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What did you think prior to the debate?

Has your opinion

changed? State a clear claim regarding GMO and GE foods and
their labeling. Where appropriate define what a GMO and GE are
and several methods for creating GMOs.

My claim was that genetically modified organisms or GMOs should be
labeled. My claim hasnt changed because people do deserve to know
what's in their food. I have stayed with this claim because I have always
thought that GMOs should be labeled because of the lasting effects that
they can have. GMOs can be a plant or animal that has a altered gene.
Whereas Genetic Engineering or GE is a form of Genetic Modification.

Evidence: Be sure to support your claim using

evidence. Cite your sources and be sure they are
not biased.
This shows how GMOs are badish(?) for us. GMOs cost more to produce and
just cause more problems for example, my sister, a high school IB student
and I talked about the problems of GMOs. My sister told me a few of the
consequences of GMOs. The main points were, Kevins law, Infringement on
freedom of speech, Chickens ability to walk, Antibiotics - ability to work,
Contracts, Monsanto,Soybean & seeds, Subsidies, and Court Cases. At the
bottom you will find a gist of what we talked about.

My reasoning was YouTube and my sister and her sources were, Food Inc. the movie, My sisters APHG book - Rubensteins 10th edition, My sisters
teacher Mr. Wills-Kelly, and Kevins Law. The evidence shows that GMOs
can be bad in many diffenent ways and I also linked the evidence by
stating how my claim was right. I also shed some light on the kevins law
which once again is when all meat is tested for E coli. In conclusion GMOs
should be labeled.


(Entirety of what me and my sister talked about)

GMOs are not proven to be fatal to our health but they are bad for some of the farmers. The
big farming companies who produce most of our food supply grow mostly GMOs. these big
companies hire small farmers who are in debt to do their farming. Most of these companies
have several chicken farmers who are under contract. If these farmers do anything wrong,
they lose their contract and with that their only means of income. These farmers are living
on little income and that barely suffices and their debt continues to get bigger every year.
When their contract gets cut they fall into large debt. Among these consequences are also
some health ones but not caused by GMOs. These come from the bird feed being fed to the
chickens. The chickens need to stay alive so their bird feed has so many antibiotics in them,
when the farmers feed this to the chickens, many of them become allergic and/or immune to
these antibiotics and then they don't work anymore. Also due to all of the GMOs in the
chickens they can barely walk 2 steps before they fall. One big company is "MONSANTO".
Monsanto mainly grows soybeans and sells pesticides. Monsanto owns over 90% of
soybeans in the world. Monsanto has made a soybean that goes with a pesticide they have
made. The "Round Up Ready" soybean survives when "Round Up" pesticide is sprayed on
them. One of the problems with this Soybean is that the farmers are not allowed to save the
seeds for the next year. The farmers who do not by this seed are put on a black list. The
agents from Monsanto go to these people's houses when it's still dark outside (Many of these
farmers live alone) and confiscate some seeds to test if they are Genetically Modified. Once
this takes place, the farmers are forced into a court case and after a few months they run
out of money to keep fighting and then lose everything. soybeans are also the second most
subsidized food in the US. This motivates the big companies who grow it such as Monsanto.
Oprah Winfrey once criticized all food companies on her show. Even though we have the
right to freedom of speech the companies put a lawsuit on her. It took Oprah Winfrey 6 years
to complete but in the end she won. Most of these farmers are already in debt and thus do
not have the ability to complete a court case. Also the fact, just the fact that our right to
freedom of speech is being trespassed on is infuriating. Also, until 2011 when Kevins Law
was passed none of the meat we ate was tested for E Coli or any other fatal diseases. This
was dangerous for our health. Kevins law ensures that all meat and food products are tested
for E Coli and other dangerous/fatal diseases before they are sent out to the consumers. This
also prevents any food producing factories of being in buisness if they have failed several
tests. The only reason this law came around was because in 2001 a 2 year old boy died due
a hamburger that had not been tested. He died in 12 days after he consumed the
hamburger. Due to the GMOs and the effects it causes our food is threatened greatly. In
conclusion, GMOs are not currently proven to be fatal towards our health but can have bad


Part 1: Claim (1)

Restate the purpose behind conducting the experiment. Directly revisit the hypothesis as well. The
reasoning that was used to develop the hypothesis is of particular interest. Do not yet support or
oppose the hypothesis; simply restate it.


Part 2: Evidence (10): Just the facts, no interpretation

(3) Summarize the significant data by explaining trends seen. This can be done by
performing an analysis on the raw data in the form of calculations or by creating
If calculations (like averages and/or percentages) are necessary, show a sample of each
different type of calculation. Be sure that the calculation is labeled such that the
calculation procedure is clear and reproducible. Use appropriate units and significant
figures. Calculated averages and percentages should be clearly displayed in a table with
titles, labels, and proper units used.
Use graphs to visually show relationships among the data collected. Be sure to title
graphs with a descriptive title that includes both the independent and dependent variables.
Properly label the X and Y axes. Scales should be consistently spaced. Units must be
included. Include accurately drawn bars or lines. Provide a clear key/legend and/or bestfit line if appropriate. Use appropriate significant figures.
(3) Write about the trends seen in the calculations and graphs shown.
(1) Highlight data that is critical to the support or lack thereof for the hypothesis.
(1) Discuss any parts of the data that are unusual or outliers.
(1) Include at least two relevant weaknesses or limitations in the design or process of the
procedure. Possible sources of weakness could include imprecision of the measuring
instruments, poor use of the equipment or time, lack of enough significant data due to not
enough trials or time.
(1) Suggest at least two realistic and specific improvements that could be made to improve
the identified weaknesses.

~ By the end of this section you should not yet have stated any conclusions about the data collected. ~


Part 3: Reasoning (3): Interpretation

Use the data analyzed in Part 2 to logically and directly support or oppose the hypothesis (1). You
must restate your hypothesis to do this clearly. Answer the research question(s) clearly using a
reasonable interpretation of the data (1). Justify your conclusion using observations, trends, or

patterns revealed by the data and graphs. Compare experimental results to the relevant background
information (1). Finish with how the experiment could be extended to a new study (extra credit

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