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ePortfolio Proposal
Heather Woodland
University of British Columbia

This paper was prepared for ETEC 590, Section 65 A, taught by Professor Dr. Franc Feng.


What is the purpose of the ePortfolio?

Rubric for Evaluation
Thematic approach/ Organization
What is the evidence? What will be included?
How are the media/ tools chosen used to effectively enhance the purpose?
What is the significance in constructing the ePortfolio ?
Time plan for completion of ePortfolio
Expected Outcomes
What is the purpose of the ePortfolio?
How has my learning throughout the MET program resembled the Creative Process that an artist uses to create Art?
This ePortfolio is a culmination of my learning throughout the MET program. Through creating the ePortfolio, I can create an artifact centred online environment to
demonstrate the competencies that I have been introduced to, developed and mastered throughout nine MET courses.
MET courses that composed my program introduced a rigorous combination of learning theories, practical application of skills such as the creation of multimedia products
and critical thinking written pieces, and an opportunity to work collaboratively with classmates. Throughout the course, I have developed my understanding and application
of the learning theory Constructivism and the way that it can be applied to my teaching practice in the classroom; and the Bates SECTIONS model has given me a
framework to inform my technology choices. Through ETEC 500, I have developed the skills to view educational technology research through a critical lense while also
developing my ability to write a literature review.
The areas of the MET program that I feel that I have mastered are showcased in this ePortfolio.


Rubric for Evaluation

Exceeds Expectations

Meets Expectations

Does not achieve expectations

Theme and guiding question are unique,

benefit the flow of the ePortfolio and
enhance the users experience while
viewing the ePortfolio.

Theme and guiding question are unique

and benefit the flow of the ePortfolio.

Theme and guiding question are present

and, at times, benefit the flow of the

General and strong connections are

made between courses.

General connections are made between


Courses are represented in isolation.

Theory links made to teaching


Multiple theory links made to teaching

practice, professional development, and
teaching philosophy.

Theory links made to teaching practice.

There may be some reference to theory
links made to professional development
and teaching philosophy.

Theory links made to teaching practice

but incomplete or not fully developed

Demonstrates learning

Ideas and concepts are shown in unique

and innovative ways in embedded
artifacts and explained well in curated

Ideas and concepts are shown in

embedded artifacts and explained in
curated descriptions.

Ideas and concepts are sometimes

shown in embedded artifacts and
explained in curated descriptions, but
they are unclear.

ePortfolio shows connections and

application of learning

Connections and application of learning

are evident throughout the portfolio.

Connections and application of learning

are evident in the portfolio.

Connections and application of learning

are evident in the portfolio but could be
more pronounced.

Personal theme and guiding question

Integration across and between



Design and appearance of ePortfolio

Design choices create a cohesive,

attractive and unique ePortfolio.

Design choices create a mostly

cohesive ePortfolio.

Design choices create some confusion

within the ePortfolio.

Thematic approach/ Organization

As an organizing tool and thematic approach, I will look at the culmination of my learning with
Geoff Pettys Creative Process phases ICEDIP
. ICEDIP is an acronym that
indicates six phases in the creative process. I pursue lettering, calligraphy and painting in my spare time so wanted to take this opportunity to look at the academic work
that I had done in the MET program through the lense of an artist. I will answer the question How has my learning throughout the MET program resembled the Creative
Process that an artist uses to create Art?
The ICEDIP phases are
1. Inspiration
2. Clarification
3. Evaluation
4. Distillation
5. Incubation
6. Perspiration
As I looked throughout the dozens of potential artifacts that I could include in this portfolio, I found that they were very different from each other. Credit to Victoria Olson
for creating a lovely table format layout to reflect upon the collection of artifacts that I have amassed since September 2013. As stated in my purpose, some artifacts are
helpful to demonstrate competencies that I had only begun to use, others I knew from before and by working with them again had refined and developed. The last block of
artifacts showed more sophisticated learning; these I would deem to show mastered competencies.
To further expand on the idea of the creative process, most artists work on their art because of a passion for the process and the product.
Vallerand et al., (2003, 175) define passion as a strong inclination toward a self-defining activity that one loves and finds important, and in which one invests a significant
amount of time and energy.
Before I began MET, I was an educational technology enthusiast. Applying to, being accepted and participating in the program allowed me to pursue the passion that I had
but in a more directed way. As Vallerand et al. state from 2013-2016 was able to invest a significant amount of time and energy working through self-defining activities.
Looking back over these three years, I can connect how the work that I was doing for my MET courses was approached in a similar fashion to the way that I approached
other artistic activities.


What / Who is the audience?

The ePortfolio will feature organized and curated artifacts of my work to show my creative process throughout the MET program. This collection would be of interest to
potential and current MET students, Dr. Franc Feng, Dr. Alex De Cosson, and other MET professors and staff, my future employers and my family & friends who have
supported my studies throughout the program.
What is the evidence? What will be included?
Please see
## highlights
in the table.
Artifacts and justification for inclusion are listed below.
(The word count of this table is not included in the word count of this ePortfolio proposal)

Include in

ETEC 511

Possible Artifact

Case Study Assignment (group)

Ecology and E-waste

USE #1

Scholarly Essay
The Flipped Classroom Vs.
Alfie's Kohn's Homework Myth

Analyzing whether heavy consumption of
electronic devices is environmentally damaging.
Further, what the conditions and situation of
e-waste disposal/ recycling look like
These are grab and go
lessons that can be
used in an elementary,
middle school or a high
school classroom
My first research paper in the MET program
(Flipped Classrooms were the topic du jour at the
time I was writing)
The comparative essay concluded that the
Flipped Classroom model and Kohns Homework
Myth are created within a similar constructivist
theoretical framework. Constructivism would be
a guiding learning theory in many of my future



USE #2

Article Critique
Improving Teachers
Socio-Cultural Understanding
for a Diverse Classroom
Methodological Critique
Quantitative & Qualitative
Methodological Critique and
Research Proposal
Concept understanding in
History for middle school
students with a flipped lesson
instructional technique


Vignette Analysis #1: Culture,

Identity, and Representation

short critique of an article that outlines an

ethnographic study
preparing critical thinking about what
information is presented and isnt presented in
scholarly publications
critically analyzed and compared methods
utilized across two studies given to us
needed to identify what methods were used
used to help reflect on what could be done for
our own research proposal
My first research proposal. I wasnt sure what to
expect, but I was certainly challenged by this
I made the course slightly harder to complete by
accepting responsibility for a trip convenor
taking a group of 30 grade 9 students to New
Zealand while trying to complete ETEC 500.
My first time doing a review of literature Though lengthy to complete, I wish that all
academic writing I did contained a literature
review. I love this systematic approach
In the end, I wished that I had had more time to
work on this proposal. I was adequately happy
with my results but would love to have gone
back (if time allowed to attempt again as
learning was ongoing)
This assignment was a concrete example of
teaching (big) concepts such as culture and
racism through arts such as puppetry



There was also an emphasis on meaning-making

while integrating technology-based evidence

Vignette Analysis #2: How does

a Whole School move towards
integrating technology?

Thoughtful paper that investigated a whole

support approach to adopting technology,
however, I would later find out when I took ETEC
520 that I was knowledge deficient in
approaching this topic. I could have benefitted
from taking the courses in opposite order
Introduced to Technology Adoption Life Cycle by
Geoffrey Moore (based on ideas by Rogers

USE #10

Visual Representation of Online


Reflective summation to the CIP assignment

Personal; shows learning over time

USE #3

CIP (Collaborative Inquiry


This collaborative experience was really

rewarding, educational and my first
multi-timezone group project, as my others had
usually been Canadian time zones versus my
HKT zone
Good chance to develop screen cast videos and
literature review skills



Thought Paper 1: Behaviourist

classroom management can not
develop cognitive abilities

Develops knowledge of Learning theories

through critical analysis
Shows progression of knowledge while
revisiting learning theories which were first used
in Bachelor of Education degree program

Thought Paper 2: Educator

Empowerment through Neural
Understanding seems Minor

Paper was written while there was a plethora of

brain science-based education advice being
touted as best practice in popular media
This paper is well referenced and dispels myth/
stereotypes that educational cure-alls can come


from neuroscience alone.

USE #4

Thought Paper 3: Von Glaserfeld

Rejoices Constructive Learning
and Rejects Behaviourist Theory

Constructivisms importance is touted again, as

in the ETEC 511 Scholarly Essay assignment providing a guiding learning theory throughout
the MET program

Conference Learning
Assignment (group)

Chance to build collaborative resource

Thoughts on Vygotsky changed overtime as
examining his theories in such depth and for
practical purposes
assignment allowed you to walk your MET
classmates through a lesson with a specific
learning theory to guide the lesson
linear presentation reflects information
processing input output

Information Processing Online

Learning Conference

USE #11


USE #5

Lesson Plan Critique

Final Critique

Connected to what I was teaching at the time

Practical and hands-on assignment - was a grab
and go lesson after Final Critique
Build skills to create/ rework/ build lessons with
learning theory focus

Assignment #1
Analysis and
Comparison of Rationales for
E-learning at the University
College London and the
University of Kent.

Entire course and assignment set were well

scaffolded. Excellent knowledge of technology
integration into higher learning environments
(which does help knowledge base overall and
can transfer to K-12 environments with
additional stakeholders etc.)
Analysis of what institutions say about using
technology and how they use technology

Assignment #2
Readiness Audit

Excellent tool for accessing e-learning readiness

- theory and stakeholder considerations are


Was able to use a K-12 New Zealand audit tool
and change it appropriately for post-secondary


USE #6

Assignment #3
Readiness Audit Analysis of
the University of Kent

Entire course and assignment set were well

scaffolded. Excellent knowledge of technology
integration into higher learning environments
(which does help knowledge base overall and
can transfer to K-12 environments with
additional stakeholders etc.)

Assignment #4
Analysis of the
University of Glasgows
E-Learning Strategy 2013-2020

Interesting to look through strategy writing and

seek evidential support of what institutions
claim to be doing regarding e-learning
Entire course and assignment set were well
scaffolded. Excellent knowledge of technology
integration into higher learning environments
(which does help knowledge base overall and
can transfer to K-12 environments with
additional stakeholders etc.)

Assignment 1 Google Classroom

- Constructivism Enabler Or
Traditional and Teacher
directed LMS?

Critical analysis of the LMS Google Classroom

Constructivisms importance is touted again, as
in the ETEC 511 Scholarly Essay assignment and
ETEC 512 Thought Paper 3 assignment providing a guiding learning theory throughout
the MET program

Assignment 2 website

Practical lesson (taken from actual teaching at

the time that I took the course)
Features a one-hour interdisciplinary middle
school/ Grade 6 lesson
Constructivist checklist and reflection




USE #7

Concept Map

Visible thinking, resources, ideas, and concepts

from throughout the entirety of the course

USE #8

Design Wiki

Wiki as a collection of resources

learned how to use, edit Wikis, including HTML
coding for a table and HTML formatting!
Created a stop motion video to introduce and
explain the topic Digital Footprint

Digital Footprint Stop Motion

Design Project (Group)

Let's Party unit plan in Edmodo


USE #9

Media Study Guide


Well developed thematic movie study guide with

curriculum links
Inspired me to create thematic approach media

Media Production

Guiding question - Should we rely on

Mainstream Media, Independent Media or Social
Media to understand issues in the world? Or all
Video creation was sometimes challenging.
Tried to stay close to the given production time
limit while ensuring that the video was
interesting, entertaining and equally supported
with appropriate literature. Started in
Powerpoint but ended up having to complete
edits in iMovie.

Mainstream, Independent, and

Social Media


Designed an Edmodo LMS web page that

teaches about creating a class party for upper
elementary school age students
students take ownership for the various parts of
the party planning and complete a variety of
math and language arts activities

Online Delivery Platform



Evaluation Rubric

Introductory LMS Module

[coming soon]
LMS Content Module
[coming soon]
How are the media/ tools chosen used to effectively enhance the purpose?
I will use Weebly to create my ePortfolio. Below I have tabled some brief reasons for this selection. Despite having more experience using the Wordpress/ UBC blogs
platforms, I think that this ePortfolio will benefit from the thematic options, design images, layout and design of the Weebly platform.

Rationale for how Weebly fulfills my purpose

I enjoyed the sample ePortfolio design we assessed which had made use of
Since I am working with the thematic approach of the Creative Process
ICEDIP I think design and flow of the website/ ePortfolio will be
accommodated with the thematic design template options of Weebly

Areas that may not be addressed

I have greater knowledge and experience using Wordpress (& UBC blogs)
but am less interested in the thematic design template options


What is the significance in constructing the ePortfolio ?

I think that anyone who completes a Masters level degree is forced to ask themselves, What was this all for?. Whether a MET students solely considered gaining
knowledge, better informing the inclusion of technology in their teaching practice or simply moving up a pay grade through the qualification of a Master degree (or more
likely a combination of these three and other reasons), what was my individual purpose in completing this program. Maybe that has changed through the time I have been
enrolled in MET. Perhaps, and significant to curating the ePortfolio, the process of design, assessment and reflection will sharpen and assert the key learning concepts and
ideas which are my take away from the program. As I leave the program and go back to my regular life, the ePortfolio serves as a reflective journal, a scrapbook and
professional documentation of the process that I undertook.
What can you learn in this process?
Foremost I hope to develop my skills of curation, but this is followed by a close second of designing an appealing and effective online space to house the artifacts I choose.
I have been looking forward to the ETEC 590 course since I began MET. Throughout the process of completing coursework, I would often think about the ePortfolio and how
my learning and assignments would unfold into this Graduating project.
Time plan for completion of ePortfolio

To Do

Jan 31, 2016


Hand in proposal (dropbox)/ post to Discussion forum

Feb 1-15, 2016


Refine artifact choices based on 6 phases of ICEDIP

Build Weebly Shell/ website
Gather additional references (Will I use the SECTIONS model? If so, how?)
Collect images for website (keep image credit list, if necessary for images that are not my own)

Feb 15-29, 2016


Continue above work

Recalibrate/ Consider changes as peer feedback is given in the Discussion forum

Mar 1-15, 2016


Have website layout set


Embed and curate artifacts

Write and Record reflections
Mar 15-28, 2016

Finish up design, curation and embedding

Prepare to create video guided tour

Expected Outcomes
By creating, curating and completing this ePortfolio, I intend to

create a summative of my experience as a UBC Masters of Educational Technology student

have a substantial online ePortfolio that I will have to show prospective employers
have reflected in a scholarly and creative method
further explore areas of interest in the field of educational technology
celebrate my successes and draw upon areas which could have been improved throughout my studies

Bates, T. (2014). Teaching in a digital age, Chapter 9. Retrieved from
Botella, M., Glaveanu, V., Zenasni, F., Storme, M., Myszkowski, N., Wolff, M., & Lubart, T. (2013). How artists create: Creative process and multivariate factors. Learning and
Individual Differences, 26, 161-170. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2013.02.008
Brandes, G. M. & Boskic N. (2008).
ePortfolios: From description to analysis
. The International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, Open Access press

Smith, G. (2010). Blogging and the creative process. Journal of Media Practice, 11(3), 281-287. doi:10.1386/jmpr.11.3.281_3


St-Louis, A. C., & Vallerand, R. J. (2015). A successful creative process: The role of passion and emotions.Creativity Research Journal, 27(2), 175-187.
Von Glasersfeld, E. (2008). Learning as a Constructive Activity. AntiMatters, 2(3), 33-49

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