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THE NEWARK PUBLIC SCHOOLS Office of Facilities Management at Harold Wilson School 190-218 Muhammad Ali Avenue Newark, New Jersey 07108 Phone: 973-733-7340 Fax: 973-733-6852 Cami Anderson State District Superintendent Keith Barton Executive Managing Director of Operations David C, Hespe Commissioner of Education Gerald D. Bland Director PLEASE POST 77 "MEMORANDUM TO: All Principals/Vice Principals ‘Senior/Head Custodians Supervisors of Custodians/Regional Building Managers ‘Nutritional Services Keith Barton Executive Managing Director, Operations DATE: August 30, 2014 RE: ‘Mandatory Daily Flushing of Drinking Water Sources . To Reduce the Risk of Possible Lead Contamination Pursuant to the Federal Lead Contamination Control Act (PL 100-572) passed in 1988, Federal guidelines and testing protocols were established to determine the degree and source of lead contamination in school drinking water supplies, including water coolers, and suggested techniques for reducing exposure to lead. ‘The law mandates parents, staff and employee notification of the “availability” of the test results aniially.” You' will receive under a separate cover an "Annual Water Quality Report” which must be posted prominently in every school. Results are also posted on the district web site. ‘The Newark Public Schools has installed lead reduction filters on all drinking water and food prep sources in all schools constructed prior to 2006. They are-maintained on a regular basis based on _-— manufactures recommendations and quarterly random water testing reports. Report any filter observed ___..-- -with-a date exceeding six (6) months from the last replacement to the Duty Manager. In order to further ‘ensure lead levels are at acceptable levels the following steps are to be enforced at the school level: PRINCIPALS Instruct students and staff to run each fountain or drinking faucet for at least thirty (30) seconds before drinking. CUSTODIANS/HEAD CUSTODIANS ‘Run and flush each individual water fountain for two (2) minutes daily prior to the opening of school and denote in your log book daily. NUTRITIONAL SERVICES ‘Run and flush each cafeteria “cold” water faucet for two (2) minutes daily prior to food prep usage. Procedures are in place to monitor and replace lead reduction water filters as needed as a part of the districts preventative maintenance program. ‘These protocols should be continued until you are instructed tado otherwise.

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