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Insulation resistance measurement:

IR test is a non-destructive test to anxalyes quality of transformer insulation


Winding resistance.

Winding resistances are tested in the field to check for loose

connections on bushings or tap changers, broken strands, and high
contact resistance in tap changers. Winding
resistances are tested in the field to check for loose connections on
bushings or tap
changers, broken strands, and high contact resistance in tap changers.
Most abnormalities happened to transformer may change the result of DC
,also winding resistance measurement it is very useful method to locate the
fault location .if we combined winding resistance with other diagnosis
techniques that will give us a clear idea about the incident .
We can summaries the following events as main reason of the changing the
DC resistance .

In most cases the winding resistance test give information about the

One of the methods used consists of measuring the resistance of the transformer windings,
through which problems may be detected, such as:
loosening of connections
defects in the regulators
short-circuiting between turns :

points in winding

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