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NIU KNPE Physical Education Spin Class Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Caila Bender

Date: TBD
Central Focus: Cardiovascular, muscular endurance- Spin Class
Rationale: Working on muscular endurance to enhance quality of life,
increase muscle endurance. Muscular endurance is an important health
related component of fitness. Also, doing a spin class exposes a different
type of cardiovascular fitness besides running.
Requisite Skills: It would be helpful
Prior Knowledge: Students dont need to have prior knowledge. Students
will most likely have prior knowledge about riding a bike.
Personal/ Cultural/ Community assets related to Central Focus: Talk about
the bike paths that are available in the community. This is a skill students
can easily utilize outside of the classroom. Many roads in this community
have bike paths. Culturally it contributes to being healthy and how having a
high cardiovascular endurance can contribute to their quality of life.

Grade: Fr/So High School

Size: 30
Lesson # _10__ of _15_
Teaching Style: Command and Practice
30 Spin Bikes
Safety Considerations:
Tell students how to properly sit on the
cycles and teach them about the
resistance so they dont injury
themselves. Also teach them how to
properly mount the bike. Students need to
be sure to not push themselves to the
point of injury.
Differentiation Supports and
There will be modificiations for each

Language functions used: demonstrate, cooperate, increase

Language demands needed: Write on short answer sheets
Vocabulary to be learned: Spin class lingo: Resistance dial, Lift up, Low
hover, Surge, Saddle,
1. Psychomotor- SWBAT demonstrate proper form on a spin bike while
spinning correctly 3 out of 4 times during the class period.
2. Cognitive- SWBAT describe at least 3 out of 4 muscles the spin bike


Standard 2 - The physically literate
individual applies knowledge of concepts,

works out by the end of the class period.

3. Affective- SWBAT cooperate with other students in the class the entire
duration by the end of the class period.
4. Fitness- SWBAT increase their cardiovascular fitness by cycling during the
class period.


ANTICIPATORY SET: Gather class and quiet them down. Remind them of my
typical class cues of Freeze and my expectations of their behavior for the
Transition Into Task 1: Have students get in the squad spots in order to
being the dynamic stretching warm up
Task 1(5-10 minutes):
X Have students begin dynamic stretching each line starting 5-10
seconds after the line in front of them start. I will designate a leader
from each line to cue their line to start
X Sequencing of dynamic warm up: light jog, Frankenstein kicks, butt
kicks, over and under the fence, grapevine, toe grabs, skipping, quad
stretch, gallops, spidermans, inch worms, sprint it out.

principles, strategies and tactics related to

movement and performance.
2. Standard 4 - The physically literate
individual exhibits responsible personal
and social behavior that respects self and
3. 19. B. 1a- Understand spatial
awareness and relationships to objects
and people.

Critical Elements of Skipping:

1. When skipping, there should be contralateral
2. Head should be up
3. Arms should be pumping contralaterally.
4. Hop- jump every other foot.

Critical Elements of Running:

1. Arms slightly pumping while running
2. Knees should be bent and brought up while
3. Head should be up and eyes should be up and
not on the ground.

1. Next Row
2. Get those knees up
3. Dont forget to pick up your feet

Planned Supports: Planned Supports: I will verbally demonstrate the


Common Errors (1-2):

1. Students start their line too early
2. Students are lax with their effort in the
dynamic stretching

stretches as well as
guide them with cues
and which lines they



physically demonstrate them. I will

and tell them which lines to start from
will end.

Demonstration Plan: I will verbally demonstrate the stretches as well as

physically demonstrate them. I will guide them with cues and tell them
which lines to start from and which lines they will end.
Modifications (extensions/ refinements):
Extensions- I will explain the modifications of the stretches that can
be done in order to make it deeper of a stretch. Students can choose
how deep they want to take their stretch
Refinements- I will show student modifications of stretches to make
them more achievable for those less flexible students
Check for Understanding Questions:
1. How deep should you stretch?
2. When should the leaders start the next line
3. What do you do when I say freeze
Transition Out of Task 1: Have students gather outside of the spin room and
seated and settled before introducing the topic.
Transition Into Task 2: Explain to the students that we will be participating in
a spin class and go into detail about spin class etiquette, how to wait for
instruction before getting on the bikes, and explain that if the students do
not behave properly then they will not get a chance to participate in the
spin class and they will lose their points for the day.
Task 2:
X Bring students into spin room, have them stand to the left of a spin
bike. Before they get on, show them how to get adjust the height of
the seat and how to properly mount the bike. Walk around and help

3. Students start their line too late

Answers to CFUs:
1. To slight discomfort
2. After the line in front of them has been
going for 5+ seconds
3. stop what youre doing asap

students with adjusting the seat. Then point out the resistance dial
and show them how to use it. Let them practice using the dial while
spinning. Explain that if I say Adjust to a level 6 that means 6 out of
a scale from 1-10 of exertion
X Spin Sequence is as followed:
Warm up: seated position, moderate speed, light resistance (level 13) 1-3min
Increase resistance: seated for 1 min, stand for 1 min, then repeat
4-8 times, moderate speed, moderate resistance (4-6) 4 minutes
Decrease resistance: sit down with hands in second position, fast
speed, light resistance (1-3) 3 minutes
Stand up: with hands in second position and jog, fast speed, light
resistance (1-3) 1 minute
Sit Down: with hands in second position and increase resistance
every 30 sec. slow to moderate speed, moderate to heavy resistance
(4-8) 2 minutes
Stand up: with hands in third position and increase resistance every
minute, slow speed, very heavy resistance (7-10) 3 minuntes
Increase resistance: seated for 1 min, stand for 1 min, then repeat
4-8 times, moderate speed, moderate resistance (4-6) 4 minutes
Decrease resistance: sit down with hands in second position, fast
speed, light resistance (1-3) 3 minutes
Stand up: with hands in second position and jog, fast speed, light
resistance (1-3) 1 minute
Sit Down: with hands in second position and increase resistance
every 30 sec. slow to moderate speed, moderate to heavy resistance
(4-8) 2 minutes
Stand up: with hands in third position and increase resistance every
minute, slow speed, very heavy resistance (7-10) 3 minuntes
Decrease resitance: stand up with hands in second position, jog,
very fast speed, very light resistance (1-3), 2 minutes
Cool down: sit with hands in second position, moderate speed, very
light resistance (1-3), 2 minutes

Critical Elements:
1. When leg is fully extended, should be
relaxed and not on tip toes
2. Seat should be adjusted to proper
3. When spinning push through the hips
1. Lift up
2. Increase resistance
3. Lower down and decrease resistance
Common Errors (1-2):
1. Student will have their seat elevated
too high
2. Students will turn the resistance dial
the wrong way
3. students will have resistance too light
or too heavy
Answers to CFUs:
1. Stand up
2. levels 1-3
3. your hips

Planned Supports: I will have a microphone so the students can hear me

over the music. I will also have a coordinated power point that is timed so
students can get a visual of what they should be doing along with my
verbal instruction
Demonstration Plan: I will be in the front demonstrating the beginning of
each phase, I will also be verbally cueing the class, also there will be a
power point playing describing what to do in the current phase.
Modifications (extensions/ refinements):
Extensions- Students can choose the weight of their resistance to
make the task more difficult.
Refinements- students can choose the weight of their resistance to
make the task easier for them
Check for Understanding Questions:
1. What do you do when I say Lift up
2. What levels of exertion would light resistance be?
3. What area should you push from?
Transition Out of Task 2: Have students dismount and then
Review of the lesson: Today we learned about indoor cycling or spin class.
What three health related components of fitness does this address?
(muscular strength, muscular endurance, and cardiovascular) What are
some new terms we learned today that are related to spin classes? (lift up,
resistance, seated, saddle). Fist to five, how well did you work alongside
your classmates today? Awesome job today learning a new fitness skill. Fill
out your exit slip and turn them in on your way to the locker room. Also,
grab your affective journal and fill in an entry for homework and bring it
next class.

Assessment Plan: (Include both formal and informal assessments of each

learning objective)
Xx Affective Students will fill out their affective journal logs
Xx Psychomotor- Teacher observation of the correct form
Xx Cognitive Exit slips about indoor cycling
Lesson Reflection:
1. Were all lesson objectives met?
2. What would I keep in this lesson?
3. What would I change in this lesson?
*Lesson plan does not have to include a specific number of tasks or objectives from all domains

Spin Class sequence was found: http://www.shape.com/fitness/cardio/spin-slim-workout-plan

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