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1 Simple random sampling (s.r.s.)

- every unit in the population has the same probability
(chance) to be included in the sample

2 Systematic sampling
- every kth unit is selected from the frame, with a
random start among the first k units

3 Stratified random sampling

- the population is split into groups (strata). In each
stratum, take a s.r.s.

4 Two-stage (multi-stage) sampling

- stage 1: select primary units, using s.r.s
- stage 2: from each selected primary unit, select
secondary units, using s.r.s.

Cluster sampling
- is a variation on two-stage sampling, where all secondary units
in the chosen primary units are used for data collection

PPS sampling
(probability proportional to size)
- all units have their individual selection probabilities, and these
probabilities are proportional to the size of the units

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