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European Aviation Safety Agency EASA Approvals and Standardisation Directorate Exposition Internal Working Procedure Maintenance Training Organisation Approval (MTOAP) Se 1 /____| version: seve 3 ‘Aor (Calm Langley Lbfey Status: Adopted [ Reosed Francsco Bal 4A Date 20 ap cr European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure 1 GENERAL. 14 Introduction: 1.2 Scope of Procedure 1.3. Abbreviations / terminology 1.4 References . 2 APPLICATION AND ALLOCATION OF TECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TASKS .. 24 Acceptance of Application... 22 Allocation of technical investigation tasks .. 3. DETERMINATION OF THE MTOA TEAM 4 CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE. 4.4 Investigation for Initial Organisation Approval. 42 Issuing the Organisation Approval Cortificate. 43 Changes within the Approved Training Maintenance Organisation. 44 — Continued surveillance. i 5 ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS 5A Panel of Experts wn 5.2 Resolution of Disagreements. 5.3 Involvement of the Legal Service. 54 Limitation, Suspension and Revocation... 5.5 Communication and Publication. 5.6 Confidentiality of Documents... Appendix 4 Continued surveillance Plan ‘Appendix2 Example EASA Form 11 certificate Appendix3 EASA Form 22 Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 2 of 11 14 12 European Aviation Safety Agency ‘Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure GENERAL Introduction According to Articles 44.1, 13(c) and 15.2 (bi), (c) of Regulation (EC) No 1582/2002 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 July 2002 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency (hereinafter referred to as “the Basic Regulation’), the EASA Management Board shall establish transparent procedures for taking individual decisions for certification of maintenance training organisations located outside the territory of the Member States. Under this provision, the Management Board has adopted Decision No 3/2004 of 3 February 2004 of the Management Board concerning the general principles related to the certification procedures to be applied by the Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency for issuing of certificates for organisations (hereinafter referred as to "OCP Decision’) The objective of the OCP Decision is “to establish the general principles to be followed by the Agency to issue ‘organisation approvais in accordance with the epplicable implementing rules of the Basic Regulation’ according to Art 1M), Article 10 of the OCP Decision mandates the Executive Director to “establish the necessary associated detailed procedures for the implementation of this Decision [...}. This Internal Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure has been adopted by the Executive Director Under this mandate. lote: ‘The European Aviation Safety Agency will apply fees for its certification activities from 1 June 2005. The fees are detailed in the 'Fees and Charges’ Regulation (EC No 488/2005) which was adopted by the European Commission in the week of 21 March 2005 and published in the EU Official Journal on 30 March 2005. The Agency's charging system has been designed to be clear and transparent, taking into account the views of industry and other interested parties. It will be reviewed, and, if necessary, revised annually. ‘The fees and charges regulations follows on from its mention in Article §3 of the Basic Regulation (1592/2002) establishing the Agency Details of the Agency's Fees and Charges system can be found on the Agency web site www.easa.europa.eu ‘Scope of Procedure This procedure describes how EASA will intemally handle the approval of maintenance training organisations located ‘outside the territory of the Member States. ‘This approval shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of Annex | of the Basic Regulation and Annex Ill Part-147 of Regulation (EC) 2042/2003 of 20 November 2003 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks, ‘This approval will also be performed in accordance with the related Acceptable Means of Compliance ("AMC") and Guidance Material ("GM") ‘The rights and obligations derived from applicable bilateral agreements as specified in Art 9 of the Basic Regulation shall not be affected, This procedure also describes how EASA will handle the continuation, change, limitation, suspension or revocation of the approvals of the aforementioned organisations according to Annex IV Part-147 of Regulation 2042/2003. Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 3 of 10 European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure 4.3 Abbreviations / terminology DA Designated Authority Extemal Party ‘Appropriately accredited NAA mac EASA Manager Application Certification (EASA staff) Toc* Maintenance Training Oversight Coordinator (NAA or EASA staff) MTOA Maintenance Training Organisation Approval cAOM Continuing Ainworthiness Organisation Manager (EASA staff) MOE Maintenance Training Organisation Exposition ocr Organisations Certification Procedure (MB Decision) PE Panel of Experts Th Investigation Team Leader * With the agreement of the Agency the Role of the MTOC may be delegated to other responsible staff (termed hereafter DA) within a National Aviation Authority provided that procedures are in place that clearly define the roles and responsibilties. EASA may also have the MTOCs' functions delegated to other DAs. 14 References Regulation (EC) No 1582/2002 of the European Pariiament and of the Council of 15 July 2002 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Aviation Safety Agency Commission Reguiation (EC) No 2042/2003 of 20 November 2003 on the continuing airworthiness of aircraft and aeronautical products, parts and appliances and on the approval of organisations and personnel involved in these tasks, Annex IV (Part-147), Section B ‘Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) and Guidance Material (GM) to Annex Ill (Part-147) of Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003 Decision No 3/2004 of 3 February 2004 of the Management Board concerning the general principles related fo the certification procedures to be applied by the Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency for issuing of certificates for organisations Decision No 13/2003 of 16 December 2003 of the Management Board on guidelines for the allocation of certificat tasks to national aviation authorttes or qualified entities 2 APPLICATION AND ALLOCATION OF TECHNICAL INVESTIGATION TASKS. 24 Acceptance of Application Applications for an EASA Maintenance Organisation Approval shall be sent to the EASA Continuing Airworthiness Organisations Manager (CAOM) and made in accordance with Section B of Part-147. Details about format, address and on the Commission Regulation on EASA's fees and charges can be found on the EASA website (vrww.easa.europa int) ‘The EASA MTOC will acknowledge receipt of applications within ten working days following the date of receipt by EASA ‘The EASA MTOC wil check the agplications. Where incorrect or incomplete information is supplied, the EASA MTOC shall notify the applicant as soon as possible by a letter or an email detailing the omissions and errors. The application must include the certificate of incorporation as detailed on the EASA Form 72. ‘The EASA MTOC shall make a check of eligibility according to Part-147 and will determine how to proceed with the application communicating this, together with the applicable requirements, to the applicant within the month following receipt of the correct application. When eligibty has been fully assessed the CAOM will request an invoice to be sent fo the applicant by the EASA MAC. Payment must be received prior to work commencing... Upon payment the applicant shail be notified of the following: ‘Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 4 of 10 European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure 22 @ Preliminary approval number with a suffix "P” indicating the pending status of the approval (for example EASA.147 XXXXP) {b) Confirmation of receipt of any fees associated with the application {e) _Inorder to expedite the process drafting of an MTOE and preparation of the applicable EASA Form 4s. The EASA MTOC/DA will update the EASA approvals database with all he relevant information. In case of refusal of an application, the CAOM will notify this decision in writing to the applicant together with the reasons thereto, including a reference to the possibilty for appeal as specified in AVticies 35 to 41 of the Basic Regulation. The CAOM will also inform the Financial section to return fees paid to the applicant, except the ‘administrative costs of handling the application as specified by the Commission Regulation on EASA’s fees and charges. Allocation of technical investigation tasks Ater eligibility has been fully assessed and once principle acceptance is given, the CAOM will decide ifthe application shall be further processed intemally or ifthe technical investigation should be allocated to an external party. In cases where the technical investigation shall be performed internally, the CAOM will establish an appropriate EASA certification team using EASA staff and/or NAA staff under appropriate contractual arrangements. In cases where the technical investigation shall be allocated to an extemal party which will handle the technical investigation on behalf of EASA, the selected extemal party may only be by the time being, a NAA which is ‘appropriately accredited and has appropriate contractual arrangements with EASA, according to the current applicable legal framework (see MB Decision No 13/2003). The list of NAAs accredited for allocation of certification tasks with their relevant scope of accreditation is published in the document no. Q.LCSQ01-1, current edition, issued by the Quality and Standardisation Directorate. The allocated technical investigation tasks shall be executed following the provisions of this EASA Maintenance Training Organisation Approval procedure. The CAOM will check which NAAs fuffl the above mentioned criteria and notify those which comply with the name and location of the applicant and the expected scope of work. The CAOM will give the Maintenance Training Oversight Coordinator (MTOC) of these NAAs a one month period in which to express an interest to perform of the technical investigation tasks for EASA. ‘The CAOM will finally select one NAA according to the necessary competence, previously accumulated experience, available capacity requested thereof and, in case of equal sultabilty, the total estimated costs (hourly rate and estimated time to perform the task). ‘The selected NAA willbe informed in writing ofits selection, and the letter shall be copied to the EASA Programmes department in order to amend the NAA contract annex accordingly. The selected NAA will be provided with any necessary information needed for the effective performance of the technical investigation tasks. DETERMINATION OF THE MTOA TEAM ‘The MTOC will nominate @ team leader / members to carry out the investigation process. Normally, one auditor is to bbe used. All cases where more than one auditor is to be used must be justified by the NAA MOC and agreed by EASA prior to the investigation taking place. The criteria that will be applied by EASA to determine the basic investigation team are as follows: (a) Size of the applicants organisation, {b) Complexity of the organisation approval applied for, (©) Number of sites covered by the approval, (@) The type of training to be carried out by the MTOA (Basic and/or type training) (e) Type of audit (initial, changes, follow up audits, findings ete.) Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 5 of 10 European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure 44 I the accredited NAA elects fo use additional staff or trainees for an audit EASA must be informed in advance. In all such cases any associated costs shall be bome directly by the NAA and not by the applicant or EASA. ‘Trainee staff from EASA may participate in investigation teams at no direct cost to the applicant. For specific technical investigations the basic team can call for assistance from appropriate technical experts. When the investigation is allocated to an external party the NAA MTOC shall be the single point of contact for liaison with the Agency. The external party shall follow ail applicable provisions detailed in this procedure and section B to Part-147. The team leader (TL) of the extemal party willbe responsible for complying with these procedures. CERTIFICATION PROCEDURE. Investigation for Initial Organisation Approval ‘The investigation process will be performed according to Section B of Part-147 and its associated Acceptable Means ‘of Compliance (AMC) / Guidance Material (GM) and this procedure. During the ausit of the organisation the TL will check the number of Technical staff detailed on the EASA Form 12 and identity any inconsistency with the proposed training scope. Findings made during the investigation process will be handled by the TL according to Section B of Part-147 and its associated Acceptable Means of Compliance (AMC) / Guidance Material (GM) When the full investigation for compliance of the applicant with Part-147 has been satisfactorily determined, the MTOGIDA shall carry out a quality review of the following documentation: (@) The completed EASA form 22 (all 5 sections see Appendix 3). Wherever possible the phone number, fax number and e-mail address of the organisation should be provided, (Completed and signed by the TL and all the ‘Team Members) (b) The Maintenance Training Organisation Exposition. (Approved by the TLIMTOCIDA).. (©) Form 4s (accepted and signed by the TL) (d) Consistency of the Form 12 with the Form 22 and the MTOE. (©) The continued surveiance plan (to start from the date of recommendation). ‘The MTOCIDA shall countersign the form 22 when satisfied with the review of paragraph 4.1 (a) to (e). ‘The MTOC/DA shall verify that the continued surveilance plan covers all elements required by 147-B.130. Normally the frequency of visits for continued surveillance shall consist of a minimum of one visit per year. This may be varied when agreed by the Agency MTOC. For organisations approved to carry out basic training and examination, two visits per year shall be carried out. The criteria to be reviewed by the EASA MOC for changing audit visit frequency are as follows: a) Follow up of audits ) Change to approval ©) Verification of examinations carried out IAW 147.A.145(@)3 d) Request by the Agency e) Large complex organisation {) Small organisation with limited activity 9) Unforeseen audit scheduling difficulties, ‘The MTOGIDA shail immediately notify the CAOM if during the investigation process AMC 147.B.110 is used to reject ‘a prospective accountable manager. Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 6 of 10 European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure 42 43 44 Issuing the Organisation Approval Certificate For the purposes of paragraph 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 all correspondence between the MTOC end the CAOM shall be in the English language unless otherwise agreed by EASA. ‘The MTOC/DA shall forward to the EASA MTOC the proposal for the EASA Form 11 approval certificate on the EASA, Form 1% template (appendix 2), the countersigned form 22 (appendix 3) and the current accepted continued surveillance pian (appendix 1). ‘The EASA MTOC shall contact the NAA MTOCIDA regarding any issues with the proposal for the EASA Form 11 approval certificate, the countersigned form 22 or the current accepted continued surveillance pian When satisfied with the above recommendation package the CAOM shall prepare and sign the EASA Form 11 ‘approval certificate. The date for issue of the Form 11 shall be the date detailed on the EASA Form 22 recommendation. ‘The CAOM wil forward the original of the signed EASA Form 41 to the applicant with a copy to the MTOC. ‘The CAOM will establish a system to maintain records of all documents generated and received during the approval process and the subsequent continued surveillance process. The EASA Form 22, copy of the form 11 and the continued surveillance plan shall be retained under the allocated EASA approval number. Specific reference will be made to the next cate that the form 22 recommendation is due. In cases where itis agreed by the CAOM that certain records are held at the accredited NAA such records will be stored in accordance with section B and shall be subject to sampling as part of the NAA accreditation process, ‘The CAOM will update the approvals database with the above information and ensure that the 'p” pending number is removed from the Approval reference in the database The CAOM will maintain a register of all Organisation Approvals issued by the Agency in accordance with implementing Rule Part-147 giving the following details: (2) Approval number (b) Name of organisation Changes within the Approved Maintenance Training Organisation ‘Any proposed changes as listed in 147.A.150 shall be processed by the TL. All variations as detailed in 147.8.115 and 147.8110 require @ form 42. The MTOC shall fonvard @ copy of all form’2’s to the CAOM for processing in accordance with paragraph 2 (application process) The TL will determine the extent of any subsequent review according to the impact of the proposed changes to the Organisation and/or its Exposition and shall carry out all necessary actions. When a change to the certificate is required then paragreph 4.2 shall be used. Changes requiring the addition of a line station do not need to be processed using an EASA Form 2, and there is no need for the NAA MTOC to notify EASA. However for all cases where an organisation wishes to have a line station located within the territory of the EU the NAA MTOC/DA will notfy the EASA MTOC who will process the application in accordance with 145.B.15 Continued surveillance A continued surveillance plan shall be developed by the TL taking into consideration follow up of corrective actions and accepted by the MTOC following Section 8 of the relevant Implementing Rule and recorded on part 2 to the EASA form 22. (See appendix 1 example surveillance plan), ‘The scheduled visits detailed in the continued surveillance plan shall be communicated to the organisation by the TL. ‘An EASA form 22 (sections 1-5) recommendation shall be completed every 24 months, The MTOC/DA shall carry out a quality review of the form 22 and countersign the form. The MTOC/DA shall forward the form 22 to the responsible EASA MTOC for continuation of the approval every 24 months along with the continued surveillance plan. Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 7 of 10 European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure S41 52 Where continued validity of the certficate is accepted the CAOM shall notify the approved maintenance organisation ‘and the MTOC by letter. The CAOM shall update the approvals database with all the relevant information, The NAA MTOC shall forward details ofall form 22 due dates to the responsible EASA MTOC. In case of a negative decision by the Agency the CAOM will notify the approval holder by letter and copy the NAA MTOC, detailing the suspension limitation or revocation of the MOA in accordance with the published EASA procedures. This letter will make reference to the possibilty for appeal by the MOA holder. ‘The TL assigned to perform the continued surveillance on behalf of the Agency will process all findings. For Level { findings The TL shall notify the MTOC/DA who will inform the Agency immediately regarding any Level 1 finding made against the MTOA holder together with any actions it has taken. In case of a Level 1 finding the CAOM will review the finding ‘and take appropriate action, For Level 2 findinas ‘The competent authority may give up to 6 months notice of the need for rectification. Dependant of the seriousness of the level 2 finding(s) the TL may choose a notice period less than 6 months. When the competent authority chooses to allow 6 months, the intial notification should be of 3 months duration to the quality manager followed by the final 3 ‘months notice to the Accountable Manager. AMC.147.B.130(b) ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS Panel of Experts A Panel of Experts (PE) which comprises specialists with extensive technical knowledge and experience necessary for approval of maintenance training organisations has been established by EASA. ‘The PE specialists are available for advice on technical certification principles and technical interpretation of the implementing rules of the Basic Regulation, technical standardisation and technical training ensuring appropriate technical certification knowledge within EASA. They may also act as team members, however respecting then that theit roles do not conflict The experts shall notify any possible conflct of interest. In such cases they shall abstain from participating in the deliberations of the PE ‘The EU / EASA implementing rules concerning the public access to documents are applicable to the PE Resolution of Disagreements According to Art. 12.1. of the Management Board (MB) Decision No 3/2004, every effort shall be made to resolve all kind of disagreements concerning issues between EASA and the Approval Holder/Applicant at the lowest possible level. ‘The team will be the primary decision maker in the process under the supervision of its team leader. The EASA Team. shall have the ablity and power to take the first decisions to the largest possible extent. It the Approval Holder/Applicant does not agree with the EASA Team decision, the Maintenance Training Organisation Manager 2s a first step, and the responsible Head of Department of the Certification Directorate afterwards, will ry to teach @ mutually acceptable resolution. {fan agreement stil cannot be reached, the matter will be brought fo the Certification Director who will take a decision thereto ‘Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 7 Page 8 of 10 European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure 53 54 55 further escalation is necessary the final decision will be made by the EASA Executive Director, following Consultation with the panel of experts. In this case the Applicant shall have the right to be heard by the PE, The opinion of the PE will be communicated to the Applicant together with the final decision. Involvement of the Legal Service ‘The CAOM shall consult the EASA legal service at the earliest possible stage (@) before the adoption of @ negative decision taken during the certification process which is subject to appeal according to Articles 36 to 41 of the Basic Regulation, the provisions of the MB Decision N° 3/2004 (‘Organisations Certification Procedure’) or this internal working procedure; (b) When an applicant or certificate hokler requests that a disagreement shal be formally handled according to Art 12.2-4 of the Organisations Certfication Procedure:The CAOM should consult the EASA legal service at the earliest possible stage (©) When there is a disagreement with the applicant or certificate holder on a significant decision affecting the result of the certification process outside the scope of Art. 12.2-4 of the Organisations Certification Procedure; (@)_ Inany other case when deemed necessary. Limitation, Suspension and Revocation ‘A Maintenance Training Organisation Approval shall be limited, suspended or revoked by the Agency if the certificate becomes invalid under the conditions specified in Part-147, or the organisation fails to comply with the Agency's fees and charges Regulation. ‘The EASA CAOM shall notify the holder of a Maintenance Training Organisation Approval in writing about this ‘suspension or revocation including the reasons thereof and the right to appeal against this decision in accordance with Article 35 to 41 of the Basic Regulation In the absence of current guidance in Section B to Part-147 the following information provides guidance regarding the various actions that the competent authority actions may take. a), Revocation -canceliation in whole or in part of an approval ‘The certificate is removed or re-issued with certain ratings removed. If the MTOA wishes to have the approvaliratings back then they must re-apply for the former scope with a new application (EASA form 12) and paragraph 4.1 must be followed. All findings must be closed before the former approval privileges are re-issued, This implies that a new certificate has to be re-issued D), Suspension- temporary removal in whole or in part of the approval ‘The approval is held in abeyance in whole or in part until compliance is re-established. No certificate issue or reissue is required. Re-instatement of the approveltatings does not systematically require a new investigation but may be based upon an acceptable corrective action pian ©). Limitation ~removal of a particular privilege. The NAA controls the MTOE and must therefore notify EASA on an EASA form 22 regarding any actions that require EASA to ‘limit’ a privilege that has already been granted, Communication and Publication Significant decisions affecting the result of the approval process shall be communicated by EASA to the applicant in writing, Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 8 of 10 European Aviation Safety Agency Maintenance Training Organisation Approval Procedure EASA decisions related to the issuing, modification, limitation, suspension or revocation of cerlificates shall be published in its Oficial Publication. The CAOM shall make provisions in order that relevant information is published. 56 Confidentiality of Documents All documents and information received and held by EASA related to the certification procedure which originates from the Approval Holder/Applicant or @ third party are subject to protection from disclosure in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents and the EASA Basic Regulation together with Decision No 1/2004 of 3 February 2004 of the Management Board conceming the arrangements to be applied by the Agency ‘or public access to documents. Appendix 4 ‘Surveillance plan template Appendix 2 Example EASA Form 11 Appendix 3 EASA Form 22 Issue 4 Dated 23/04/2007 Page 10 of 10 y00z vO ze oeg peubis “aWVN (een se 2:0) aloo O2'S'Lb1 Hed WS¥a Aq Posnbar syuewafo Ie s1aN00 Ue|d eouEJoINS PsnuRUCE Siu. ould quo 2 ee wou pene aes su i ‘above ageunoine vin Suesuyo pre sus ees e720 YPN JEOK amy 40 WEIS SaPEDIPUI “E ua step xs saepu)-2 EN opm 3 ue VY OU 4 Yr eB pore seed J-vE4 sae 0 =H880's sen Aeaays TeuOHIPPY) (ous wre) wonestueBIO :eBveyp Uy Jepee] wee, AoUNy LoNeIAy [eLONEN, } 'seBed jo sequinu je1o), AkKApuwjpp—_:oyep anp zz wuo4 AAKAyusuypp Je Bunse}s pousd sieak z ejqeouddy g uones09 Z woneD09 | wope907 Jeaoudde siyj Aq pieAco suoye00) Jo 4817 20OOC LPL JOquuNN lenaiddy ‘ouieu Kuedwog HO} ueid eouelienins penujuog APPENDIX TO EASA FORM 22 Ref. Dated PROPOSAL for APPROVAL CERTIFICATE REFERENCE EASA.147.0000 Pursuant to Commission Regulation (BC) N°2042/2003 for the time being in force and subject to the conditions specified below, the Agency hereby certifies: COMPANY’S NAME ADDRESS ADDRESS ‘As a Part-147 maintenance training organisation approved to provide training and conduct examinations listed in the attached approval schedule and issue related certificates of recognition to students: 1. ‘This approval is limited to that specified in the scope of approval section of the Part-147 approved maintenance organisation exposition, and 2. This approval requires compliance with the procedures specified in the Part-147 approved maintenance organisation exposition, and 3. ‘This approval is valid whilst the approval maintenance organisation remains in compliance with Part-147 4. Subject to compliance with the foregoing conditions, this approval shall remain valid for an unlimited duration until the approval is surrendered, superseded, suspended of evoked. Date of issue age 1/9 ASA Form Signed For the Agency Date of attached schedule of Approval... for the Agency EASA Fora 11 page? APPROVAL SCHEDULE Organisation Name: Reference: EASA.147.0000 ‘CLASS RATING [ LIMITATION__ TYPE/TASKS [Bid ‘Acroplanes Turbine B12 Aeroplanes Piston B13 Helicopters Turbine BLA Helicopters Piston B2 Avionics Bi/B2 Ti/T2 Boeing 737-200 (PW JTSD) B1/B2 TI/T2 Boeing 757-200/300 (RR RB211) B1/B2 T1/T2 Sikorsky S61 (GE C158) ‘This training/ examination approval schedule is valid when working in accordance with the Part-147 approved maintenance training organisation exposition, Reference: Maintenance ‘Training Organisation Exposition at latest amendment Date of issue: Signed: For the Agency page 3/2 EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY PART-147 APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION AGENCY REPORT EASA FORM 22 Initial Grant 0 Intermediate audit 0 Change O Continuation 0 Name of Organisation: Approval Reference: Form 22 Reference: Part 1: General Training Organisation Head Office address: Training Organisation postal address (where diferent) Training Organisation email address: Requested Approval Rating/Form 12 — dated: Address of Facility Audited: Audit Period / surveillance cycle: From Date(s) of Audit: Audit Reference(s): Person(s) Interviewed: To Name of recommending Competent Authority Representative(s): Signature of recommending Competent Authority Representatives): Date of Form 22, part 1 completion: Competent Authority Office: EASA Form 22, Part 4, Page 1 of 1 011206 EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY PART-147 APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION AGENCY EASA FORM 22 Initial Grant Intermediate audit D Continuation O Name of Organisation: ‘Approval Reference: Form 22 Reference: Part 2; Part-147 Compliance Audit Review The five columns may be labelled and used as necessary to record the approved training/examinations, facility, including subcontractor’, reviewed. Against each column used of the following Part-147 sub-paragraphs please tick (\) the box if satisfied with compliance or cross (X) the box if not satisfied with compliance and specify the reference of the Part finding next to the box or enter N/A where an item is not applicable, or N/R when applicable but not reviewed, Para 147.4.100 147.4105 147.110 1A7AA1S 147.4120 147.4125 147.4130 147.4135 147.4140 147. A145 147.4150 147.4200 147.A.205 Facility Requirements Personnel Requirements Records of Instructor, Examiners and Assessors Instructional Equipment Maintenance Training Training Procedures and Quality System. Maintenance Training ‘Organisation Exposition Approved Basic Training Basic Knowledge Ta7 A210 147.4300 147.4305 EASA Form 22, Part 2, Page 1 of 2 Basic Practical Assessment Aircraft typeltask Training Examinations and 011206 -| EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY PART-147 APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION REPORT EASA FORM 22 Initial Grant 0 Intermediate audit 0 Change 0 Continuation 0 Name of Organisation: Approval Reference: Form 22 Reference: Details of Training course/Examinations witnessed (In joluding name of Instructor title of Training course subject taught/examined and equipment used). Name of recommending Competent Authority Representative(s): Signature of recommending Competent Authority Representative(s): Date of Form 22, part 1 completion: _ Competent Authority Office: EASA Form 22, Part 2, Page 2 of 2 011206 EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY PART-147 APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION AGENCY REPORT EASA FORM 22 Initial Grant 0. Intermediate audit O Change 0 Continuation O Name of Organisation: ‘Approval Reference: Form 22 Reference: PART 3: Compliance with Part-147 maintenance training organisation exposition (MTOE) Please either tick (v) the box if satisfied with compliance; or if not satisfied with compliance and specify the reference of the Part 4 finding; or enter N/A where an item is not applicable; or N/R when applicable but not, reviewer Part 1 Management 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 47 18 19 ~] Corporate commitment by accountable Manager Management Personnel Duties and responsibilities of management personnel, instructors, knowiedge examiners and practical assessor Management personnel organisation chart List of instructional and examination staff List of approved addresses List of sub-contractors as per 147.A.145(d) General description of facilities at paragraph 1.6 addresses ‘Specific list of courses approved by the competent authority _| Notification procedures regarding changes to organisation Exposition and associated manuals amendment procedures Part 2 TRAINING AND EXAMINATION PROCEDURES 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ‘Organisation of courses Preparation of course material Preparation of classrooms and equipment Preparation of workshops/maintenance facilities and equipment Conduct of basic type knowledge and practical training Records of training carried out Storage of training records Training at locations not listed in paragraph 1.6 298 Organisation of examination EASA Form 22, Part 3, Page 1 of 3 011208 EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY PART-147 APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION REPORT EASA FORM 22 Initial Grant O Intermediate audit O Change O Continuation 7 Name of Organisation ‘Approval Reference: Form 22 Reference: PART 3: ‘ompliance with Part-147 maintenance traini Please either tick (x) the box if satisfied with compliance; or if not satisfied with comy reference of the Part 4 finding; or enter N/A where an item is not applicable; or N/R when applicable but not ‘organisation exposition (MTOE) reviewed. 2.10 Security and preparation of examination material 211 ae Preparation of examination rooms 2.42 _____] Conduct of examinations 213 Conduct of practical assessments 2.14 [____] Marking and record of examinations 2.15 [7] Storage of examination records (2.16 [~~] Examinations at locations not listed in paragraph 1.6 247 ~___] Preparation, control and issue of training course certificates 2.18 [—] Control of sub-contractors Part 3 TRAINING SYSTEM QUALITY PROCEDURES 34 [ Audit of Training 3.2 [J Audit of examinations 33 Analysis of examination results 3.4 Audit and analysis remedial action 35 Accountable Manager annual review 36 Qualifying the instructors 37 Qualifying the examiners/assessors 38 Records of qualified instructors and examiners Part 4 APPENDICES At Example of documents and forms used 42 Syllabus of each training course. 43 Cross reference index — if applicable EASA Form 22, Part 3, Page 2 of 3 011206 EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY PART-147 APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION AGENCY REPORT EASA FORM 22 Initial Grant 0 Intermediate audit C Change Oi Continuation O Name of Organisation: ‘Approval Reference: Form 22 Reference: PART 3: Compliance with Pari-147 maintenance training organisation exposition (MTOE) Please either tick (v) the box if satisfied with compliance; or if not satisfied with compliance and specify the reference of the Part 4 finding; or enter N/A where an item is not applicable; or N/R when applicable but not reviewed. MTOE Reference: MTOE rev. status MTOE Issue/Amendment date: Signature of recommending Competent Authority Representative(s): Date of Form 22, part 3 completion: ‘Competent Authority Office: EASA Form 22, Part 3, Page 3 of 3 011206 EUROPEAN AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY PART-147 APPROVAL RECOMMENDATION REPORT. EASA FORM 22 Initial Grant 0 Intermediate audit 0 Change O Continuation 0 Name of Organisatior ‘Approval Reference Form 22 Reference: Part 4: Findings rogar jing Part 147 Compliance Status Each level 1 and 2 finding should be recorded whether it has been reciified or not and should be identified by a simple cross reference to the Part 2 requirement. All non-rectified findings should be copied in writing to the organisation for the necessary corrective action. Part 20r3 | Audit Reference(s) / Findings ref. Iw

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