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Angelo Wilson

English 1020 (Monsters)

Elizabeth Kent
Jeston, Krysten. "Impact of Overfishing On Human Lives." Marine Science Today. Marine
Science Today LLC, 09 Apr. 2014. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
Starting out with the first internet source, Jetson goes over several aspects to the concept
of overfishing and what that does to the crucial fragility of the marine ecosystem. What really
helps this source, is the fact that Jetson gives an actual definition of what is considered to be
overfishing. Something that has been foreign for quite some time now. This also furthers her
credibility as an author of the source and helps to solidify her argument as the reader views the
rest of the virtual document. Another vital piece of information that is also explored is the idea of
what happens economically speaking, when one type of fish is limited due to it being targeted for
human gain. Naturally, individuals who are interested in making a livelihood from capturing
certain types of fishes or companies who are involved in this, receive their collateral from the
catches that they make. However, if there are no fish out there to catch, jobs suffer as a result and
people lose that part of their business or their entire job. This is another piece of information that
makes this source unique in its position on the subject matter that has been presented. However,
the new and factious information seems to be merely just repeated at the authors disposal with
no clear variability. Lessening the effect of individuality that comes whenever there is a new
position or claim. Knowingly, this article provides one with another plausible support base for

their intellectual argument. Its always to ones advantage, to consider multiple pieces of
evidence when providing an argument. And overall, thats what this internet source does.

Mercer, David. "Human Destruction Of The Marine Commons: The Case Of Fisheries Collapse
In The North Atlantic." Geodate 19.4 (2006): 5-7. Academic Search Premier. Web. 25 Feb. 2016.
A topic of public interest that has arose great stipulation among us as a community for
years, is exactly what were doing with that community in the first place. It seems to have been
compromised by the very practices that we indulge in today and that is the activity of fishing.
Specifically, writer Garret James discusses the potential hazards of dematerializing our marine
ecosystems. Ecosystems that provide a home for marine life as well as give us a place to relax
and exercise. Garret claims that this results from over fishing as well as the epidemic of global
warming. Over all, this magazine encompasses the view of what fishing for sport has on the
environment around us. However, there are some potential strengths and weakness to Garrets
arguments. His strength lies in the initial condition that he does in fact provide graphs and
statistics for the apparent case that he is implementing against his audience. All graphs of course,
are up to date and provide a sufficient amount of proof to his claim. But, there also seems to be
some biases when he addresses this issue as well. He says that in order to correct for this
discontinuity, one needs to take his specific plan of action in order to atone for several years of
damage. When in reality, there are other ways to combat this horrid act of aggression. Due to the
graphs that appear throughout the magazine, this would indeed suffice, as a great source for me
to make my argument valid.

Plumer, Brad. "Just How Badly Are We Overfishing the Oceans?" Washington Post. The
Washington Post, 29 Oct. 2013. Web. 01 Mar. 2016.
A question has now arisen as to whether or not this whole epidemic of overfishing can be
fixed. In this internet source, Plumer goes over the all too recognizable effects that overfishing
has on the ocean and the ecosystem that is encased in it. But, he also provides another shocking
piece of evidence that furthers his claim and makes it different. He says that tactics we are
currently using include better technology for fishing and too many ships being in one region at
the same time. Also, it appears that we are using two nets to catch a whole sum of fish rather than
just one. This multiplies the rate at which we are shrinking the fish population and at the same
time, depleting our ration of food and protein. One consequence leads to the next. However,
Plumer states that there is a brighter side to this whole affair and that there actually is hope to
stopping this massive accumulation of the leisure that is fishing. But, time would have to be
taken now in order to reverse damage that has been going on for years. In other words, years of
destruction would take years of action to potentially reverse the process that has already been
going on. With that being said, its also clear that this may be a more opinion based circumstance
rather than based on fact. Degrading Plumers credibility for that time being, but everything else
coincides with what has been occurring in all of the other preceding searches. If anything, this
internet source would be a good edition for some hopeful news to address this devastating topic.
Which would also make it a good candidate for argument purposes in ones paper.

Tsikliras, Athanassios C., et al. "The Mediterranean And Black Sea Fisheries At Risk From
Overexploitation." Plos ONE 10.3 (2015): 1-19. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Mar. 2016.
While considering this problem on a global scale is quite beneficiary, its also important
to have specific aspects to what one is discussing. In this scholarly article, it becomes apparent
that there The Mediterranean and Black Sea have declined over the years as a product of
overfishing. By the utilization of certain up to date ratios such as the number of recorded or the
mean trophic level of the catch, these concepts provide clarity to what may be occurring at
other parts in this world. If a general trend can be found, it makes it easier to find a solution to
the problem, since we would be able to pin point exactly behavior leads to what consequence. In
this instance, through this data, it was found that overfishing is damaging the inherent chain of
primary consumers to secondary in delicate ecosystem. Again, graphs were used to depict
visually, the slow decline of the fish that are existing in the ecosystem. The only problem that
seems to be of their argument, comes from the level at which they are presenting it. Its all very
good information, but its centered towards one audience versus more than one, thus limiting the
effect of their persuasive tactics. Its aimed towards other scholars rather than both scholars and
the average person. But, the facts and figures are also a good indicator for ones argument that go
in accordance with what is currently happening in todays society. It allows one to hold another
valid claim on their position. A claim that is also current with todays expectations.

Velasquez-Manoff, Moises. "How overfishing can alter an ocean ecosystem." Christian Science
Monitor 18 June 2008: 14. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Feb. 2016.
When it comes to discussing the issue of overfishing, its clear just as to how dangerous
the effects can be on the ecosystem. Particularly dealing with the fish themselves and what that
can cause the food cycle to come to. In this newspaper article, Velasquez goes over what occurs
when there is an imbalance between certain species of fish versus another. Literally, there is a
plethora of one kind of fish that basically dominates the ocean floor because there are no other
predators around to consume it. This includes things like starfish, algae, and crabs that do
nothing but decorate the foundations of the ocean ecosystem. This puts a strain on the food chain
and hurts the natural order of smaller prey and its natural enemies. This very fact, is what makes
this newspaper article so compelling. It describes a different problem that arises due to the
careless nature of the problem that is overfishing. It also evaluates the authenticity of the
argument by the backing of an experiment that was performed based on this phenomenon. But,
this was the only fact that was considered as far as negative effects are concerned. Perhaps if the
newspaper article wouldve considered more than one significant outlook on this whole event, it
couldve been more appealing to others reading. Although, it has this flaw, it still serves as a
good basis for ones argument. Specifically, there is a good basis for the content expressed that
would help one too conceal their argument and make it more believable.

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