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Table of Contents

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
The Message to You ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Infertility Statistics................................................................................................................................................... 6
Three Most Popular Myths About Fertility....................................................................................................6
Myth #1: Maternal Age and Fertility ........................................................................................................... 7
Myth #2: Healthy Couples Always Conceive Without Difficulty or Delay...................................8
Myth #3: Sex Position Doesnt Matter as Long as We Do It Frequently.......................................8
Why Is It Important to Challenge These Myths? . .....................................................................................10
What Causes Infertility?. ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Primary Causes of Infertility. ............................................................................................................................ 12
Common Causes of Infertility in Women:. ..............................................................................................12
Common Causes of Infertility in Men:. ..................................................................................................... 12
Seven Tips That Can Get You Pregnant Faster. .........................................................................................14
Tip #1: Knowing Your Time of Ovulation . .............................................................................................14
Tip #2: Perform Sex Before Ovulation (Not After Ovulation) . ......................................................15
Tip #3: Sexual Positions Can Increase Your Chances of Conception..........................................16
Tip #4: Prepare Your Body Before Conception . ..................................................................................17
Tip #5: Improve Male Fertility and Sperm Quality With Diet and Supplements . .................20
Tip #6: Modify Your Lifestyle for Healthy Conception. ....................................................................21
Tip #7: Seek Preconception Counseling and Medical Help . ...........................................................22
When to Seek Help for Fertility Assistance? . .............................................................................................24
What Are Various Options for You?. .............................................................................................................. 25
Ovulation Induction by Clomiphene Citrate. .........................................................................................25
Metformin (treatment of PCOD). ................................................................................................................ 25
Artificial Insemination. ................................................................................................................................... 26
Egg Donation. ...................................................................................................................................................... 26
In Vitro Fertilization . ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Surrogate Motherhood . .................................................................................................................................. 27
Which Method Is Right for You?. ................................................................................................................ 27
Conclusion. ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
Recommended Video . .......................................................................................................................................... 28
References. ................................................................................................................................................................ 30
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Sarah was an ambitious medical doctor who wanted to pursue a medical profession to
serve people and to get to the top. As a medical professional, she worked really hard to
achieve her dreams and overcome every hurdle that was thrown her way by colleagues
and coworkers to prove herself the best health care professional in her field.
She never felt the need of love and companionship until she met Richard in a medical
conference. Both fell in love, and Sarah and Richard decided to marry after dating for
six months. Richard loved babies, and so did Sarah. They both decided to start their
family when Sarah turned 34.
Everything was great, and Sarah was in perfect shape and health. The couple thought
that they would be parents soon, so they started planning well in advance to avoid any
hassle at the last moment. But unfortunately this is not exactly what happened. Despite
conscious attempts to get pregnant over several months, Sarah did not become
Tired of waiting and trying, Sarah discussed her concerns with her non-medic friends
and relatives, and she was almost stunned after hearing their thoughts. She learned
that her chances of becoming pregnant are very grave because she is 35 years old, and
even if she did become pregnant, chances are negligible that she would give birth to a
healthy baby. Her friends had tons of examples of past incidents in their families to
prove their point. The couple also started receiving advice regarding child adoption and
in-vitro fertilization.
Despite the fact that Sarah was a medical professional, the comments and advice really
messed with her mind. Richard (who was also a doctor) tried explaining to Sarah that
these are baseless myths and have no connection with reality, but this is indeed a very
sensitive subject that can affect any woman.
Needless to say that Sarah slowly started avoiding people because she was ashamed
to answer questions pertinent to her fertility. Her nonsocial behavior and mood disorders
started affecting her work and performance as a health care provider.
Sarah started believing that Richard was not able to enjoy the pleasures of fatherhood
because of her, and in this guilt, she started ignoring and neglecting Richard. The
couple was at the verge of chaos when Richard finally contacted the best fertility
specialist in town.

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It was very hard to convince Sarah because she was certain that there is absolutely no
chance for her to become pregnant, but at last, Richards effort proved fruitful and Sarah
agreed to visit the fertility clinic.
In the clinic, her health care provider conducted a few tests and an interview that was
personal and very detail-oriented. Based on her recommendations, Richard and Sarah
introduced some changes to their normal daily pattern and lo and behold, Sarah got
pregnant just four months after following the advice of her fertility specialist. Not only
that, nine months later, she gave birth to a healthy and beautiful girl who negated all the
doubts and concerns Sarah had after becoming pregnant.
Wait! Before you continue check out this amazing, natural way of planning the sex of
your baby.
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The Message to You

Isnt it amazing how we let others take advantage of our situation by accepting their
myths and misconceptions without consulting a specialist or doing any research of our
Sarah almost lost control over her personal and professional life in just a few months
after believing these baseless myths. She would have been able to handle the situation
much better if she had conducted a little research on the subject.
Fertility is a one of the very sensitive issues that is faced by most couples at some point.
There are a number of misconceptions pertinent to this topic of fertility that need a lot of
clarification and explanation. I hope this book will help clear some doubts and
misconceptions that haunt a lot of women and distort their personal life and
I have compiled this book after deliberate research on current, most advanced and
prevailing medical concepts and treatment methods. Make sure to ask your health care
provider about other advanced treatments and options that may be helpful in your case.

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Infertility Statistics
Infertility is traditionally referred to as the inability to bear children, despite unprotected
intercourse for one year. However, in this regard, it is very important to mention that the
cause of infertility is mostly trivial in the majority of cases that can be managed by
simple modifications in personal, professional and sexual life.
You may find it hard to believe that almost 15 to 20 percent of all couples bear mild to
moderate issues conceiving their first child. It can be safely said that the issue of
infertility is very common, but at the same time, it is also very important to know that
most cases arise due to lack of knowledge regarding safe period, ovulation, cycle length
and position of intercourse.
Yet again, according to the data obtained from the National Survey of Family Growth
2006 to 2010, the reported cases of infertility are fairly high in United States. A few facts
and figures that may be of interest to you are:

Reported cases of women in the reproductive age bracket (15 years to 44 years
of age) who complained about impaired fertility were almost 6.7 million
(suggesting women who need fertility help in order to conceive).
In this reproductive age group, almost 10.9 percent of all women reportedly have
impaired fertility.
Surprisingly, out of all the women who report impaired fertility, only 6 percent are
actually infertile (corresponds to 1.5 million women out of 6.7 million who think
they are infertile).
Accordingly, almost one in 25 males in America reportedly have a low sperm
count, and almost one in every 35 males is sterile. The statistics vary in different
parts of the world, which can partly be attributed to the lifestyle habits and
nutritional choices.

Three Most Popular Myths About Fertility

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Most people often misunderstand fertility. Just like Sarah, most women think that if they
are healthy and in good shape, they should become pregnant immediately, but thats
not how things work in real life. But it doesnt mean that if you have failed to conceive in
a few months, you are infertile.
Today, there are many unnecessary and baseless myths about fertility and a lot of
educated and uneducated women become a victim of these myths. It is the
responsibility of every adult woman who wants to get pregnant to study, research and
rectify any myth about fertility before believing it. Some popular myths about fertility
prevailing in our society are:

Myth #1: Maternal Age and Fertility

The most popular myth about fertility is that if a woman crosses 35 years of age, she
becomes infertile.
This is not true; as long as you are having your monthly menstrual cycles, you have the
potential to conceive. Although it has been observed that some couples encounter
difficulty in conception with age, the majority of women can still conceive if they follow
basic fertility guidelines.
A woman develops the ability to become pregnant after puberty (around 12 to 15 years
in most girls) and remains fertile until menopause or peri-menopause (around mid-40s).
Even after 40, women can still become pregnant and give birth to healthy babies, but it
is generally recommended to try earlier in order to avoid any likely complications, such
as gestational diabetes or gestational hypertension.
Another popular myth is about maternal age and the high risk of genetic disorders and
chromosomal aberrations.

Most chromosomal aberrations and genetic disorders are inherited in nature, and if
there is a family history of genetic defects, the risk of inheritance in babies is always
there, regardless of the age of mother.
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It is, however, a fact that the risk of Down syndrome is high in babies born to mothers
older than 35 years, but the risk of other genetic diseases is the same as that of any
younger woman.
Age is an important factor only because with advancing age, most women become less
capable of handling abrupt hormonal changes of pregnancy that may affect their health
(while pregnant or after pregnancy). But age as a whole does not determine fertility as
long as you have normal menstrual cycles.

Myth #2: Healthy Couples Always Conceive Without Difficulty or Delay

This is another popular myth that if a couple is apparently healthy, they should conceive
immediately after a few attempts of unprotected intercourse.
Having irregular menstrual cycles or other systemic diseases indicate a clear risk or
abnormality, and thats why most women are mentally prepared to seek the treatment at
the time of getting pregnant. However, a woman who is apparently in good shape takes
no interest in learning tips that can increase the chances of fertility.
It is imperative to know that apparently healthy women may also have some minor
hormonal aberrations that can affect fertility. Regardless of systemic issues, it is still
important to follow some tips that can increase your chances of getting pregnant faster
(discussed briefly in next section).
Statistics suggest that the chances of getting pregnant with each ovarian cycle are only
25 percent. However, by carefully studying your ovarian cycle, you can increase your
chances significantly.

Myth #3: Sex Position Doesnt Matter as Long as We Do It Frequently

A successful conception is pretty much dependent on the position of sex. Moreover, it is
also very important to perform intercourse when ovulation occurs. Performing frequent
intercourse throughout the cycle but not at the time of ovulation greatly limits your
chances of becoming pregnant.
Moreover, there are certain positions that increase your chances of getting pregnant by
ensuring a deeper penetration to deliver sperm directly to the inner vagina. Deeper
penetration is helpful, especially in females who have a relatively acidic pH that limits
the motility of sperm and damages the sensitive male gametes from reaching the
fallopian tubes.
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Why Is It Important to Challenge These Myths?

The primary reason I am discussing the popular myths is to enlighten couples to follow
basic guidelines and authentic medical research instead of baseless myths that add to
stress and worry.
To become pregnant and maintain a healthy pregnancy, it is very important that your
body is in a state of biochemical equilibrium or harmony of different hormones. Stress,
worry and anxiety increase the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol and
epinephrine, that have several effects on the body:

Alteration of the release of sex hormones that may disrupt the ovarian cycle
and ovulation.
Increase the synthesis and release of sugars under the influence of stress
hormones to raise blood sugar levels that also interfere with fertility.
Imbalance of different hormones also causes changes in the pH of the vagina
that makes the vaginal secretion more acidic and toxic for sperm.

All these factors eventually affect the hormonal rhythm and in turn may also lead to
infertility. Besides causing hormonal irregularities, stress and anxiety also affect overall
physical, emotional and psychological well-being that affects maternal health and

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What Causes Infertility?

The number of reported cases of fertility issues has increased tremendously in the past
few decades, and a number of reasons can be attributed to this rise. One fairly common
cause is abnormal lifestyle habits that affect the baseline health of females/males or
both partners and thereby affects their ability to conceive. Fortunately, if the abnormal
lifestyle habits are changed or modified early in the course, the fertility issues can be
resolved, and normal pregnancy can take place without any further treatment.

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Primary Causes of Infertility

Instead of getting overwhelmed by the misconceptions and myths listed above, it is
important to identify the cause of infertility in order to get pregnant faster. Obviously a
health care provider is the best person to help you learn more about your health/
reproductive issues.

Common Causes of Infertility in Women:

Most popular causes of infertility in women include:

Hormonal Aberrations:

Hormonal irregularities or abnormal rhythm is the most common cause of infertility in

women. The cause of irregularity may be nutritional issues, environmental factors,
medications and in some cases, no particular reason can be identified.
Your health care provider will order serial hormonal assays on selective days in your
menstrual cycle, and in case of hormonal irregularity, proper treatment has to be
employed after ascertaining the cause of hormonal aberration.

Chronic Genital Tract Infections:

Sometimes, long-standing pelvic infections also interfere with the ability to conceive.
These are frequently seen in those with sexually transmitted diseases, such as
gonorrhea and Chlamydia.
In all such situations, it is recommended to treat the infection, and in case of irreparable
damage, look for alternative options. Chronic genital infections cause scarring of the
genital tract that makes it difficult for sperm to reach the egg (and for zygotecombination of egg and sperm) to reach the uterus for implantation that serves as a
cozy environment for the development of your baby.
There are a number of other causes also that include systemic diseases; defects of the
uterus, cervix or other part of genital tract; autoimmune diseases, such as antiphospholipids antibody syndrome (APLA); and other local or systemic defects.

Common Causes of Infertility in Men:

In men, the most common cause is having issues with the quality sperm count. Men
who are exposed to toxins, chemicals and genital infections tend to have issues with
spermatogenesis that leads to:

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Low Sperm Count in Semen

A normal semen sample must contain at least 15 to 20 million sperm per ml. Generally,
each semen ejaculate is approximately two to five ml. The cause of male infertility is
mostly abnormal amounts of semen (too much or too little semen) or abnormal sperm

Morphologically Abnormal Sperms:

Sperm health and morphology are very important determinants of fertility assessment.
Sperm are released in vaginal fourchette and have to travel all the way up to the
fallopian tubes.
It is really important that most of the sperm in semen/ejaculate are not only healthy but
are also mobile and have a great energy supply that lasts until the sperm get to the
fallopian tubes. For optimal male fertility, a semen sample must contain:

At least 50 percent motile sperms (that show forward motion even after an
hour of the ejaculation).
At least 30 percent sperm that are morphologically/physically normal in
Normal pH (7.0 to 8.0) of semen that have no signs of infection, such as
bacteria and other microorganisms.

Any man who is exposed to noxious stimuli, such as cigarette smoking, alcohol
consumption, drugs and certain occupational hazards, such as radiation, chemicals,
benzene and other chemicals that can affect the health of sperms or affect libido leading
to decreased ability to perform intercourse can also lead to infertility. Exposure to
chemicals and radiation affect the ability of sperm to handle environmental stress.
Surprisingly, a lot of couples have no recognized medical condition but are still not able
to conceive readily. In all such cases, it is important to adopt a few healthy tips before
looking for alternative treatment options.

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Seven Tips That Can Get You Pregnant Faster

When compared to different myths such as eating yams or tomatoes, sleeping in a
lateral (sideways) position instead of on your stomach and other impractical myths, the
facts that are discussed below are more practical, easy-to-follow and scientifically
proven to help you to tightly regulate your reproductive progress and also improve your
overall health.

Tip #1: Knowing Your Time of Ovulation

The length of an average ovarian cycle extends from 23 days to 35 days, but this is a
huge window. It is impractical to perform intercourse daily, and there is no advantage of
frequent intercourse unless you perform it around the time of ovulation. The length of
your ovarian cycle may vary, but in most cases the ovulation occurs on 14th day of your
ovarian cycle. But what is ovulation, and how can you determine the actual time of
Ovulation refers to the time in the ovarian cycle when the egg is released into the
reproductive tract/genital tract of the mother (the fallopian tubes to be precise), so that if
intercourse is performed, the sperm can have easy access to the egg in the tubes
resulting in fusion-formation of zygote and eventually pregnancy.
There are a number of methods that can help determine the time of ovulation in the
ovarian cycle. Most of these methods employ utilizing the changes in serum hormonal
levels within the maternal body and physical changes brought about by these
hormones. Ovulation occurs just prior to the ovulation surge (also known as the spike of
Luteinizing Hormone). This change in hormonal biochemistry forms the basis of most
ovulation prediction tests, such as:
Use of Fertility Calculators:
Basal Body Temperature Calculation
Luteinizing hormone is a heat-producing hormone; therefore, the basal body
temperature rises soon after the spike of LH (and just before ovulation), giving you an
approximate idea when your body is most prepared for intercourse.
How do you monitor basal body temperature for the best results?
Experts suggest maintaining a chart to record daily basal body temperature at the same
time every day. You will notice a rise of one-two degrees in your basal body
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temperature with the LH spike (indicating ovulation is about to occur or has just
Cervical Mucus Monitoring
A lot of women can also monitor their time of ovulation by monitoring the concentration
of cervical mucus. Cervical mucus is normally thick throughout the cycle; however, as
the time of ovulation approaches, cervical mucus not only becomes copious but also
thin and sticky. If you are using cervical mucus monitoring as a sole method, you may
miss out on the ovulation because mucus characteristics are widely variable and
depend on a number of factors besides serum hormone concentration.
Mid-Cycle Pains:
Mid-cycle pains are another nonspecific way of determining ovulation and are marked
by mild cramping and pain in the abdomen and lower pelvis at the time of ovulation (or
the 14th day of the ovarian cycle). I dont personally suggest this to follow as a primary
method because most women tend to miss mid-cycle pains.
Classically, ovulation prediction kits are more helpful than physical methods in
determining the time of ovulation.
Ovulation Prediction Kits
Ovulation prediction kits are considered a more helpful and accurate method when
compared with other ovulation detection methods. Ovulation prediction kits work on the
same principle as that of home pregnancy tests (as in you have to dip the strip in your
urine sample or during mid-stream of urination, and it will indicate if LH levels are high in
your urine (suggesting ovulation).

Tip #2: Perform Sex Before Ovulation (Not After Ovulation)

A lot of couples misunderstand the concept of ovulation and perform intercourse after
they are sure that ovulation has occurred. It has been scientifically proven that sperm
can survive inside the female body for 13 to 18 hours after intercourse, giving sufficient
time for fertilization to take place even if ovulation occurs after intercourse.
An average woman is most fertile 12 hours before and 18 hours after ovulation, so if
intercourse is performed on days 12 to 15 of the ovarian cycle, the chances of
conception are highest. You can always calculate the length of your ovarian cycle and
time of ovulation by the simple calendar method, which is practical in women who have
regular monthly cycles.
Identification of Last Menstrual Period:
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Last Menstrual Period (LMP) is the first day of your last menstrual period. Knowing your
LMP will help you track if you have regular menstrual periods or not. For example,
follow the table below:
LMP (month)

January 6
February 4
March 2

January 20
February 18
March 16

If your cycles are regular, you can then mark on your calendar LMP and count 14 days
from your last menstrual period. You can always prepare your own chart to keep
yourself more up-to-date with the transitions in your ovarian cycle.
You will get your ovulation period where your fertility is at its peak (to further confirm,
you can always use the above mentioned signs, such as cervical mucus changes, midcycle pain or more advanced methods such as ovulation prediction kits to confirm

Tip #3: Sexual Positions Can Increase Your Chances of Conception

A lot of couples restrict themselves to a few positions, and this may limit the chance of
getting pregnant. Trying different positions (of course, as long as it is comfortable for
you and your partner) always spices up the relationship and sexual life. However, at the
same time, it will help increase your chances of getting pregnant.
Missionary position is ranked highest among the sex positions that are helpful in
conception of a child. Missionary position is when the woman is lying on her back and
her male partner is on top. Intercourse performed during this position ensures deeper
penetration and delivery of semen/sperms directly onto the inner vaginal fourchette.
Rear-entry position: This is another position that offers the least resistance to the
sperm in order to get to the cervix. Rear position involves the male partner introducing
the penis from behind, while the female is on her knees. Once again, this position
ensures deeper penetration and deposition of sperms nearer to the cervix to offer the
least resistance for the transportation of sperm.
Spoon position: I dont want to stress any one position for increasing your chances of
conception merely because a healthy intercourse requires proper compatibility of the
bodies of two partners. It may be possible that either of the missionary or rear-entry
position is not comfortable for you or your partner; in that case, you can always seek the
help from a health care provider. Spooning is another position that allows maximum
closeness between two partners and also allows ejaculate to stay in the vagina for a
longer period of time.
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Once again, it is important to understand that these positions are not magic spells, and
you may not see results for some weeks. But the key is to continue trying with a healthy
approach and determination.
What are some other tips that may help?

After performing intercourse at or around the time of ovulation, it is advisable

to lie in that position for at least 15 to 20 minutes.
Most health care providers also suggest avoiding strenuous physical activity
in the first few weeks after ovulation (even after becoming pregnant).
Moreover, the female diet must contain less sugars and carbohydrates
because metabolism of carbohydrates increases the production of acids in
the vaginal tract that makes the pH more acidic. As discussed previously, the
survival of sperm in the female genital tract is greatly hampered if vaginal pH
is very acidic.
Vaginal infections such as Candida and other microorganisms also incur
changes in vaginal pH via metabolic end-products and acidic secretions, and
therefore it is highly recommended to treat your vaginal infections to optimize
your chances of getting pregnant.

Tip #4: Prepare Your Body Before Conception

It is very important to prepare your body long before you are pregnant. This is important
because lifestyle habits and poor nutritional choices greatly affect the biochemical
environment of your body in terms of hormones and serum levels of different
metabolites such as glucose and amino acids.
Preparing your body before conception may help ensure a much healthier pregnancy
and pre-pregnancy period, while also decreasing the risk of complications to your baby
and to your body.
Maintenance of Body Weight:
Chances of conception are greatly affected if you are either obese (having a body mass
index of greater than 29 kg/m2) or underweight (having a body mass index of less than
20 kg/m2). However, it is very important to keep a few points in mind:

Avoid drastic weight changes (whether drastic weight gain or drastic weight
loss). Most drastic weight changes are accompanied by disruption of natural
hormonal imbalance and a higher risk of infertility.
Always consult a registered dietitian or health care provider if your body
weight is not considered ideal for your height and weight.

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Make sure to choose healthy methods to reach your ideal weight. This means
surgery, medications and strenuous physical activity are not recommended
for weight loss, and using bulky foods, excessive calorie intake and
consumption of processed sugars are not recommended for weight gain.

High levels of toxins in the system are one of the reasons why most couples develop
infertility. Toxins are produced naturally in the body as a result of metabolic processes,
but if your water consumption is adequate, the toxins are expelled via urine from the
However, there are a few situations in which the levels of toxins rise significantly in the
body that may affect the integrity of systems and also induce inflammation of tissues
and cells.
What increases the toxin levels in the body?
There are a number of factors that may lead to high toxin levels in the body; primarily
these can be categorized as:

Increase in Production of Toxins

Toxins are produced inside the body as a result of metabolic processes and are also
acquired from the environment. A fairly understandable explanation is the diet that we
consume is full of environmental and industrial toxins that confer hazardous reactions in
our body.
Individuals who consume processed food are more at risk of developing a toxic state in
the body. This is primarily because genetically altered food and highly processed foods
are incompletely metabolized by the body, resulting in the formation of chemical byproducts. When partially degraded products cross-react with other metabolic wastes
(that are produced during metabolism), it will eventually result in the formation of even
more toxins and free radicals that will damage the tissues.

Decrease In Excretion of Toxins:

Likewise, if the toxins produced by the body are not properly excreted, it may lead to
severe deleterious side effects. Medical conditions that involve impairment of the liver
and kidney are notoriously known to affect the excretion of metabolic waste. Moreover,
certain medical conditions, such as uncontrolled diabetes and poorly controlled
hypertension, are also leading causes of infertility if not managed in time.
How Toxins Affect Fertility
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High toxin levels directly affect sexual health by making the female genital tract more
acidic and full of chemicals for the sperm that enter the system after intercourse. For
sperms to optimally function in the female body, certain pH is needed. If the female
environment is more acidic than it should be, sperms develop severe damage and
motility issues that directly lead to infertility.
You can detoxify your body by:

Consuming healthy and organic food that is free from food chemicals,
preservatives, artificial hormones and other hazardous agents that may lead
to inflammation in the body.
Maintaining proper hydration status is also very important, but relying on the
glass measurement method is unreliable. Eight glasses per day is OK, but it
is scientifically proven that the hydration requirement of the body is different in
different individuals and should be based upon the level of physical activity,
weight, gender and several other factors instead of using the criterion of eight
glasses of water per day. For every kilogram of body weight, its a good start
to consume 35ml of water. For example, if you weigh 60 kilograms (132
pounds), you should drink 2,100 ml or 2.1 liters of water per day.
Drugs, medications and toxin-producing agents, such as aerated beverages,
caffeinated beverages and alcoholic beverages, should be avoided to limit the
production of toxins in the body.

Stress-Free Life:
Stress and anxiety as mentioned previously can affect the overall hormonal health by
disrupting the biochemical rhythm and thus should be avoided. In this stressful life, it is
difficult to stay calm all the time, but it is always a healthy approach to work out some
healthy stress-relieving methods, such as yoga, exercise and meditation. Moreover, if
your job environment or work-related responsibilities are very distressing or stressful,
you may need to consider switching jobs to prevent the hormone-related biochemical
changes that may affect your fertility.
Physical Activity in Moderation:
Physical activity is one important element that determines healthy conception and
overall pregnancy course. However, it should be kept in mind that excessive physical
activity may also affect your chances of getting pregnant because research studies
have proven that female athletes have low levels of estrogen and LH in their body than
non-athletic women, which affects the quality of ovarian cycles and eventually becomes
a cause of infertility.
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Exercise or physical activity that is most healthy for you includes yoga, swimming and
static aerobic exercises that stimulate your muscles but does not elicit a state of
emergency in your body.

Tip #5: Improve Male Fertility and Sperm Quality With Diet and
Previously, there was a popular misconception that any defects in conception are
mainly due to defects in the female genital tract or female gametes. However, surveys
and research studies indicate that 33 percent (one-third) of reported cases of infertility
are mainly due to defects in the male partner, 33 percent of cases are due to defects in
the female partner, and left over are 33 percent of cases due to defects in both partners.
The data clearly indicate that male defects are equally responsible in infertility issues
and thus equal consideration should be given to the health of males.
Different Supplements and Foods That Can Enhance Male Sperm Quality:
There are a number of supplements that can help protect sperms from oxidative
damage; that is perhaps the most common cause of male infertility. Sperms are
exposed to the environment directly, and in order to properly safeguard the health of
male sperms, it is very important to use supplements to boost male sexual health. This
is even more important in males who are exposed to environmental toxins, particularly
in certain occupations (radiation industry, X-ray technicians, male sweepers and
workers in the coal industry, mining and others).
All such individuals are very likely to benefit from selenium supplementation and multivitamins to boost sperm health.
Tips for Male Sexual Health:
Other tips that may help improve the quality of sperms in male are:

Maintain sperm health by wearing boxers instead of briefs. This is primarily

because sperm production, or spermatogenesis, requires a cooler
temperature that is provided by the scrotum. The inner temperature in the
scrotum is one to two degrees lower than the basal body temperature that
aids in healthy sperm production. However, any attempt to bring the scrotum
near the body (by wearing briefs) may lead to abrupt spermatogenesis and
low-quality sperms.
Avoid hot showers and steam baths for the similar reasons mentioned above.

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Tip #6: Modify Your Lifestyle for Healthy Conception

To maximize your chances of getting pregnant, lifestyle modifications and incorporation
of healthy habits should commence long before you decide to plan your family.
Lifestyle modification suggests choosing healthy habits over unhealthy ones, and this is
not only limited to the female partner. A few lifestyle modifications that enhance your
chances of conception include:

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol increases the production of toxins in your body and also releases tons of free
radicals in your system. Moreover, because alcohol is detoxified by liver cells, moderate
amounts can cause liver injury that affects the capacity of the liver to produce different
A lot of women ask how much alcohol is safe before or during pregnancy, and the
answer is nil. No amount of alcohol is safe when you are planning to conceive.
Experimental studies conducted on rats concluded that alcohol is strongly associated
with amenorrhea and weight changes in female rats.
Results of an experimental study conducted by Tina Kold Jensen was published in 1998
in which the effects of alcohol consumption were studied on 430 Danish couples. It was
observed that women who consume alcohol take longer to conceive than women who
dont drink at all (alcohol consumption of as little as five glasses/week or less is also
associated with impaired fertility), so it is strongly recommended to avoid alcohol

Cigarette Smoking

It is understandable that cigarette smoking is toxic for most tissues of the body and
delivers almost 200 chemicals and 60 carcinogens that can alter the genetic information
of exposed cells in the body. This is especially true for sensitive cells, such as sperms
or eggs, that are more vulnerable to environmental or endogenous toxins.
It is statistically proven that 13 percent of all sub-fertility cases are due to cigarette
smoking alone. Moreover, if the female partner consumes more than 10 cigarettes per
day, the risk of infertility, ectopic pregnancy and recurrent abortion increases 10-fold.

Caffeine Consumption

Caffeine and energy drinks have become an integral part of our daily diet in order to
maintain high energy levels throughout the day. However, this productivity comes with a
price, and mothers who consume high amounts of caffeine or caffeinated beverages are
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at a higher risk of developing infertility due to the release of neurotransmitters in

response to caffeine intake.
Studies conducted worldwide indicate that regular intake of coffee increases the risk of
primary infertility many folds (55 percent of delayed conception cases are attributed to
moderate to significant caffeine consumption). Caffeine increases estrogen levels and
thereby affects the natural balance between estrogen and progesterone that causes
delayed conception.

Tip #7: Seek Preconception Counseling and Medical Help

Once you think of starting a family, it is always desirable to see a health care provider
for preconception counseling. Most couples think it is not important and makes no
difference on your reproductive health, which is not true.
Preconception counseling refers to seeking the help of a health care provider regarding
a proper evaluation of overall physical health of both male and female partners. The
most important step of preconception counseling is to assess the overall health of the
parents and analyze their general lifestyle and habits.
Your doctor may gather information about your age, past medical history and family
history. This is important because certain medical conditions increase the risk of
infertility or miscarriage early in pregnancy. Moreover, uncontrolled medical conditions
are always a health hazard for the proper development of a baby. Preconception
counseling will help you and your health care provider to shortlist possible health
hazards that may affect your chances of conception.
Your doctor will also inquire about the family history of genetic diseases or birth defects
because most of these issues are inherited and tend to run in families. It is always
advisable to discuss everything openly with your doctor so that extra caution can be
obtained. For example, supplementation with folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube
defects in the baby.
Most importantly, medical and drug history are two important elements that need special
consideration. History of certain drugs can greatly impair your fertility or increase the
risk of birth defects in the baby. It is always advisable to assess drug levels after
discontinuation before conceiving the child to eliminate the risk of damage to the fetus.
Some important medications include acne drugs, such as accutane, tetracycline,
sulphonamide and others. It is also mandatory to control medical issues such as
diabetes, high blood pressure and abnormal blood cholesterol levels before becoming
pregnant because these metabolic issues are considered some of the leading causes of
infertility and early loss of pregnancy.
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Another important aspect of preconception counseling is the identification of health

hazards that you are exposed to, which may prove harmful to your pregnancy and
health of the baby. These include occupational hazards, exposure to certain toxins and
environmental situations, such as radioactive chemicals, chemotherapy drugs and

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When to Seek Help for Fertility Assistance?

A lot of people dont really know when to take action and how long to wait before
seeking medical attention. Traditionally, it is recommended to try simple tips mentioned
above for at least six to eight months (to as long as 12 months) if you dont have any
known medical condition. Meanwhile, it is also very important to maintain healthy living
habits, such as a nutritious diet, regular physical exercise and maintaining a stress-free

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What Are Various Options for You?

It is very important to know that there is always a way to tackle the problem of infertility.
Once you decide to seek medical treatment, make an appointment with a fertility
specialist and discuss your case. You and your partner may be advised to take a few
tests to determine who has the primary issue. In most cases, treating the inciting or
primary cause is all what is needed to treat infertility.
If you are having trouble getting pregnant, you should discuss the following options with
your health care provider.

Ovulation Induction by Clomiphene Citrate

In some women, the primary cause is lack of LH surge (that serves as the stimulus for
the release of an egg in the female genital tract) or other imbalance of other hormonal
Correction of these hormonal issues can significantly increase the chances of
conception without needing any additional treatment. Women who have luteal phase
deficiency can benefit from Clomiphene induction that induces LH surge artificially,
leading to ovulation.
It is regarded as the most effective, cheapest and hazard-free therapy today. Clinical
trials conducted on sub-fertile women with Clomiphene citrate-induced ovulation
induction resulted in a success rate of 75 percent.
It is also important to know that the ovulation induction method should not be continued
for more than six ovulation cycles, and if it is not effective in your case, talk to your
doctor regarding alternative treatments.

Metformin (treatment of PCOD)

Polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) is one of the recognizable medical conditions that
greatly impairs fertility. Most of the women know during their teens or 20s if they are
suffering from PCOD.
The classic presentation that points to diagnosis includes growth of hair on the face
(and other exposed parts of the body), abnormalities in menstrual cycles and weight
gain. The treatment of PCOD is simple and effective and almost 85 to 90 percent of
women respond very well to Metformin (Yes, the traditional anti-diabetic is very helpful
in treating PCOD-related hormonal disturbance).
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Artificial Insemination
Artificial insemination is a technique employed most commonly in cases when the cause
of infertility is not clear. Data obtained from fertility centers indicate that artificial
insemination helps such couples to conceive faster.
The process involves direct inoculation (or introduction) of male sperms into the female
genital tract with the help of a catheter. Artificial insemination helps women who have
metabolic issues or hyperacidity state in the genital tract that limit the motility of sperms.
Artificial insemination by using donor sperms is helpful in cases if:

The male partner is sterile

The male partners sperm count or morphology is abnormal
The male partner carries a genetic disease that is likely to be transmitted to
the baby

Artificial insemination is generally considered a safe procedure, but it has mild risks of
infection and miscarriage, but the success of the procedure is greatly dependent on
factors, such as the type of procedure (artificial insemination versus intrauterine
insemination) and expertise of the health care professional.

Egg Donation
Egg donation is an excellent therapy method helpful in older women who are unable to
ovulate despite clomiphene induction but who have normal hormonal concentration and
uterine cavity to hold the pregnancy.
Egg donation is usually done after the egg is removed from the donor in the oocyte
stage, which usually involves stimulation with fertility drugs to know precisely the stage
and age of the oocyte. The donated egg is then fertilized in the laboratory to form a
zygote that is then implanted in the uterine cavity immediately or in the blastocyst stage.
The success rate of this procedure is almost equivalent to in vitro fertilization . Some
women also require hormonal support to stimulate the growth of the uterine lining and to
hold the pregnancy.
It is imperative to know that the artificial procedures carry a higher risk of miscarriage as
compared to normal pregnancy, so make sure to speak to your health care provider
about caution and risk factors.

In Vitro Fertilization
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is another method that may be a helpful option for you if the
cause of infertility is beyond the scope of the above-mentioned tips. In vitro fertilization
is employed for women who have issues getting pregnant naturally due to issues in
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sperm quality or due to defects of the female genital tract. In IVF, sperm is directly
fertilized in the female genital tract and implanted into the uterus where the fetus grows,
and it advances just like a normal pregnancy.
It is important to employ options like IVF more readily at a younger age. The success
rate of IVF in a woman under 35 years is approximately 42 percent. Ask your doctors
about different options like IVF with fresh embryos and IVF with frozen embryos to
ascertain what options suit you best.
IVF with fresh embryos has a higher success rate as compared to IVF with frozen
embryos. The success rate also depends on the institute and expertise of the health
care provider, so dont rush into decision-making.

Surrogate Motherhood
The surrogate motherhood option is employed for mothers who have defects or
discrepancies in the physical structure of the uterus and are incapable of holding a
pregnancy. Apparently this is one of the important technical reasons why some women
are unable to conceive in the first place or undergo repeated miscarriages/abortions.
Surrogate motherhood offers all such women to have a baby by implanting the zygote
directly into the uterus of a surrogate volunteer (the zygote is obtained from the couple
after combining the egg and sperm in a test-tube).

Which Method Is Right for You?

Before choosing any induction method listed above, it is extremely important to
determine the cause of infertility. In some women, more than one cause can be
responsible for infertility complications, so make sure to undergo a complete evaluation
regardless of the apparent cause. This is important because deleterious consequences
may ensue if induction or insemination methods are employed in the presence of
blocked tubes due to high risk of ectopic pregnancy.
Most health care professionals advise laparoscopy (introduction of an instrument with
fiber-optic camera via a small opening or incision on the abdominal wall) to ensure
proper visibility of the uterus, ovaries and other genital structures before adopting any
interventional method for treatment of infertility. Moreover, diagnostic methods, such as
laparoscopy and hysteroscopy serve as treatment methods also in removing polyps,
scarred sections and tubal blocks, thereby helping in alleviating the cause of infertility
and increasing the success rate of any intervention procedure performed.

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It is a common observation that many people spend months or years feeling stressed
and as though they are infertile.
Do not let your life be affected by myths that have no practical grounds; instead, work
on real methods that can improve your health and fertility. Make sure to live happy and
eat healthy for your own well-being and to give a healthy and disease-free environment
to your little one!
The key to a healthy and fertile reproductive life is to eat healthy food that is rich in highquality nutrients and vitamins such as Vitamin C, E and D. Most importantly, it is
essential that both male and female partner consume healthy food because sperm
health is largely dependent on nutrient intake.
Lastly, some healthy supplements can improve your health and enhance your chances
of pregnancy. These supplements are available as over-the-counter pills in most
countries and can also be obtained after consulting with your health care provider. A
few healthy supplements that increase your chances of getting pregnant faster are:

Iron tablets because almost 60 percent of women who are under reproductive
age group are anemic.
Folate is protective against spina bifida and other neural tube structural
Calcium tablets are helpful in strengthening bones and preparing the woman
for pregnancy.
Other supplements can also be advised to the mother based on the results of
primary investigations of preconception counseling.

Recommended Video
Plan My Baby: Choose your babys gender naturally before conception!

While many parents would be ecstatic with either outcome, some couples are secretly
hoping for one or the other. What if you could decide whether your child was a boy or

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Couples who have followed the Plan my Baby program have experienced a 94 percent
success rate in their chosen gender outcomes!
As a former midwife, Alicia Pennington was able to learn firsthand the techniques that
worked and those that didnt when it came to couples working to control the gender
outcomes of their children. Today, she can share what she has learned with couples
from around the world.
In her research, she has found that the following factors can affect the sex of your child:

Lifestyle and stress level
Sexual positions
Working with your ovulation cycle to determine the ideal points to attempt
Abstinence or frequency of sexual intercourse

To learn more about the proven methods for determining your babys gender, check out
this video that shows how you can discover the natural steps toward choosing your
babys gender before conception.
With a success rate greater than 94 percent, what do you have to lose?

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1. Mello, N.K., Bree, M.P., Mendelson, J.H., Ellingboe, J., King, N.W., Sehgal, P.
Alcohol self-administration disrupts reproductive function in female macaque monkeys.
Science. 1983;221:677679.
2. Gavaler, J.S., Van Thiel, D.H., Lester, R. Ethanol: a gonadal toxin in the mature rat of
both sexes. Alcohol Clin Res. 1980;4:271276.
3. Jensen, T. K., Hjollund, N. H. I., Henriksen, T. B., Scheike, T., Kolstad, H.,
Giwercman, A., ... & Olsen, J. (1998). Does moderate alcohol consumption affect
fertility? Follow up study among couples planning first pregnancy. Bmj, 317(7157), 505510.
4. Speroff, L., Fritz, M.A. (2005). Male infertility. In Clinical Gynecologic Endocrinology
and Infertility, 7th ed., pp. 1135-1173. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.
5. Al-Inany, H. (2005). Female infertility, search date April 2004. Online version of BMJ
Clinical Evidence.
6. Cantineau, A.E.P., et al. (2003). Single versus double intrauterine insemination (IUI)
in stimulated cycles for subfertile couples. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews.

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