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Standard Meshod of Test for Rapid Identification of Alkali Silica Reaction Products in Concrete 1. SCOPE LL This test covers the rapid visual detection ofthe products of alkali silica reaction in porland cemeat concrete 12 The values stated in ascepable medic units are wo be regarded as standard. 13. This es iavolves bazardous ma- tenals, operations, and equipmest. It does not purport to addres all of the safety problems with its use. [is the responsibility of the use of this test to ‘sonsult and establish appropriate safety and health practices and determiae the applicability of cegulaory Uimuations rior to its use, REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2 AASHTO Standorde: M231 Weighing Devices Used in the Testing of Materials T 198 Spliting Teas Suenguh of Cylindr- cal Concrete Speci- 3. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE 3. This test covers the identification of alkali sliea reaction products ia con- cree samples by means of visual obser- vation, Test results have shown tha the Products formed by the reaction of alkalis and a wide vanecy of reacuve aggregates can be identified by this method, The mount and locaton ofthe products are Indicators of the developmeat of alkali silica ceaction in the eoacrete sample ested This testis not mean be used (o detect the products of aali catonate ‘32 This testis intended yo be used 88 one in series of tits (0 diagnose alka silica reaction in a concrete struce ture, The cesuls of dis st wil help to AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 299-93 SHRP DESIGNATION: 2013 confirm or deny dhe presence of alkali silica reaction products in the concrete strucaue under investigation, 33° Sodium present in concrete can seat with the reagent in this teat to form a produc that uoresces witha greenish- yellow colocand which can ntertere with the interpretation of the results. However, sodium 1s dispersed rather voifornly i the hydrated cement matrix in concrete wheteas the alkalsilica ceaction prod- ets are formed pariculaly in and adound the aggregate panicles, fnverer- ‘ence by sodium from the de-icing salts ‘or seawater can be minimized by nnsing the test surface, 34 Cage should be taken in imerpe ‘ing, the results of this test when itis used on concrete sufaces subjected to wearing, efosion and abrasion, because these processes may remove’ reaction products und, detefore, the absence of feaction products may not be indicative of the evelopment of the reaction in the imerior of the concrete, Care should also be caken in inerpeting the eesuts for coscrete showing carbonation or con taining Ay ash or sica fume. Both fiy ash and siicg fume cam react with alkae lis in concrete to produce resction prad- bets similar co those produced by ASR. The exemely fine nature and dispersion cof dy ast and silica fume, however, re- sults in product tat is well dispersed, ‘The fluorescence of such products is gem cally faint and uuforn, but may be influenced by the dispersion of fy ssh and siiea fume, APPARATUS, REAGENTS, AND MATERIALS 41. Specimen conditioning eppa- ALL Plastic beaker—s00-mL ca acy. 412 Plastic squeeze boule (for wa- 120) 250s capaci, Disposable polyetilene gloves. Protective clothing (lab coa, ‘Absorbent paper towel Enclosed space foc spraying agent application. NOTE I—A fume hood, glove bor, of iposibe glove tag bve beta found tobe ‘slab for this pupot, 42 Specimen tearment apparatus 42.1 “Medicine stopper for applying reagent, 42.2" Sprayer for water: A small hand eld sprayer for spraying tap water. 43 Reagent (uranyl acezate solu. sont: 431. Acetic acid solution (IN). 432 Glass boiling flask —250-mL capacity. 43.3 Two polyetiylene storage bot- les with tightining cap—100-mL ea pacity 434 Polythylene volumetric ask—100-mLcapaciy. 435 Uranyl acetate powder (ACS reagent grade) 43.6 “Balance capable of weighing up (0 10 g meting the cequizements of M2 for a Class "C" balance 43.7 Uraayl acetate solution pre- pared af follows: Weigh out 5 g of pow- Sered uranyl ace. Measure 100 ml. facet aid sluvion using the 100-m. Volumetric flask. (Cautloat Use proper lab safety precautions in handling the uranyl acetate and the aceue acid) Tans fer the measured sceue acid solution from the volumeuse ask o the boiling Mask. Add the 5 g of powdered uranyl scciate Co the boiling task. Warm the mixture over a low fame uni the pow= ders dissolved. Do not bring he miata to a boil, Remove the flak om the bumer, cover, and let it cool to room ‘emperanire. Store the cooled solution at oom temperature in the polyethylene storage bote with tght-tuing exp. The 329 hen stored as described, will "least one yea owave (254 rim) ultraviolet with peak intensity ofa least sgem at 15 em (6 in). sting cabinet or @ dark roam i cabinet ean be a box, ap 38 em X 30 em X 30 etn 12 in. > 12 in) im sae, made ood, or eatdboard with an the top for placing the UV iples that shield short wave Tigh Beene of the one. carcino: radionive nae of ray aces "eaauen should be tke te both and rpplication of the reagent, ‘Be napente should be kept to IMENS sir representative samples micwure to be evaluated in the viet of slabs. The number of nd the loeation of samples specified by the engineer re- for the service evaluation of = At any given lesion, how les shall be of such «size and exposed interior suvfaces for vt least 185 39 em (24 39 in) sind from the st mples The of 185 39 cm (24 ig jn) ean § fom more than ine sample location, if necessary “ntain the field me isture con- ‘est specimen. Pla the sam. ste bags for tan sport tothe ‘kor plit the specimens 10 toe fractured srfaces ofthe 1 We specimens are in the res, use the sting teas ut deserbed in T 198 10 ex ve surfaces of 1 specimens. ve test immed tely on expo- srior surfaces, inerpretrion of the ress sre siplifed I the tet icone *dinely. METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 6 PROCEDURE 61 Conditioning: G41 “Dampen specimen witha fight spray” of tap water Proceed with the ccondvet of the est while the specimen fs all wes, G12 _Pre-screening for natural fluo G12 Wear protective clothing in- cluding polyethylene gloves, lab coat, and UV filtering goggles. NOTE 4—shos wave winsioe light an be harmful tothe eve Normal eye glasses for plas goppes or fe shsls wil shor the banal aye G14 1a viewing cabinet is being sed, place the ultraviolet lamp in the ‘opening on the top to allow the Tie 10 shine divectly on the specimen. Place the danip specimen inside the viewing cabinet. If 2 darkened room is bei used, place the damp epecimen on the "able and turn off the ligt inthe room, GAS Tum on the shorwwave ulrai- ‘let light in the viewing eabine! or the ‘darkened room aud shine iton the damp specimen, Use UV fitering gogeles and fbserve and note for fate comparison ‘whether any of the agerepstes fluoresce. Note the locauen and nature of ay fue NOTE 5Nonflorescen sggreptes will sppear dark wile coment paste aa nally Auorescen ane zaes sch at opal and mnt slags wil seer mt 62. Olservovion: 62.1 Wear protective clothing in- cluding polyethylene gloves, Iab coat, and UV filtering goseles 62.2. Conde the test only om inte= rior fractured sufaces of concrete speci tens Ihe imterio surface ofthe speci- men is not dame. dampen it using the water sprayer lsd with tap water 623 Line the botiom of te glove box, glove hag, or dme hood with aso ben paper tostels. Pace the squeeze bot Ue, medicine érepper, SOO-miL. plastic beaker ant the dampened specimen in side the glove box, glove bag, or femme hood, 624 Elace the sjesimen on a paper towel, Apply the uransl acetate sola.on to the wet interior sviface of the spi men with 9 medicine dropper. Do not 1299 apply uranyl acest on any ote surface [except the interior surface of te concrete specimen. Attempt to apply a minimal mount of reagent ina convollable fash- jon 1 avoid excess, 625 Allow the uranyl acetate to a socb on the imerior surface of the con- tte for 60 seconds. 626 Alier 60 seconds, hold the specimen in a venice postion over the 501m plas beaker and wash the inte= rior surface with water thee times to remove excess uranyl aceite. Use the squeeze botle filed with water for wash- ing. Collect the wash water from the specimen in the plasuc beaker, 6.21 Remove th specimen from the love box, glove beg, o fume hood and place it on a paper towel, Proceed with ‘observation ofthe specimen immediately fcr the uranyl acetate weatent is com pleted 628. I a viewing eabiset is being Used place the uluaviolet lamp in the ‘opening on the top to allow te Ligbt to shine directly on the specimen. Line te boriom surface of the viewing cabinet with paper towels, Ifa darkroom i being used, line an area of « table top ‘with paper towels. 629° Dampea the specimen sith tap Water again using the water sprayer. Place the specimen inside the viewing tabinet onthe paper towel If dark room is being used, place dhe wet specimen on the paper towel on the tble top in the disk room and rum off the lights in the room. 6.2.10 Turn on the ultraviolet lamp and shine the ight on the weated speck men. The specimen surface will fluoresce ‘wth a bright greenish-yellow calor, 6.241 The presence of bright fvo- resciog areas in and around aggrenates indicates the pretence of alkali silica reaction products in the sample. Wf the ‘iuresence is present around Ue coarse ageregates, count the number of aggre: fates with fuorescence asrociated with them. Also count the tral number of exposed course aggregate pricles inthe test sample. This procedure is not practi ca ifthe flocresceace is asgciated with the fine ageree [NOTE 6—te may be help for compa 00 and confineation purposes to develop © Set of reference samples (and photo, Both wih and without aisles reach, fot tse when peforming Be tet er & fy th ® 1299 METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING 6212 Note the presence of reaction for backround Muoesceace intensity nthe presence or absence of fluoresc val probit ia voids andercks, and in and Pa. Ite fy ah and wes fume are rot don products in the tex $9 sal pe i is a pai ey aa a sso ein eS i bee “lcret acer mtiner Mure rasion rod * dts eacks and voids in ‘ TE 1-he pene of tection prods ee tee “pou” isaomaly vey smal NOTE ZT presence of cnn rs nda be ngusbed rome ag or TEM he Prot eae! rincracks canbe inca of atanced tye ofa aia reacon prods de- COB aggregate, fda he the cn ‘vet fom the coarse ad ine agpregnen EC Of CORSE aggregate pari ae tet surface and the number of NOTE & Solio in cont ea with 7, REPORT swith Nuoresciog reaction prob uranyl acetate to frm a produ which uo Is done for qualiaune purposes se {eres ih peenahyelow eae However. it does at reflect quanciative 7A The repom shall include the fo- r Scitmindieneinectmri rae Also note the presence 0 at le th concrete and ony reates te gs {uorexceace ‘which may be > Sy afer ackpound furesence mien. 7-11 Identification umber of the he BUY dhlgeecefshaialiesreacazn pogucespetimen, ts source (in cerms of the MM) camvonadon products at + s TRald te seuched in and turd be agge-srdenure, and the particular locaton in Sf Me test specimen, nd Wnpanicccwheretdatng peeash-yelow the stucnure from where it Was ob- th uorescence shoud be observed taided, is complete description (clude 5 . ing preseace and location of reinfd 4. PRECISION AND BIAS m NOTE $Catoened seas of concete 198 F forcing NOTE 3Catonned seus of vent sea, presence and ickness of overlay “ a ta peaica, however, and presence of visible racks and ober $1 No saienent Js mace te San eran Tenens x deienorauon), any other relevant data precision or bias ofthis te an ener tite et percent tne tests provided (sich a5 the age of concrete, ace dhe results merely india & cases n't pemly broken inenor sur. composition, mix proportion, etc), and eee of abrence of alkalis. ws free as pescnbec be ineferene doe othe method uted (o beak the specimen Product in concrete “ utoneden produc ae minimised im the (0 obtain satenot staces and the 3p- : Inte of we specimen proximate area of interior sriies tested } NOTE 10-Fy ash and silica time can TLE Any, vanation inthe test r reac vith alls evra and fom reacoon ™etbo from that given in his procedure : wae IRGR fusiece ante tas Well 72 Any occurence of any natural 9. KEYWORDS a Sieve yas and aca fume, however, fluorescence before teatment withthe iM hve only a8 incase inte generally unr reagent, and (est results reported as the 9.1 Alkal Silla Reaction P

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