrate corrective actions tobe taken by te offceran-charge in case of departure rom planned values, and in case of emergency stuns, such 238 negative sabi causing an ang of ol 5, ‘rw prominently ciplayed nthe approved tim and stabi Booka, at tha cargobalast transfer contra staton, and inary computer stare by which sabi calculations are perormes. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01 He Ho Ha2 Hoa <2. Provision ofa cargo computer, or equivalent is Strongly Prefered, to enable ably calculations tobe made, pro: and al ary slage ofthe cargo operation ‘and fo calculate ll stresses. Id, tho operator MUST ensure that tis ‘computer propram has been indapendenty verified. t's Strongly Preferred that this computer program be Class approved as an IACS URLS Type 2 or Type 3 stably computer. Pach. 8.168817) \esse!s MUST bofitd wth bite alarms in pump rooms, ncuding ballast pump ‘rooms, bow and stam taster rooms ang emergency fe pump fom, ‘Vessels carving low fash cargo MUST befits wth a fxed system capable of continuously montorng er ammabie almosphere n carga pump oom [Pa CH. 8.112) “The Rammable gas detecton system MUST be fite wth an alarm to indicate the bresence of signifcartconcantations of flammable vapaur. ks Strongly Preferred that sensorsisamting pons for monitoring fammabie amosphees are ‘istibuted tnroughout pump roams. Ret OCIMF Information Paper on Pump room Satay vPa ch. 8.113} tis Strongly Preferred that pressure gauges wih valves or cocks be fied ‘outboard of cargo manila valves. This requirement may be waved upon Applicaton ana jstfcaton lor chemical ears and mutiproduct carers, which have an excessive numberof manflds, and where acceplabe aerate arrangements arin plac, ‘The vesse! MUST have onboard appropriate documentation for the vessels porabie noses showing at 1, Al noses are inspected pir to each use to ensure they ae fre of kinks ‘ran oer material defects 2. Alhoses are pressure tasted annual o 1.25 times the design working ‘ressure (nthe USA hoses MUST be tested to times the maximum ‘working pressure) 3. Alnoses are rtrd in accordance with manulsetvor's instructions 4. Flange markings match creates for ease of iertifeaton ‘Cargo tank venting MUST be through approved systems that exoel vapours clear ofthe tank dock area in sccardance with SGOTT. The vessel MUST nave ‘secondary means of providing protecton agains tank overlunder pression, ‘Ths can be provided by Tul flow independent PIV valves andlor prose. monitoring syst ited io each tank. Full fow PV valves MUST be co fed that, {hey cannot be isoated om the tanks they protect and MUST be capable of ‘lowing sufcient volume of gas to prevent damage atthe tank's maximum losdinglischarge rates. Where fed cargo tarks pressure rrontoring equipment ‘ited, the play unit MUST be installed nthe cargo conta room wih arm etngs This alarm shoud sound an avdbe and sual slarm in the COR i the mis ae excoaded, vac 87) MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXCONNOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev: O° -28- HAAS Allvessels MUST be able to undertake cargo operations under controled venting, ‘osed gavging and sampling techniques; hat, vessels wil have acts 1a {enable veg of tank atmospheres and ulage monitoring without need to open hatchesilags ports. (vec. 8.51) H.18 A vapour recovery system is requited a certain terminals. ited on board, it [MUST be Ciass approved. Manifolds MUST comply ith the OCINE "Recommendators for Ol Tanker Menfois and Associates Equipment and vessel personnel conducting cargo operations MUST be familar wh the safety Implications of ts use. [vPQCH. 865) H.17 Tanklevel measuring devices MUST be avalable fr al cargo tanks, lo tanks land bunker tanks. Automat tank gauges are Strongly Preferred. Where fied, ‘these MUST have remota readings inthe Cargo Contr! Room, [wrach. asi} 1118 Vapour locks wit sonic tapes are only acceptable as a substitu or automatic {nk gauges provided tat the vesso is equpped win a minimum of ne sonic {apo for each cargo tank which is oading or iecharging. Preumate tank level ‘gauging systems MUST be supplemented by such a vapour loc system, Vosso's at ites wits vapour locks may not be accept ata teminas, The vss MUST have vapour locks fo cstodial measurement of ow Sash point and toxic cargoes [vPOCH. 861.2) H.18 When vagout locks aro fie. the vessel MUST have sone tapes capable of measuring ulage, temperature, and interface (.9, UT) an a samping cave, H.20 When vapour locks ar fied they MUST be independently caltrated and cetied 50 that measurements taken through them canbe used ith the vesses orignal tage ables, 121 Use of portable measuring equipment, inctuing sonic apes and sampling devias, when oasing produc in nonnered tanks, MUST bein aosordance with the precautions to prevent elecrostatc igniton recommenced in SGOTT. Except ‘where tanks are filed with perforate fll depts sounding pipes - portable ‘measuring and sampling devices MUST not be intadscad ita non-nete tanks Lunt 30 minutes ater cargo flow tothe tank stops. Vessels MUST be able safely op ofr fl compliance wih these requirements. if sounding ppes are ited, they MUST be perforate, constructed $0 ato extn tha ful dapth ofthe 1ank and be effectively bonded. Full depth sounding pipes MUST be fied fo the vapour lock f the vessel has na automatic ank gauging equipment. has 0 IG ‘system and caries sac aocumlating cargoes, 1122 Independent high level alarms MUST fited for al cargo tank, stop tanks ang bunker tanks. They MUST be uiilsod dung al cargo and burke: anor ‘operations sna utaby located to alt porsonnel conducting the operations. Indepentent igh level alarms MUST be festod pra o cago operation and tests property coraed [vPQ cH. 8.54) MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01 23 Hae H25 H26 har H28 H20 29. esse cargo and burker manifolds and associates valves, ducers and spoo! pieces MUST be fabcate of see. Foxe hose connections MUST be via Bote ste! anges, unles the connecton system is supples and designed for specicaly esignatod purpose. Groy castiron and aluminium are NOT permitted. Ducte ron may be used fof appropiate strength, yes svength anc flongtion, Its Strongly Preferred tat al vessels o be used inte carriage of more than ‘one grade of cargo should be capabe of maintaining a twa valve or equivalent ‘Separation between graces at allies during the execution af the voyage incuding loading and dscharoing operations, IvPQCH. 8.15) ‘Vessels having conventional pump rooms MUST be equipped wih atleast wo ‘peratonal main cago pumps. IyPace. 2.18) ‘The vessel MUST have enboard documented maintenance procedures anc tat records thal eate to erical systoms. Critcal systems incude the cargo pumps, ping, valves, inert gas sysiem ard cago Instumentaton, (See also TMSA Element 4} Iti Strongly Preferred that vessels are fein ther Cargo Contol Room wih a ‘device capable of monitoring and recording the loa /lscharge marvols pressure, [Alltho cargo equipment suchas pressure gauges, vacuum gauges thermometors ‘otc, MUST be checked annual and cored Vessels MUSThave fixed cargo tank pressure monring eauipment ited, with a visual dspay ut instaled in the cargo contol ‘oom. The system shal include ‘manufacturers set igh andiow pressure alarms ae detaied within OCIM SIRE 4 Vi CH: 8.20, ane aedtionaly a further minimum to adjustable, user deine, slams limits which can be st as requires. These alarms shoud sound an audible land visual alarm inthe COR ifthe sti are exceeded, [SIRE ¢ viaccH. 8.20) Itis Strongly Preferred that vessels are fit wth a cargo tank pressure monitor Aspley and lar unt onthe bridge in adton to the ciplay and sar eit, instal in the cargo contrat oom (4.29) MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev- 01 aa 42 43 Ja us 48 ay Ja 4s 10 an SECTION J INERT GAS AND CRUDE OIL WASHING SYSTEMS An inert Gas system, where ite cargoes. MUST bo used forthe cariage of al Petroleum ‘An inet gas system, where ited, MUST be maintained in full working order and have documentad maintenance procedure, maintanance and tet records, Maintonanco records MUST include, eerubber tower, Bioware, deck sel, PV breaker, PIV valves, mast risers, oxygen analyzer. pumps, and inspection ‘examination ofthe nar gas pipe sectone for corresionfieakage tings end Instrumentation containing eral components, IvPa cH. 9.1(via 94) “Tne nen gas system MUST be operated as per a detailed manval approved by te vessels classiicaton sccity. Is Strongly Prefered that the IMO publication Inert Gas” scared on IGS tes vesses. log of IG operations MUST be mainained on board WwracH. 99] IG Alarms and trips MUST be tested pir to carg cischarge an tess propery record. ‘A calration check of te oxygen anaiyser MUST be cared out prior fo putting IG system into use and records snoua be maintained tis Strongly Preferred that a stand-by Oxygen analysers ited to seve asa bbacksp means in case o fale othe main O2 anaijaer. In regard to cargo tank pressurelvacuum protection, a vessels MUST comply th {he provislons of SOLAS rogaraoss of intr uiding date ‘The IGS deck seal MUST be ofthe "Wet type only. Dock Seas that are “Semi- dh" or Ory" are not accoptabe. Chemical caer fea with net gas systems bauino deck seals MUST comply with ho enhanced requltements for tack and bleed systoms identified by toe OCIME paper ‘Inert Gas Systens: Block And Bleed Vaive Avangersens For Chemical Carre Carying Chemicals And Petroleum Procucs’ published January 2000. IvPacH. 9.10) “The 1 lines MUST be inspected and drained at regular intervals, and recorse, “Tho preceding item, procedure J8, MUST be card out immaciataly i the event ofa tank over ‘The Vessel MUSThave clesrly established procedures for crude ol washing, A ‘Gass approved COW manual MUST be evalabie on board, Ivpa cH. 9.21) ‘Alloficers in charge of COW operations MUST have knowledge of he onboard ‘Cow procedures. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDIFION, Rey OF -3t- 3. Operators MUST estabsh a crude oi washing checkst to be followed by vessel staf when conduing operators. Being a higher risk operation tis checkist MUST cover pre and post operation checks, Jt4 tis Strongly Preferred that alofcers in charge of COW operations should have. Lundergane a taining program for COW operations, proro assignment of COW responsiiies. 48: (Curent IMO publication of Crude ol Washing System” MUST be avaiable on oare for roerence, [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGONG INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFIUATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. 01 -32- SECTION K MOORING ‘Vessels MUST comply wit the latest edton of OCIME Mooring Equipment Guidelines. K1 The folowing table lists minimum mooring requirements by vessel size, Some teminals may equre addional mooring ines o supplement those Ist VESSEL SIZE | NUMBEROF | BREAKING OWT MOORING. | STRENGTH LinesWiRES | _M.TONNS Baowe 3 20 2-3 6 2 re 6 2 a5 5. 2a S15 a 3 15-20 10 38 2046 10 a7 4575 40 35 75-100 72 ea “06-40, 2 85 740-160. iz Ta 7160250, in 7 250400, 18 05 IMPORTANT NOTE ‘All mooring lines fr vossole 45x DWT and above required by the above table [MUST be ited on se-stowing mooring winen drums (spit ype Strongly Preferred) and ited wit brakes have a Polang capaaty in accordance wih the ‘OCIME Mooring Equipment Gudeines. ‘HiahModulus Synthetic Fibre Ropes: “Mooring nes required by the above table may be "igh-modulussyihetic fibre” ropes wth equivalent breaking strength, homever, fs ted, the rope ‘manufactures guidance and OCIM pubioaton *Gudalines an the Use of High: Modul Synthetic Fite Lines on Large Tankers" MUST fully complies wth, iting high-modulus synthetic Rre ropes in place of wire ropes, Operators [MUST be aware that some terminals may continue fo inst upon wre ropes being utes MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 0% 33 Genera 2 The use otmoorng lines (wir, high-moduus or regular synthe fre ropes) of Sifering oat, running in tha sam dvecton (ve. mixed mocring} isnot acceptable K3 Synthetic mooring als i fitted 10 wire ropes, MUST be connected othe wire with Mandel, Boss or Tonsberg ype shackas. Where tals are it to hgh-modlus syle fe ropes he conection MUST be made in Tul compliance withthe recommencatons aid down by the manufacturer ofthe highmodaus synthetic fibre rope 4 When used, synthetic mooring tails MUST mest OCINF guidelines, [vPQcH. 10.4} KS Mooring wes and syntheticlines MUST be resled on thal rums inthe direction which enhances brake hoding power. 6 Vessels > 100000 DUT MUST be fied with to bow stoppers, KT Vessels outttes for mooring at SPMs MUST be ites wih equipment in accordance wih OCIMF guidelines. Rel to; LOGIN *Recommencations or Equipment Employed in the Bow Mooring of ‘Conventonal Tankers at Single Point Moorings" and OCIMF “Mooring Equipment Gideines 3°= Appendix K8 —_Vossosintendad for MBM's(rultiple buoy moorings) MUST have closed chocks and nave an adequate number of chooks athe stem fo facile ‘mooring atthe buoys. Vessels MUST be ited wth cased ehacks ony. 9 All mooring ropes, wires, winches, brakes tals and shackles MUST be in good ‘condition K.10 Operators MUST ensure that winch bake hoingcapaciy at the rendering point is {ested annualy and that the proper seting is recordea. For example ag, satng the proper torque, attached toa sew brake anc prov'son ofa orgue ‘wrench for proper seting in service. (See OCIMF "Moorng Equipment Guicsines. K.11 _Cartfcates listing the breaking strength of each wire and ope MUST be kept on board. Recorés MUST identy the wires or ope othe winches on which hey are sepoyed K12 Mooring winches, ines and figs ae ctical systems and MUST have ocurentad maintenance procedures ang let records, Maintenance MUST Include brake and inkage Inspection & overhaul along with winch brake rendering tests. 1. Hose iting auipment MUST be sized so as to adequately han the anicinatad ‘ange of equipment. ‘The following wil serve as a quideine [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01, Kaa Kas K16 kar Upto 16kowT toSton swL. A6KDWTOEDKOUT — = 10ton SW GORDWT T80KOWT —=15ton SWL ‘Above 160 DWT = 20ien SWL Ff: OCIMF “Recommendation fr Gi Tanker Menflds and Associated Equipment. ‘Vessels MUST comply wit the OCIME “Recommendations for Ships Fitings for use with Tugs with parculrreterence to Escoring and oer High Loading Operations. Operators Vessel safety management systems MUST idently risks associated wih mooring operations ang incluce appropriate safeguards against those identtie risk, incucing but no limited fo ensuring hat Vesse! persone! ae wall ‘aware of srap-back zones wht parferming maorng operons. Iie Strongly Preferred that these zones are clearly marked upon the deck. \Vessels MUST have both the Fonsard anchors ane Som anchors i fied in ul operational cancion. Ine wth the OCIME publcaton "Recommendation for ships fing for us wi tugs" section 42.1 separate strong pons and checks specsealy for ug ‘escort and pullback duiies MUST be ites onal ankers over 20,000 DUT. \Wnere “Emergency Towing Arrangements" ETA) are ted as required by SOLAS this wil meet he above roquicoments provided toy ae sultable for dual purpose, and use should not comprorise the deployment or effectiveness ofthe ‘emergency towing arrangements, Ret: OCIME - Recommendations fo ships tings for use with igs. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXLONMOSIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. OF -35- SECTION L COMMUNICATIONS Lit The wessel or seapoing senice MUST be fied with sufcent potable VHFIUH ininsiclly safe mobi uns fr use by key personnel involved wit deck ‘operatons. ‘These MUST have an adequate election of channels avaliable, in ‘order to prevent interorence between Vesses in congested ports. VHF radio telephones, required under SOLAS Reg. 6.21.1, MUST NOT be used fr this purpose [vrach. 1158118) Where the vessel nasa carg contr ream sted in the safe area, a VHF rao telephone MUST be fites La IVPQCH. 11.6) MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFIUATE SERVICE: 2010 EDIVON, Rev. 01 -36- ‘SECTION M_ ENGINE ROOM AND STEERING GEAR M4 Vessels MUST be fited with ige slams inthe engin room. [Pa ch. 12:30) M2 One ofthe stoerng systems for vessel's on seagoing service MUST operate fom the emergency power supply is also Strongly Preferred tat al vessels comply wih SOLAS Chapter i-t, Regulston 28, Para. 16 and Para.20 even fale {GRTis below the SOLAS minimum. M3. Vessels> 18k DUFT MUST be fited with @ man and an auxiliary string system Including wo independent steering motors and hyeraulc pump, M4 Main Engine and Stoecng gear MUST be tested pir to aval anc departure fram ott Emergency storing ils MUST be carried out paiodealy at east ones {tree months. Bridge and Engine Wetchkeepers MUST be fariar wih the change-over procedures fom Main to Emergency Stering Geat and operation in Emergency mode, MS. —_AlWateteoping Engineers MUST be familar with Local / Emergency ‘manoeuvring procedures oft Main Engine. itis Strongly Preferred that Engineers ae povided wih a hands-on taining on the Lacal/ Emergency manoauvring station, MB During Engine stand-by condons end manoeuvring in narrow waters the \Vessoi MUST have sufiient reserve local power avaible from the running Electcal Generator, such hat one were las, Rwould not sac the mancourrabily ofthe Vessel M.7 The Vessel MUSThave a cary iantiied Ist of Ciical Systems and Crical alarms which are erica othe operational safety and manoeuvrabiy ofthe ‘vessel, Rows and responses fr these systems MUST be Jen on Board ana ashore, M8 There MUST be procedures in place to adress falure, dsarming or deactivation of any cial system, alarm, conrl er shutdown, “These MUST clearly Wenily, hho o address short tom dofocts and long tam detects, M9 The Vessel MUST esiabsh and cary athe minimum spares level for ital systems and alarms M10. The Vessel MUSThave the fel quality tested by an independant laboratory porto puting into use. Its Strongly Preferred tal ta Vaseel subscribes toa Fol quality assessment program. M1 The Vessol MUST subscrbe to regular Lube Oi analysis program by an Independent recognised body, whereas a minimum the lube ol ofa eat the Main Engi snd Diseol Ganerators i lasted ona roular Sass. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE. 2010 EDITION, ev. OF mas mae mae Mas -37- Itis Strongly Preferred that various flexible hoes inthe Engine room are Inte ara that they are ied in the on board maintenance and Inspection schedule. ‘All Vessels MUST have a Planned Maintenance System in lace with mainfrnce routines bases on manulacluer'sredammenaion and vessel experance “Tho Vessel MUST fallow a documented inventory system of spares for various ‘onboard machinery. There MUST be obecive evidence that this kept upto ate ‘There MUST be evidence that various machnery/ equipment under maintenance / repair has boon satisfactoly tested on compat of repair ‘The Company MUST identify instruments critical tothe sate and ecient ‘operation ofthe ship's machinery and these MUST be verified at regular intervals win calibration equipment ora certied Company ashore. ‘Tho Emergency Generaior MUST be tested on a reasonable load at east monthly ~ ‘A bunker raster procedure for daly bunker transfers MUST be in place. Ths [MUST be read ana understood by tne Wateh-Keoping Engineers ‘A bunker plan MUST be prepared by the Vessel rior commencement of bunkering operations. The incividuas involve in the process shoul have clear Understanding af tha procedures, the responsibil and ations tobe taken in {an emergency. tis Strongly Prefered thal a formal ok assessment scared ‘out ran existng one reviewed prior to eunkerng operatons, Bunker procadures MUST adsross potential dangers associated with ox ‘8028 in he fe. “The Vessel MUST have clear writen procedures for Boiler operations and maininance, including Exhaust Gas Ecenomiser. These MUST incude instructions for Emergency operations speci tothe vassal ‘The Vessels safety management system MUST identify risks assocsted ‘wih working on Elctcal equipment anc inclode approprate safeguards against Those ented rss, inctucing but not Inte To providing intrutons on precautions to be taken when working on righ voltage and ‘ve’ loctical ‘Squpment. The safety management sytem should adress safeguards related to activites such as tovsie-shoating on lve sitehboards ang the use of electrcal test panels, # applicable, ‘Allvessels MUST fully comply withthe Marpol Annex VI provisions fr the conto ‘of sulphir emione n epoca! SOx emission Conte Aas (SECAs) When ‘chartered or wore Wad, tha vessel MUST be capabie of meeting relevant local and national marine ful sulpaur content reguston, MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOSIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. Of 38- M24 Vessels which have been converted to comply wit Sulphur Emission regulatons MUST have procedures in place for he use of Low Suiphur Maine Gas Olln Boers (Reference ~ ntetanxo & OCIMF Guidance Paper ‘on using LSGMin Marine Boers) MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGONG INDUSTRY VESSELS Iv EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDIION, ev O° Na Na Na Na NS Ne NT Ne No 38 SECTION N GENERAL APPEARANCE AND CONDITION [Al vossel equipment and areas MUST be properly mantlnes, clean pant, ‘and in goed fabric condiion, All equipment MUST be in good working oder. Hull Markings MUST be clearly indicated and correct placed. Decks In working areas MUST have leary identified non-p surfaces. ‘Tne ganeral conditon of service pipe wock MUST be satisfactory and t MUST be free fom corrosion and pting and soft patches or ater temporary repairs. [Al dock openings, incuing watertight doors and portoles MUST be in a isfactory condition and capable of being propery secured ‘Allue, ballast and other space vents anda pipes MUST be clay marked to incite the spaces they serve. Allalleyways MUST bo free of cbsructons andthelr exts MUST be clearly marked, All public spaces, including smoke rooms, mess rooms, sanitary ares, ood storeooms, food handing spaces, refigorated spaces, galleys ana panties [MUST be clan, tidy and ina hygienically saistacory condition, Personnel alarms in retigrated spaces MUST be maintained in good order ‘and tis Strongly Preferred that they ae tested peredsaly ana records of such fests are kept MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE. 2010 EDITION, Rev OY Pa P2 Ps. Pa Ps -40- SECTION P_ SHIP TO SHIP TRANSFER SUPPLEMENT [Al ship to ship transfers MUST be conducted per the ICSIOCIME Ship to Ship “Transfer Gus. In he case of iqueied gas transfer operations the companion {qe Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Liquefied Gases - latest edition) MUST be Used. Adetonalertena fr speci locations are detaled below. (each. 13.4) ‘The Master and deck ofcers MUST have previous appropiate experience In lightening operatons. more vessels are expected ta conduct STS operations, they MUST have a Ship to Ship Transfor Pian, Personnel Transfer ‘All personne ransters dung STS operations MUST be undertaken after Completion ofa documented convo system (eg. permit to work) at Fevlaws / adresses th sks associated with tho oporaion and MUST be ‘spproved by a person in charge priori the operation, Lightaring in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) ‘Spocalctoria apply to STS Lighterng in the Gul of Mexico (GOM). The ceria ‘may be obtained fom the ExxonMdil afiate GOM Ligtering Coordinator atthe ‘otwing mal aderass: GOMlightering@exxonmobi.com. The citers MUST be compied wih. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXGNMOSIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev OY ot SECTION @ ICE OPERATIONS - APPLICABLE TO VESSELS OPERATING IN SEVERE. ‘SUB.ZERO CONDITIONS. 2.1 Vessels operating in severe sub-zero conditions MUST have avai! ce Class nolan, 2.2 The vesso's saety management system MUST ently risks associated with operations in sub-zero adr ce canaltions, and provide appropriataeafaguards against those identfed rss, including but not ited to, podures fer personnel training, navigation, operatons ane preparation of equipment for use in such eonaiions, 3 The vessel MUST have means to proven! ho icing up far ppes to setting and service tanks requied forthe operaton ofthe man propuson pla and essential avularies, 4 The vessel MUST have means to Keep a least ane machinery space sea water Inet loose. 5 The vessel MUST have means provided frie observation and detection, 2.8 Ono of the racars fitted MUST be ofa ype classed as being sutable for sub zero temperatures. 2.7 Systoms MUST bein place for he routine recep of navigational, meteorologist and environmental data, ncucing ee data and ce chars 8 Persona Protecive Equipment provided MUST be suitable for sub-zero eondions, [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLATE SERVICE: 2010 EDTION, Rev 0 242. SECTION R CHEMICAL CARRIER SUPPLEMENT ‘Tre folowing minimum satel orteria fr Chemical Carers are addtional ocitera Aesctbed inte previous sections. Ra R2 R3 RA RS. Re RT Re Re R10 Ra R12 Material Safety datasheets (MSOS) MUST be availble for al Chemical products ‘onboard ‘Vessels MUST have writen procedures for cleaning ane emissen contol of the cargo systom, [When a vessels involved in the cariage of bulk quid chemicals ll cargoes ‘catiod MUST be lstod on tho ships carta of ness or have obtained ‘administration approval fr cariage of non std cergoos ‘When new chemicals ae to be cares a review of handing procedures MUST be carries out by a company safety officer and any change n procedures, ommuniated tote vesve Officers and crew MUST attend chemical handling Waning courses that inctude MARPOL Annex Il awareness, Independent high a sms MUST be fted on all cargo tans, NPacH. 16.3) ‘Appropriate personal protective equipment MUST be provided and utised by ll ‘ew members, ‘Showers and eye baths MUST be provided, easly accessible on deck, capable of ‘operating nal ambiont conditions Ika fo be encountared and avalaba at al times. Vessels MUST carry Emergency Procedures thal cover, 26 a minimum, acon to be taken in the event of Chemical Spl and Potton, Its Strongly Prefered that a cure pipatine andlor mimic diagram of cargo, Inert gas and venting systems are cspiayed in the cargo contro-room Pipoine drains and stub plces MUST be capped proto cargo operations Its Strongly Preferred that procedures adopted on boar inclu the cargo system baing independently checked by wo ofcers prior fo transfer commencing. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING. INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev" OY -43- SECTIONS GAS CARRIER SUPPLEMENT “The folowing crea are to be applied to LPG, LNG and Chemical gas caters and are _bditonal ocr described nthe previous setone, sa 82 83 sa ss 86 Vesseis MUST have, reaciy avaible, fll deals about he cargoes being cared Incuding stowage plane and compatiy tables. Operators MUST inform the ‘appleabeveling organisation the vosee hae Cetficts of Fines to cary argoes other than iqueied gases. Gas caries, particularly LNG carers, MUST be aware ofthe phenomena of "ralover, and have procedures onboard autning the hazards and appropiate precautions, \Whara not ateady required by vosse Flag Administration the ofcors anc crow [MUST have attended Gas saely/handing Waring courses tis Stonaly Preferred that an Emergency Shutdown (ESO) pendant cable for the shore operator be priced. This fem @ MUST fr LNG cars, (Cargo related prossure roe vas, alarms, ps, and emergency shutdown, systoms (ESD) MUST bo used and maintained In accordance withthe ‘manufacturers instuctons and covered by a routine testing program with records Imaitained onboard. Te flowing alamstips fit) MUST be included TenkiLine High and Low Pressure (ncuting pumplcompressor tri). TankiLine Rela! vates, [Ar Locks fr CCR an Mator Rooms, [guid calecting tne or vent riser. Tank High and independent High/igh evel. ‘All cargo ullage, temperature and pressure montoring instruentation an (Cargo plant instumentaton MUST d@ rouinely tested and catated In ‘accordance wih the manufacturers inttuctions, with cores kept enboad 87 Cargo (quid and vapour) pipelines MUST be maintained in god working order se se wit ro leaks. Insulation whore fited MUST bo intact. Provision MUST be made to protec pong ftom excessive evesses dus fo temperature changea andlor ‘ovement of tanks and equipment to which ne pings stacned. Expansion Joints or bellows shall be Ket toa minimum and where used shall be subject to ‘Cass approval Alli cago pipelines MUST be fee of expansion bellows. Atornative ‘arrangements (49 where ited io cviain types of LNG carriers) wil be raviewed ‘ona casenby-case basis, Its Strongly Preferred tht all quid cargo pipelines are consvuctes wit ange ‘connections and fee om screwed (threaded) coupings MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL. SAFETY ANO QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. 01 8.10 Cargo segregation MUST be acioved without sk of iquid to vapour crossover. S11 Inert gas system piping MUST be completely independent and segregated from the eargesystom ‘812 Liquid sil containment arrangements MUST be appropriate for he range of ‘cargoes cared ana suadle for low temperature cargoes, where applicable. 813 Thro MUST bein place a system to routinely monitor ane test, in aczerdance wit ‘he manufacturers insructons, he effectiveness ofall gas ight seals tes Detwean the compressor oom and motor room where these are separated by @ Dulkhead or deck S16 oc fit to electrical motor rooms inthe gas hazardous zane ofthe vassal [MUST have a sysiem fr pero testing of slarms, tps and introcks as fed to the wees 8.15 Alleah bonding and coninuty sts MUST be in good condton S18 Where LNG caries use cargo as ful, they MUST have procedures onboard to fensure complance wth the requverants of the. IGC Code (Ch 16) and precautions outined inte ICS Tanker Safety Gude (Secton 48.3. Procedures Should cover the whole system operation, and. the routine testing and mamtenance on the man gas ine itegy, andthe crcl systems associated wit the process Including out nat limited io) gas detecion, master gas valve Isolation, venation itefocks, alarms ee, Documented records ofthe lost and maintenance cared gut onthe systom MUST be maintained onboard S17 Cargotransforsystoms MUST be tested annually tothe designed working pressure, The vaseal MUST nave on board records vrtyng these fens Nave been completed. Where sectons of cargo pipelines aro cifclt forthe ships sta to cary et pressure testing these cargo pipe secions MUST be tested during rycocking Records of nvidval cargo valve maintenance and tests MUST be kept on boars and avaiable MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL APFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 08 SECTIONT COMBINATION CARRIER SUPPLEMENT ‘The following erteria ara to be spied to vessel designed to cary ol and soli cargoes in bulk, and are adstonal to the crteria describes in preva sections, For the purposes of his section a combination care is defined as one of two main types sthr, an OUBU/Ore (O80) or, an OilOre (010) carrer. tis not intended that other forms of combination carrer (@9. a liquefied gas and products carer) be covered by the fobowing 1 The Master and Chiat Offcer MUST each have a minimum two years (equivalent) ‘experience on simiar OBO cx O10 design vessels, including at east one year (equivalent) operating in "wer service 2 Hatch cover seals MUST be gas tight. Hatch seals are crcal equipment and records of replacement, maintenance and testing MUST be kept on boars. is Strongly Prefered that han seals should be checked and ested or ightness prior each loacng operation. T.3 Tunnels, ited, MUST be monitored fr ammable vapours throughout the ‘voyage anda leg ef atmosphere tasting maintained TA Operators MUST prove documented procedures fr the changeover rom dry to Wel service, which MUST include the proving of ines, PIV valves and anclary eauipmeat. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING APPENDIX A: ADDITIONAL CRITERIA FOR TERM CHARTERED TONNAGE. [GENERAL INEORMATION ‘The flowing requirements are adctonal to the ctterla descaibed in receding sectons anc sare a MUST for vessels wishing tobe directly employed in ExonMadlAfliate Term Charlor business. It shoul be noted that any deviatan from the fll requirements wil be subject reviow on a case-by-case basis and wil be dependent onthe Sze of vassal, ype of vessel and products caries ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS, REPORTING REQUIREMENTS: [Al vessels employed under the tems end conditions of ExxonMobil alate Term Chater fare required 10 submit wahin the rst wook of every month "Key Performance indiestore” (kPrs) forthe previous mont. These are to be sent direct to the Term Charter Co-ordinator by eral to: msterm@exxonmobilcom. The exact reporting requirements willbe provided ror the vessel being employed THIRD PARTY VESSEL INSPECTIONS: [Al Term Chartred veséels shal be inspected by us prior o delivery or iting of technical Subjects. Thereafter al ime Cnartered vessels wil be inepactes at © (SIX) month intervals [REPORTING INCIDENTS: ‘The vessel owner operator MUST submit ther shore emergency response organisaton, personne assignments and both ofc ater offes hours telephone numbers. FECTION A. + No acitonal exter, SECTIONS. (CREW MANAGEMENT 1+ Those ofcers who have immediate responsibilty fo cargo vansfor MUST bein possession ofthe Certicates of Spetiaized Traiing s applicable tthe ype of argo baing cares STOW Code — Reg, B42 B:2.40 MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSCLS IN EXONMOSIL APFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 08 Three (8) Calendar Years > Toes (3) Calendar ears ‘Of the three (3) years combined, Operator |, OFthe three (9)years combined, | Chie Engineer shoulé have a Master shoul nave minimum sb (6) | minimum sk (6) months and 2nd ‘months & Chet Of should have | ‘Engineer should have miimum nium six (6) months six(6) montne | (Gea Tine} (Gea Tine) SECTIOND, _ NAVIGATION: 1+ Vessels MUST be fted wth a Voyage Data Recorder. ‘+ For vessals >100K0W1T, a dual axis Doppler Sonar Spec Log and arate of turn ingionlor MUST be tod ‘+ Vessels MUST be fited wth bridge wing repeaters or: ¥ Ruddee Angle ¥ Propelier RPM ‘Pn indeation (where applicable) ‘+ Vessels MUST have weather fax capably. “+The magnetic compass MUST be fited with an ofcourse alam fait. + Every vessel MUST have @ soerng sysiom that complies wi SOLAS 11/1 Regulation 29 Paragraph 18 cr, + Paragraph 20, i bull prior to 1st September 1904, + Vessels MUST be fee with Satelite Communications + Vossols MUST be fied with a wind speed and direction ncicatr. 1+ Vessels MUST nave to gyro compasses o, one gyro compass and one transiting magnetic compass IvPa ch. 42.1) ‘+The vessel MUST be fitd with a Depth Finder with capably of recording, + The vessel MUST be ted with wo GPS unis [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING. INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01 48 ‘+ The vessel MUST be fitted witha Bridge Navigational Walch Alarm System (eNWas), + Itis Strongly Preferred thatthe vessels fied wit an IMO approved Electronic (Chart Diepay and infermation System (ECDIS). SECTIONE, SAFETY AND SECURITY MANAGEMENT: ‘+ The Vessel MUST be fited with an Anemometer display ! montoring repeater wih a recorder (paper gt!) which savalablen tne Cargo Cantol Room and cesigned to be capabe of setting 2 minimum of wo desired alas lms. This alam shoul ‘sound a ausibie and visual alarm inthe CCR acon deck fhe Et its ae exceeded SECTION F, LUT ti ‘+ Machanical ype scupper plugs MUST be fitod inthe deck edge shpat, ‘+ Deck dump valves, wih nop seal, nto the slop tank(s), MUST be provides. Fe Product ships where deck dump valves are rot an option then atleast 2sutable Sized non sparking spl pumps MUST be provided. The discharge fo he slop tank [MUST Behera piped, win suitable connections along the deck Io accommodate spill locaton. Unless etharwse stated Inthe manufacturers instructors, these pore ‘pumps MUST be earned at all ties, + Aleble mycrauic hoses exposed on dock MUST be replaced every 5 yeas. The ‘company MUST haven place a procedure for inspection, esing and rplacorent of fl such fexble hoses. + itis Steongly Prefered that Vessels should have double akin Bunker Tanks, Lube (Ol Tanks and other spaces containing pollutants. ‘+ Vessels MUST be provided wih adequate means for quick samoling and vsual Inspecton of the segregsted baat waters prior to cscnarge SECTIONG, STRUCTURAL conomiON, + Where Thermo Mechanical Conrales Process (TMP) stale employed is Strongly Preferred that at least the bottom ping of al cargo tanks are protocted bya hard coating + Aluminium anodes r2 NOT permitedin ballast tanks, + Forvesses but to classicaion rule other than the Common Structural Rules (CR) for Double Hul ol tanker, the use of high svengih stool shouldbe ited to ho mare than 30% ofthe vessa's steal woight If thi ¢excoaded, a structural analysis MUST be cared ou by a recognised Classifcaton Society. Th analysis should incorporate a fatigue analysis tal takes into account the antpated vading pation othe vassal [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 01 -49- ‘+ ALovery dey docking, a ste! diminution that fats within th Classfeaton Socity Selniton of “sstantal eorasion or renewal” MUST be repaired tothe easton of he attencing Cass Surveyor. + On completion of each Enhanced Special Survey or Special Suvey, documentation [MUST be forwarded tothe Term Charter Co-ordinator tthe applicable veting ‘organisation for structural evaluation review. SCTIONH, CARGO AND BALLAST SYSTEMS: +The vessel MUST have MARPOL Segregated Ballast Tanks (SBT). double hule, the vessel MUST have a continous longitudinal bulkhead inte cargo tanks in ‘dion fo he ongitusinal ukneads foming the cargo block. ‘+ The vossol MUST be capable of handing atleast 3 (THREE) grades of cargo whist ‘maintaining double vave sogrogaton between grades. ‘+The vessel MUST be equipped wit atleast 3 (THREE) main cargo pups. Cargo pump emergency stops MUST be fited ; “inne Cargo Contra Room Atte upper pumproom entrance Near the manos Reciprocating pumps are NOT acceptable + Cargo manifolds, bunker connections and lifing equoment MUST meet OCIME ‘Recommendatons fo Oi Tanker Manifolds an Assomated Equipment. In action, \Vapour recovery connections MUST be provided fore and a ofthe cargo manifold port and starboard, and MUST also comply wth the same OCINF recommendations, ‘+ Cargo valves onthe mario, seachest and pumproom bukhesd MUST be ste! or aporoved ductile iron - Gale valves are prefered. The vesse! MUST be fited wi = {Cargo Conto! Room (CCR) wit centralised cargo pump contol, vale operaton and remote tank level gauges and alas. ‘+ AClass Approved cargo computer MUST be fited to calculate hul stresses. For ouble hull vessels, is computer MUST also calculate vossel stably and MUST provide s waming (alarm) of unstable or potently unstable conditions ‘+ Tanklevel measuring devices and independent high eve alarms MUST be instalod In all cargo, slop and burker tanks with remote readout and alarmsin the CCR. ‘+ Cargo tank vapour locks, properly calrated,cerified and capable of drawing quis sampios, MUST be fit. The vessel cutit MUST include atleast 2(1WO) portable electronic measuring tapes. ‘+ High evel alarms MUST be provide fr bilge inal pumprooms and the engine + Personal multiple gas detecting alarm units MUST be used by each person working Ina potentially hazardous area, [MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFIUATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev. OY -50. ‘+ Pressure gauges MUST be fited, port and starboard, in each mani connection ‘outboard of the maniflé valve. This requirement may be waived upen application and justification for chemical caer and mull-product carers, which ave a igh umber of mantols, and where acceptable aliomate arengomeonts ae In pace ‘+ Each gauge MUST be tested annually and a test record maintained onboard ‘+ Fornew buid Term chartored vesse's slop tanks MUST be ited wih heating cos ‘+ Forvessals that may carry aviation fues, the cargo tanks, including heating colalnest exchangers, MUST be Ire of copper, zinc, cadmium ane ther alloys, ‘Atmosphere monitoring: 2) Vessols MUST havea fixad eysam o monitor for flammable atmospheres in the ‘cargo puproom(s),cflerdame and other spaces adjacent to tne cargo black (or example - ballast spaces on double side andor double bot vesses whe ‘explosive vapours may accumulate sansers MUST be fit a the top ane bottom ofthe pump-oom, ) In ation, canying cargoes that may contain H2S, the vessel MUST have a ‘xed system to monitor fr H2S inthe pumproom. ©) For vessels wih bast tanks in double sie andlor double betoms a method MUST be provided for nein (where IGS i tt) and purging wth alr inthe ‘vent fammable gases are detected in their atmosphere ‘+ Vessel MUST be ited with a cargo tanks) pressure monitor display and alarm unit ‘on the bridge in adlion tothe dspay and alarm unit intl in ho cargo contro room (H23), SECTION. INERT GAS AND CRUDE O1L WASHING SYSTEM REQUIREMEN! ‘+The vessel MUST be ited with an IGS iitis to caryeut COW. ‘+The vessel MUST have individual pressuretvacuum devices on each ank capable of ‘venung at the maximum tank rate during loading 0” aschargng of ‘+ Astand.by Oxygen analyser MUST be fited to serve asa back-up means in a {lure of the main O2 analyser. ‘+ Alloffcers in charge of COW operations MUST have undergone a traning program Prior to assignment of COW responsible, ‘+l officer in charge of Cruse Oi Washing (COW) operations MUST have Lundergone a crude ol washing training program porto assignment of COW responsibities SECTIONK, _MooRine: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY ANO QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IV EDOCONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev: O% ost +The vessel MUST be fits wth closed chocks/frequired forthe intended service the vessel MUST be outed wih equipment roquied for mooring at singe pint moatings. OCIMF guielines may be usod for determining these requirments, Sie and number of hocks, ¥ Sie, number and typeof chain stoppers. ‘ther information is provided in the latest eston ofthe OCIMF Woodng Equipment Guidelines. Smith type brackets are NOT acoeptaDe SECTION L, _comMUNICATIONS: + Neaddional eter SECTION M, ENGINE ROOM AND STEERING GEAR: ‘+ Iti Strongly Preferred that he Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is Cass approved. SECTIONN, GENERAL APPEARANCE: ‘+ Noadcttonal teria, SECTION, SHIP TO SHIP TRAY + Gator to be determine by the rade. SECTION U, ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND FUEL MANAGEMENT: + Vessels MUST have systems ficiency and greentouse g 1 practioes which wil foster the pursuit of eneroy (GHG) reduction, “The objectne i have a proactive approach to energy efciency and fuel management tat includes improvement ofa vessel and voyage eficienies aimed at feducng greenhouse gas emited by use of austable, priortsed methodclogies. Systems wil include identification of eles and responsibites, with targets and methods for monitoring performance + Each vassal MUST develop a epecife SEEMP (Ships Energy Elicency Management Plan) that encourages improvements in Energy and Fuel efelency practices, ‘sculpment, processes ec. ‘This plan should st for each initiative the panning, the implementation with accountabily, the mentoring metrod andthe improvement goa The folowing natives may be used as guidance: > Vessel Optimisation natives: MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IV EXXONMOSL- AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, ev Of =52. ‘0 Weather Routing © Spoed Optimization, Justin time arval (Slowdown), Thm Optimisation > Propulsion Management natives: (© moroved Hull pat appticaton © Hull and Propet Maintonance (© Propulsion Improvements > Machinery Optimisation inativos: ‘© Improved / Automated Engine Mortoing system, ‘© Adjustment of Cylinder of consumption, ‘© Waste heal recovery / Steam heat oss survey > Energy / Emisslone Conservation Inaives: Review of local services on board 5 VOC management Pin ‘Almeasures dened must belted in he SEEMP with actions tobe taken bythe ‘vessel or company. A mcd of measuring progress must be formulated to monitor the efectveness and potent mprovement ‘+The above Plan MUST be reviewed a periodic intervals by Senior Management + Inorcorto measure progess, a ‘basoline’ cteron isto be established, For ‘ompianee, management to's suchas IMO recormended EEO! (Energy ficiency ‘Operational Index) MEPC Cre 684 may be adopt, + Toenable monitoring, reasime performance monitoring processes could bo used by vessel and chor offs, thus enabling implementation of promo! corrective acsion ‘nd comparson wih sinlar vesses. Ths may provide bencrrarking rated to nergy eftcancy and process impraverent. + As part ofthe Companies taining program, personnal shouldbe rained wt regard tothe content, aims and use ofthe Ship's Enorgy Eflency Management Plan. CRITERIA FOR CHEMICAL, GAS AND COMBINATION CARRIERS: Citra to ba dotarminod by the tad, MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBIL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rav: 01 [APPENDIX B: DRUG AND ALCOHOL DECLARATION Drug and Alcohol Policy| (campie) Blanket Declaration Te: Intemational Marine Transpodation LidSeaRiver MariimerTonen General Marne Serves Secton Fax 44 0)1372 223858 ‘Tol: +44 (0)1372 222000 Re: Drug and Alcohol Potey ‘The undersigned warrants and represents that thas a poy on Drug and Alcohol Abuse (Potoy) appleabe 1o al vessole whieh the undersigned now owns endior operates snd Which afer the date ofthis coricate, the undersigned may own ander operete, This Polcy Meets or excvode tho standards in tho Ol Companies Intemational Marine Forum Guidetnes forthe Control of Drugs and Alcohol Onboard Ship. Undar the Paley, alcohol Impairment shal be defined as a blood alcohol content of 4omg/t00m! or graater, te Ppropate Seafarers i be tested shal be al vesso!ocers and ratings, The druglaloohal ‘Being end screening shal incude unannounced testing in adaion to ousne. medial examinations. An abjecve of the Poley should be that te Irequency of unannounced ‘aug be adequate to act as n effective abuse deteron, and that all offers and ratings be testa at last once a yeer trough a combined prograrime of unannounced testing ard routine modal examinations, ‘The undersigned futhor warrants that the Poly wil remain In effect unless you re otherwise specioaly noiod and that the undersigned hall exercise due digence to fensure complance wit the Poley. It's understoea thal an actual Impairment or any test “naing of parent shal noth and of tee? mean tha undersigned has fale fo exercise «ue digence, Company Name Person signing on behalf of Company Tm ld by person sian MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOBL AFFLIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rav. OY APPENDIX C: MESQAC COMPLIANCE DECLARATION Marine Environmental, Safety and Quality Assurance Criteria (MESQAC) for Seagoing vessels in ExxonMobil Affliate Service (Sample) Blanket MESQAC 2010 Rev.01 Compliance Declaration ‘To: lntematonal Marine Transportation Lid / SeaRiver Martime /Tonen Genera Marine Services Secon Re: NESQAC Compliance ‘This document i the undersigned vessel operator’ (technical managers) confirmation of its Understanding and compliance wih the Marine Environmental, Sefety and Qualfy ‘Assurance Crtefa (MESQAC) for seagoing vessels offered for ExxcrMebi flat service {in ths context, “service” means Carying ExxonMobil afiate tile cargo, charted by Exxconlbi ait orcaling at Exxonkobl fate faces). ‘The undersigned vessel operator / technical manager warrants that curreny complies wih ‘and shall exercise due cuigence to mainain compuanee with sich requemants whi on Excontai slate serves, ‘The undersigned vessel operator / technical manager further warars tha listed vessels" operated by the undersigned most or exceed the requir MESQAC for seagoing vossals. I additonal vassal) enter sr ‘submit an updated Blanket Declaration for that vassals) The undersigned vessel operator / technical manager acknowledges that third party operated vessels tat do not meet te “MUST” ciria wil not be considered for ExxonWoDt sifsate sevice, unless meeting certain of these crferia involves gas foeing ox dry Gockng the vessel, or requires long lead. times, in which case limited period for further consideraton of the vessel may be granted upon receipt of wrtan confirmation that actions ‘willbe taken atthe earest opportu, and an approved mitigating measures in place. The Lndersigned furher ecknowedges that third party operated vessels not modting those fenvonmental and safely expecialons descrbed as "strongly pr oferod” may ‘sadvantaged in tho selection process vereus other vessels mesting those requirements (Company Name: Person signing on behalf of Company: ‘ite or Authority held by person signing: Date Pope: 1 of2 MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INOUSTRY VESSELS IN EXXONMOS AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev 0% 55 Marine Environmental, Safety and Quality Assurance Criteria (MESQAC) or Seagoing vessels in ExxonMobil Affilate Service Blanket MESQAC 2010 Rev.01 Compliance Declaration “Listed MESQAC Compliant Seagoing Vessels ‘Name of Vest Technical Operator: ‘Compliant, Imo No. Vessot Name ‘Yes! No Page: 2.012 MARINE ENVIFONMENTAL, SAFETY AND QUALITY ASSURANCE CRITERIA FOR SEAGOING INDUSTRY VESSELS I EXXONMORL AFFILIATE SERVICE: 2010 EDITION, Rev: 0% REVSIONS ‘01’ TO MESQAC 2010 EDITION Page No, 14 replaced section 0.4 with DA Vessel stove 100k DWT MUST be fit wih a Rate of Tum insoatr NEO cH. 6.18.4 age No. 17 added new section 0.34 1.34 Vessals MUST havo a moans to provide waring If the vessel deviates sniicnt tom ‘heonded weck eg GPS and ECOIS (tinal onscard) cross Yack et Page No. 18 replaced section E10 with E10. Vessels MUST hevo @ documanted shipspactie Emergency Towing Procedure which ‘conforma fo SOLAS il (eg, 34 a8 amended by Res MSC 2064), Hs Steonghy ler at sc pees a ncpordes in be Seley Mangan Sen Page No. 19 replaced section E18 with E18 The vessel MUST have an automat sytem a fre deletion nthe aosommnosaton, bundy ane galey arse. his Strongly Preferred athe fre deco syst cover ll ‘ain, sto ope rooms Page No. 21 replaced section F.4 with Fa tte vase tes with a cect fact to suppl water bast into cargo tanks) tom the sogfegated alas! systen, hore MUST bea eat ose segregation betwen he ‘Sterogutes ball sytem andthe cago tank} and teat one of he voles MUST Be ‘ed wih aman rtum eves, Page No 22 replace section F.7&F.11 with F7-_AllBunksrmanifids, cargo manfls, serio and storage lek vents MUST have spl ortanmort arangomants whet ae of permanent contin I Songly Prefered {hate Hyerauie Macha and Hoatng Gol Manflldson dock also Pave canara ‘rangers of pamanat constuton each. 64,65.86867 FAT Scuppers MUST be eect plugged curing al argo, alist and bunker handing {epertons and ata ter tes when pr, except when cearng rat wate Where the ‘Spi tie win a sayppor in aystam te MUST ba chosked pits aval n poo ‘nau thal he nes are cer andthe ates cpeate corecy. Supper rain stom ‘ales MUST be cearyenfed ard MUST be Kopt closed whit he ship it po ‘Mectantalscupper pugs are Strongly Prefered Wooden plugs wits cert ae ‘scceptane provided they ere propery maitre. ‘Suppers on Gas Carters MUST e efocvelplugged curing bunkoing and uring ‘ago operaton ony earning 2 MARPOL Anmex cago, each. 6.8) Page No. 24 replaced section G.2 with 162 _A.vsso tor han 15 years MUST hold @ CAP (Condton Assessment Programm) Carcae th regard fo Mul, Machinery and Cargo System witha tor ‘ging sues by aClasstcaton Sooty when ea rer of ACS. The CAP coristo MUST be renewee ovry§ years. Ito vessels ler han 20 yours, ho CAP Cartes MUST bo renewed evry 30 mors, Pace. 1.44) Page No. 27 replaced section M9 &H.11 with H.9 Vessels MUST be ited wih ge alas in pup roms, incucng ballast pu roms, tow ad stom trstr rooms ard enargory re pump room. HAT The Ramable gas deletion system MUST bo fed wih an alarm fo inate the rosanoe of sigan concentrations of tammable vapours strongly Pretered that Fereerssamping pots fr mentor farimable stnospheres are dot tought orp rem, Rot OCIMF Infomation Paparon Purp oa Sally. [Pa ce. 8.118) Page No. 28 replaced section 4.17 &H.22 with HAT Tanklovel mossuing devices MUST be avaliable for al cargo tanks, so tank and Durk tanks. Auta tank gauges ate Strongly Prefered. Where fed, these MUST ave remota eadngein he Cargo Goto Ream. (veace. 8511 22. ndepandanthigh av! alae MUST be fit fra arg an, slop ans ae bunker tank, They MUST be ulses cui al cago and burke Wars opetaons ond SuLably lceatea to alert preonne conducting the operation. Seperdent igh lve! lars MUST be tested prt cargo operators snd tests propery recrced wea ce. 854) Page No, 29 replaced section H29 &H.30 with H.28 Vessels MUST nave fxd cargo ark prossure montong squpent fete, wih @ visi ‘play unt nt into cargo contel rom. Th esttn sane rnc et high and lw possuro alarms as deta wun OCIN SIRE 4 VIG CH. 8.30, sre ‘soralyaurer inom to adustabl, ser Geto, sas nt wh canbe sat {3s roqure. These ars soul sound an aul and visual da nthe CCR fe set lms ee oxconsee, [SIRE 40 cH, 8.30) H.90_ Ws Strongly Preferred hat vesals are twin a cargo tank pressue monitor pay nd alarm uit on ho bio mn aan to he play nd warm ut ntl te ar anotroom (29), Page No, 32 replaced frst nein section K with Vessels MUST comply wih teats exten of IMF Mootng Equipment Gunes, Page No. 33 replaced section X11 with 11 Grtfeates iting the braakng strength of each wie an ropa MUST ne kept on board Recorcs MUST ier fe wees oop othe winches oo which they are copied, Page No. 43 replaced section 8.7 with ‘87 Cargo tui ane vapour ppsines MUST be maintains in goes working oder wih no ‘safe, Insulation whore od MUST bo Mac. Provlon MUST be mee a pote pia ‘Tom excessive sbosees duo to tompertue changes ag lor movement oaks ana ‘ubpmentto whieh the pong is atched. Expansion lois” balows Shall be Kept fninmum and where usd sal bo sibjecto Class approval Page No. 4 replaced section 8.16 with ‘S18 Where LNG carers usa cargo 35 ful hey MUST have procedures onboard fo ensure omplance wer te raquremerds cts IGG Code (Che) an precauensetned nthe Ics Tanker Safety Gul (Secion 49.3. Proseauos should cover the wow sytem ‘perton, ane the oun tstng and mabteranos onthe nan ges Ine gy de {heal spore asocated wit the process Incuing (bd net ene Io ges deacon, maser gas vale soaton, vrlatonintercks, alas ete. Documented rors oe {bets and mantanance caiod cu on he system MUST be maftaines onboard Pago 304 Page No. 44 add now section 8.17. ‘SAT Cargo tantersytems MUST be tstd analy tthe deslgnd working presse. Te vessel MUST have onboard ecards veriyng these tests have been camped. Where Secons of cra pipe nes are det rte shige sata cary out presse attng those cargo pe sacions MUST be tested dur dry-doairg Records frail cargo vave maitanene ad sts MUST be Kept on Boa and vob, Page No 48 replaced section T.1 with TA TheMaster and Che Oftcer MUST aah have a miniurn wo yas (equivalent) perience cn similar OBO or CIO design vss, ncing at ast ne yar (quale) peratng "wet sonice Page No. 0 added a now bullet point under sections H at the ond ofthis ection + Vessol MUST be ted wth acago tars) pressure malta splay asm ut on ‘igen aseton to the pay and alr unt stall I tho erg cont room (H.29), ‘Page No. 80 removed 4" bullet polnt under sections JL. 1+ Vessols MUST be ted wits 1G tank pressure manitors onthe ge, Page No. 50 replaced 5" bulla pont under section J with 1+ Alotoosin charge of Crude x Waehing (COUN operations MUST have undergone ‘rude of washing Vining program prr to asgnmant of COW resperstaties, Page No. 54 repleced 5" line under Appenax Che Blanket MESQAC Compliance Declaration with ‘Blanket MESQAC 2010 Rev.01 Compliance Declaration Page No. 88 replaced ed tine Le ‘Blanket MESGAC Comptence Declaration with ‘Blanket MESQAC 2010 Rev.01 Compliance Declaration Pagedota

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