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Andrea Claire

Diff 590 Observation 2

Reviewing Synonyms and Antonyms/Content Test

Adapted from Unit 3 Lesson 8; Language: The Comprehensive Literacy Curriculum

Time: approx. 20-60 minutes

CCSS L.4.5c. Demonstrate understanding of words by relating them to their opposites

(antonyms) and to words with similar but not identical meanings (synonyms).


Students will identify synonyms and antonyms when given word choices.


Synonym and Antonym Assessment Sheet (page 13 in student assessment booklet)


Begin by reviewing the agenda for the days Language block. The agenda tasks in purple pertain
to this lesson (synonym and antonym review for test), while the agenda tasks in green pertain to
the extended time in the language block (the full version of unit 3 lesson 8 script). (Times shown
below are approximate and exaggerated to allow planning for ample time.)
(10 min.)Slide 2: review synonyms by asking students to think in their heads of what a synonym
o Ask students to give the definition of synonym.
o Then, allow students time to give examplesrecord these on the SMART board.
(10 min.)Slide 3: review antonyms by asking students to think in their heads of what an antonym
o Ask students to give the definition of an antonym.
o Then, allow students time to give examplesrecord these on the SMART board.
(20 min.)Slide 4: Synonym and Antonym Game!
o Explain the rules to students:
Students will be randomly called to come up to the SMART board to match a
pair. If they get it right, they get to call on the next student! If they get it wrong,
the class helps the student find the right response. The teacher then calls the next
student to the SMART board.
The first game is synonyms! Remind students that this means words that have the
same meaning!
Model an example.
Allow students to play synonym game, then move onto the antonym game.
Remind students that the same rules apply.
Review that an antonym means the words have the opposite meanings.
Model an example.
Allow time to play antonym game.
(20 min.)Slide 5: Synonym and Antonym Test
o Pass out assessment booklets and have students turn to page 12.
o Following the directions on the test students will complete page 12 and 13.
o The teacher will read each question one-by-one and have students answer.

Andrea Claire
Diff 590 Observation 2

For example, the teacher reads question 1 on page 12 (both the question and the
choices) then gives time for the students to answer that question. Then, move on
to questions number 2.
Follow this same routine for both pages of the assessment.
The assessment is the close of the synonym and antonym portion of the lesson. Students will then
move on to the extended portion of unit 3 lesson 8 (30 min.) with Mrs. Keis, until Miss Claire is
available to take over once again.



SMART board File (teacher created, the slides are in order from 1-5 below)
Assessment booklet (from Language Curriculum, copied and attached to lesson)

Andrea Claire
Diff 590 Observation 2


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