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Animal abandonment

January 27, 2016

Table of contents

1. Introduction
2. What is animal abandonment
3. The benefits of having a pet
4. The difference between kill and no kill Animal Shelters
5. The problem and solution of animal abandonment
6. The activists who saved a dog
7. Facts about animal abandonment

Everyday I love my dog, Brady. But can you imagine that
People actually abandon their pets and they could die in a
kill animal shelter? In this article I will tell you about what
is animal abandonment. Then I will tell you about the
benefits of having a pet and maybe persuade you to get a
pet if you dont have one or keep you from abandoning
your pet if you have one. After that I will tell you the
similarities and differences of kill and no kill animal
shelters. Next after that I will tell you about the problem and solution of animal abandonment.
Then i will tell you about the activists who saved a dog from dying. Finally I will tell you the
facts about Animal abandonment. I hope you have the time to read this article.

What is animal abandonment?

by Anthony Metzermacher

Animal Abandonment is a Crime. Posted by Ian Elwood, ALDF Online Editor on April 8,
2014. Abandoning a domesticated animal
isn't just a cruel thing to do, in many states

it's a crime. The Animal Legal Defense Fund sorts through thousands of messages a
week.Apr 8, 2014 Animal abandonment is when you leave an animal at a place and you
never come back for them and abandoning it. The places that the animals are
abandoned are in shelters and on the streets. Animal abandonment is based off people
leaving their pets on the streets, in junkyards, in parks, in the woods, in subways and
leaving them there for ever and never coming back to them.

The benefits of having a pet

Anthony Metzermacher

Having a pet is the best!

Think about your family, then think that if you had a pet your family will be complete. Did
you know that More than any other animal, dogs have evolved to become acutely
attuned to humans and our behavior and emotions. While dogs are able to understand
many of the words we use, theyre even better at interpreting our tone of voice, body
language, and gestures. And like any good human friend, a loyal dog will look into your
eyes to gauge your emotional state and try to understand what youre thinking and
feeling (and to work out when the next walk or treat might be coming, of course)? Did
you know that studies show that dogs can make you not depressed and that People
with dogs have lower blood pressure in stressful situations than those without pets

The Difference between kill and no kill

By Anthony Metzermacher

The No kill Animal Shelters and kill shelters are similar in several ways. They both house
animals for a temporary time until they animals find a home. They also differ in several
ways. One difference is that
Kill shelters will have the animal there for a limited time

before they kill them while on the other hand the no kill shelters keep them for ever until
they find a home for the animals. Another difference is that the no kill shelters feed the
animals at the shelters and the kill shelters will feed them but that would be their only
meal until they either get killed or they are adopted. The last way theyre both different is
Open Admission shelter is oftentimes referred to as a Kill Shelter. . those are
the ways that the kill and the no kill shelters are the same but different.

The problem and solution of animal abandonment

By Anthony Metzermacher
Animal abandonment was a problem because the animals would be dead if they were at
a kill shelter and no one would want it and they could starve in the city/wild. Therefore,
no kill animal shelters and the safety of the no kill shelter was put into place. As a
result, animals were safe in the no kill animal shelters.

The activists who saved a dog

By Anthony Metzermacher Milton

Lily was shot several times and left to die, but her life was
saved thanks to a group of teenage guys. Now she is

going home with a family that will love her forever. Sixteen-year-old Cole Bodelson and
his friends were off-roading in Santa Fe three months ago when they came across a
blind black Lab on the brink of death. Cole explained that they saw her paw which had
been severed all the way around, she was laying on her paw like protecting it, and we
were afraid if we picked her up she would have like some kind of horrible wound under
there. Lily had 4 shot wounds (gun shots, not doctor shots) and a severed paw and 2 of
the bullets were still in her. Cole and his friends picked her up and brung her to the
Sante Fe Animal shelter
and one of her legs were amputated. Lucy found a home in

Facts about animal abandonment

By Anthony Metzermacher
Did you know that only 1 out of every 10 dogs find a permanent home. Or that the
main reasons animals are in shelters: owners give them up, or animal control finds them
on the street. How about that Homeless animals outnumber homeless people 5 to 1.
or maybe that Each year, approximately 2.7 million dogs and cats are killed every year
because shelters are too full and there arent enough adoptive homes. The last fact is
sad to hear since I love animals.

Animal abandonment is a crisis to the animal population so if i were an activist, I would give
the animals in the shelter a permanent home so they dont die from the kill shelters and make
a petition to close down the kill shelters and keep the animals safe. Clearly, Having a pet is
the best thing to have and to never abandon them

Work cited

The facts on the effects on having a pt were found on


The facts on the facts about animal abandonment were found on


The pictures were found on

The dog saying dont kill me please was found on:


The picture of the pets were found on:

The picture with the lying down dog was found on:

the fact about animal abandonment is a crime was found on


the fact about how they are different was from


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