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Interview Questions

Christy Turner
Name of interviewee: Jenel Travis
Title: IT Director
Contact information: Work phone number - 256-741-7479
Email address - jtravis@ccboe.us
1. Common Core is our new focus for our students. Educators must offer
strategies and teach students how to utilize critical thinking in all subjects.
What are some ways educators can help students not rely on technology too
much to answer questions that were meant to be used as critical thinking?
There have been studies that try to show a decline in critical thinking due to
the use of technology but it appears to me that there has simply been a change
in learning and students beginning to multi-task. No one method is best and
using a variety of methods will help to build the skills needed for critical
2. In the last four years of teaching I have noticed some teachers refusal or
expression of concerns that they do not know how to use technology. So many
want to utilize and give opportunities to the students but feel they do not have the
time to implement and/or learn new technology. I consider this one of the main
weaknesses we face today.
What is a way to help those educators become more technology savvy without
making them feel like is just more work on them?
In Calhoun County we believe that meaningful professional development is
the key. We have implemented i21 Zone to help teachers become more
comfortable with the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) used in our classrooms.
3. We are provided with many professional development opportunities to grow our
knowledge and provide our students with the technology they need to learn real life
skills. The cost for professional development is great, but so is the cost of getting
technology for the classrooms. Educators are expected to use and implement
what they have learned. These are excellent opportunities for educators to
advance their knowledge of technology and pass that along to the students, but so
many times they cannot afford to buy the items necessary to do this.

How can our system help balance professional development cost with the
classroom technology expenses?
We continue to provide technology to the schools to help supplement the
BYOD initiative. We have in this year alone provided one lab to every school
and one set of 30 chrombooks to each school. We provided one set of 30
medium chromebooks last year and a set of 30iPads the year before. With the
current leadership of Calhoun County and the board we are able to provide
more technology.
What are some ways educators can receive the technology they need to
provide the best for the students?
There are grants and donor type websites that are great to help fund
technology for an individual classroom. We will continue to provide
technology to the schools as a whole.
4. Educators know without a doubt students need and want (love) technology.
Moving classrooms into the 21 century technology environment is the top priority
in so many schools today.
How is our system protecting our students from predators and themselves?

We follow CIPA (Childrens Internet Protection Act) guidelines which protects

students from harmful content and we also teach appropriate online
5. What is your opinion about online high stakes testing being conducted and
not with the use paper and pencil?
We are currently in the testing phases of high stakes testing being conducted
online. This year we will conduct the Science ACT Aspire testing online for
5th, 7th, and 8th grade.
What are some of the pros and cons of online testing?
One pro is that the computer test can give instant results. A con would be the
case of computer glitches or network struggles.
6. With my own children, I can see a difference in how they interact with family,
friends, and other people from the use of a variety of social media and/or

educational online resources. An example would be Edmodo (which is a great

Are you seeing our students having a possible disconnect of social interaction
and are social skills lacking in this generations of students?
Some students of this generation do connect differently. They continue to
have social interaction but interact much in an online environment. The key
is to have a blended environment so that they can continue to build social
skills both online and in person.
7. Do you foresee technology replacing teachers? Explain.
No. Technology is a tool and will remain to be a tool.
8. I believe the most important way we can reach students is through the help of
the parents. Like some teachers, parents feel left behind in this fast pace world
of technology. Their children are teaching them how to use apps and the computer
itself. This could possibly intimidate some parents causing them to shy away from
helping their child at home.
How can we better inform parents of all the advantages of technology we are
offering and help them learn to utilize these at home to further help their
We have discussed supporting parent nights at schools so that we can help
parents to understand the great things about technology but also some of the
dangers. We have to come together as a community and offer parents
technology tips and lessons.

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