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Brauns Classroom and Grading Policies

1. Classroom Expectations
It is expected that you will treat the teacher and your peers with respect at all times. We will
create a set of classroom rules together as a class. You are expected to follow these rules at all
time to ensure a safe and positive learning environment. Failure to follow agreed upon classroom
rules will result in a phone call home, lunch detention, Saturday school, an office referral, or
potential suspension.
2. Preparation
You are expected to have all materials ready for each class. This includes:
Writing utensil
Interactive Notebook
Please come to class with a positive attitude. Learning is non-negotiable in Ms. Brauns
3. Grading Breakdown
You will have at least 3 tests per nine weeks. Homework will be assigned periodically when more
support is needed. You will be assessed on the following criteria
Participation 20%:
o Come prepared to class with all readings and homework done
o Contribute meaningful incites in class discussions
o Be a team player in group activities. Pull your weight
Class work/Group work 30%- every day class activities and group work assignments
Unit End Projects 25%- End of unit projects completed in class that ask students to apply
knowledge to solve real world problems. Students will be allowed to resubmit projects
for a higher grade until the end of the nine weeks. (The Problem With Penalties, 2014Students should be motivated to get the highest grade possible and to resubmit until they
actually learn the material. However, anything past the nine weeks becomes obsolete
because it is no longer assessing what we are learning)
Tests 25%- Tested on each unit using a variety of testing methods. Students will be
allowed to complete test corrections if they receive low scores on a test. Students must
provide the correct answer for each wrong answer as well as justification for why they
got the answer wrong on the first test. They may only earn up to an 85%. (Wormelli,
2006; Students should be motivated to study and do well on all their tests, letting them
earn back enough points to get a C motivates them to do well the first time, but also gives
an average grade to those who are actually struggling with the material)
4. Homework- Homework will be given when extra support to the lesson is necessary. It will be
given at the teachers discretion (L. Mangione, 2008- Homework should be focused on support for
the lesson, should not stress students to the point where they need parental support, and should be
graded on participation in case students do not get it and cant get help from home)
Home work will be a participation grade
Homework should be completed without the help of a parent

Homework assistance will be offered before and after school

Homework should not exceed a half an hour a night

5. Late Work- All work is expected to be turned in on time. However, if extenuating circumstances
exist the teacher will accept work for a penalty of potential deducted points
Late Homework: late homework will be expected to be finished in class to participate in
the class activity.
Late class work: late class work will be permitted to be finished for homework and turned
in the next class day for no penalty. Any class work turned in after that will lose 5% for
every class period that it is late
All late work will only be accepted with an Incomplete Assignment note with an excuse
for why the assignment was late (The Problem with Penalties, 2014- This will help the
teacher keep track of who is missing work and why so that they do not receive a zero in
the grade book)
6. Make up work- if you miss class you will be permitted to make up missing work with an
assignment excuse note to keep track of missing work
Student will check the teachers class website to find class work assignments they missed
Student will turn in an Incomplete Assignment Note to the teacher to keep track of
missing work in the grade book
Student will ask teacher for missing notes or background information needed to complete
Student is expected to turn in assignment within 2 class periods of missed period. Any
day after that will be subject to 5% deduction per class period late. (Wormelli, 2006Students are given adequate time to complete late work. Students are given an excuse
note to see if late work is chronic or occasional. Grades are only significantly altered by
each day later after the 2 days allotted to still motivate students to complete late work)
7. Grading Scale- Our class will follow the county wide grading scale


A= 100-93
B= 92-86
C= 85-77
D= 77-70
F= 69 and below

Excellent= 100
Acceptable= 80
Needs Improvement= 60

8. Extra Credit: Extra credit will be offered each nine weeks. Students may complete up to 2
current events to boost their participation grade up to 2 percentage points. Current events must be
from credible news sources. Current events must include a half page summary and analysis of the
current event. (Grading to Communicate, 2005- I provide an extra credit policy so that students
who have consistently not done their work do not come and ask if they can complete an extra
project. This extra credit is not significant and is only for the potential of a student being on the
cusp of a higher grade. It only counts towards participation points so to not affect their grades on
actual assessments)

Please read over these guidelines with your parents so both of you are aware of the policies of our class.
Hopefully following these policies will help you succeed in my class!

Teachers Signature: ________________________________________

Students Signature: _________________________________________
Parents Signature: _________________________________________

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