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Needs Assessment Survey

Mission Statement
The Edmonson County Parks and Recreation Department is committed to
serving all residents of Edmonson County, by providing recreation and leisure
activities, events, facilities, and other services that promote health, relaxation
and learning in a safe environment.

Vision Statement
Our vision is to develop a sustainable park system while serving the ever
changing needs of our community.

Our Philosophy
We believe that recreation and leisure are important to the overall quality of life
and the social well being of our individual citizens and our community as a

Edmonson County Parks and Recreation Document

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Community Interest and Opinion Survey: Let us Know what you want!
The Edmonson County Parks and Recreation Department is committed to providing the very best
programs, events, and services possible to all the citizens of Edmonson County. This survey is
intended to help us to provide the recreation programs and events you want most. Please take a
few minutes of your time and help us to provide you with the programs and events that will
provide the greatest impact on your recreation and leisure activities.

1. From the list below, Please check all the Edmonson County Parks recreation
facilities you have used in the last 12 months.
(01) Youth baseball/softball fields
(02) Adult baseball/softball fields
(03) Walking/running paths (Bee Spring Park)
(04) Walking/running paths (Hwy 70 Sports Complex)
(05) Walking/running paths (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(06) Volleyball Courts (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(07) Volleyball Court (Hwy 70 Sports Complex)
(08) Basketball Courts (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(09) Basketball Court (Bee Spring Park)
(10) Basketball Court (Hwy 70 Sports Complex)
(11) Disc Golf Course (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(12) Pavilion (Bee Spring Park)
(13) Pavilion (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(14) Pavilions (Hwy 70 Sports Complex)
(15) Community Room (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(16) Community Room (Bee Spring Park)
(17) Horseshoe Courts (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(18) Horseshoe Courts (Bee Spring Park)
(19) Tennis Courts (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(20) Playground (Chalybeate Springs Sports Complex)
(21) Playground (Bee Spring Park)
(22) Playground (Hwy 70 Sports Complex)
2. From the list in question #1 above, which 3 facilities are most important to you and
members of your household? Please write in the numbers below for your 1st , 2nd , and
3rd choice or circle none.
1st Most

2nd Most

3rd Most

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3. How would you rate the quality of the Edmonson County parks that you use?
(1) Excellent
(4) Poor

(2) Good
(5) Not Sure

(3) Fair

4. Please indicate if you or members of your household have a need for the sport,
program or class listed below by circling Yes or No. If you have a need for the sport,
program, or class circled yes, please answer the question in the shaded area to the
right by circling the appropriate responses.

5. Which 3 sports, programs, or classes listed above do you think are most important
for you and members of your household? (Write your top 3 choices below).
1st Choice:
2nd Choice:
3rd Choice:
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6. When choosing to participate in a sport, program, or class, what 3 criteria would

you identify as being most important to your household?
01 Quality of Instructors
02 Affordable
03 Convenient Location
04 Friends Participate
05 Quality of Facility
06 Convenient Time
07 Need for Physical Exercise
7. From the following list, please check all the ways in which you learn about
programs, classes, and/or events.
01 Printed Flyer
03 Mail
05 Social Media
07 Newspaper
09 Friends

02 Television
04 Websites
06 Family
08 Radio
10 Other

8. From the following list, please check all the reasons that prevent you from using the
parks, trails, recreation programs and activities in Edmonson County parks more
01 Facilities not well maintained
03 Program not offered
05 Security is insufficient
07 Do not know programs offered
09 Not accessible for people w/disabilities

02 Lack of quality programs

04 Too hot outdoors
06 Poor customer service
08 Fees are to high
10 Not enough time

9. Which 3 reasons listed above do you think are the major reasons preventing you and
members of your household from using Edmonson County Parks? (write the top 3
choices below using the numbers from question 8 above).
1st Choice

2nd Choice

3rd Choice

10. Are you satisfied with the amount of pavilions within the Edmonson County Park
1 Yes
2 No
3 Not Sure

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11. From the list below, please indicate the priorities you would most support. (Please
write in the numbers in the spaces below for your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority).
1st Priority

2nd Priority

3rd Priority

Acquisition of space for trails.

Acquisition of space for sports facilities (baseball, basketball, soccer, softball, etc.)
Acquisition of sport specific lights at sport facilities.
Operation, maintenance, and security of parks.
Development of new recreation programs for children.
Development of new recreation programs for adults.
Development of new recreation programs for seniors.

12. The following demographic questions are optional and are included in order to
validate the survey. All responses are confidential. Counting yourself, how many
people in your household are?
Under age 5
Ages 15-19
Ages 35-44
Ages 65-74

Ages 5-9
Ages 20-24
Ages 45-54
Ages 75+

Ages 10-14
Ages 25-34
Ages 55-64

13. What is your age?

14. What is your gender?
15. Please add any comments you believe will help us to improve the quality of
programs, services, and facilities Edmonson County Parks and Recreation is
responsible for providing.

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This concludes the survey. Thank You for your Assistance.

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