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The Physics Behind Time Travel

Contrary to popular belief, there is no

proof proving time travel couldn't be
real. "No law of physics that we know
of prohibits time travel," says Dr. J.
Richard Gott a Princeton
astrophysicist. There is actually more
information proving Time Travel then
going against the theory. Many
physicists dug into this, including
Einstein. There are many ideas going
alone with Time Travel, but one
popular one, written in the NY Times,
is that wormholes to travel can
theoretically be made by threading
Casimir energy through them,
something created when a quantum
suction is produced by putting two
parallel metal plates extremely close
together inside the Einstein-Rosen
bridges. If one mouth of the wormhole
grabbed a ship, the clock would run
slower, therefore creating two different
times, the wormhole being a path
between them (Overbyre).

Time Travel
Is it plausible and how would it impact society?

Time Travel
Written By: Mila Fowler
24 Febuary 2016
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One thing that going against time travel

is the rotation of the universe. Many
people have based theories of this, but
later realizing the small amount of
rotation happening in the universe, the
theories became less plausible. " In
1949, Kurt Godel, the Austrian logician
and mathematician then at the Institute
for Advanced Study, showed that in a
rotating universe, according to general
relativity, there were paths, technically
called "closed timelike curves," you
could follow to get back to the past.
But it has turned out that the universe
does not rotate very much, if at all,"
written by Dennis Overbyre in the NY
Times. As you can see, although few
things going against this theory, there
are ways around it and more physical
proof that it's real.

Why are Blackholes the most popular time travel theory?

Many physisits beleive this would be the best solution because even though we know very little about
black holes, Micheal Moyer, a writer from Popular Science, states, "A black hole is infinitely dense,
which means that it pulls the fabric of space-time to the breaking point--creating a deep pockmark,
complete with a tiny rip at the bottom." Because of the infinite density of a black hole, the
gravatational field is extremly strong. And according to Einsteins Theory of gravatiotional relativity, in
the prescense of a strong gravational field, an outside observer would see a clock tick more and more
slowly. "The problem with wormholes is that the channel created between two black holes is
minuscule, smaller than the center of a single atom, and remains open for only a fraction of a second.
Even light, the fastest entity in the universe, would not have enough time to pass through," Micheal
Moyer also wrote this, saying that another problem we have is speed. We have not made a spacecraft
faster than the speed of light yet and we would need more than that to be able to pass through a
blackhole and have enough time to choose where/when we wanted to go. Before we could time travel
legitamely, we would have to speed up all of our transportation systems.

How would Time Travel aect society?

I think time travel could negatively impact society, but it is more likely to impact it positively. I
think if people learned how to use it correctly, and how not to ruin time, it could be a very
useful tool and it would help a lot in certain situations. But if people misused it and didn't care
about the consequences of their choices in either the past or future, than this could completely
destroy time. Time travel would take a lot of getting used to and some people may not be able
to wrap their head around it. You would have to have a high level of maturity to understand the
dangerous, and the good things about time travel.

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