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Lesson Purpose: Cause and Effect of Water Pollution

Teachers: Damaris Gonzalez

Subject: Science

S6C1PO 2. Explain the composition, properties, and structure of the Earths lakes and rivers.
Social Studies
S4C5PO 2. Describe the intended and unintended consequences of human modification (e.g., irrigation,
aqueducts, canals) on the environment.
ISTE Technology standard
1. Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity
B. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools
and resources.
ELP Standard
B-3: taking notes using a teacher selected and student created graphic organizer or cloze notes.
Objective (Explicit): SWBAT criticize the causes and effects of human impact on water pollution.

Sub-objectives, SWBAT (Sequenced from basic to complex)

Identify water as essential for life on Earth.
Recognize many forms of life live in bodies of water.
Discuss the five sources of freshwater pollution
Experiment various methods to clean freshwater
Research solutions and prevention methods.

Evidence of Mastery (Measurable):

80% of table groups will devise a simple water filtration system to eliminate pollution from a fresh water
supply and submit a completed data sheet.
Key vocabulary:
Point- source pollution
Nonpoint-source pollution

Earths Waters Textbook
Water Pollution worksheet
Plastic cups
Plastic spoons
Plastic forks
Sandwich bags
Cotton balls
Coffee filters
Plastic wrap
Aluminum foil
A tub of water with shredded paper,
vegetable oil, coffee grounds, salt and


Opening (state objectives, connect to previous learning, and make relevant to real life) 2
Today we are going to be exploring how human actions can pollute Earths water. We will begin discussion
by watching a video called The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. We will be using a circle map to help you write
down interesting facts or thoughts you might have during the video.
Teacher Will: 10
Engage students in critical thinking discussion by asking

Student Will:
Use circle map to gather notes and

ctional Input
Guided Practice

students to

personal thoughts on the video

-Raise your hand if you knew this existed

-Share 2 facts they found interesting with your partner
-Volunteers to share how the video makes you feel

Pair share two facts, or I never knew

Transition to page 55 in textbook

Ask Check Your Reading questions

Teacher Will: 5
Introduce instructions for Water Pollution activity
Working in table groups, students will have 15 minutes to
create a simple filtration device in order to remove the
common household items that are polluting the fresh water
supplied by the instructor.
Remind students that when they are observing they should
only use sight and smell; they should never taste the
solution, even if it looks clean.
Students will be expected to record their processes in the
designated worksheet.
Review example provided on worksheet

Actively participate in reading aloud

Pair Share answers and thoughts to
Check your Reading questions

Student Will:
Identify individual role specified by
Discuss with table group which two
materials they will select

Independent Practice

Teacher Will: 15
Assist students in collecting water in a clean and efficient
Facilitate recording of data by providing sentence frames
and spelling as needed.

Student Will:
Table group Roles
(Student sitting closest to aisle is #1)
1- Select 2 materials to clean water
2- Clear off desks/ Clean up after
3- Record data
4- Share results with class
Construct simple filtration device to
eliminate and identify water pollutants

Co-Teaching Strategy/Differentiation:
Instructional Input
Circle Map
Pair Sharing
Individual teacher support (Mr. Cruz, Ms. Clynick)
Guided Practice
Example provided on worksheet
Teacher read aloud of worksheet with students to clarify any questions
Individual teacher support (Mr. Cruz, Ms. Clynick)
Independent Practice
Classroom padlet with images of point source pollution versus nonpoint source pollution.
Sentence frames on whiteboard
Teacher support (Mr. Cruz, Ms. Clynick)

Troubleshooting Tips
Be sure to have paper towels/rags on hand in-case spills occur.
Consider any students allergies before creating the dirty water sample

Closing/Student Reflection/Real-life connections: 10 minutes

After all the groups are finished, label and line up the samples.
Identify pollutants in water supply
Ask each group to present their filter system to the class
Have a class vote and discussion about which water is the cleanest
Read page 57 At Home paragraph to identify prevention methods

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