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Rubric for Odyssey of Life Essay

Reread, and revise, and edit your Odyssey of Life essay using the rubric below. Record your score in the SA
column (Student Assessment) and Mrs. Gordon will score the essay in TA (teacher assessment.)
Essay Components
MLA Format:
Margins: 1 margins
Font: Times New Roman / Black font color/ 12 point font size/No bolding or underlining
Heading: Student name, Instructor name, Course, and Date/ Aligned to the left
Spacing: double
Title: Centered/ Name of Essay
Attention-getter: Explain the basic idea that The Odyssey is like a journey through life.
Lines: Logical and smooth connection to thesis-Remember to always introduce the title and
Thesis: Well-stated/clear direction for paper -This paragraph must include a one-sentence
claim. (Example: Just like Odysseus, I will encounter temptation and make difficult decisions
on my journey to becoming a police officer.)
NOTE: If you mimic this thesis statement in your own paper, you will lose one point.
Body Paragraphs (Organization):
The paragraph has the basic paragraph structure: topic sentence, supporting details,
concluding sentence.
The topic sentence serves as an umbrella for the rest of the paragraph.
The concluding sentence summarizes the basic premise of the paragraph.
The topic sentence or concluding sentence includes a transition to move from one paragraph
to another.
Details are logically organized.
Transitions (signal words, introductory phrases, comparison words, contrast words, etc.) are
used to show the relationship of one detail to another and provide a smooth reading
experience for the reader.
The conclusion begins with a transition word or phrase, and a restatement of thesis. This
restatement is NOT the same exact sentence as is in the introduction. It is a shortened and
condensed version of the thesis.
The summary of points summarizes the main points that have been developed.
The clincher leaves a poignant parting thought with the reader about the

Comparisons between Odyssey and Life:
Each of these body paragraphs should discuss a parallel between the epic poem and
your life.
Comparisons should include specific examples from both The Odyssey and your life.
Comparisons are clear with specific, detailed examples to illustrate each comparison.
Challenges and Obstacles:
Challenges should include specific examples from both The Odyssey and your life.
All challenges are clearly detailed with specific examples.
Accuracy of Odyssey Examples:
All examples are detailed and accurate from the text.
You may use quotes from The Odyssey, but make sure you indicate the book number
followed by the line number it was taken from. (Ex: Book 13, lines number 15-19 =


Spelling and Capitalization:
All words are correctly spelled.
Proper nouns/proper adjectives are capitalized.
Common nouns and other parts of speech are not capitalized.
Periods are used according to the rules of Standard American English (SAE).
Commas are used according to the rules of Standard American English (SAE).
Apostrophes are used according to the rules of Standard American English (SAE).
Semicolons are used according to the rules of Standard American English (SAE).
Colons are used according to the rules of Standard American English (SAE).
Titles of works are appropriately punctuated.
Verbs are in the appropriate tense and have agreement with their subjects.
Correct verb form has been used.
Pronouns have clear antecedents and agree with them in number and gender.
Pronouns are 3rd person except when used in quotes.
Run-ons and sentence fragments are absent from the text.

4- Excellent response- All of the criteria identified in the component has been demonstrated.
3- Satisfactory response- Most of the criteria identified in the component has been
2-Unsatisfactory response- Few of the criteria identified in the component has been
1- Poor response- Most of the criteria identified in the component has NOT been
0- No evidence of component or its criteria
The section for SUPPORTING DETAILS will be doubled. (A 4 would give you 8 points
on that section.)

SCORE _____ OF 40= ______

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