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Writing 7 Outline

C. Hilland
The ability to communicate thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively is a skill which students continue to
develop throughout their schooling. The basics of vocabulary, grammar, sentence construction and paragraph
structure are taught and retaught at each elementary grade level with increasing complexity, readying students
for the essays, reports and exams which will be required in secondary school and beyond. Grade 7 marks this
crossroad between learning to write and writing to learn, as students must now use their mastery of the basics to
represent their understanding and interpretation of the world in increasingly sophisticated ways. It is my hope,
then, that this writing course will enable students to begin the transition from skill development to the utilization
of these skills to develop their ideas and knowledge in all subject areas, to express themselves creatively, and to
allow their voices to be heard.
Units of Study
Writing Process:
- focusing on a topic
- determining purpose and audience
- developing ideas (brainstorming, comparing, contrasting and researching)
- planning and outlining (topic sentence, supporting sentences, conclusion)
- paragraph development
- editing and rewriting
Writing Conventions:
- vocabulary, spelling, parts of speech
- sentence construction, punctuation
- word processing (format, font, spacing and editing tools)
Writing Forms:
- descriptive and persuasive paragraphs
- journals
- poetry
- creative writing (narrative story)
- expository writing (research essay)
- speech writing
Assessment of Learning:

Classroom activities: grading of worksheets and other daily practice exercises

Journal Writing: grading of journals based on output and extension of topic
Quizzes and tests: spelling and vocabulary tests, as well as quizzes based on review of class activities
Writing samples: finished paragraphs, poems, stories and essays

Note: although students are expected to complete work daily during class time, marks will not be taken off for
assignments that are handed in late. Students have until the end of the term to complete the term's assignments,
however students who have not completed a number of assignments, and therefore are not achieving a passing
grade, will be expected to attend Academic Intervention until the work is done.
Also please note that no homework will be assigned in this class, other than study for quizzes or tests. Extra
credit assignments are available for students who complete their daily work quickly or want homework. These
will be considered when a student is on the cusp of a higher letter grade. For example a student with a term grade

of 84% would receive an A if they had completed at least one substantial extra credit assignment.
Students should come prepared to class with a binder, lined paper, pencils or pens, an eraser, and a highlighter.
Journals will be provided.
Assignment Expectations:

good copies of assignments must be typed (using 12 point, arial font), with name at top left, underlined
title centre, and paragraphs must be indented
handwritten ort printed exercises must be neat and legible
no assignments will be accepted if they are on ripped paper
no assignments will be accepted if they contain inappropriate language or subject matter, or if they are
disrespectful of others
plagiarism, copying, or cheating will result in a mark of zero on assignments and tests

Classroom Expectations:

attend regularly
be on time
bring the materials you need to class
pay attention to instruction without disruption
stay on task when work is assigned
allow others to work without distraction
keep your work, supplies and the classroom neat and organized
complete and hand in your work daily (or be prepared to stay at lunch until it is complete)

Note: cell phones must not be used during instructional time. If a student has to be reminded of this more than
once s/he will be asked to leave it with the teacher at the front of the class. If the use of a cell phone is an ongoing problem the parent will be contacted and the student will be expected to leave the phone at home.
Contact Information:
Caroline Hilland
email: chilland@sd73.bc.ca
phone: 250-376-1232
cell: 250-319-0502

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