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Dakota State University

College of Education
Name: Chase Casper
Grade Level: 2nd Grade
Date: Day 3 Shark Attack
Reflection from prior lesson: We will begin class by doing the spiders and flies activity we learned in the prior class.
I will make sure students remember the phrase we learned. I will also reinforce the differences between chasing,
fleeing, and dodging. (10 minutes)
South Dakota Physical Education Content Standards Addressed:
This lesson will address these South Dakota PE Content Standards:
Standard 1: The physically literate individual demonstrates proficiency in a variety of motor skills
and movement patterns.
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies
and tactics to enhance movement and performance.
Standard 4: They physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior
that respects self, others, and environment.

Lesson Objectives:
Cognitive Objectives: (The student(s) will.)
1. Understand the difference between hopping, one foot jumping, and two foot jumping.
2. Understand that jumping can be a way to move from one spot to another.
Psychomotor Objectives: (The student(s) will .)
1. Develop movement strategies to be able to jump from spot to spot without touching the water.
2. Be able to use different jumps while jumping from spot to spot.
Affective Objectives: (The student(s) will .)
1. Follow all directions and allow enough space between classmates so they dont jump into one
2. Be supportive of other classmates and cheer other groups on while they are watching.
Fitness Objectives: (The student(s) will )
1. Elevate heart rate by playing flies and spiders and while playing shark attack.
2. Reach 2,000 steps on their pedometers.

Materials Needed: vests, pinnies and cones for flies and spiders; hoops, poly spots, or other flat objects students can
jump from, pedometers, heart rate monitors.
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: None

The Lesson
1. Introduction (include time allotment)
Getting attention

Students will enter the gym and change shoes if necessary. The class will gather on the
baseline of the gym and we will play flies and spiders.
After the completion of the game, students will gather in one corner of the gym. We will now
talk about shark attack. (15 minutes)

Relating to past experience and/or knowledge


I will ask the students what they know about sharks and if anyone has ever seen a shark.

Creating a need to know


Explain that jumping and hopping is a movement concept you can demonstrate to get from
one spot to the next. (2 minutes)

Sharing objective, in general terms


Objectives for todays lesson are: demonstrate the different types of jumps (one foot, two feet,
landing on one foot, landing on two feet, hopping), and reach 2,000 steps on their pedometers.
(2 minutes)

2. Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies) (30 minutes)
- Students will all gather on one line and face me. I will demonstrate the different types of
jumps we will be using today.
o I will allow a few minutes of practice for each jump. I will also walk around and do
assessments on each jump for each student.
o Hopping
o Jumping off two feet and landing on one foot
o Jumping off one foot and landing on two
- After students have been allowed practice time, I will place the hoops and poly spots around
one half of the gym. Close enough where they are able to jump from spot to spot but far
enough away they can just step from spot to spot.
- I will explain that we are playing a game called shark attack. The goal is to make it to the
other side by jumping on the hoops and spots without falling in the water (space outside the
hoops and spots).
- Students will be split up into 3 or 4 groups (depending on class size).
- When I call out a group number, that group will use different jumps we practiced to try to
make it to the other side without falling in the water. If a student falls in the water they will
get back on a spot and keep going.
- After each group gets to the other side, I will ask the students how many times they fell off.
- Each group will go multiple time until class time is up.

Closure (include time allotment) (2 minutes)

Students will gather up all the hoops and spots.
Students may get a drink before lining up to leave for the classroom.

Technology Integration:
- Pedometers, heart rate monitors
Assessments Used:

While students are practicing their different jumps, I will walk around and assess each
Students will also be assessed if they met their 2,000 step objective.

Differentiated Instruction: None

Resources: PE Central

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