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Written Reflection

1) What was the best and worst experiance of the entire process?
a) I would say my favorite part of this project was probably
the actual project itself. After months of preparation, meetings, and
research papers, it was really an awesome feeling to see everything
come together and to be able to say i accomplished something
b) The hardest part was the accountability. It would be so
easy to do all the work and then just walk away. Only i couldn't just
walk away. Each step required me to annotate it and obtain
signatures and thank people and making sure i had proof of
everything i done in addition to the school work i already had.
2) 2. How has the experience changed you? (Skills, attitudes, habits,
resources, capabilities, poise, presentation, etc.)
a) In my own personal opinion i think that this project has
changed me in such a way that i have more confidence and i am
more willing to talk and share with others. through the whole process
i was working with staff and administration and they were more
responsive when I talked with more surety. I think this has benefitted
me in the long run because I in general have difficulty in conveying
my thoughts into words
3) . What would you change if you could do it again?
a) If i could do it again i would be more organized and
procrastinate less
b) For next year's seniors i would probably tell them to do
it over the summer or figure out what you have to do before it's
assigned now that the demo site is up and there's a precedent.
4) What did you learn along the way which was unexpected and not
a) Along the way i learned that no amount of research can
prepare you for teaching. I was not at all ready for the way the
children reacted and i never thought to take into account their
excitability and the amount of screaming i would hear in just 3 short

5) How did completing the Senior Project allow you to see things in
more depth? Were you surprised by the complexity of your topic once you
began your research and fieldwork project?
a) I expected my senior project to change and shift into
other things but expect it to change so drastically from its conception
to its final date.
6) How did you see other students and teacher in a different light? In
what ways did you understand and perceive a broader picture of the
educational process?
a) YES. After teaching a class, and trying to split myself
equally as every student called my name and spending hours of
preparation i sympathise with teachers. Since the completion of the
project i've tried to be as least demanding as possible and wait
patiently because i know teachers are split in 30 different ways
7) In what ways has the Senior Project changed your concept of
yourself? Are you more confident of your abilities? Are you more focused
and directed? Are you more willing to take a risk? In what ways has it
perhaps raised more questions than given answers?
a) I think because of the timing of senior projects i think i'm
more frazzled and stressed out. In an overall sense ive become
more take charge because ive learned that you HAVE to charge of a
classroom. This may change for older classes but at least for mine. It
had to be very guided and i had to make my presence known
otherwise they would go crazy.
8) Which aspect of the Senior Project stretched you the most? How
did you react to this challenge? How did you feel during the learning
stretch? How do you feel now that it is over?
a) What stretched me the most from this project was
timing. I didn't anticipate for the inade amount of time i would need to
plan this project out. It think if i had spent more time in the classroom
and shadowed the teacher more learning what she did and modeled

after than instead of just jumping in i would have been much more
confident and well prepared.
9) How did working through the Senior Project process bring the
senior class closer together?
a) Senior Projects brought us together in the sense that we
understood what each other was going through and were fully
supported each each other in all of our endeavors.
How has this experience influenced your future planning in
terms of work, education, or the development of personal interests?
a) In future planning i think just time is what i need. I will
give myself more than enough time to accomplish something
because i know what happens when you dont have enough. Also
before i jump head first into any large action i will do more research
and shadowing if i can so i have realistic expectations.
11) How has completing the Senior Project affected the way you
approach work, dealing with people, or presenting yourself publicly?
a) I think i put myself first now in the sense that i have
goals and actions that need to be completed as opposed to letting
others go first and helping other before i help myself. Senior Projects
have shown me that i can not fully help others if i'm trying to split
myself in too many ways.

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