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OKD 522) ‘Sub. Code : 4024 SECOND M.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Common tall Regulations) Par Paper I~ PATHOLOGY — It ‘Time: Three hours ‘Two and abalfhours for See, A& See. B ‘Maximum : 100 marks See, Ade See. B:70 marks ‘Section C: 30 mare Separate anawer books must be used for Sections A and B. Section C must be answered separataly on the answer sheet provided as per th instructions on the fist page ‘Answer ALL questions SECTION A 1. Describe the aetislogy, pathogenesis and complications of Nephroticayndreme, —(Gx3= 18) 2. Wit briefly on 4x5=20) (a) Dissecting ancurysm, () Bwings sarcoms. (@) Hashimoto's thyroiditis, (@ Bxamination of CSF. April 2001 SECTION B 8. Discuss uloerative lesions of small and large intestine +64 4. Writebsiedy on: (4x5=20) (@) Meningioma (©) Hodgkin’ lymphoma (©) Pleimorphis Adenoma (@) Granlas contracted kidney. 2 (Ukp 623] November: 2001 UKE 522] ‘Sub. Code : 4024 SECOND M.B.BS. DEGREE EXAMINATION, Common to alt Regulations) Past IL Paper I— PATHOLOGY — 11 ‘Time: Three hours ‘Two and a half hours for See, Aand See. B ‘Maximum 100 marks See, A & See, B70 mashes Section C : 90 marks Section C must be answered separately on the answer sheet provided as per the instructions on the Brat page. Answer ALL questions. Draw diagrams wherever necossery SECTION A Define and classify Endocarditis, Diseus in detail stopathogenesis of bacterial endocarditia, (15) 2. Discuss briefly (4x5=20) (a) Astiopethogenesia of carcinoma of the lung (©) Morphology of kidney in dinbetic nophropathy © oN (@ Cyetosarcoma Phylodes. SECTION B 3, Discuss the actiopathogenesis and pathology of {inflammatory bowel disease 5) 4. Discus briefly 4x5=20) (@) Chronie scsive hepatitis (0) Teberculous meningitis (0) Hodgkin's Lymphome (2) Medatlery carcinoma ofthe thyroid 2 cE 522) Mare (KG 522) Sub. Code: 4024 SRCOND MBBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Common to all Regulations) Past IL Paper I— PATHOLOGY — It ‘Time : Three hours ‘Twoand «half hours for See, A& Sec. B Maximum : 100 marks ‘See, A & See. B70 marks Section © : 20 marke Section C must be answored soparatalyon the answer shot provided es por the instructions on th fret pago. ‘Anawer ALL questions SECTION A 1. What ie atherosclerosis? Discuse etiopathogenesis ‘and pathology of Atherosdlerosia as) 2 Write short notes on: 4x5=20) (@) Pleomorphic adenoma () Chronic hepatitis. (© Acute tubular necrosis @ Seminoma, 12002 SECTION B 3. Discuss the types, pathogenesis and morphology of Bronchial asthma. 05) 4. Write short notes on (4xs=20) (0) Meningioma (b) Page's disease of breast (©) Classification of Hodgekin's disease @ Chonarobiastoms. 2 KG 823] (ctober-2003 (KS 522) Sub. Code : 4024 SECOND M.BBS. DEGREE EXAMINATION. (Common to ll Regulations) Part 1 Paper I— PATHOLOGY — II ‘Time: Taree hours Maximum : 100 marke ‘Theory : Two hours and ‘Theory: 80 marks forty minutes M.C.Q: Twenty minutes MCQ.:20 marks Answor ALL questions Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary. 1. Write Besay (2x15 =30) 1. Discuss the etiology, pathology and complications of atherosclerosis, a5) 2. Claesify cirrhosis of liver on the basis of etiology. Describe the gross and microscopic features of alecbolic cirehosis, a5) Write short nates on! (0x5 = 50) i i) © @ © © © @ @ o (Cholelitiasie. Hashimota's thyroiditis Corvical intraepithelial neoplasia Osteogenie Sarcoma, Lab investigations in plasma cell myeloma. (Crohn's disease (regional itis) ‘Teratoma ‘Tuberculous meningitis. Wilms’ tumor. Acute Pancreatitis, 2 gs 522) (KL 522] Sub. Code : 4024 SECOND MKB. DEGREE EXAMINATION, (Corson tall Regsltions) Pest tt Paper I— PATHOLOGY —IL ‘Time: Three hours Maxima: 100 marks ‘Theory: Two hours ane ‘Thoory: 50 marks forty minutes M.CQ : Twenty minutes MOQ: Danars ‘Anewer ALL questions Draw suitable dingrams wherever necessa0)- L Waite essay (2) Describe the aetiopathogenesis, pathology and complications of Labar Preumonia, — (6+5 + 5=15) (@) Classify Leakersiac, Dosexibo the setilogy, peripheral smear end Bone marrow findings is chronic Myeloid Leokemi, (+8215) August-2004 Wite biely an: (a) Gall stopen () Leiomyome of utara (©) Ostecrtastoma () Nedaler Gaiter (@) Transfusion Reston. (Pathology of carcinome of kidney. 4 Atheromatous plaque Gh) Significance of BS.R in dingnocic. (Malignant Melsnomn @ Aleshlic liver disease, 120x580) 2 Van oz)

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