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Tic Tac Toe Board

Tamra Willis
Differentiation Support by Technology

Topic: Properties and Changes in Matter

6th Grade Science

Analytic Intelligences

Interactive Intelligences

Introspective Intelligences

Logic Smart

Body Smart

Wonder Smart

Technology: Mindomo, Simple

Mind+, Spicy Nodes, Lucid Chart

Technology: iMovie, Animoto,

Movie Maker Live

Product: Create a graphic

organizer that demonstrates the
differences between physical and
chemical properties, physical and
chemical changes, and the
relationships between atoms,
elements, molecules, compounds
and mixtures.

Product: Create a video

demonstrating physical and
chemical changes in matter.
Record and include at least 2
physical changes and 2 chemical
changes. Describe each type of
change and what makes it a
physical or chemical change.
Relate physical and chemical
changes to physical and chemical
properties. Post your video on
YouTube to share with the class.

Technology: Word
processing, Presentation
(Power Point, Keynote, etc.)

Music Smart

People Smart

Picture Smart

Technology: Songify (app),

Garage Band (Mac), Audacity

Technology: Super Teacher

Tools, Quia, Kahoot

Technology: Google Draw,

Screen Chomp, Educreations,
Power Point

Product: Investigate the

history of alchemists and early
chemistry. Describe how the
experiments of alchemists led
to the discovery of over 100
elements and modern
chemistry. Create a written
report or presentation.

Product: Create a rap or song that

identifies the differences between
physical and chemical properties
and changes in matter.

Product: Create an online game

that practices the concepts in the
unit: physical and chemical
properties, physical and chemical
changes, elements, compounds,
atoms and mixtures.

Nature Smart

Word Smart

Self Smart

Technology: iPhoto, digital

camera, Instagram, photo editing
software, digital color printer,
Digital photo album: Power Point,
Keynote, Animoto

Technology: Quizlet.com

Technology: Notepad on
smartphone, iPad or Tablet:
timeline creation tools: Dipity,
Timeline Generator:
Teachnology, Tiki Toki,
TimeRime, TimeToast

Product: Create flashcards using

vocabulary words related to
matter, atoms, elements, physical
and chemical properties and
Product: Create a photo album of
physical & chemical changes.
physical and chemical changes that Use flash cards to create game
can be observed in nature. (Ex.:
using vocabulary words.
frozen water, puddle evaporating,
changes in leaf color, rusting
metal). Include captions for photos
that describe and explain how the
photos demonstrate physical and
chemical changes.

Product: Create flashcards or

presentation of vocabulary
words for physical and
chemical properties of matter
and physical and chemical
changes. On each card or
page, include the word, a
description, and a drawing
illustrating the word or its

Product: Daily journal: Keep a

Physical/Chemical change
diary for 4 days. Keep a list of
all physical changes and
chemical changes you observe
in your surroundings each day.
Construct a timeline with
images for at least 5 physical
and 5 chemical changes you
observe each day for 4 days.

Tic Tac Toe Board

Tamra Willis
Differentiation Support by Technology

Topic: Properties and Changes in Matter

6th Grade Science

Rubric: Photo Album: Physical and Chemical changes in Nature

Assignment description: Create a photo album of physical and chemical changes that can be observed in
nature. (Ex.: frozen water, puddle evaporating, changes in leaf color, rusting metal). Include at least 5
photos of physical changes and 5 photos of chemical changes. Include captions for photos that describe
and explain the changes shown in each photo and if it is demonstrating a physical or chemical change.
Support your claim with evidence (how do you know it was a physical or chemical change).

Photo Album

photos of
photos of



Exemplary (4)

Accomplished (3)

Developing (2)

Beginning (1)

Includes at least 5
photos that
physical changes

Includes at least 4
photos that
physical changes

Includes at least
2-3 photos that
physical changes

Includes 1 or
fewer photos that
physical changes

Includes at least 5
photos that
chemical changes

Includes at least 4
photos that
chemical changes

Includes at least
2-3 photos that
chemical changes

Includes 1 or
fewer photos that
chemical changes

Captions include
description of
identification as a
physical or
chemical change
and evidence for
Includes 2 or less
punctuation, or
grammar errors

Captions include
two elements

Captions include
one element

incorrect or not

Includes 3-4 or
less spelling,
punctuation, or
grammar errors

Includes 5-7 or
less spelling,
punctuation, or
grammar errors

Includes 8 or
more spelling,
punctuation, or
grammar errors

Photo album is
neatly organized
and created using
digital photos and
word processing
or other
technology tool

Photo album is
created using
digital photos, but
organization does
not make sense
and/or album is
not created using

Photo album is
created using
digital photos but
is poorly
organized and /or
captions are not
word processed.

Photo album is
poorly organized
and /or captions
are done by hand
and done poorly.

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