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SOCIAL NETWORKING POLICY ISSUE, POLICY & PROCEDURE NO. | DATE: 01-12-14 2014-2 \ EFFECTIVE DATE: 01-12-14 MASSACHUSETTS POLICE G.Choeee ACCREDITATION STANDARDS Chief Leo A. Sacod, Jr. REFERENCED: eon DATE: U. PURPOSE: In order to ensure the optimum level of professional and public confidence in the Medford Police Department, tis absolutely necessary that the integrity of the department remain beyond reproach in any and all circumstances. With the proliferation of various social media and networking websites in recent years, iti imperative that all Medford Police Olficers and civilian employees are afforded the necessary guidance as to the appropriate usage ‘and content, transmission and dissemination ofall material contained in these various personal websites or social media sites, including but not limited to, Medford Police Department images, logos, badges, patches, ote. aa well as any references to the Medford Police Departinent. . POLICY: 1. Allemployees are restricted from accessing any social networking sites (Racebook, Twitter, etc) from any department owned computers (desktops, laptops, ete.) while Medford Police Department cial Networking Policy 201 ‘on duty in any capacity, unless such access is directly related to that of the employee's offically assigned duties for investigntory purposes. While brief access, during a meal breais, may be allowed from an employee’s personal device, ‘officers shall be minclfal that while on duty they shail devote ‘heir fulltime and attention to the service of the Medford Police Department and to the citizens of the community, ‘The leisurely use ofa cel phone or other clectronie device, which ‘would tend to detract from the proper performance of your Zpaeel ueand apni, shal so emi while on duty. For the purposes of maintaining the highest level of professionalism and integrity of the Medford Police Department and to prevent any unintentional discredit to the department, all employees are strictly prohibited from posting, transmitting and/or disseminating any photographs, video and/or audio recordings, likenesses or images of the Medford Police Departinent, its employees, (while on duty), uniforms, logos, badges, patches, etc., emblems and other material that specifically identifies the Medford Police Department on any personal social networking websites, web pages, and other electronically transmitted or hard copied material without the express vritten permission of the Chief of Police. Employees are prohibited from posting, transmitting and disseminating any pictures or videos of official department ‘training or work related assignments without the express written permission of the Chief of Police. This includes, but is not limited to, any photographs taken of crime scenes, automobile collisions, or mug shots of arrestees, ‘The posting of witness statements or other public information gained through work as a police officer is prohibited. Employees are prohibited from posting, on any public forum, any information regarding any past/active investigations, which are conducted because of their employment with the ‘Medford Police Department without the express written permission of the Chief of Police. Employees are prohibited from engaging with witnesses, vietims, or defense attorneys through social media networks, Olficers are further prohibited from “friending? or “following” minors encountered through their employment as a police officer. Medford Police Department si jovial Networking Policy 2014. 6. Employees are prohibited from using their department title/posifion in any private correspondence, whether electronic or hard copied. This includes, but is not limited to, signature lines in 2 personal e-mail account, without the ‘express written permission of the Chief of Police. Exceptions: Portraits, photographs, or any video recordings taken during olficial, department sanctioned ceremonies, such as Police Academy Graduations, swearing in ceremonies, promotional ceremorlies, ete. These photographs and/or recordings shall not disparage any employees or the department in any manner, nor shall said items be posted or placed on any web page or other electronic media or in hard-copied media matérial that, in any way, brings discredit to the Medford Police Department or the law enforcement profession, Medford Police Department

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