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El alfabeto griego :)



V como vamos (clear v sound and not like the english b books)

Como g en gato

Como d en dientes? (tongue between the up and down row of teeth)

I don't know if there's a similar sound in Spanish, sounds like the French
je, a bit thicker

Como z en zapatos / c en cerca



S (written when it's at the end of words)

Como j en jugar


spiti = house
- avgo = egg
- niki = win(noun)
you might have noticed there are 3 different letters for the sound i. all pronounced the same, but
used for different words. For example : might be used at the end of female nouns, whereas
at the end of neutrals(greek has 3 genders in grammar, masculine-feminine-neutral)
every greek word- except for one-syllable words- takes a stress mark '
* all pronunciation is according to Spanish because I don't know Catalan :)

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