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Content & Procedures

Nervous? Dont be.

You know the Writing Center, and what we do.
You know the content.
They are not judging you, and many are actually
very open to what you have to say.
Its okay to pull in personal experience. Have you
had a good session/bad session? Use the Writing
Center yourself? Make use of that.
It will be okay! No need to stress. This guide
has all the information you need to make
your class visit the best it can be.

You are likely the first face they are
seeing from the Writing Center Its
important to be friendly and polite.
For many students, this is the first and
only exposure they have had to the
Writing Center Make sure that they
have the bare minimum knowledge
of what we do.
We are semi-professional in what we do,
so semi-professional dress is suggested.
(More info on this later.)

Before the class visit:

Check in with the professor prior to the
workshop. Email them a couple days
beforehand to give them an idea of what
they can expect and to get an idea of
what they expect.
Make sure you are familiar with the KU
Writing Center website.
Know our services: face-to-face, etutoring and online consultations, and
Writing Resources.

What to wear:
(Creator note: I dont quite know how to
articulate this. Business casual may be too
much, but there certainly needs to be
some kind of articulated dress code.)

Consider your audience.
Are they predominantly freshmen? Are
they graduate students?
What are their needs?
What translates to a positive impression
on that audience?

General Information:
Start with the general idea of the Writing Center:
At the WC we help undergraduate and graduate
students of all disciplinesdevelop and hone their
writing skills. And we're here to help at any stage of
the writing process - from an idea to a final draft.
Your writing is your voice, and we want to show you
how to getcomfortable with the writing process so you
can communicate your ideas to the world. Sowhether
you're working on an assignment for class or
applications for scholarships, jobs, or schools, know
thatthe WC is your writing resource at KU.
[Giselle S.]

Who we are and what we do:

Were peer consultants.
Fellow students from a variety of
Were not here to evaluate or grade your
writing. Were here to help.
Peer writing consultants receive
extensive training in writing
Undergraduate and Graduate

To the website:
Look at our pretty pictures, showing
actual consultants and consultations.
Note Writing Resources: well come back
to that.
Walk them through the options:
Online (synchronous- happens at the same
E-tutoring (email)

Undergrad: 40 minutes
Graduate: 55 minutes
Anschutz and Watson (and Edwards)
NOTE: remember the residence halls
when describing locations.

No idea to full draft.

What does a typical f2f consultation look

E-tutoring and Online

E-tutoring is an email appointment. The
paper is submitted electronically to the
system and feedback will be emailed
Online consultations are synchronous.
Video, voice, or IM. You can speak in realtime with a consultant.
With either, you still must make an
appointment in the Wconline system.
Feel free to have some fun here: students
can be in their PJs eating Cheetos and having
a consultation at the same time. Especially

Adding Flair:
Have fun! Tell some stories about
consultations you have had or have seen.
Talk up our fun events: Late Night @
the Roost, Research/Write-Ins (for
graduate students), and so on!
Connect out to our social media. Tell
them we are on Twitter, Facebook, and
Instagram. They can get current events
from those as well.

Closing it out:
We hope to see you at the Writing
Center! Thank you for having me.

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