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Integration of Technology and Media Resources

Jessica Hamm
Regent University

In partial fulfillment of UED 495 Field Experience ePortfolio, Spring 2016


Technology has become such a huge part of our world today. Students are used to having
technology around them constantly weather it is their phone, computer, tablet, iPod, or radio. It
only makes sense for the school systems to use it to their advantage. The new and upcoming
technology is exciting and provides different ways of learning. Not only can technology help
differentiate learning; it also helps capture the attention of todays 21st century learners. This is
why I support integration of technology in the classrooms.
Rationale for Selection of Artifacts
The first artifacts I chose were pictures of my students on a virtual field trip. Google
came to my school and was giving virtual tours to the first eight classes that signed up. Google
had different topics and we chose the Stratosphere. Google technology had developed Google
Cardboard which is a virtual reality and augmented reality platform for use with a head mount
for a mobile phone. Two of our classes were able to go on this virtual field trip; it was an
amazing experience for them. At our school, field trips are not allowed, so I know that this was
greatly appreciated by the students and staff. The students were eager to learn more about what
was going on in the virtual reality. They were predicting what was happening, defending their
answers, hypothesizing what would happen next. It was a great form of integration of
The second artifact I selected was pictures of my students using our Snapchat board.
Snapchat is an upcoming social media that uses pictures and hashtags to communicate. In our
classroom we have a board where students can draw pictures on sticky notes and post them. My
students get excited about using this because it relates to them on a personal level. As a teacher I
can check for understanding, see what they liked most about this lesson, and see my students


personalities through these snaps. My students want to participate and do well when we use the
Snapchat board.
The third artifact I elected was pictures of e-Science. We use e-Science every Monday to
help our students review. E-Science has every unit and chapter that is taught and it has lessons
that require the students to think, read, investigate, review, and apply. As the students go through
and complete each section, the teacher can go through and grade and comment on the students
work. The best attribute of e-Science is that it forms to each individual students Lexile. There is
also a read aloud option. This benefits the students by differentiation.
Reflection on Theory and Practice
I used these artifacts as part of this competency because they exemplify how technology
can be successfully integrated into the classroom. Technology is needed within the classrooms in
the 21st Century, the students today have technology all around them. It doesnt make sense to
not have technology in the place where knowledge, education, and advancement is awarded.
Doug Johnson said that technology must be used to provide the most current, accurate, and
extensive information resources possible to all learners (Johnson, 2012).


Johnson, D. (2012). The classroom teacher's technology survival guide. Hoboken, NJ: JosseyBass.

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