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Giselle Nuez

Three Glances of Christ Meditation

Each day, we begin with a short meditation, which sets the tone for the day.
Last night, we asked you to look at who you truly are and what you have gone
through in your life so far. Today, we are asking you to seriously look at the person
of Jesus and think about who He really is to you. All of us can have a different
image of who Jesus truly is in our lives. For some, you may feel that Jesus is
forced upon you from the moment you were born. Others of you may feel that
Jesus is a mysterious stranger that you have been continually learning about
throughout school. You may not take time to think of whom Jesus really is or do
not believe in him at all.
It can be a constant struggle trying to believe in Jesus and trust in him.
Personally, Ive struggled in my high school years with keeping my faith. Coming
into high school, I felt like I had forgotten Jesus that he was someone I didnt
really bother to talk to anymore. I continually struggled on and off, especially
when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I wondered why my Mom had to
suffer; I didnt think it was fair. When I started praying again and went on my
Kairos, I saw Christ as someone who would always be there for me and never lose
his faith in me.
As Jesus lived, he would look into peoples eyes every single day. Some of
them didnt understand because they didnt know who he really was. Think about
how they felt in the moment Jesus looked at them. Honestly, I believe Jesus will

look into yours eyes today. Today is the turning point of the retreat and Jesus will
look at you in some form. How will you respond?
You may have heard of Thomas, one of the 12 Apostles of Jesus. He was
initially chosen as an apostle because of his commitment to his faith and his
willingness to let go and follow Jesus. At the Resurrection, though, Thomas
doubted that Christ had risen and would only believe if he felt the wounds. When
he felt Jesus wounds, his mindset changed but Jesus had looked into his soul. He
saw how Thomass human nature got in the way of his beliefs. Thomas had
convinced himself that he had to see in order to believe. Do you agree with that? Is
it hard for you to really trust in someone or something if you do not already know
the outcome?
Sometimes, evil can try to build a wall between God and us. This was
especially present in Judas Iscariots life. He was extremely prideful and was
controlled by his greed. Jesus was fully aware that he was going to be betrayed; yet
he kept including Judas whenever he could. He went so far as to wash Judas feet
in order to cleanse him of sin. Judas let his evils control him and turn him away
from God. We may not notice when evil tries to enter our lives. Have you allowed
different types of evil build a wall between you and God? When evil builds up, it
can begin to destroy our relationship with God.
Mary Magdalene may be one of the most well known yet controversial
characters in the Bible. She was a sinner tormented by demons and nobody
believed she could be saved. Despite this, Jesus called out to her and saved her. He

saw the potential and goodness that rested in her heart. She was always a faithful
and dedicated follower of Jesus, even in times of danger. Her belief in Jesus power
led her to being the first witness of the Resurrection. She was a woman of faith,
overcoming earlier obstacles to be on the path with Christ. Ask Yourself: Do you
ever feel that God will not forgive you? Do you believe that He sees your potential
even in your struggles?
These are three glances of Christ, where Jesus looked into peoples eyes but
truly saw into their souls. He loves even when his love is turned away or rejected.
Try to imagine him looking into your eyes. What do you think he would see? How
would you respond?
Today, pay attention to God moments. This may be during a bonding time
with a friend, through one of the talks that are given, or even through the Eucharist.
Jesus speaks to us through prayer each and every day. If we take the time to truly
understand what he is saying, we can grow closer to him. The Our Father speaks
of the love God has for us and how we can trust in him to lead us closer to him.
If Jesus speaks to you today, listen to his message, even if it may be
unexpected or confusing. How will you respond to his call? Will you be like
Doubting Thomas, who could only believe if he was witness to something? Will
you be like Judas, who turned away from Jesus and chose to let his evils build a
wall? Or will you be like Mary Magdalene, who repented for her sins and followed
Jesus with a full trust in him? Who will you be?

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