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Film Consumption Survey Analysis

This survey was conducted in order to help me discover more about my

audiences film consumption habits. I needed to discover more about
these habits in order to produce my film effectively and begin to plan
where, when and how I could reach my targeted audience. Therefore, I
have analysed these answers in order to gain an accurate insight into the
lives and interests of my targeted audience and how they prefer to
consume other forms of media. I am hoping that these answers will help
to shape my methods of production as well as research and planning so
that I can achieve a strong final product that targets my audience
Quantitative Data

My first instinct was to define my audience and get some quantitative

data that will portray who I am targeting. These questions above show me
I am targeting a mixed although slightly bias audience in terms of gender.
I understand how there may be a number of exceptions from my expected
targeted audience and therefore will take this into account when planning
my production and how my characters will be represented. The first
question shows how my survey has been answered my more men than
women. I am hoping to target a mix in the representation of my narratives
ideologies and therefore are happy with these first sets of results although
will have to consider the majority of men answering my survey.

My second question gives me a further insight into who is answering my

survey. I was planning to target a primary audience aged 21 31 years old
and therefore these results show me how I will receive an accurate
perception of my targeted audiences film consumption. I will have to
consider the two anomalies in terms of age and how their preferences
could affect my view of my primary targeted audience.

This question prepares me in terms of research into platforms available for

use to target my audience. The results show me that the use of a
traditional cinema amongst my targeted audience is limited. Therefore
proving that it would be beneficial for me to research into my audiences
preferences in terms of platforms in order to understand their availability
and accessibility around different media platforms. I understand that I
must consider the differences my audiences may face when being divided
into primary and secondary.

Qualitative Data

I hoped to gain an insight from these results into how my targeted

audience will react to my chosen genre and the representations I have
chosen to portray. The majority of individuals have answered with either
action or comedy. Having comedy as the more popular answer of the two
proves how my research is more accurate in terms of my targeted
audience and plans for production. This question and its results show me
that I am targeting the right audience in terms of their interests in genre.

This question has given me a further insight into my targeted audiences habits
and how they prefer to consume media. Having more than 90% of respondants
preferring to use applications like Netflix proves that my film should be
accessible over these platforms if I am to succeed in effectively targeting my
audience. These responses also tell me more about my targeted audiences
lifestyles. Applications like Netflix give audiences more flexibility for a lower cost
when it comes to consauming media. This would therefore suggest that the
respondants answering my survey possibly have less time to spend visiting the
cinema, I do still have to consider that 5%+ of my targeted audience who would
still much rather visit a cinema to watch a film. The following results give me a
further insight into my targeted audiences consumption preferences as they

detail the reasons why they prefer applications such as netflix. Common answers
detail how Netflix and others are easier, more flexible and cheaper,
consequently I have come to the conclusion that my audience prefer to use
these types of platfroms as it suits their lifesytle.

This question produced results that allow me to get a rough idea of the
timescale by which my audience consume films. The majority of
respondents answered with yesterday therefore giving me an estimated
numerical representation of their consumption habits. Having most
respondents answer with yesterday creates a pattern that I can only
assume reoccurs in their life. Consequently, I can guess from these results
that the majority of my audience watch films frequently. This would mean
that my audience have therefore become accustomed to certain genres of
film, most significantly their favourite genres. From my previous questions
I know that most of my targeted audience prefer to watch Comedy films
and therefore will have certain expectations and standards regarding
traits of the genre that they will expect me to follow. I must consider the

extent of my audiences understanding of these traits when planning my

production in order to create a final product that my targeted audience
can consume and enjoy.

By asking this question I have gained an insight into the type of Comedy
my audience prefer to watch, although there were some respondents
answering with films outside of their favourite genre I will have to consider
the impact my final product could still achieve on this minority. There was
a variety of examples chosen from different types of comedy for example
the film Ted incorporates a lot of verbal humour with running gags and
more particularly jokes made mocking other characters. I am hoping to
mock my main character in my narrative in order to create a stronger
internal ideology concerning the naivety of people and their ability to
make mistakes but still mock others for making the same choices. Other
answers include films like Toy Story 3 that base the majority of their
humour targeted at older audiences around physical comedy. For example
Toy Storys use of representation mocks different characters as every type
of toy has its own reputation, it is these stereotypical reputations that are
well known and understood by the older audiences i.e. the Barbie toy in
the film is represented to be less intelligent than the other characters.
This development in results has intrigued me as it shows how my

audience enjoy both verbal and physical traits of comedy. I will therefore
aim to incorporate both types in my final product.

The results to this question take my discoveries further to explain why my

audience enjoy these films therefore also giving me an insight into the
traits of different films my audience enjoy and expect most. A common
answer amongst respondents was that they enjoyed the films narrative.
These answers therefore have taught me that a films narrative has a
significant influence over the reaction of an audience. I therefore must
ensure my narrative is not only enjoyable but also easily understood by
my targeted audience. Consequently I have to create clear
representations of characters and ideologies so that my audience have no
problem following my narrative and receiving the preferred reading.

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