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Monday to Thursday Lunch Only

2 Course 35/50 with Matching Wines
Monday to Friday
Available from 12:00 15:00/17:30 18:00 (last order)
3 Course 38/59 with Matching Wines
4 Course 43/68 with Matching Wines
LE PT EN CRUTE de veau et faisan et pistaches
Veal and Pheasant pt in crust and pistachios (sup 5)
LE POTIRON en velout soyeux rafraichis lorange et royale de Comt (V)
Silky Pumpkin velout with orange and Comt cheese royale
LE PISSENLIT en salade luf coque sans coque et lard fum
Dandelion salad with a soft- boiled egg and smoked bacon
LE SAUMON fum en frivolit et crme de wasabi
Roulade of smoked salmon with wasabi cream
LES ESCARGOTS croustillants, en persillade sur une compote doignon rouge
Crispy Snails served on confit red onions and parsley coulis (sup 5)
LA VOLAILLE en tsukune dans bouillon de volaille au gingembre
Chicken tzukune in a ginger broth with shiitake mushroom

LE CABILLAUD en brandade parfume la truffe noire
Cod brandade with black truffle
LE HOMARD en spaghetti, mulsion coraline pice
Lobster spaghetti, spicy coral emulsion (sup 7)
LE RISOTTO au potiron et champignons (V)
Pumpkin risotto with roasted mushrooms
LAGNEAU, lpaule confite, carottes au cumin et amandes torrfies
Confit lamb shoulder, cumin carrots and toasted almonds
LE CANARD laqu aux pices, accompagn des fruits de saison
Duck breast glazed with spices served with seasonal fruits
Spit-roast of the day
Cheese of the day
LA PERLE en dme, crmeux chocolat, glace et croustillant noisette
Chocolate sphere, light cream, biscuit and ice-cream hazelnut
LA BANANE en tarte crme lgre beurre de cacahute et sa glace banane
Crunchy tart, peanut butter cream with banana ice cream
LA POIRE poche au vin rouge, coulis caramel, croustillant cannelle et sorbet poire gingembre
Poached pear with red wine, caramel sauce, cinnamon shortbread and pear ginger sorbet
(V) Vegetarian option

All enlisted dishes can be modified to meet your special dietary requirements, please liaise w ith your server
Prices include VAT at 20%. A discretionary 13% service charge will be added to your bill
Some of our dishes may contain or have been in contact with nuts. Please let your waiter know of any allergies or dietary requirements

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