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NSNA: The Organization That Made a Life Investment In Me

The National Student Nurses Association has been one of the

biggest influences in cultivating the passion I share for nursing.
This statement may be bold, but let me share with you why I
wholeheartedly accept this as truth. Adam Tebben: NSNA Director
(North) 2015-2016
My first semester in nursing school was a new chapter of my life as I had
graduated with a degree, didnt find happiness in the job I had, quit the job,
and chose to follow the path of my mother in the field of nursing. At that
time, all I knew was that nursing had all the qualities I wanted to have in a
profession. It allowed me to be around people all the time, help those in
need, and provide a specialized skillset that I could use just about anywhere
in the country that had an employment vacancy for a nurse. A couple
months later I was fortunate enough to make the trip out to Portland, Oregon
to the 2014 MidYear Conference as my state student nursing association
president, where I soon met with other state leaders that had a drive within
them that I shared. The passion that these individuals shared for
collaboration, the betterment of their organization, and the profession of
nursing, was second to none. The culture that was established in the first ten
minutes of the Council of State Presidents created a fire inside of me that
started as a mere flame, then grew as it was kindled by a new found desire
to impact our profession for the rest of my life.
Little did I know that NSNA would give me more than I could ever give back
to it. It showed me the work that was being done behind the scenes of my
education. It exposed me to the real-time art of leadership collaboration;
healthcare trends in the legislation of patient safety and advocacy; different
fields of nursing; and the process of adopting resolutions. These were skills
and educational opportunities that I could not learn in the classroom, but had

to experience them by attending and participating; One I would encourage

all students to participate in.
The biggest reason for myself becoming increasingly involved each year of
my nursing school careers lies solely on the fact that I want to give back to
an organization that has given me everything. NSNA has contributed to me
becoming a better nurse, a better leader, and most importantly, a better
person. The networking opportunities I have made with other leaders around
the country has provided me with friends, colleagues, and other
professionals that I will be able to collaborate with for the entirety of my
career. I would never have the passion, dedication, and love for nursing if it
werent for NSNA and its members being the influence they were to me.
Because of NSNA, I know I will be increasingly involved in nursing leadership
for the rest of my life.

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