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Chapitre 4

Rsum: Vocabulaire 2
To share good and bad news and respond
adopter .............................................. to adopt
clibataire .......................................... single
dmnager ......................................... to move
divorcer .............................................. to divorce
lenfance (f.) ...................................... childhood
faire un emprunt ................................ to apply for a loan
des jumeaux (m.)/jumelles (f.) .......... twins
louer .................................................. to rent
natre/mourir ..................................... to be born/to die
un orphelin/une orpheline.................. orphan
poser sa candidature .......................... to apply for a job
prendre sa retraite ............................. to retire
se fiancer/tre fianc(e) .................... to get/be engaged
sinstaller ........................................... to move in
se marier ............................................ to be married
tomber malade ................................... to fall ill
trouver du travail ............................... to find work
un veuf/une veuve ............................. widower/widow
vivre ................................................... to live
propos,... ......................................... By the way . . .
Vous savez,... ..................................... You know . . .
malheureusement .............................. unfortunately
Tous mes vux de bonheur. ............... I wish you all the best.
Toutes mes flicitations!/
Flicitations! ...................................... Congratulations!
Mes sincres condolances. ................ My deepest sympathy.

To renew old acquaintances

...a fait longtemps qu ....................... . . . its been a long time . . .
Comment va... .................................... How is . . . ?
Je ne le vois plus. ............................... I dont see him anymore.
Je suis ravi(e) de... ............................. I am delighted to . . .
Plein de choses! ................................. A lot!
Quoi de neuf? ..................................... Whats new?
Rien de spcial. .................................. Nothing much.
Toi non plus........................................ You havent either.
Tu nas pas chang! ............................ You havent changed!

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