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Comprehensive School Assessment 1

Comprehensive School Assessments

Erica Granado
7 February 2016
Dr. Miller
PPE 310

Comprehensive School Assessment 2

Results of School Assessment:

Assessment Results

Overall Grade: F
During School: 0%
Let's get to work. The school day is the critical time for implementing the Active &
Healthy Schools Program, which can benefit students, teachers and staff. Let's look at
some steps for improving your Active & Healthy score during the school day.

Curriculum: 40%
Room for improvement. Studies show the importance of an effective PE curriculum to
overall student health and academic performance. A stronger emphasis on PE can go a
long way toward creating an Active & Healthy environment.

Recess / Lunch: 0%
Let's get to work. A few simple changes can encourage students to choose healthy
foods over sugary snacks, which will increase your Active & Healthy score and help
students get more out of school.

After School: 0%
Let's get to work. Take a look at a few simple changes your school can make to help
create an Active & Healthy environment, both at school and at home.

Results retrieved from: http://www.gophersport.com/resources/active-healthy-schools/

Comprehensive School Assessment 3

Based on the results of my schools assessment, there are strengths and weaknesses in all
areas. Teachers or administrators are offered classes such as yoga as well as clinics to check
blood pressure and cholesterol and I think this proves to be a huge strength at the school. These
classes and clinics are beneficial to staff because it allows them to check in on their own personal
health. This in turn, as far as I have seen, helps the staff think to be more health conscious.
However when also looking at the staff, I think a weakness about healthy eating and activity is
staff is provided with vending machines and other snacks such as candy and potato chips. This
goes against what the classes and clinics are all for. Though these snacks may be seen as
convenient and also delicious, it promotes very unhealthy eating. I think that a simple solution to
this would still be to have quick and easy snacks for the staff but pick healthier options such as
fruit or healthier chips or dried fruits. With a simple solution like this, it will help the staff be
healthier without even really thinking about it.
Next, when looking at the students perspectives, there are also both strengths and
weaknesses. A huge strength for students is that they are offered physical education classes two
to three times a week. Although students should be active every single day, this is more physical
activity for students than I have seen in other schools. Since this is a junior high and P.E. is seen
as an elective so this is either alternated with art or music. Overall, these physical education
classes still promote a healthy life style. When looking at negatives, it is also very similar to a
negative regarding the food choices. Most days, students are offered food for lunch that is not
healthy such as pizza. There are healthier options for lunch. However, I have also seen that there
are plenty of students that bring their own lunches. I think providing even a once-a-semester
class over healthy eating choices would benefit these students tremendously. This could also be a
once-a-quarter class in their electives to provide them with ideas. If these healthier option classes

Comprehensive School Assessment 4

were paired with statistics about obesity and topics like this, I believe this would help the
students make smarter decisions.
In order to enact these changes, communication will be key with the school
administrators as well as parents and the surrounding community. The first step is going to be
meeting with my mentor teacher as well as other teachers to bounce ideas around. Next it would
be meeting with the principle to discuss my ideas. After meeting with the principle, a schoolwide email as well as initiatives would be sent out and started. I plan on it taking at least a month
before results are shown. In order to include the assessment results, this would be an interesting
starting point in order to point out all the activities and options that are not offered and could
easily be changed or addressed in the community. When looking at my signature assignment
topic, it is based around teachers promoting healthy eating and decisions. I think all, if not some
of these actions can naturally be incorporated in to this project. By teachers making and
promoting healthier choices, students will be more likely to make healthier choices, which is
what the project is all about.

Comprehensive School Assessment 5

The school that I am currently student teaching in is Sonoran Trails Middle School in the
Cave Creek Unified School District and there are currently 813 students enrolled (Sonoran
Trails, n.d.). This is a public school located in a suburban area. When looking at their student
body, almost 88% are white, which means that only about 12% is of other ethnicities (Sonoran
Trails, n.d.). On the report cards there is no data for ELL students. I believe this is because there
are no ELL students based on the area. To my own surprise, there are also about 12% on free or
reduced lunch though this is not a Title I school as this is a very affluent area (Sonoran Trails,
n.d.). When looking at class sizes, according to online resources, it states there is a ratio of 21:2
for students to teachers (Sonoran Trails, n.d.). However, in my experience, the class size is
closer to 30-35. According to the Arizona Report Card website, the school overall has received
a grade of a B (n.d.).

Website Link:

Comprehensive School Assessment 6

Arizona Report Cards. (n.d.). Retrieved February 7, 2016, from
Sonoran Trails Middle School. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Exemplary: Points (5)




Proficient: Points (3)

A minimum of 2 strengths and 2

weaknesses were described
Assessment was completed online
and posted to your E-Portfolio
A direct link was placed at the end of
your document to the assignment in
your E-Portfolio
Suggestions to improve school
policies were clearly stated
At least 2 suggestions to engage
stakeholders were provided

School context contained detailed

information on
grade levels
% free/reduced lunch
proportion ELLs
average class size
ethnic makeup
state test scores
AYP status
All of the following are listed in the
file document name submitted
This rubric was added to the last
page of the document submitted
Your document was in APA 6.0
format, including cover page, body

A minimum of 1 strength and 1

weakness was described
Suggestions to improve school policies
were stated but lacked sufficient detail
At least 1 suggestion to engage
stakeholders was provided
Assessment was completed online and
not in your E-Portfolio
A link was provided to your EPortfolio to this assignment, however
it wasnt a direct link to this
School context contained some
detailed information on
grade levels
% free/reduced lunch
proportion ELLs
average class size
ethnic makeup
state test scores
AYP status
Most of the following are listed in the
file document name submitted
This rubric was added but not at the
end of the document submitted
Document was in APA, however errors
were found in formatting of the

in y


Comprehensive School Assessment 7

and reference section with no errors


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