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7-Steps To Becoming The

Mature Masculine Presence


Modern Mans 7 Most Common Roadblocks

7-Steps To Becoming The

Mature Masculine Presence

There are 7 common roadblocks all men face on their way to success that very few
ever take the time to address which leaves the door wide open for men like
yourself to step-in and claim the many rewards this world is willing to bestow on
those willing to develop true mature masculinity.
The roadblocks you face today were not as much of an issue for the majority of men
in the past. However, because we have evolved and grown as a race, and because
of the continuing feminisation of men in our western societies, these challenges
keep popping up with increasing frequency. If not addressed these challenges can
cause a great deal of stress and give the impression that success is too difficult to
Working with human nature I find its much easier to CLEAR a mental pathway to
success for my clients, than it is to try and keep you motivated or rely on your
willpower to stay focussed. By working with me, youll quickly harness your mental
resources to pull in the direction of your desired goals almost like putting your
success on autopilot.

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Wendy Williams 2015


These 7 Most Common Roadblocks Are

1. Not taking 100% responsibility for the results to date
2. Negative perception of mistakes and failure
3. No clarity on what is wanted in life
4. No big life purpose/mission/cause
5. No self-belief or sense of deservedness
6. Underutilization of the power of the unconscious mind
7. No willingness to grow to step outside the comfort zone

1. Taking 100% responsibility

You are 100% responsible for your life and the results you are experiencing in your
life right now. If you are blaming, criticising or making excuses for yourself or others
you are not taking 100% responsibility. When you do this you are powerless to make
changes because your results depend on someone else doing whats right for you.

Take back your power and OWN your

circumstances as they are right now!
2. Your perception of mistakes and failure
Many of us have a fear of failure and try to avoid failure and making mistakes in life.
Yet ALL success was built on a mountain of failure. You cant get to success if you
dont cross the river of failure. The way to overcome the fear of failure is to view it
with new eyes. See the mistakes and errors as feedback mechanisms that keep you
on course. They are the guiderails along the pathway to success.
When you start to embrace your errors and see them as important to you in achieving
your success you are on your way.

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3. Clarity about what you do want

Many men dont take the time to 1. Stop and think about what it is they do want in life
and in all areas of life or 2. Take the time to get specific and declare what it is. Most
men live hand to mouth, taking whatever comes their way, waiting for life to happen
to them. Many of us have grown up with the idea that we should not ask for too much
for fear that we will be disappointed.
The trouble with living in this way is weve become a society who knows explicitly
what we dont want but are unable to define what it is we really do want. Living this
way leaves us open and vulnerable to anything that may pass by us.
Getting clear on what you do want in life reduces stress by making decisions and
choices clearer and easier to make. Because once youve decided where you are
headed or what you want to achieve anything that does come your way is easily
either adopted because it will assist you or dismissed because it is not going to be of

Decide what it is you WANT.

4. A big purpose/Mission/Cause for life
Having a cause in life that is bigger than money, family, relationships and the like
enables us to have a sense of purpose and give our life meaning. Many men make
the mistake of making their family, relationship and or the attainment of material
possessions their main purpose for life. And whilst this model may have helped the
human race to evolve and avoid extinction up until now, we have outgrown it and
need to replace it with a bigger sense of purpose.
Some men, a small minority seem to have been born with an innate life purpose that
seems to come naturally to them. However the majority of men today find it hard to
determine a big cause or purpose for life. They get stuck on the notion that they must
have just one big purpose or that its something that once declared can never be
retracted. However, life is a work in progress and as you evolve and grow so will your
purpose for life. So set one anyway, otherwise its like playing a game of football with
no goalposts, what would be the point?

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Your life purpose/cause/mission is the goalpost for your life

without one why play?

5. Belief/deservedness in yourself
Whether you think you can or think you cant youre right Henry Ford
This is not just a modern mans foible but one that has been around for a great many
years. However in the past, man has been able to
achieve some level of success without it by fumbling
through achieving success and then believing in
himself once the results were in. But in todays world,
man must first believe in himself more than ever.
Todays man needs to be able to taste success before
he even takes that first step. Coupled with that he
must believe he DESERVES success. Perhaps this is
the reason why we need such a big purpose as
explained in point 4. above.
Rarely does success come knocking on your door and
offer itself to you. Even if it did, to enable you to be
able to get the most out of it, enjoy it and achieve a
sense of fulfilment, youd have to believe you deserved it.
Your thoughts, particularly the ones you have about yourself and your abilities are a
most powerful gift. Use them to your beset advantage.

What matters most is what you think


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6. Utilize the power of your conscious and unconscious mind

This is not a new concept. It has been around for many years. Unfortunately it seems
that we are further from being able to utilise this
power than ever before. et the truly successful
men of the past knew how to tap into their higher
intelligence and use it to their advantage.
Most people understand through the
development of what is today termed as neuroplasticity that the brain has the ability to grow
and increase in density and matter. Just as a
muscle builder can increase the muscle mass of
his body and specific muscles with training, so
too can we increase the mass and density of the
And in doing so, help alleviate stress.
But theres another side to this and thats the unconscious mind. Just like when
you throw a dog a ball it will retrieve, your unconscious mind will retrieve every goal
you set for it. The trouble is most men dont know how to set a goal properly, or they
do it and undermine it with feelings of guilt, worthlessness or other such feelings.
We can re-train, expand and reprogram the unconscious mind with techniques like
NLP (neuro Linguistic Programming), hypnosis, Neuro-Training, cognitive behaviour
therapy, meditation, and visualizations to name a few. These techniques can help to
instil new wanted changes in beliefs, behaviours and responses.

By improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the conscious and

unconscious minds, you can tap into higher states of intelligence and this
greatly increases your ability to be successful.

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7. Willingness to grow and evolve

Making change can be hard. Theres a certain kind of strange comfort in staying the
way you are even if its not ideal. To step outside yourself and make a change means
leaving your current identity behind and this can cause a great deal of discomfort and
confusion. Fortunately its only short lived. Most men live by the fantasy ideal that
once they make a change everything will be peachy and yes, sometimes it is but
other times the new changes takes a little time to settle in.
Even though you are perfect just the way you are, you were not made to stagnate
and stay the same. Its true of the saying the only constant in life is change.
Evolution and growth have always been supported by the universe throughout the
ages. To prove this you only need to look back over your own life and see the
advancements that have been made.
If you decide you want an ordinary life and to just be comfortable, theres nothing
wrong with that but dont go comparing your results with those men living exceptional
lives. And be prepared for challenges. Life will always throw them at you because life
wants you to grow.
Maximum growth in all biological beings occurs at the point where maximum
challenge and maximum support meet. So perhaps its just as easy to grow as it is to
strive for more of the same.

No more effort is required to aim high in life, to demand abundance and

prosperity than is required to accept misery and poverty
Napoleon Hill Author of Think & Grow Rich (1938)

ANNOUNCING: A FREE 30 Minute Breakthrough Session

For Men Wanting To Put Their Life Back Together After A
Messy Breakup, Heal Emotionally & Create Success!
(Valued At $125)

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When you want to escape the stress in your life and find success the easy way,
contact me today and take this important first step towards creating your ultimate life!
Click here to enroll now (https://www.vcita.com/v/stress2success) and claim one of
the 17 ONLY Free 30 Minute Breakthrough Sessions I make available each month.
Spots tend to fill quickly so dont put this off any longer. I GUARANTEE itll be the
best 30 minutes youve spent since your relationship ended.
Wendy Williams
Transformation Coach, Stress To Success

What Others Are Saying

Wendy, just a quick note to say thank you so much for your help!
Looking back three months, my life and business have done a
complete 180 and I attribute this to a creative and relaxed new
mindset cultivated by your coaching. As you know my
procrastination and indecision literally paralyzed me from doing
the things I needed to do to be successful. Im now flourishing.
Thanks again, Im one of your biggest advocates.

(please note we take confidentiality seriously thus names have been withheld)

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Three weeks into your program and the results have been
amazing. I feel more empowered, less stressed, and I have a
greater mental aptitude to plan, communicate, and organise
within my business. Wendys knowledge in this field is outstanding
and along with her professionalism I can recommend her
programs to anyone


You knew what was possible to create from my parts. I was in a
state, almost comatose. You turned on the electric current and
powered me up. You were so patient with me, you had a belief in
me that at the time I did not - that I would come through this! I
now feel wonderful, the best in years, my life now has direction
and purpose. Thank you Wendy for your faith and persistence.


Wendy has a unique ability to identify and resolve issues
manifest within the individual. Above all, she gives us the tools to

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Im more relaxed with life, more balanced and settled within
myself, and Im happier with myself. I felt comfortable opening
up about delicate issues and it was nice to feel I was not being
judged and to know that my issues were being dealt with
confidentiality. I would highly recommend Wendys service to
anyone who needs help to make a change in their life.


Having gone through some rough patches over the last three
years, Id attempted a significant amount of reading and soul
searching towards my own personal development, however, none
of that seemed to give me the progress I wanted. Thats when I
met Wendy Williams. From our initial appointment it was like a
huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. As a result of working
with her now over a period of some weeks, theres been dramatic
improvements in all aspects of my life, including far less of the
procrastination and anxiety that used to hold me back. I found
Wendy to be a good listener and gently persuasive enough to
keep me accountable towards my goals. I can recommend Wendy
Williams to any other men who may be struggling at a difficult
point in life.
G. (47) - VICTORIA

Click here to enroll now (https://www.vcita.com/v/stress2success)

and claim your FREE Stress to Success Coaching Call.
Stress 2 Success is a lifestyle service offered by Changing Visons.

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